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If you're doing Tau and what to do a lore style Cadre, would there be more Fire Warriors on the field or more Kroot Carnivores and Vespid Stingwings?

I thought Tau were usually the minority in their own Cadres, but I've recently learned they have cloning so I'm not sure anymore.

>they have cloning
i thought cloning didn't work in 40k

You'd have more fire warriors. Auxiliaries are just that, auxiliaries.

>i thought cloning didn't work in 40k

If that were true for a second then the Krieg Regiments and Dark Eldar military wouldn't exist in the capacity they do now.

Small-scale cloning is doable for Tau and Imperium in the fluff, and the Imperium has large-scale cloning when it comes to very hi-tech worlds and background exceptions like Krieg.

Chaos can also kinda do it but its usually just Fabius Bile or Warp God shenanigans.

Depending on where the Cadre comes from, you can go for either more auxiliaries or more Tau. Most tend towards Tau soldiers with specialist Aux forces, but I'm pretty sure there's a sept out there that has a lot of aux soldiers to back them up.

Cloning doesn't, artificial wombs do.

>Auxiliaries are just that, auxiliaries.

I thought they were the majority and backbone of non-battlesuit infantry?

Not really. That doesn't make much sense from any perspective you look at it.

From a rules perspective, Vespid are fast attack, so they're going to be a minority no matter what. Kroot are troops like Fire Warriors, but even then that's only equals.

From fluff, Kroot are mercenaries and vespid are from a single world. Not the sort of thing that can be fielded in large numbers everywhere reliably.

And from artwork, most Tau battle scenes show a lot of fire warriors in ranks, with usually only a handful of vespid or kroot.

Fire Warriors are still lthe backbone of the Tau military, even if Battlesuit spam lists with a handful of Kroot snipers is more popular.

>3: Tempestus Scions: Elite of the Departmento Munitorum, Schola Progenium trained soldiers
>96: Agriworld
>9: Stealth Operations
>84:Close Quarters Combat
>96: Terrain Specialized Equipment
>3: Tempestor Prime/Main officers
>3: Small 100-200
>9: Legendary
>99: roll twice: 68: Heroic, 82: cocky
>86: Navigators
>85: One specific Chaos group
That's my results from rolling up a Stormtrooper/Scion group. I got heroic but cocky rednecks. Wat do?

So I'm a bit unclear on how Allies work. Do you have to take an Allied detachment to bring any allies, or can you just bring any Allied formation that's not a CAD?

For example, If I'm playing IG and decide to bring Space Marine allies, do they have to be in an Allied Detachment, or can I just bring a 1st Company Task Force?

Act appropriately and do taurox stunts.

As long as they're in some formation and line IP on the ally chart, you can bring them. The allied detachment is just a way to bring a small number in a limited way

To make a battle forged army, you can bring any number of any type of detachment of any faction. (literally. any) As long as you obey each detachment's restrictions (for example, the Allied Detachment can't be the same faction as your primary)

I swear to god if somebody has to explain detachments one more fucking time I'm going to scream.


I can't wait for the Tau to overstretch and go full WRE relying on mercenaries. CIVIL WAR WHEN?

Like this?

That really isn't something to be upset about is it

Except fortification detachments, which are for some reason inextricably linked to CAD's and really shouldn't be called detachments at all.

Are there special rules for using forge world units?



I think he's more on the line of thought of "Seven Allies. IMAGINE"

This. It's confused by people often explaining it in terms of previous editions, when now it's just "take whatever the fuck you want, literally the only restriction is this one on the Allied Detachment".

Just follow the rules as written in the appropriate Imperial Armour book.

I was going to post that but I didn't think anybody else would get the reference.

Bet you can't guess what I'm thinking NOW though. (I'll give you a hint: it involve the general lee and a midair collision with the flying car from Harry Potter)

Yeah, you ask your opponent if it's okay beforehand, and unless they're a dick or you're running shit like the Supremacy suit you'll be fine.


