New Dawn of War 3 footage. Orbital strike is back.
New Dawn of War 3 footage. Orbital strike is back
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>gameplay seems to combine the worst aspects of I and II
>meh artstyle
>over the top animations, but in shitty weeb style
>special attacks only deal more damage
>way too much health for units
>Space Marines get a Knight because GW needs to sell those models and Relic is lazy, instead of giving them some Land Raider Titan/Super Heavy - killer variant
Disappointed desu senpai
>>gameplay seems to combine the worst aspects of I and II
Basebulding is here and i haven't seen the shit out of DoW 2 so theres that, i think you should go back to /v/ where they appreciate your hivemind shit is cool
>basebuilding is in, but it's probably completely pointless
>hero units are most likely priceless so retreating will always be better than risking death
>confirmed that non-hero units require little control and are completely useless except in high numbers
>no cover system at all
As I've said, it seems they took only the bad parts from both previous games.
Altough my other complaints piss me off more
>>confirmed that non-hero units require little control and are completely useless except in high numbers
You never played DoW 1 before or something ?
>no cover system at all
They confirmed that Cover system was going to be like DoW 1
>>basebuilding is in, but it's probably completely pointless
Pretty sure you cant win the game only using heroes considering how much health Gabe was losing when fighting normal eldar
>like DoW 1
Useless, you mean?
>You never played DoW 1 before or something?
It isn't actually good thing, user.
Yeah and that was the worst part of DoW,if you managed to get maximum units with fully upgraded squads you just steamrolled across the map in a giant blob. And if your enemy managed to do the same it basically came to whoever got less screwed by the completely broken pathfinding. It seems to be the same here, but it's expected you'll do it everytime and not just on rare occassions.
Except this video says there is no cover system, so they can force the player to constantly advance.
Not my point though. Basebuilding makes sense in RTS games where forward bases are needed. In I only the IG and Orks gained something from forward bases and only because they could then spam cheap infantry. The system could easily be replaced by an upgrade tree. In III basebuilding is back, but it seems it has even less options and is still as pointless as in I.
>Easily be replaced by a upgrade tree
Tbh, it would make sense for the single player but not for MP, base building is necessary unless you want a moba tier shit, and relic said on a interview back a few months about how cover would be like in DoW 1
Does anyone happen to have a mirror?
OP delivers.
I'm not arguing which DoW is better and I couldn't even decide because both had flaws but some strenghts. But it's still a fact that DoW I base building was shit for almost all races. The only thing that was somewhat important was the positioning of your production buildings, meaning you had to flop them down in the general direction of the enemy but not far enough to leave then unprotected. And on some maps, especially the ones who had you start in a chokepoint, you are forced to destroy your own stuff to get your bigger units out of your base.
Basically, if all the basebuilding and upgrades, except for turrets and outposts, were replaced by upgrade tabs in the HQ and units would appear around it when built, the game would play completely the same 99% of the time.
Think I'll stick with DoW2 and modded DoW.
The animation and style really puts me off, The trailer was dark and gritty but this game play looks like a Moba.
>Terminator jumping forward 40 feet doing a front flip
>Gabe doesn't have his original VA
>Knight seems to have a female voice
Eh? Can women be Knight pilots?
>Orbital Laser vaporizing enemy infantry it catches
That's pretty cool.
Oh shit son. Could she be a Sororitas?
Oh, just wait until the expansion.
It happened with DoW2 after all. Not sure why Paul didn't appear until afterwards.
In the novella released with the knights there was a female freeblade
There is nothing stopping women from being knights. There's plenty of records of women driving knights alongside men.
Thought the Knights were based off the IRL medieval knights and the like, and those weren't known to have females in their ranks if I recall. Unless there were cases of women pulling Mulans
As far as I'm aware, in most Knight households, it's traditional for the pilots to be male while their wives run the household's politics. But it's certainly possible for women to do the piloting themselves. They're just more likely to be Freeblades (a wife or daughter who stole a Knight and ran away from home) or come from non-standard households.
>a wife or daughter who stole a Knight and ran away from home
>stealing an extremely valuable one-of-a-kind practically irreplaceable war machine with the ability to level a city
This can happen? And without having half the Imperium, the AdMech or the rest of the House going after you?
>Lady Knights
Art style makes it look like a MOBA or a mobile game. Awful, awful, awful.
More like:
>That bitch of my wife/my wonderful daughter took one of my many Knight for a walk? Sure that would keep that bitch/wonderful daughter of my back for a while.
You do know that the original DoW was colorful as fuck right ? and so was Warhammer back when it was good ?
>Eh? Can women be Knight pilots?
Nothing says they can't. It's not like men are naturally better at 'Piloting giant robots with a barely understood technology'.
Well I'll wait to play it until I make any final judgement.
I really just wanted DoW 1s army scale mixed with the detail and graphics of DoW2 and proper Knights and titans.
