Who is your waifu?
Try your hardest to make her a competent BBEG
Who is your waifu?
>might be tricky.
She's...uhh...hypnotizing all the kinds and dukes into... uhhh... making Necromancy legal again?
I dunno if she could be bbeg level.
My waifu is already competent.
Sometimes the road to hell is paved with nothing but good intentions.
>Who is your waifu?
Ask me how I know you're a cancerous shitposter.
Have her build lethal traps all over the place, and not get scared off by the slightest things....
She's a human raised by Kobolds, isn't she?
>those lips
but user, my waifu is ALREADY a BBEG
>mai waifu already was the BBEG of her game
That was easy.
Who is this semen demon
This shouldn't be too hard.
Not much effort required.
Well, according to some people she's already the BBEG in Overwatch.
And those people are WRONG.
Any help?
Have you never seen Macross Plus?
Mine too is already the BBEG, I see a trend here ...
I haven't
I suppose she starts conquering the world through the use of hurricanes, storms, and the ability to control creatures of the air. Probably some dragons too.
I'm not sure if she'd still be adorable while doing it though
... I don't think it's possible without venturing deep into magical realm territory.
That or pull a Seikon No Qwaser style "the BBEG has no body and their soul has been dormant in this otherwise docile host." Hostess?
Either way, putting Waifus on the table just lead to players trying to kill them, fuck them, or a combination of the two ESPECIALLY if you go out of your way to make them BBEGs.
What a retard.
>muh innocent robuts din du nuffin
If it beeps, toss it in the bin.
Just say she's a succubus.
Outside of that though, making your waifu the BBEG will only ever end badly
That is probably the easiest thing someone has ever asked me to do.
Thousand year old demon who devours humans is perfect BBEG material. Might need a bit of extra power to pose a big threat, but give her an army of minions and she's well on her way.
High level Bard who's manipulating the entire realm with hypnotic songs.
...okay, I'm drawing a blank on this one.
>...okay, I'm drawing a blank on this one.
cow-themed Venture Bros style supervillain
Who's this qt?
I'll only let her be the BBEG if I can service her for life.
Top taste my dude.
She's a cowgirl?
Make her the leader of a band of minotaur raiders ...all while hidden in a farm...
Seems a bit too small-time for a BBEG. Also its still pretty magical realm if male minotaurs are monstrous bull men and female ones are qt tittymonsters
How about this: She used to be queen of the minotaurs, and look like a normal one, until a wizard 'cursed' her to look like that. Still had most of her minotaur strength, so she killed him, decided to wear the cow getup to remind everyone of her heritage, and is leading her army on a crusade to kill all magic users as vengeance.
For some reason I don't think it'd be hard to make her into the BBEG.
I swear to god if the manga is leading in to the same boring ending as the anime I'm gonna be pissed. The final fight was the only good part and after seeing it animated there would be no reason to show it in manga form. Best girl's already toast anyway.
How is she the BBEG? Because she keeps bringing Bastion and Reaper back?
Source and why do I feel this is french?
Pic related. Sometimes the pursuit of knowledge at any cost requires drastic actions.
Googling the character names got me the Dofus comic book. I've never been able to find English dubs though.
That will be it. Looks like another promo for a french mmo
>a woman so obsessed with being a hero and gaining positive attention that she'll gladly create her own villains to face, so that she can earn the adoration of the public and impress the few she considers actual friends by defeating them.
She's already a BBEG
Oh look, a standard Mutants & Masterminds game set in the DC Universe.
People see a Swiss/German doctor and can help comparing her to Josef Mengele, Victor Frankenstein and TF2's Medic.
She made Genji into a cyborg after Hanzo nearly killed him. Some people claim she could have healed him normally but decided to totally fuck up his body just for kicks.
She must have been there when Morrison and Reyes fought and destroyed the Swiss Overwatch HQ because she resurrected Reyes and he became Reaper. In in-game dialogue Reaper claims she turned him into a soul-sucking nanomachine ghost on purpose.
After that she testified against Overwatch at the UN, exposing the conspiracies and infighting that had taken over the organization, which ultimately led to Overwatch being disbanded and outlawed. Based on all this there's a theory that she caused the explosion at the Swiss base as part of her plan to destroy Overwatch and cover up illegal human experimentation she did as Overwatch's head medical researcher.
There's also some evidence that she doesn't age because of her nanomachines, and the in-game voice lines she has when she scores a kill are very smug and sarcastic for someone who's supposed to be a pacifist.
Of course this stuff is all plausible, but its easier to explain if we assume she has good intentions and just makes mistakes like any other human. We won't know the truth until Blizzard gives us more lore.
My Waifu caught the goddamn Batman a handful of times all by herself already.
Competency isn't the issue here.
Literally impossible, user...
Top tier taste
Make her a lich
Noble's daughter, smart, athletic.
Has her eye on a higher social status, is clever enough to manipulate people towards her own goals. When manipulation isn't enough, she uses torture involving capsicum.
The only wrench in her plan is her energetic, outgoing, and dumb childhood friend, who often manages to throw her completely off course through sheer stupidity and luck.
Best I could come up with.
Would it be cheating if I played her normally but just informed the players that they would be Space Pirates?
My swarthy brother!
Wai Waifu is already the BBEG
Just kidding, I don't have images of mai waifu.
What the fuck is that faggotry?
>Nyarlathotep is my waifu
Nyarly is too stronk to be a BBEG