I was looking at Samus in particular.

seriously, why do you need a CAD to take fortifications? its not like you really see a lot of fortifications on table top anyway.

At some point they have to do a sick stunt where a Valkyrie flies in and grav-chutes out some people whilst they jump over it in the Taurox.

>Fromageation makes the fire prism's firepower "more deadly"
Oh goody.

>i thought cloning didn't work in 40k

Cloning DOES work in 40K. The only issue is that cloned humans do not have souls, and are therefore easily possessable by Daemon and other Warp-creatures (as they don't possess either a soul OR the Pariah gene).

It's not known what the Krieg actually do to replenish their numbers. All that's known is that it's so bad that Commissars keep it under wraps for morale purposes, and they themselves admit it makes them uncomfortable to know about.

It may be cloning, but it's far more likely something worse like state-sanctioned rape factories or vat-growing procedures.

No clues what the DE formation does, if you're wondering.

If you're playing Guard as anything over than mech infantry you're going to be taking an Aegis minimum

Because that's what Fire Prisms need.

>3 Jetbikes

Seems like a very low model count for a Starter box, but I suppose that fits Eldar.

I was expecting Guardians or Warwalkers instead though.

I'll beat pain token manipulation, again.

I'm a psyker it's what I do.
I'm not that good.
Now I have a name for my Scions. Filename related.
I wish I could draw this.

But Formations are a fucking detachment!

So it really should say, you take any number of detachments, EXCEPT fortifications, because we are dicks and didn't think about that.

The Imperium also uses clones to make a lot of their servitors (they're not all criminals).

Dead Men Walking seems to indicate that the "Vitae Womb" tech is some kind of fertility treatment that all non-sterile females on Krieg must participate in. Whether or not they're impregnated via sex or some other (assuredly nightmarish method) is left unstated however.

don't you know how to select a transparent background?

Give me 15 minutes...

>66 Canadian moosebuck for 10 dire avengers after shipping and tax
Should I do it?
Retail is 40 for 5 guys

I can't do work that requires 40,000 years in paint.

So for star phantoms, drop pod gladius, or CAD+ cunthammer?


What are you yelling about?

War convocation can get a fortification that is affected by Canticles, Fortress of redemption with stealth and shroudedNo-one will ever let you do it.

>I was expecting Guardians or Warwalkers
Me too. I was expecting farseer, guardians and wraithlord or fireprism. 5 is a very small number of units when you compare to the other SC! that have between 10 and 15 models

Thanks, m8. Now I have to create their Chaos enemies. I'm calling them the Alpha Louisiana Women.

can this be their theme song?


Yeah, even just comparing to the Dark Eldar one, they're basically the same except DE has 10 Kabalites where the Eldar should have Guardians.

Got a general question.

How much do you guys care about weapons on models compared to weapons in the list? Say I have 5 Wraithblades, 3 have ghostswords, 2 have ghostaxes. I tell you that all of them have ghostaxes. Would you raise a fuss over it?


daily reminder that Taurox Primes are fast vehicles and functionally immune to rough terrain thanks to magnets

Look bro.

The golden rule is


Some asshat was saying Taurox Primes were overpriced.

I wanted to reach through my monitor and slap that kid.

Here you go, anons.

That almost makes me want to start up a Scion/Stormtrooper army.The Omega Mississippi Men will ride!


It's beautiful. Thank you.

My wave serpents are fucking underpriced, for like 145 points I get an av12 fast skimmer dedicated transport with a 5++ and has armament capable of destroying light tanks and heavy infantry and can ignore pens on a 2+


Piss. I wanted to start Eldar as my first army but I hate jetbikes.

The weapon options (brrrt guns, missiles) are overpriced. The rules are solid, though.

Breaking News!!!

yeah, but its still technically a transport, which makes it really fucking expensive if you're just using it to cart your troops around.

Also delivers squads of S:D Flamers to fuck up your superheavies in one turn.

