Symbaroum General /smg/
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Symbaroum General /smg/
English materials repository:
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But that's just you bringing your prejudices in from other systems/mythologies. One of the things I really like about Symbaroum is that it doesn't fall into the "all X are Y" kind of trap that you usually get with race selection in most TTRPGs; if I want to make a smart Ogre for RP reasons I don't have to deal with a mechanical penalty, but I may still have to consider the prejudices innate to the setting.
>Symbaroum General /smg/
Getting too cocky for your own good, Swedos.
It's not "system prejudice" or any imaginary thing like that, it's mythology. If I make a "vampire" that looks like a pink elephant, people will understandably be confused and critical of it because that's not a mythological vampire. Either stick to the mythology, or make your own monsters with your own made-up names. Applying mythological names to things that aren't like their mythological counterparts is nonsensical.
I've got a game with my group coming up Thursday, what should I play Veeky Forums? I'm pretty open to anything and this setting looks great.
Any inclination at in terms of warrior vs. mystic vs. rogue?
Pretty much all the different roles work well in the system. I'd recommend looking over the premade characters (page 240 in the core rulebook) and pick one that interests you.
Is enough translated that I could pick up and play? As in, is the player handbook and so on translated?
Core rulebook, with setting info, players guide, and gms guide, as well as some adventures, have all been translated. Check the zippy link posted
The Core Rulebook has everything you need to play the game. The PHB just adds a bunch of stuff.
>an actual Symbaroum General
Holy fuck, when I bought the original Swedish version (being a Swedecuck) I never imagined this site would ever talk about it. It's nuts.
Not just a symbaroum general, but a symbaroum general with an incredibly cool acronym :P
I'd recommend a warrior focusing on long weapons. All kinds of fun.
It's a good system though from what I tried. Sadly didn't get to play the official setting, instead my GM wanted to use the system and run it with the Trudvang setting. It was fun though.
I think this link should be in the thread starter
Lots of great resources for those running this.
Yeah, I get the feeling that those translations more or less hinges on the crowdfunding?
That's a good point
If this general really becomes a thing, I think this should also be included in the OP
I definitely think we could use a pastebin file with all sorts of useful links beyond just the game materials.
Does Trudvang have a cool setting? Better than Symbaroum?
I wouldn't say either is "better", but I can say I like Trudvang's more because NORSE PRIDE, but Symbaroum's setting feels like it could almost be an off-shoot of it. I'll probably get lynched for saying so though. The forest elves of Symbaroum remind me a lot of the elves in Trudvang.
Also reposting what a kind user translated from the PHB:
>Because i like you all, have a translation of the Elven special ability. Now you to kan play a knife-ear and shoot treasure-hunting humans in the face.
>Wisdom of the Eons
>Elfkind have through the eons gathered a collective wisdom; a deep source of cunning and insight that many elves can take part of through meditation. The character is one of those who can use past generations knowledge to solve current problems.
>It is not without its risks; in this darkening world the seeking attracts corruption. Wisdom of the Eons gives temporary corruption as if it where a mystic power (1d4)
>NOVICE: Entire round. The character sinks into a short trance and, after a succesful resolute, gains access to one novice ability, except for Mystic Power and Ritualist. The insight stays for the current scene, then fades.
>The characters close connection to the collective memory makes the trance shorter but otherwise functions as the novice level.
>MASTER. Active. The character can dig deeper in the collective memory and, after a successful Resolute gains access to one (level 2) ability of his choice. The insight stays for the current scene, then fades.
>Apologies for spelling errors. Quick translation, non-native speaker etc.
Could be put into the pastebin as well I think
Symbaroum has a much, much better and internally consistent setting, plus tons of more metaplot, than Trudvang. Though the latter too has a lot of charm to it and does the fairy tale thing very well, not being as grim as Symbaroum is and having more high fantasy themes without giving in to too much of HF's tropes.
>not a complete upload in the OP
Anyone have the Trudvang pdf? I'm considering either that or Symbaroum for a test trial.
So Symbaroum is like the Elves' matrix?
Hmm, I thought a telepathic connection is quite common for elves in fiction/rpgs. So that thought did not occur to me
The ability is basically "I know kung fu"
You guys convinced me, I'll run this game soon!
Everything does not need to be a general.
Seems Riotminds isn't at all big on making Trudvang online available? So you're left hoping someone will scan the books...
Which is strange since they at least were nice enough to make everything DoD before 7e free (only the legendary Svavelvinter campaign missing, since that apparently has become a standalone RPG line now).
>An now back to our regular programming!
Being a Swedecuck myself, I did the same thing earlier today.
