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The more I learn about this game, the more I'm convinced it's going to be bad.

Angelos' new VA sucks compared to his old one tbqh fampai

This new guy is painfully eh.

Also why doesn't the Knight have a dropship? I'm pretty sure they're not capable of deepstriking unaided


I'm not seeing anything in the trailer that makes me think 2016. The graphics and animations seem really dated.

The weather effects and all the collapsing ice pillars and lava seems to be alright. The special effects from abilities are also very flashy which seems to be good for the general direction they're going for style wise. Drop pods and assault marines were cool. They seem to be doing some match between focusing on the really OP hero units of DoW II and the high amount of lesser units you're throwing around like in DoW I and I'm not sure how that will work out. I hope we get an Eldar focused trailer soon.

I was never really a fan of Knights, so I'm not crazy about there being so much of a focus on them, but that is just me. The moving animation of the medium sized units like Angelos and Dreadnoughts seems really awkward and sped up. Death animation seem a bit sloppy for the Eldar Vehicles. That front flip hammer strike shit is ridiculous, but I'm still conflicted if it's good ridiculous or bad ridiculous. I know it's an RTS and big numbers of infantry are fun but it still irks me the tiniest bit when I see hoards of Space Marines and Eldar dying. The reveal trailer tried to rip off that band-aid quickly but it still stings.

And who the hell is that chick trying to give a Space Marine Chapter Master tactical advice?

>And who the hell is that chick trying to give a Space Marine Chapter Master tactical advice?

I assume she's the Knight pilot.

Well then she should know better.

>more space marines



People will start saying about how this wont change even though games like doom changed the fucking art direction thanks to fan backlash

who the fuck is this VA substitute for Gabe? did the original VA die or something? I would rather have fucking Diomedes over a cheap hack Gabe.

This is also Sega "Chaos is a preorder bonus" Games "Ignore Gearbox embezzling money from our Aliens game" Co.

I don't think that sega was involved in the whole pre order bonus thing, sure it was shitty but at least you got it free for a week if you buy, still a fucking horrible scheme

>tfw you're now stuck waiting for a TW:Warhammer sale

It makes sense to toss up the hammer since its 40 fucktons of additional weight that you can do without on the jump in. What doesn't make sense is a fucking assault leap in Cataphractii terminator armor. If that were actually possible, the Iron Hands should be 110% Dunking Terminators with Power Basketmauls

They originally did, but the level of emotional excitement it caused was deemed inefficient and stripped from the Chapter training protocols.

Believe me, its worth it better on sale, its a great game but it needs more contents here and there

This is one of the most cringe-worthy videos I've seen in a long time. Not only the impotent cuck marines with their over the top 'fedora hero' music in the background, but the DOTA/LoL style glitter abilities. I know it's pre-alpha, but if they released this footage to show anything at all it's that this is going to be a moba-styled piece of piss. This game could potentially end up being worse than DoW2.


yike breh
u avin' a melty?

Never seen this many buzzwords this far from /v/

Space marines are literally the cuck army of 40k. They're the fedora of the future; super strong elite warriors (at least in they pretend to be), they never get laid, they're basically impotent, they live off the backs of the working man like some neet parasite (IG does almost all the work all the time). It could be worse, they could be tau, but we're talking bottom of the barrel here.

Well there's one /v/tard, how many other anons here come over to post about the trailer? Be honest, fa/tg/uys aren't as pointlessly salty as half the people in this thread.

Squad morale fukken restored

There's a difference between "this is low poly with unfinished textures" and "Every single asset and animation needs to be redone for it to not look like shit"

I'm legitimately hype.
The action is too bright and cheery, but I'm actually okay with that, the backdrop and looming objects in the background add to the spookiness and I'm waiting for weird warp shit considering how the announcement trailer went.



50 seconds in and it's too shit to handle.

There is no Dawn of War 3.

I'm honestly disappointed that they're seemingly moving back towards DoW1's style. I mean, I understand that some people prefer it to the sequel because "muh base building", I get it, but DoW1's combat was a blobby, tedious meatgrinder.

With the exception of Retribution's campaign, DoW2 did a fantastic job of making every unit feel important and distinct, and every ability was satisfying and impactful when used right. I was hoping they would continue in that vein, maybe even scale it further down, but it seems like the only thing they've taken with them is hero units, this time with extra DBZ.

