Dawn of War 3
Looks like another DoW2
Not a bad thing desu as long as they don't continue with whatever the fuck the last expansion for DoW2 did.
I preferred the vanilla + expansion campaigns because they were more freeform in nature, and the equipment drop system was neat.
Also, majestic 24 fps after 0:40.
I was not a big fan of DoW 2 because i love god old fasion base building, but I will probably buy it if its not a buggy piece of shit
Effectively killed most of my hype. Still buying it probably. So much wasted potential.
Agreed famalam. Retributions campaign ended up being kind of shitty overall
Dow2 and CR was great though. I replayed them recently and I'm 99% sure I'm going to run a Quest here as a result.
No one has done a reasonably serious SM quest here in a very long time.
I don't know how I feel about Angelos' new voice.
It's not a fuck-this-shit complaint, but it's still a little jarring. Not the kind of thing that will make me skip the game, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Maybe it's just a stand-in until the game is finished?
Sounds nothing like him.
Old gabe was unique as fuck, this guy sounds like generic shit.
>So much wasted potential
Just because the game has colors doesent mean that they are bad dude
Ghosts of Retribution was run here about a week or two ago.
How, though? You have more than 4 space marines, and there is base building again.
I think user means his disappointment because it isn't a base building game like the first DoW, because of the colors and this one colors seem darker than the ones from the old images of gameplay
>That Knight
Is that Macha talking to Angelos?
Last I heard it does have base building.
>isn't a base building game like the first DoW
Nigga they literally showed based building on screenshoots and on this gameplay
No, I think I read "Solaria" as her name, and her voice didn't have the distortion Eldar voices have.
>"While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath, there can be no peace." Chapter Master Angelos
>Chapter Master Angelos
Oh shit nigga SM campaign of Retri confirmed canon.
Jesus please tell me that isn't Gabriel's new voice, where's his sexy as fuck silky one?
Marine ulti being an Imperial Knight means that hoping for playable Tyranid Heirophants is not realistic, I take it?
10 bucks that he is voicing Eliphas and thats why he is not doing gabe
It is, but I would put my money on Hierodules.
Fuck Eliphas nobody likes that nigga. They fucked over the Chapter Master of the Bluhd Rehvuhns for some Alpha Legion, Word Bearer or whatever the fuck he was Chaos faggot.
It's TT realistic - that whole squad of assault marines dies all at once as soon as they charge
No it doesnt WTF are you on about, did you even play DoW 1 & 2?
What you really mean is it looks like DoW 1 with better graphics.
I am not rating the cartoony physics and voice acting. Hammy is good but bouncy animations and wooden accents is not.
Gabriel sounds like a generic action vidya hero. What happened to Paul Dobson?
Literally pictures of basebuilding in the newest PC Gamer.
but at what cost?
>cover system is just those shitty bubble things the Eldar were hiding in now
>Elite Units are now "pick 3"
>base building exists but it seems a little...odd?
>way more emphasis on activated abilities
99% certain that was the Knight pilot
She sounds like Andrastia.
Fuck you, Eliphas is great.
I'm not sure what to think, feel a bit underwhelmed by it. I wanted a streamlined II with the scale of I. This just looks like they cherry picked a few things and then bolted it onto an RTS from the early 2000's? The unit collision detection seems worse than the first game.
Unless he was the one who said SIIIINDRIIIII I have no fucks for that throwaway baddie.
>Deep striking knights
It's almost like the work of a tactical gen.......CREEEED!
What really bothers me is the lighting. It feels like it should come with an epilepsy warning. Not to mention that you can't tell what the fuck is happening in that clusterfuck.
>>Elite Units are now "pick 3"
Only for MP tho
Seems fair, spamming units was cancer during DoW 1.
I goddamn loved DoW2. Not sure why all the complaints against it, the multiplayer was fun as fuck - company of heroes with swords and magic and tanks and tyranids, it was amazing.
You should play Dark Crusade, Eliphas was a cut above the first two Chaos Lord baddies. Even Lord Bale aka SIIIINDRIIIII doesn't compare, or Sindri Myr himself for that matter.
That gameplay looks like utter shit.
Hype status: zero.
>Gabriel jumping like a fucking frog
>while wearing a terminator armor
Dropped. Fuck you Sega.
Oh that was him, the one who's always getting sodomised by Abaddon.
>female knight pilot
Fuck, here come a new waifu
He never skipped leg day user.
I dunno, is that some DoW II shit?
Nah Im pretty sure the Iron Hands gifted him new legs after the demon ripped him to pieces.
Deep striking straight into your heart.
Another Starcraft?
Anyway, i'm glad blizzard finally got the 40k license.
>Most powerful unit of the space marine is not a space marine
>Terminators, which are super powered armor worn by literal superhumans, can't jump
Guys please.
It looks just like DoW 1, what di you expected ? another moba ?
Imperial Guard when?
That was fucking awesome!
>I don't know shit about terminator armour
It is fucking hilarious to me how people will accept a premise like Space Marines or Psykers and then apply physics to terminator armor.
Fucking autists...
Its purely for the cool and gameplay factor, dont take it seriously you autsist fuck.
its called "internal consistency" fella.
