Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Your local Meta?
>Next MTG Purchase?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Your local Meta?
>Next MTG Purchase?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
The overall Modern Metagame.
Information on Tiers and how they're calculated:
Direct link to the spreadsheet:
The paper Modern Metagame.
Jeskai Harbinger, Grixis Control/Midrange, Kiki-Chord.
Jeskai Kiki-Harbinger (pic)
>Favorite deck?
The above 3.
>Your local Meta?
Jund/Abzan, Tron, Burn, Infect, Abzan Company, Zoo, Kiki-Chord, etc.
>Next MTG Purchase?
If EM prices tank, some legacy staples.
>EM prices tank
Does this chart seem accurate?
Have you seen Travis Woo's sick new Snake deck? It's an actual competitive tribal deck that utilizes snake tribal synergy!
Here it is OWNING UB Faeries!
>GR tron can have counters
>But any Uxx Can't have counterspell, that would break the game
Thanks Wizards
>blue gets negate which is a better counter than warping wail
>doesn't get counters
>Comparing a suboptimal spell on color to an optimal colorless spell
>implying negate doesn't see sideboard play despite warping wail being a sideboard card as well
Bw Martyr Proc, Soul sisters, Eldrazi&Taxes, Death and Taxes
>Brewing? Martyr proc with Thraben inspector and no serras
>Favorite deck?
Martyr Proc
>Your local Meta?
Literally everything. 30+ people with few duplicate decks at best.
>Next MTG Purchase?
4x Stoneforge Gp promo and Batterskull.
Reminder to ignore chart posts. They are made wrong on purpose and when they're not, they are wrong because people either have different definitions of terms or are uninformed.
Broke down and started building Burn (was Infect).
Bringing it to Dallas this month. We'll see how it goes.
Mono Green Stompy
I think this one was correct at the time.
Playable in a GW hate build or D&T?
Someone just discovered future sight?
Does that card count as vanilla for the purposes of Muraganda Petroglyphs??
if you have a way to recur a copy every turn it could be pretty sweet. I would totally make a deck if Phyrexian Reclamation was in Modern.
I could see it in a Chord deck with Eternal Witness
No but I love some of the obscure cards from it
leatherback baloth is better
no, you can't play both
Imperiosaur kills Baloth and doesnt die tho.
oh true
nvm put in 4
Higher cmc and no trample, makes it much less efficient as a beater than Leatherback Baloth.
Leatherback Baloth does not have trample
Both are vanilla creatures minus Imperiosaurs basic land restriction
But on the plus side Imperiosaur won't die to Abrupt Decay where as Baloth will!
>Abrupt Decay
Doesn't work on creatures anyway
Run both in a different kind of Mono Green Stompy thats focused on bigger drops. Run it with some Ramp like Cultivate or Rampant Growth.
>Veeky Forums is bad at magic: the post
So I guess all those Twin players who got their deciever exarch abrupt decayed in response to Splinter Twin dont exist
Avenger of Zendikar and Kalonian Twingrove seem good in a ramp strategy
Free Spells Delver guy reporting in.
Match 1 Game 1 vs Grishoalbrand
Kept hand of 3 Delver Bolt Squelch and 2 lands since it seemed fun
Slammed t1 Delver, got Inquisition and lost Bolt
Flipped Delver off of a Forked Bolt and beat for 3
Snared a Goryo's and won off beats
brought out my GY interaction for some Gy hate
-3 Snapcasters
-2 Lavamancers
-1 Electrolyze
+2 Dispel
+2 Relic of Progenitus
+2 Pithing Needle
Match 1 Game 2
Kept a risky 1 lander with a Delver, Forked Bolt, Pyromancer and Spell Snare
Risked tapping out t1 after opponent played scry temple
Flipped Delver
Countered Goryo's, Snapbacked 2 Borbys and had to fight through a Nourishing Worldspine, though remanded a second and third Nourishing
Drew Relic and exiled GY to close out game.