Most multiplayer matches of DoW2 were spent with units running around capping points than actually fighting each other. It was dumb. I hope they at least use CoH2' capping system.

>making every unit feel important and distinct
a cancerous MOBA sensibility that meshes poorly with the 40k setting and RTS genre.

>nothing: the post

This could have been good if there was less fucking terminators backflippin' all over the place.

This is exactly my experience with the game.
> I get it, but DoW1's combat was a blobby, tedious meatgrinder.
That's a 100% true statement. And that's what a fight looks like in 40 keks, at least according to Black Library writers. The number of losses on every side, the knee deep bodies. I understand this may be a little exaggerated, but honestly I enjoyed a quick glance of the map after a hard fight in DoW1, where you were unable to see the ground on the frontline, because of the bodies.
Of course, we can't go full retard. DoW2 had great stuff too. Cover system was always my favourite thing in RTS'. The suppression you got from heavy weapons? A thing of beauty. Finally the heavy bolter wasn't just a harder hitting bolter.
What I mean is that both games had great stuff in them, DoW1 in the macro, and DoW2 in the micro. Now DoW3 has to pick the good stuff from both and make a game.
I still think they'll pick just the bad parts and microtransactions

fa/tg/uy here and i'm not going to buy it if it's developed in this vein.

Bobbling Knight pauldrons, high-jumping Terminators, cartoon vehicle deaths and basically almost all the animation is not up my alley. It's a constant reminder that i'm playing a video game rather than immersing myself in grimdark. It's not even cheesy, over the top grimdark, like cataphractii moving absurdly slowly or huge cascades of gore, but a stylization from out of 40k that feels like it's copying the big two MOBAs. The battles also felt harder to read than Dow1 and Dow 2, but i'll assume that's an Alpha thing.

I can imagine an actual 40k Imperial citizen enjoying this, and I know some of you guys like it too, but it's not for me. I think Dow2 and Space Marine have set the standard for graphics and immersion, and i'm not feeling anything close here.
I should have just stayed in that coma.

Finally someone who agrees with me on DoW2

I racked up more than 350 hours in Retribution multiplayer and i enjoyed it more than any other RTS where you just smash blobs into each other and the bigger one wins.

>And that's what a fight looks like in 40 keks, at least according to Black Library writers.
Not all of them, mind you. I always enjoyed the way combat is portrayed in the Cain novels, being largely about proper use of terrain, vehicles and specialized weapons (as well as the occational chainsword duel, of course). Actual tactics, not just slamming the armies against each other.

Besides, if you're gonna have that many units then they cannot be the tanky as they seem in that trailer. They're just standing there and taking it, which is neither fun gameplay or fun spectacle, and the squad-based infantry only exacerbates that (especially if they bring back map-wide reinforcements). StarCraft gets away with huge battles because its infantry units are individuals and pop like zits at the slightest provocation. Watching an entire army melt away in seconds as an avalance of banelings rolls into it is exciting; watching two armies standing next to each other and flashing christmas light back and forth for half a minute isn't.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Now that you pointed that out, the battles in Cain novels are more DoW2-like, but I'd say the reason behind it would be Cain self-centered...ness(?) and his general way of focusing on squad combat mostly.
That's a great base for a game, and DoW2 was mostly that (apart from the running around and grabbing points that was already pointed out).

But honestly, when I see a Knight on the trailer, I don't really expect squad-level tactical combat. The knight with dual huge miniguns with apparently a special skill to rip through hordes of infantry is as close to a meatgrinder as it gets. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But in this trailer I didn't see any way of opposing that knight apart from just drowning it in bodies or getting a knight on my own.

At this moment I'm concerned that we'll get the worst case scenario: Fight lacking tactical combat apart from just dropping your skills fast enough. And all of that with no base (or fortification) building at all. Just armies meeting on the map and spamming abilities. So basically a Games Workshop version of C&C4

Sorry for my language - I'm not a native english speaker.

Yeah, how dare they make all units useful, Warhammer always was about "buy Wraithknights to win".

Yeeah, I do wish they'd found a more organic alternative to the capture points, something that meshed better with the lore. In their defense, though, they did perform an important task in giving each side priorities beyond "kill the other dudes". That might not sound like much, but it's important for balance that players need to spread their units around.

