Ok, which of you fuckers actually had some XPD before the Venezuela announcement? Also, not the coin that they're going to use but people be dumbasses.
Ok, which of you fuckers actually had some XPD before the Venezuela announcement? Also...
Other urls found in this thread:
burn your wings on this mother fucking rocket
Retards pumping a coin that doesn't even have a website to 40x.
We're in a bubble.
You are now imagining yourself having gone all in on XPD
lol giving money to spic commies.
Biggest P&D scam in crypto history
Haha i bag held this thing for 6 months. I sold it last month for a loss.
Fucking kill me
>what is BTC
Welp, this is what happens in an unregulated market, the thing is that the bubble can keep growing without anyone to pop it.
Imagine the bagholders
>corrupt, incompetent, socialist government that drove their own national currency into the ground announces release of a digital currency
>currency will be backed by oil, a commodity whose price collapsed three years ago and shows no sign of recovering
>that currency is probably going to be a terrible investment
>retards pump AN UNRELATED COIN, mistaking it for the other scam coin
It's stuff like this that makes me think we are in a bubble full or retards
The fact that so many people see this isn’t logical indicates it isn’t a bubble though. At least not yet. Once most of the market is ok with this stuff because “crypto can only go up!” as an entire sector, we’ll have a problem.
I suspect this was initially retards trying to jump the gun and now is just other tards trying to hoodwink the original tards.
the guy behind this did a roger ver type of argumenttion and sold it to the president
got satoshi's name wrong
said petro dollar and then corrected himself and said petro
probably people that dont speak spanish thought the coin was PetroDollar and jumped in, causing irrational FOMO or simply pumped it to shit on dubasses
People are buying digital cats for 20k...oh it's a fucking bubble
>the Venezuela announcement
Wait, that shit was real?
how the hell were you previously invested in this?
i bought it along with shit like benjirolls
godspeed user, godspeed
Yes it's Venzuela, the contry with the worst economy decitions in the last 2 years will lunch his crypto.
Idk if this help the crypto reputaiton as being one of the first contrys to adopt crypto or fuck it all because you know... Venzeual
Wait wait wait
People actually think this is the Petrodollar? lmao
Yes, if you know Spanish or just use Google, you know his coin is called "El Petro Moneda" and people is buying "PetroDollar"
if only i threw in 10 bux. . .
you never know in cryptoland