If a setting has rules that differs from ours, cool.
If the people in the setting break the rules set out for them, then that is dumb
>its called "internal consistency" fella.
Its 40k, rule of cool always trumps "internal consistency", always.
>internal consistency
Because some people want to be able to play the single-player campaign
>its called "internal consistency" fella.
It's called "Warhammer 40k" son. Try to keep up.
I think it looks great. I don't know why people are bitching about stylized graphics that allow it to be played on a wide slew of machines or the animations. I like what I see.
It's tartaros you blind fucking subhuman
This is my least favorite meme of all time.
It's pre-alpha, they're literally just showing all they can show right now. Fuck, there are animations that simply aren't finished yet. (you can see this when the Whirlwinds deepstrike)
And remember, Relic staff does fucking read Veeky Forums. They will very likely adjust Gabriel's hammaslamma animation eventually as well as get his very expensive VA back when it's time. (It's actually more cost effective to get a shoddy temp early on than to have the VA be scheduled both early and late into development)
So there's only going to be three playable races on launch? That's what the description on Steam seems to suggest. Space Marines, Orks, and Eldar.
Is that Inquisitor Hat Gabriel's talking to?
This looks like crap. It's gonna be full of micromanaging special modes and abilities like Red Alert 3.
Everything already is retarded. Where have you been the past quarter century?
As long as Leman Russ aren't "Elite" like they were in Dawn of War Dark Crusade and Soulstorm, I'll live with it.
It's canon that Space Marines can do backflips in Terminator Armor. Terminator Armor has the power in its motive systems to move gracefully and fluidly; just because it looks boxy in shitty tabletop models, neckbeards think it's like walking around in a college sports game mascot suit.
Chaos is post-launch DLC.
I feel like what we saw in the trailer was a vertical slice of some concept campaign level made based on the models they stuck onto photoshopped backgrounds for the "screenshots" in the announcement. It'll be 2019 before this game gets released.
Company of heroes was bad. DoW 2 is disliked because people loved DoW 1 and when a sequel finally came it was a completely different genre.
Company of Heroes was great aside from tank spam. Dawn of War 2 and Company of Heroes 2 are radically different and for some reason CoH2 felt incredibly sucky to play even though I can't pin down why.
That looks kind of bland.
Looks too fast paced and cartoony. are they not bringing back base building like they said they would?
Nigger it looks a lot like DoW 2.
No it actually is Cataphractii armor.
Its 40k, rule of cool is supreme and everything is already over the top retardation.
Angelos being chapter master has been confirmed since before DoW 2, in the space marine lore book.
>hurr durr there are a bunch of things in here that aren't real
>durp hurp that means everything real goes out the window!
That's a stupid fucking argument and you're a stupid fucking faggot for making it.
>Terminator Armor has the power in its motive systems to move gracefully and fluidly; just because it looks boxy in shitty tabletop models, neckbeards think it's like walking around in a college sports game mascot suit.
>Plates of heavy plasteel further armour the ceramite sections, especially on the front of the suit. This extra armouring provides a level of protection that is far superior to normal Marine armor; not even a Krak missile will penetrate the suit's breastplate.[7] It also contributes to the immense weight of the suit, making the wearer less maneuverable and slower.
I'm not saying Terminators should move like a paraplegic learning to walk but they shouldn't be winning gold medals in gymnastics like Gabe is.
>company of heroes with swords and magic and tanks and tyranids, it was amazing.
You forgot a few things: No base building, smaller scale, more micromanaging, SPESHUL ABILITEEZ!, and having to choose between actual units and single characters who happen to be 100 times stronger than anyone in those units.
It looks really good. The scale looks fun, there's spell casting (specifically activating the flamer in the squad, the jump packs, the missile launcher), and I didn't hear anything about morale. The question for me is about controls and hotkeys, and how the base building will work, if it even exists. If it feels good, I'm super excited.
That being said, the environment/map looks like shit. Bland, no cliffs, just icy wastes. Same in the cinematic trailer we got. There better be diversity. 40k with no good terrain is meh at best.
>People in this thread are defending hopping terminators, citing C.S. fucking Goto as their source.
Funny, when it looks like a fucking moba, not DoW 1 at all.
So does everything you don't like, I presume.
But DoW 3 sure as hell does.
The focus being on heroes and super units, while the rest of the army looks like fucking minions from dota, and certainly acts that way, does not exactly bring me any hope towards this game.
>It's canon that Space Marines can do backflips in Terminator Armor
Maybe in fucking space.
>gymnastically jumping around
>whilst wearing cataphractii terminator armour
I mean, hype as shit for gameplay, despite the environment looking like ass, but that leaping angelos was retarded as fuck
It was basically Company of Heroes, but not as good.
i hope knights aren't huge part of the game. 40k has already been ruined by scale creep and it would suck if the same happened to dow
It's the Knight pilot. Gabe and her have a chat after blowing up the Eldar webway gate, and the knight and Gabe are the only elite units on screen.
She's also been named as such in a few different previews.
>female knight pilot
What's next? Female space marines? female necrons?
What's funny is there is no leaping termintors in the Cs goto novel. People idoitically misread that bit.