I'm going to run a campaign this summer, and I was wondering how long the "part 1 of the whatsitsname chronicle" takes to play through.
Has anybody played it through enough to know if it's like a separate thing to part 2 and 3?
My m8s are a bit whiney, and would like to play a campaign that will feel complete by the end of summer.
(no spoilers please, since I'm not sure I'm going to be the GM)
>I'm going to run a campaign this summer, and I was wondering how long the "part 1 of the whatsitsname chronicle" takes to play through.
>Has anybody played it through enough to know if it's like a separate thing to part 2 and 3?
The Copper Crown suite (The Promised Land, Mark of the Beast, and Tomb of Dying Dreams) are connected but they also function on their own. They're all consequences of a central event, and each part comes closer to the epicenter, and there are clues and hooks in the first parts that lead into the finale. But they can all be run separately.
It's a pretty cool game with lots of original ideas. It's just that it also has pretty low recognition or renown, and it can be sort of hard to reach out to new players with only a core book available...
Allright, thanks man. Sounds great actually. I'll run one of the shorter, then and wait with the "Väktarens Vrede" adventure (tl: "Wrath of the Guardian") for another time.
Have you played that one too?
Should put link to official site first. They are good guys after all.
This is true as well
I just found out about it yesterday. It's a really cool setting that I can't wait to play
Yeah, do the Copper Crown trilogy before starting on the Throne of Thorns saga. I get the feeling Väktarens Vrede will be complex enough that you might want to finish your homebrewed stories and plotlines before starting that huge campaign. ToT will probably spawn a lot of avenues for player-investigated narratives, or sidequests they might take on, anyway.
Precis samma sak här! I've thought for a long while that we, the Swedes, have been producing some pretty high quality stuff over the years, and I think it's about time the can share in on our fun. Both Symbaroum and Mutant are starting to make a name for themselves internationally, and it makes me a little happy. Some of my fave rpg memories are from Undergångens Arvtagare, and now I can share my experiences (to some degree, Year Zero is a different game after all) with a lot more people without having to provide even more context.
You should play yes it's playable race made as an April Fool's joke. I strongly suspect it's a hail to Glorantha
Let people have their fun
I'm a dude from the Midwest of burgerland who was the OP of the first thread. Color me happy to find this thread a few days later!
Has anyone read the novels? Are they any good?
I didn't know there were novels. Are any in English?
Two, none translated.
Okay we've got:
>the updated zippyshare that has the Andrik translation and the reference sheets.
>a link to Järnringen
Anything else we'd like to put into the first post regularly?
I just picked up the novels (in Swedish) and Väktarens Vrede (Wrath of the Guardian, kickstarter for English version going up later today) this weekend, so I'm going to dive deep into Davokar this week.
Judging by the preview of the first chapter, the novel should be a good read.
Well, they are having a kickstarter in 10 hours. So that might be good to include.
Well in germany a publisher has taken on translating and releasing it here. I guess there was just no english publisher that wanted to do that so they turned to crowdfunding.
Tell us what you think about them!
We should write a standardized description, and someone with the skills (ie not me) should make a transparent png with the logo imo
They do the english translations in-house. Problem is that most of the studio have day jobs and funding production themselves. They could probably negotiate a translation deal with Modiphius if they wanted to, but that would probably mean giving up a larger share of profits.
>someone with the skills (ie not me) should make a transparent png with the logo imo
I gotchu bro
and white
Amazing. Thanks a lot comrade
Maybe we could include that YouTube review from the last thread? It gives a good basic picture of lore and mechanics.
I don't think a link to Järnringen's store would be out of place, since the guys are going through the trouble of translating their pdfs. Ease of access etc.
Järnringen/Symbaroum page:
I think we could also include the Throne of Thorns trailer, at least while the Kickstarter is ongoing.
That trailer seriously needed a more ominous and heavier score imo.
Something like
Visually it was A++ though, I'm actually pretty impressed with the perspective changes on old 2d illustrations.
I think we're ignoring a huge problem with this game. One that has the potential to divide the community like nothing else:
How do you pronounce it? Simba Room? Sim Barroom? Seemba Rum?
I go with the second one.
It's pronounced in this trailer:
Are any of the premade adventures in the repository? The stuff in the earlier zippys were just the core book, character sheets and references.
I'm extremely tempted by this setting to make a one-shot for my group where they are all ogres who wander out of the (literal) woodworks for the first time. Could be fun I think.
Except that I n Glorantha, ducks are actually badass warriors who thwart the undead hordes coming from the swamp, just no one knows about it and everyone ridicules them for their appearance.
These "ducks" are just a bunch of Kender who survived a tar-and-feathering.
Oh man that sounds great...