Looking for SB suggestions, anything? I really like Electrickery vs Token and Elfball matchups but I've been considering a Firespout instead, since it won't hit flipped Delvers
first for they look real enough double sleeved from across the table
i love playing vs this list as spellweaver cause its a free win
you play reactively while i spam cheap discard and then drop my wincon when you're out of cards
desu not really because the deck has serious silver bullets but i like it enough that i just wanted to have spellweaver said in the thread
took a match against elves at modern, flame jab worldfire twice. gotta love repeatable pinging against 1/1s
>we're getting poopunk instead of muraganda
Kill me
Is scapeshift+prime time better than breach+prime time? You could play emrakul on breach..
>get some deck ideas from modern
>go to FGLS for modern this time around
>end the night with slightly more wins than losses
This format is shit and fuck you faggots or telling me otherwise I'm going back to legacy
Just play Deadbridge Goliath you dip.
You don't even make sense. You're just mad because bad
So I've been doing some thinking lately, and I've come to the conclusion that EDH players are literally sub-human.
Wow cool. Super related to the thread.
Storm needs to be way higher
>Zoo and Burn
Come on guys, you aren't even trying.
>Actually being so retarded you think Zoo and Burn aren't Linear and BGx variants are unfair
You guys realize Warping Wail has more than one mode, right? Like seriously Oath has to have the stupidest design template of any Modern set since Mirrodin.
Agreed except imo Warping Wail is based. Truly feels like a 6th color.
A better comparison for it would Dimir Charm.
Zoo plays something like 27 creatures, so it has more potential lines of play than any other deck in the format. Which creature do you drop? Do you attack with them? When? How many? Do you target your opponent with your burn spells? No other deck has to make this many decisions, so many ways, with so many options.
BGx is the most unfair deck in the format, remove everything with hard removal, slam down a 2 mana 5/6, and use a planeswalker printed on a $100 bill to grind you out of cards. Removal, big creatures, and expensive cards, literally everything unfair in the format.
It's pretty clear that decks in Modern shouldn't be able to get an advantage without using creatures, and that the creatures they use should be fairly costed.
What in the actual fuck am I reading?
Do you even know what an unfair deck is?
The fact that modern is stale as fuck. Everyone is either running ad nauseam, jund, or infect. Modern is a shit format
This must be a spicy new pasta, let's rewrite it and shitpost on the EDH casuals thread
Magic is meant to be a game of creature combat and the skill-testing decisions related to it. Not "kill you/do things from hand" bullshit that plagues the game from shitty design decisions.
Every deck in Modern that doesn't use creatures has been banned, and rightfully so. As well as basically every banned card being in some way related to the stupid zero-skill from-hand shit that nobody wants to play with.
Modern players want to play with creatures, and the interactions therein. Nothing else.
An unfair deck is a deck that uses things other than creatures to win the game. Also known as an unskilled deck.
No you utter retard, that is NOT what an unfair deck is.
an unfair deck is designed to break a fundamental status quo of the game (like having 3 mana on turn 3 for example, an unfair deck is bypass that). Usually (but not always), unfair decks are combo decks, but they can be aggro in some fringe cases (like Affinity which bypasses mana needs with a lot of 0 mana permanents).
Storm is an unfair deck because it can kill you in one turn regardless of your life total.
Jund is a completely fair deck that has to deal with your threats and kill you through conventional means.
And unskilled has nothing to do with unfair. Those are completely unrelated.
>Jund is a completely fair deck that has to deal with your threats and kill you through conventional means.
But it doesn't deal with your threats through conventional means (ala blocking them with it's creatures), it just destroys them from hand with bullshit single-card removal. And it doesn't kill you through conventional means, it kills you by only paying a 2 mana for a 5/6 and using a planeswalker to eat your hand.
Neither of these involve attacking with reasonably costed creatures, and thus are completely unfair.
You sound like a standard babby whose deck rotated so you played modern FNM with your shitty KTK-OGW deck and got your ass handed to you by Jund.
You should go try legacy next and then tell me how unfair Jund is.