Honestly, DoW2 is probably my favourite game to watch high level play of. HarlequinCasts used to put out some great videos back in the day:

I do understand why people want to play mass scale 40k warfare with titans and stuff, but I really don't think DoW's gameplay is suited for that kind of thing. If it absolutely has to be RTS you probably want something in the style of Supreme Commander, a game that easily put hordes of tiny units next to skyscraper-sized mecha, or possibly even Kingdom Under Fire, which allowed for both big cannon fodder grinders and main character animu heroics.

It's okay, it's not mine either.

Absolutely user.
While there is certainly a place in 40k RTS for meatgrinder battles, they shouldn't be handled the way DoW 1 handled them, with constantly reinforcing units that plink away at a units collective health pool until one ticks down and is reinforced within 5 seconds. The way DoW 2 handled units (not necessarily the cover system, which I found a bit finicky), where each troop had an individual health bar worked much better as you felt the losses more, plus you could only reinforce at listening posts and at base.

If you want a big meatgrinder (and I do, phwoar), then you should have a constant influx of fresh units, not teleporting reinforcements.

>People complaining about Gabe's agility

1. Knights could do pretty much the same shit in their armor, and they were baseline humans.

2. Gabe's 90 percent machine, and presumably has some experience in fighting that way.

3. That's Tartaros pattern, explicably meant for mobility.

I'm not too worried about the tactical implications of the Knight, personally. This trailer was basically just wanking off the Space Marines, so the Eldar pretty much had to play incompetently and bring poorly matched units. My guess is that Knights and the like will end up being akin to the Land Raider or Baneblade in DoW1: big fuckoff top-of-the-tech-tree units that only come around towards the end of the game that will mostly end up dueling each other, but can be killed by the right non-giant units if you play it right.

The graphics sure look shitty, they're a little bit better than DoW 2's. Though, that doesn't really bother me since I mostly play DoW 1. The Knight looks kick ass, the animations are okay.

>Dow2 and Space Marine have set the standard for graphics and immersion
> Space Marine set the standard for graphics immersion
>Space Marine

That was hilarious, user. Thanks for the kek.

How blind are you

Dubs don't lie, however:

Also, the game still looks shit, don't know what it is, just looks shit. and I'm a huge fan of DOW I

Noun. cuckoldry (countable and uncountable, plural cuckoldries) An act of adultery committed by a married woman against her husband. [ quotations ▼]
cuckoldry - Wiktionary

Are you a politician? Because you've got the incorrect usage of buzzwords down.

Anyway feeling pretty underwhelmed so far. If I wanted a meatgrinder with giant robots I'd go play DoW: Apocalypse Mod and stomp about with actual titans.
If I wanted pretty squads with neato abilities I'd go play DoW II: Elite Mod
Need more info, but not feeling hopeful right now.

'Pre-Alpha' doesn't mean anything.

Alpha testing is when software is tested in house to see if it's basic components function. It often has rudimentary place holder art assets because looking pretty doesn't matter. All you're looking for at the Alpha stage is for units to respond when you give them commands and the like.

What you're seeing here is by all accounts an early Beta level of development. The purpose of the 'Pre-Alpha' tag isn't to represent the state of the game. It's to breed hype and feed off fanboyism.

Here we have the opposing end of the ignorance spectrum. Pic related is SC2's Alpha. You could probably count on one hand the number of art and animation assets that wouldn't be entirely replaced by the time the game released.
tl;dr They're lying to you about the state of development. Luckily you don't have any conception of what the lies they tell you even mean, so it barely matters.



>taste the rainbow

Good or for bad, looks very SC2 like.

Amazing! I hope they make a mobile version of this, I really want to play this on my new ipad.

>pre-alpha doesn't mean anything
>so here's a screenshot of a pre-alpha game where everything changed
Make up your mind, dude!

I don't think that's ever happening.

Summer sure is nice this year, isn't it?

Space Marines?
IN MY 40k?
Its more likely than you think!

being this stupid should be a crime

Retribution was the worst of the DoW 2 games, in both story and gameplay.

It came packaged with last stand, though. That was a good thing.

Diomedes was too good for retribution

Diomedes should have died at the end of Chaos Rising.

>replacing gabe "sex voice" angelos
I can't purge to this

Otherwise looks pretty rough, but not going to judge too hard until we get a bit closer to release.

Retribution should have been the bald brothers' excellent adventure.

