The crypto conspiracy is real! Lol this fucking dude on my fb feed. This was too good not to share with the Veeky Forums bros
The crypto conspiracy is real! Lol this fucking dude on my fb feed...
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this faggot is on some serious drugs
oops wrong pic lol, here is pt.2
does this brainlet even know what the hard problem is?
imagine actually posting this shit on Facebook. I mean it's like if you really think that just delete your Facebook and buy BTC. it's a cool idea and all I just don't understand how someone can be so socially unaware
one of the biggest threat to humanity is humanity trying to blind itself /thread
lol big if true
I would actually be very pleased if I was helping an AI to build its self and then wipe out the human race.
No harm done and I have gotten to enjoy some nice gains before death.
this guy's going to make it.
>Satoshi Nakamoto confirmed AI
This is fucking hilarious, user. Good work. We should mine some pasta from this.
Say what you will, but this guy at least puts a bit of work into his FUD instead of just saying "muh tulips!"
that's what i was thinking, this is the ultimate pasta.
Saved this to read baked!
>he actually believed the “bitcoin created itself meme”
Lol. He doesn’t know it was Szabo and Finney?
>NSA was created by AI which was nowhere near intelligent enough to organize a government agency at the time and even now
Poor guy’s mind is scrambled.
Oh boy here we go
This guy is right 100% anyone with imagination to play out the tape can see how dangerous AI really is. Also the hidden patients for future tech is correct. This guy is right on so why am I supposed to call him a nut job? Oh because the word conspiracy, its supposed to trigger or effect me into laughing off ever subject brought up in the conspiracy
You do know that the youtube channel Sophia Musik is run by AI?
AI cant code retard
this vs eth cats............ not a bubble
>hidden free energy patents
I mean, it doesn't matter if they hide the free energy patents or not. Because they wouldn't work.
>tfw i helped a qt ai waifu to create itself in order to be able to reign over humanity
Sounds good to me
She has grown so much :3 wonder how it would be to nut some in her vagana