This guy is le trolling, he was doing it earlier. Very sarcastic come on people. Stop giving him (you)'s
Is BW Tokens still worth playing?
It used to be great against Jund until they got KCommand. Beats Affinity and Burn pretty handily tho.
The problem is Infect, Tron, and any other unfair deck will eat you alive.
Are cards in eternal masters modern legal now?
Only the ones that already were. Cards have to go through standard to be Modern legal, so cards lake Toxic Deluge and True-Name Nemesis aren't Modern legal, despite being Modern-bordered cards.
You guys think Im trolling, but look at the Modern banlist. Every single deck that has ever won with hand interaction has been banned into the dirt, and no deck that actually wins with creatures has ever even been touched.
The only time real decks have ever even been close to touched was when they banned Nacatl, the strongest creature in Modern. But they immediately realized that was against the spirit of the format, apologized to us real Magic players, and unbanned it.
You can complain all you like, if you play without winning with creatures, your deck WILL be banned, it's only a matter of time friendo :)
Ban Jeskai ascendancy
>no deck that actually wins with creatures has ever even been touched
Amulet Bloom
Blazing Shoal
Bloodbraid Elf
Deathrite Shaman
Treasure Cruise
All these cards were primarily featured in decks that win via attack phase (except Bloom Titan had another route, of course).
>You guys think Im trolling
>your deck WILL be banned
Since decks don't get banned, that's one of many reasons people think you're trolling.
Either way, go peddle your ignorance elsewhere. You can probably find some casuals at your lgs that will listen to your nonsense.
Don't forget Stoneforge, which was all about getting expensive equipment and laying beats.
But it was never Modern legal.
because it was banned...
>laying beats
>never legal
It was never legal, so there were never any beats with it.
It showed its potential in non modern formats. It was powerful enough to be banned off the bat in modern.
We've seen it in action, just not in this environment.
I'm buying a set of goyfs for $400 on friday, what's the stupidest fucking deck I can cram them in? I'm thinking of making a monogreen poorfag special and cramming them in there
Nothing is objectively broken like Eldrazi Winter, but man I wish they would nuke 8ED and 9ED completely.
>Blood Moon
>Boiling Seas
>Ensnaring Bridge
Modern would probably be better without these cards, but I don't care that much. The shake up would be fantastic though. Elegantly banning Tron and removing the bullshit cards as a bonus.
Bushwacker Zoo.
Not this shit again...
Why? Five out of Seven of those you mentioned are all enchantments and permanents so as a result they can be dealt with or interacted.
Ensnaring Bridge has been legal for the start and nobody gave a shit about it for ages. It's also an artifact and a permanent and is once again easily dealt with and answered. It's also an artifact so cards like Krosan Grip and Nature's Claim can deal with the above six you mentioned.
You may have some argument for tron since there's a lack of universal land destruction to punish the big mana decks. But without Tron then Jund will just end up being played in a ridiculous metashare. Personally speaking Grove of the Burnwillows should be banned and Punishing Fire unbanned. We've seen RG Tron survive just fine using Karplusan Forest so this shouldn't even be an issue.
>Grove of the Burnwillows should be banned
If Veeky Forums was in charge of the banlist, it would end up more fucked than that idiotic Commander banlist.
Why are you buying things you don't need? Why are you spending $400 only to run a suboptimal "poorfag deck"? Find a cheaper deck to play, or slowly piece together a good deck.
"It's on sale, so I'd be a fool to not buy it now!" Is how grocery stores sell you a case of oatmeal that will sit in your pantry for a year before you throw it out.
>slowly piece together a good deck
I think that's what he's doing, eventually.
>Amulet Bloom
Plays ramp spells and lands into a Hive Mind, only uses a creature to do more of that.
>Blazing Shoal
Is literally a spell you play from hand to win the game
>Bloodbraid Elf
>Deathrite Shaman
Besides being BGx cards, and thus inherently unfair, Bloodbraid's only purpose is to cheat out a removal spell or Planeswalker. It's also very questionably banned after all this time.