It's the Allied detachment that's the cause of 90% of the issues, I swear.

fuck you, that better be a shoop

>Four Wraithguard and two Wraithknights

>"Includes 5 Citadel miniatures!"

You tried

>over 350 dollars saving
Id buy it

That's 6 minis. It's like you're not even trying.

If you read literally anything else in the picture besides just looking at the models themselves, you'd know it was.

Reposting for feedback:

Imperial Guard - (HoR Kill Team)


Force Commander (31)
[Bolt Pistol, Antax Pattern Armour]


Infantry Squad (30)

Infantry Squad (30)

Veteran Squad (45)
[Plasma Rifle]

Veteran Squad (40)

Sergeant (6)
[Camo Cloak + Snare Mines]

Heavy Weapons Team (25)
[Autocannon, Camo Gear + Snare Mines]


Scout Sentinel (40)

Tempestus Scion (27)

Total: 249


>but its still technically a transport, which makes it really fucking expensive

Not everything's perfect in eldar land? Oh man Im so sorry, maybe next edition they could give it an option for D flamers and reduce it to 50pts!.

I'm sorry bro, I don't know anything about killteam stuff. You try dakka dakka forums?

check out victoria miniatures for their taurox wheel kit

Since this is my third try I may well do, I prefer talking here though because you tend to get a faster response.

Cheers though!

What I'm saying is if you have any infantry at all, you are going to need like 3 or 4 of them, which is basically a third of your points right then and there.

>It may be cloning, but it's far more likely something worse like state-sanctioned rape factories or vat-growing procedures.

Like what Honsou and the boys were doing in Dead Sky, Black Sun?

Also, there is a Dune faction that does that or something similar to it as I recall. I want to say it's the Ixians, but I'm not sure.

I fixed your image brah.

that was in the previous box set. I think they didn't just want to repeat that.

Well then I guess they need a buff! 5++ inv, Jink, Tank tier weapons, Fast and ignores pens on a 2+? NOT ENOUGH! ELDAR NEED HELP!

You want a transport thats overpriced? Land Raiders and now with the new FAQ probably most Dark Eldar shit, learn your fucking place Eldar.

Since their rivals are tacticool sneaky beakie operators the Alpha Louisiana Women need to be the polar opposites.
>act like Southern Belles
>each and every single on of them has the faces or symbols of highly favored daemons and Chaos Lords tattooed on their bodies, and on the inside too
>highly devoted to Chaos Undivided
>likes all out war and big tanks gives them lady boners
>uses IG/SoB equipment
Any other ideas gents?

Tleilaxu. And yeah, the idea was ripped straight from Dune.

This is the first "Start Collecting" box that cannot be used as a Kill Team and this bothers me deeply.

it's an upside downside thing.
Wave serpents are really good, even for their cost, but the downside is that you don't get a cheap transport option.

Now that they nerfed the serpent shield shooting, and it's no longer also the best shooting tank in the army, it fits pretty well.

Very good, but it's not one of the parts of the eldar codex that makes in fucked up even from internal analysis.

Kill Teams gets discussed a fair amount in the WIP general.

We really need a kill teams general at least on a weekly basis.

Russes can be used in kill team?

I'm not saying they need a buff, if anything they need a nerf, i'm just saying, its a fucking expensive transport.

I think Guardians and Jetbikes should both have 4+ armor. Makes jetbikes slightly less appealing and makes footslogging guardians slightly more feasible.

No, they cant.

>>act like Southern Belles
>>each and every single on of them has the faces or symbols of highly favored daemons and Chaos Lords tattooed on their bodies, and on the inside too
>>highly devoted to Chaos Undivided
>>likes all out war and big tanks gives them lady boners
>>uses IG/SoB

I just got here but holy shit this is golden


> NPC bad guy faction doesn't get a description of the formation like all the others had in WD ad, while the favorite broken faction gets pretty specific

You can't make this shit up.