That'll show me for getting excited ever again.
Can't take the flying, hammer twirling terminator seriously. Cracked up when he did some jump move, swung his thunder hammer a few times like Mjolnir, then dropped down.
Could be fun, but it'd be so hard to take it seriously.
ya'll niggas are too negative, this looks fun as fuck
He spend a lot of time not skipping leg day during his exodus.
Good, video games were never meant to be taken seriously.
I hope the Cataphractii armor and Godsplitter aren't default and/or unchangeable. They look cool, but what if I want to kit Gabe out differently?
Basically having the same options to custom my dudes as I had in DoW2.
Where's Gorgutz?
Piloting warmachines pretty much just requires extreme willpower to bend the machine spirit to your will which, unlike many other things, isn't a gender specific talent
>Gabe without his original VA
>Goto-tier flipping Terminators
I don't think this semen slurping game is for me.
Maybe they were gifted some cybernetics from the Iron Hands and that included super legs or something.
If you can stand the commentary, here's a 12 minute gameplay video
He's more machine now than man, at the end of Retribution his arms and legs take a walk on the wild side... and by wild side I mean complete dismemberment.
I agree though the hammer flip every time he jumps is Goto material.
The only thing that bothers me is Gabes voice acting. Everything else looks great.
The cluster fuck I know and love
Yeah but there is a difference in how they look. DoW I and II had pretty colors but they looked alright. III is colorful as fuck in a bad way.
Just compare Emperor's Children or Imperial Fists from I to the marines and knights in III.
Same goes for this. Nothing wrong with the over the top action we had in DoW I or Space Marine, but here they look like something from a weebs fantasy not rule of cool badass shit of 40k.
>As far as I'm aware, in most Knight households, it's traditional for the pilots to be male while their wives run the household's politics
You're not very aware then. There's literally nothing to indicate that.
It's worth considering that it's still a very early build, and they can always apply more filter effects to the camera. They likely kept it bright for visibility while working.
>art style is shit
>you know dow was colorful right
are you ok man
Yep, seems like I'm sticking with Firestorm over Kaurava for another decade
"larger" battles my ass
yep all of this too, reminder that they felt the need to fucking remove cover because it was too complex
>When he is old enough, a SON of the household who is designated to become a Noble is fitted with the sacred neural sockets and then undertakes a vigil[...] - Codex Imperial Knights p. 8 and a bunch of other mentions in the Codex saying only men can be Knights
Jesus guys, do you even read the books? Either way, that's just GW fluff that goes with "only dudes can be Imperial Knights". The Horus Heresy series FW does have a bunch of female Knights and I think FW is inherently superior in this regard since it allows you to make personal interpretations for "Your dudes" and have backing for it.
Better idea, ditch bases altogether. Go for a Men at War style 40k game.
Removing bases for everyone is not going to make people happy.
Armies are going to have bases that all work differently. Space Marines, for example, can deepstrike infantry and vehicles with droppods and thunderhawks. (they showed rapid-deployment for a pair of whirlwinds earlier.)
>Cartoony colour palette
>No sense of weight or physics
>Super mario jumping terminators
>Wooden voice acting
At least marines seem to come in correct squad sizes.
>Stupid over the top moves on Gabe
>Marine squads are now feel like blobs, instead of lovingly detailed individual fireteam members
>Directional flamers
>This nigga even mentioning Company of Heroes like the second was even passable
At least it's pre-alpha. There's still hope.
You forgot that Marines don't have special weapons in squads, but rather have teams using entirely plasma guns or meltaguns.
DoW I was an incredible piece of MY gaming history.
I don't know if I can say it was a seminal title, but it was great. An amazing way to explore a small part of that large IP while still getting to play with some mythic stuff.
I hated DoW II
It took me further away from the stuff that I cared about, the incredible but almost incidental drama (Seeing the mythology of the various factions, why they cared so much about this one space-rock, watching the clusterfuck of Sisters v Angels v Imperial Guard) and replaced it with a shitty, edgy, squad-story.
This doesn't seem like a return to wider RTS gaming where you're implied to be a battle-field posting of a larger faction. It looks like more bullshit trying to make me care about one of the possible stories here.
I think we can all agree that, whether you like space marines or not, trying to tell a serious story that puts the player in the shoes of Angelos is going to zig-zag all of the place in it's credibility.
I am not a chaste, ageless superwarrior bred and extruded for nothing but war.
I like watching the universe distend and distort around these people, but I'm not interested in being one myself.
All that I want from another DoW IP is a return to the more removed scale of game where there are a bunch of different stories happening, and I can focus where I like, with the benefit of all that the studio has hopefully learnt about how to build a balanced, mechanically varied, FUNCTIONAL game in the intervening years.
Am I alone on that? I didn't realise a bunch of people liked that squad tactics stuff.
Totally agree
Why the fuck is half of the blood ravens deployed to this one fucking battle?