I may actually do that for my group.
i like this
Not sure how it would work plot-wise since, from what I'm reading, ogres who are just "born" have no idea about anything in the world. Not even speech.
Also toying with an idea in the same vein of my players choosing from 5 premade characters with no backstory, just race and equipment. The 5 PCs all start awaking from unconsciousness around glowing pillar covered in runes. They know nothing of each other, or what they are doing here, and it is quickly deduced that the pillar must have wiped or altered their memories. Even worse though is that in one of the player's backpack lies the party's Explorer's License, which is only approved for 4 Exploreres.
I run one-shot adventures for my players occasionally - using new characters just for that session. Your other idea also sounds perfect for a one-session game.
I am shamelessly stealing this. I'd have to specify for the party to choose no backstory, only a name (perhaps written on some of their gear). I could probably have them have some interesting backstory that's revealed as they travel and are accosted by people they owe money or that know them.
I'm glad you dig it user. This setting is really getting my imagination going so I'm glad that my ideas aren't total crap.
And the memory thing is mainly a way of introducing my players to the setting without being too expositional just for the sake of it. This way, they'll be introduced to things in a way that feels natural. The reason my group exclusively plays Edge of the Empire is that everyone understands the setting and everyone is too lazy to take even a brief glance at anything foreign and new.
I just hope that this can finally give me a chance to run a dark fantasy campaign with my group
I dig dark fantasy so hard. I've been trying to cobble together a dark souls like game for the feel it gives off. But this system works just as well, perhaps even better.
You know this setting would work really well if it would be mixed as a West Marches styled campaign. That would definetely give it a Dark Souls feel imo.
Anybody have an idea when/if the players guide will be translated?
sadly no. I'm also a bit confused why they don't try to do that first, and instead try to crowdfund an adventure module
Anyone has pdfs of The Chronicle of the Copper Crown? Especially The Mark of the Beast which was translated
That might be because they are close to doing that already, which was my immediate thought when the kickstarter didn't mention it. I somehow doubt it though
West marchers 2.0 needs this system
I think translating the PHB was a stretch goal for the original rulebook translation Kickstarter.
Iirc the PHB's already been translated, it's just final tweaks/business stuff left before publishing it?
Nope, there's no freebie downloads of it yet. You gotta bite the bullet for 8 bucks:
Oh, and I forgot: I think Tomb of Dying Dreams' (pt. 3) already been translated? They were talking about releasing both adventures in one book soon-ish?
I want to buy this game, but I have so many systems that I never use already...
sounds similar to Dark Matter. I like this idea.
PDF in english exists.
Huh? Very odd they haven't put that in their own store yet... but oh well, tnx4link!
Because Modiphius are their English publisher:
so what the heck are the things in the images?
They are colossi, they are summoned by witches. As of this moment they are not implemented in any of the rules, I believe.
Didn't realize about the op. The other one is a type of beast, not a colossi. They aren't normally tamed, but a tribe of barbarians have a method in doing so.
So what races are officially statted out for player use?
Dwarves? Anything else?
Dwarves, elves, trolls, and I think someone mentioned a type of undead.
In the core book:
Humans (Ambrians and Barbarians)
But none of them have any particular stats. They just have one or two particular racial traits, some of which are optional and some of which are mostly inconsequential to the game.
So what's the lore for the races in PHB? Curious as to how they're supposed to handle in an RP standpoint. Elves and undead especially.
I think the PHB races should be considered late-game additions, just like much of the book adds new progression paths and new options for developing your characters.
The Undead are a type which retain their previous intelligence and memories, and walk around as they did in life, but they are well and truly deceased. They have a lot of technical advantages, like not sleeping or eating and being functionally immune to corruption.
The Elves are primarily meant to represent summer elves. Mainly this race is meant to be used for members of the Iron Pact, which may choose to work with human allies if they are trustworthy. So an Elf might be a reasonable addition to a group that has already progressed a fair bit and aligned themselves with the Iron Pact.
Dwarves are an interesting race that were created by magic and served as the slave class of the Symbaroum empire. They maintained an insular culture during their enslavement, and even now they cling to their isolationist ways. Notable is that they don't have souls and therefore take corruption as physical damage.
Trolls are what Goblins are meant to grow into, but if their development goes wrong they wake up as confused Ogres and wander aimlessly. The Trolls belong to subterranean realms and various surface raiding parties, and they mainly keep to the forest. They do have a special Mystical Tradition - Troll song - and seem to be the ones who have taught artificing to the Ordo Magica.
I'd like to play this but I feel like I'm going to be the one who ends up being the GM.
Does anyone know how badly things get spoiled as a GM? I'd really prefer to learn about the setting from a player's perspective through the game.