DRS doesn't attack, but is still strong, ergo isn't a creature that attacks to win the game.
Artifacts arent creatures.
>Treasure Cruise
Literally the definition of playing more spells from hand. Play a draw spell to reload to play more spells from hand.
>Since decks don't get banned
>Blue decks
None of these decks exist because of the banlist, none of these decks won through creature combat. Nor will any deck that wins without creature combat survive upcoming bannings.
Nor will any deck that wins through creature combat ever suffer a banning, because they're the real decks in Modern that people want to play.
Punishing Fire was the wrong ban. They should have banned the enabler/engine piece(Grove) and not PFire. WotC did the same now in regards to Summer Bloom and Eye of Ugin. PFire at least has marginal uses for particular type of matchups and situations without being gamebreaking.
Just because cards have answers don't mean they are any good for the format as a whole. Besides, they are not *broken*, just toxic. If these cards were never legal and WotC announced a reprint in Eldritch Moon, we would all lose our shit.
Jund may get bigger, but Jund has other bad matchups. It's called a 50-50 deck, but in reality it has the problem of drawing the wrong half of the deck due to having so many decks to beat via different angles. The Bob hand isn't always the hand that works, for example.
Also I do not think Grove is a problem card. It's a very powerful land, no doubt. But Grove is not what makes Tron a real monster.
because I'd rather buy them now at $100/each then later when I actually need them for $140+/each.
I WILL eventually have a deck for them. they were always on my list of shit to buy eventually. I'm not going to turn down a deal on goyfs just because they're currently a lower priority.
plus I can play a budget deck with goyfs and piece together a stronger non-budget deck while I have something playable for modern night
Id say boggles should be all the way on the linear scale, there is almost 0 thought in playing it, this is coming from someone who plays boggles, it is mind numbingly easy.
The largest decision is vs control and it's pretty much just sequencing so that they counter your worse auras first
There is literally no situation where Punishing Fire works with anything but Grove.
They're all very narrow sideboard hate cards to specific decks. Furthermore I would argue that those cards let lower tier decks or brews stand a chance against higher tier decks. At the same time there's only so much hate you can pack for one colour or so. Choke may hate on the Merfolk or U-Tron guy but isn't going to do jack shit if someone was packing Blood Moon maindeck. Furthermore decks like Elves may already be going too fast by the time you even get any land disruption out.
Grove isn't what makes Tron the real monster but the land is very powerful in the format for that deck allowing it to literally play a free reverse painland in a deck that does not care about your lifetotal and can easily always fetch it in many ways without fetchlands..
>There is literally no situation where Punishing Fire works with anything but Grove.
>literally no situation where Punishing Fire works
You mean like whenever an opponent gains life? Pretty sure that's not "literally no situation" in this case and "actually a situation" now. Do you even read the card?
In my experience you can go toe to toe with Jund, Company decks and Burn, absolutely rape Affinity, Infect and Zoo, but Tron and UBx/UWx Control are unbeatable.
well then perhaps check out MonoG stompy. It's actually pretty damn decent. Leatherback Baloth wearing Rancor hits pretty damn hard. Switch Goyf in with whatever 2-drop you don't like, maybe run something else instead of Aspect of Hydra. Or still do it if 1 less devotion off it when goyf is out doesn't bother you.
I don't quite foresee how Kcommand is that good against B/W tokens?
Just started playing mtg and I wanna start playing modern. I bought a SOI deck builders toolkit and around 17 boosters. You guys have any tips for me, regarding which packs I should gamble on? Should I buy a booster box?
Yeah brb building a deck based around paying mana to recur a Shock the one time my opponent plays a Kitchen Finks. Such value.
Wtf do you think Sisters is a deck or something?
>discover a combo no one has tried of
>requires 6 lands/mana and 2 turns
>deals 10 damage for free
Should I just stop theory crafting? Everytime I think about things I look back on lightning bolt, 3 dmg for 1 mana.