They're not fucking guardsmen. They're not cheaper than the guns they carry. Why are they being thrown into the slaughter all willy-nilly?
Hey, Shas,
anything new going on with those Republican Commandos?
Because that's what people wanted.
You can't have larger-scale combat with a squad of space marines.
That IS large scale combat for space marines. What these casual faggots fail to realize (because they know fuck all about 40k beyond their xDDD memes) is that seeing just a squad of space marines deployed is exceptional. Hundreds? Planet-wide campaign.
Hell, the chapter master himself is on the field of battle. If that doesn't warrant at least half the chapter be deployed with him, what does?
All we know about the story is that there's some superweapon on this planet powerful enough to attract Gabe, Macha, and Gorgutz to the planet and that the everyone's objective changes from victory to survival.
Total Warhammer 40K when?
is that even possible? I mean for Ig I can see it working, but for any other race.......
when people think about larger scale battle 40k wise, they think of like 2 or 3 chapters working together.
I always thought a Supreme Commander style game would be pretty sick for 40K. Apocalypse scale that is
>Lady Knight
I'm betting that's "Solaria".
That doesn't look too bad.
I actually like the "DotA inspiration" thing, because that means units with active skills. And I much prefer RTS games in which units have active skills to those in which they have none.
>tfw dow1 had active skills without succombing to warcraft 3 small scale hero focused moba shit
Pre-alpha is code for 'it's done but we don't want people freaking out if they think it looks shit'. I would expect minimal changes by this point.
but it looks like shit, they need to bring the original orbital strike back.
>Pre-alpha is code for 'it's done but we don't want people freaking out if they think it looks shit'
Said like a someone who doesn't know shit about gamedev.
I'm betting the level shown is the only one done.
Grav boots user, the borrowed them from lion El Johnson and the deathwing, who didn't you know all flew originally.
Hordes == fleet based armies.
Instead of provinces have planets with some planets have major warp ways between them speeding up travel. Troops moving between planets are in troop transports for guard or rocks/hulks cruizers for orks. Marines have battle barges, Eldar and d Eldar can Web way to some planets not all, some planets they need to ship too.
Necrons gain no benefit moving between planets, but they have faster overall speed between Planets.
Map of sector is regenerated each game or you can play on the campaign map, which has triggered actions, generated map places hidden artifacts and set events occur at random eg nids arrive in subsector, crons awaken, Eldar craftworld arrives... waagh, demonic incursion etc.
Think chapter master but with proper battles.
I mean he clearly knows what the term actually means but if you've been invested in the game industry for the past 6-7 or so years you'd know he's right. Companies have been bullshitting about alphas and betas so shamelessly it's starting to be more comedic than disappointing
What happened?
Eh, if anything recently clear betas (or demos – fookin' Hitman) were released as full products.
You try and tell that to other people
>I want big scale battle that is more akin to 40k's style!
>Well this is akin to 40k's style, just a group of ten or twenty marines is enough to take on an entire planet
>No, thats bullshit, I don't want tiny groups of marines I want huge armies crashing into each other!
>But thats stupid, and it doesn't fit the lore!
>I don't care, it's more fitting for a 40k game!
Or maybe they're talking about orks, imperial guard, or ANY other faction besides space marines.
Some people don't care about space marines. I know I don't.
They would be, if I didn't see people literally complaining about wanting big space marine forces for massive scale battles.
Didn't DoW 1 have 3 companies of Blood Ravens?
Well I've seen plenty of people arguing that bigger battles are better, and being an ork player, I'm inclined to agree. What I've, personally at least, ever seen is people arguing for hoardes of space marines. I think both dawn of wars got it right, it just depends on the situation for how many they send into battle. The space marines in the trailer were weaksauce, died in droves, and had droves of them available. I don't think anybody argued that the IG should just have a blood ravens skin and call it a day.
I feel it should be exactly like the tabletop in regards to numbers. Play Space Marines, you have a few, expensive units, but are capable of bulldozing through armies as a tight group of elites. You play Orks? Lots and lots of cheap, expendable Boyz in big pools of green, something to really get stuck in with the lads. In a larger scale you would reasonably need to expand that. So if people seriously want massive armies of thousands of Guards or Orks, and the same for the Marines, then the other armies would have to be doubled just to keep up with the Marines
>ever seen
Meant to say "never seen", woops.
Dow1 had a terribly shitty cover system
Second this
>teams using entirely plasma guns or meltaguns.
They had Support Squads entirely equipped with special weapons during Space Marine Legion days. I hope they fix that.
I'd be more excited for a Wargamehammer : SpaceAirLand40kBattle
It would be awesome and awful, just like the other Wargame: Insert here's
Another alternative I wouldn't mind would be Hearts of the Imperium IV.
My wet dream is Stellaris with HOI-esque ground combat resolution mechanics.
yea, but at that point you'd need multiple people in each factio...Now that would be cool actually.