>a cancerous MOBA sensibility that meshes poorly with the 40k setting and RTS genre.
What the absolute fuck?
Mobas are the total opposite of that mentality. In a moba, you have a single, important unit, and you never have to do anything but control it.

In an rts, you have multiple units and you have to master controlling them all effectively in order to win. Unless of course, you play shit tier rts games where you can just spam same units and a-move them across the map.
Like DoW 1.

More like every RTS ever.

Only if you play against the AI, or shitters. Or Protoss in SC2.

DoW 2 had a few decent methods of halting unit spam, via having strong counters, shit like supression that could halt even a massive army in place, and in general, powerful abilities that retarded the player who used his units smarter than his opponent did.
However, the minimal army cap was bullshit. The scale of the game should have been bigger, way bigger, at least for armies like IG, orks and Nids. Them being able to wield so few units was fucking ridiculous.

rewarded, not retarded.
Fucking auto correct.

Is it turnbased yet?
>No, it's an RTS retard.
Fuck you.

Here's some more gameplay.
Has people talking over it though, so you'll have to put up with that.


If you lost to unit spam in DoW1 to anything other than the Necron Warrior Death March, I have bad news for you m8.


Knight Solaria is new waifu material inbound.


It says something about you user that your autocorrect thinks you are retarded more than you are rewarded.

You thought that was clever, didn't you?

A bit too dark, they need to tweak the lighting. Otherwise looks decent.

Feeling the heat, kid?

>live off the backs of the working man
they are the slaves of the working man

and the working man is quite alright with not being sent into the places space marines deploy to

I hope the IG expansion has this fucker coming back

They decided to sacrifice graphics for performance and gameplay.

>Cuck, short for “cuckold,” is a term referring to a man with a female significant other who engages in sexual activities with other men. Online, the term is often used as a pejorative to condescendingly describe a male who is sexually inadequate or sexually submissive

Space marines are impotent and are brainwashed into having no interest in procreating. Their only interest is taking gene seed from other men into their own bodies to overcome their own naturally inferior genes and organs. Space marines are sexually inadequate and sexually submissive because of this. In short, they are a cuck army. Learn to internet next time.

Forgot link.


Gabriel "jumping on xenos" Angelos.

How can you be a cuck when you have transcended the primitive need for worthless bitches.

If anything, everyone else is the cuck, because their best men are all taken away by space marines to be made into more space marines, so you don't even get to fuck those strapping young shotas and nubile muscular warrior men since they got zapped and turned into dickless space marines.

I thought it was Cataphractii for the longest time but if you look at the back of his armor when he leaps you can see the Tartaros vents. He looks just like the upcoming exclusive Tartaros Praetor with power glaive.

>everyone who doesn't give up on women and instead choose to fill their body with other men's seed is a cuck

This is literally what space marine players believe.

NTR and cuckoldry cannot exist if the cuckold has no desire for women.

Get rekt, non-asexualfags.

Within 40k games, naturally. Arguments about bolter sounds aside, the tone and grit and rubble are what we've come to expect from future games.

DoW 3 feels too polished. It's like they're swinging in weightless armour on planet dettol at the moment.

Looks like the worst parts of both games mixed into one with worse graphics.
The squad mechanics and cover look like DoW1 where everyone just stands around. However the amount of people on screen is around the same as DoW2, the "basebuilding" is the same as DoW2 and there's an almost MOBA like focus on hero characters


Means exactly jack shit you fucking idiot. Holy shit you people who cry how you apparently can't critique because
>I-its just a alpha/beta or just released
>just give it a bit more time bro!

Nigga a Space Wolf fucked 12 women in one night


It is kinda silly to critique stuff that will most likely be fixed.

It is, after all, a PRE-ALPHA

Removing a filter and changing the colors of a handful of demons is not changing the art direction.

Considering the track record of the people involved, what you see is what you get. Some things will probably change, but expect the game to look exactly the same on release.

I'm fine with the colors. It looks like TT and the age of brown and bloom is over.

I agree. But what I meant is that the game will be exactly, or very nearly the same as what was shown in this video, gameplay wise.

Now I don't really mind, though I am cautious. It looks like it might be something of a clusterfuck to play.

Know what I didn't see? Sync kills. Dawn of War without sync kills is no Dawn of War at all.

That was before he became a full Space Marine. What happens with a Space Marine body would cause their genitalia to shrivel up.

Probably only heroes and big units will perform them