Because the other generals are cluttered, and forums are too slow. AoS, 40k, etc. all welcome. Post your army list or idea for an army list below.
General List Building Advice:
Because the other generals are cluttered, and forums are too slow. AoS, 40k, etc. all welcome. Post your army list or idea for an army list below.
General List Building Advice:
>Naked Veterans act as a shield for demolishers
>1 Psyker rolls Biomancy and joins the Bullgryns and Priest
>Other Psyker rolls on Divination and casts Prescience on the Manticore
I have no idea what my command squad is doing. Should I leave them stationary and order the surrounding plasma veterans?
1500 points - Imperial Guard
Company Command squad [125 points]
- Lascannon
- (X2) Sniper rifles
- Astropath
- Carapace armour
- Commander has Wrath of Cadia
Chimera [65 points]
Ministorum priest [25 points]
Primaris Psyker [75 points]
- Mastery level 2
Primaris Psyker [75 points]
- Mastery level 2
Bullgryns [235 points]
- (X5) Bullgryns
- All have Slabshields and Grenadier gauntlets
Veterans [75 points]
- Carapace armour
Veterans [120 points]
- (X3) Plasma guns
- Carapace armour
Leman Russ Demolisher [170 points]
Manticore [170 points]
>Should I leave them stationary and order the surrounding plasma veterans?
That's what I'd do with them. Looks like a pretty solid list overall.
What's your favored way to run melee tau tg? FSE with Farsight and Blademander?
Well you listed the only way, so...
It's not completely unfeasible since MCs get armorbane baked in. Just take an assload of Ghostkeels or whatever with Retrothrusters and bumrush their tanks.
Why are you paying points for Lascannons and relic pistols in the same squad? Also, I'd sooner take Meltaguns than Plasma. You're often more likely to kill yourself than the other guy with a Plasma Gun.
Well, this thread didn't last long. Let's give it another chance. R8 and H8 on the newest revision of my all-comers heretic purging list.
(100) Inquisitor Coteaz
(70) Canoness: Book of St. Lucius, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
(4x140) Battle Sister Squad
>1x Sister Superior: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
>2x Battle Sister: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
>2x Battle Sister: Meltagun, Bolt Pistol
>Immolator: Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
(140) Battle Sister Squad
>1x Sister Superior: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
>7x Battle Sister: Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
>2x Battle Sister: Meltagun, Bolt Pistol
(3x125) Exorcist
(140) Grey Knights Librarian: ML3, Storm Bolter, Nemesis Warding Staff
(195) GK Terminator Squad
>Terminator Justicar: Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd
>3x Terminator: Storm Bolter, Nemesis Force Halberd
>1x Terminator: Psycannon, Nemesis Force Halberd
(170) Nemesis Dreadknight: Nemesis Greatsword, Powerfist, Gatling Psilencer
(100) Aegis Defense Line: Quad Gun Emplacement
Too many Battle Sisters IMO. I would recommend dropping at least two of those squads in Immolators and replacing them with Dominions.
Ghostkeels also get armorbane from their gun, so why would you charge into close combat with them rather than just shooting?
Cause you're not a bitch?
10 points to trade ObSec for Scout? Not sure that's worth it.
Not just Scouts, but the ability to take a ton of specialist weapons and ignore cover with said weapons, which is great for taking and holding objectives.
They can take Flamers (which already ignore cover), meltas (which the Battle Sisters are already equipped with), and Storm Bolters (which aren't actually better than Boltguns unless you're assaulting).
I guess it gives me the ability to take a bunch more meltas in one squad, but I'd rather spread them out than put all my eggs in one basket.
Why not both? Their not-meltas are still assault.
Dominions in an immolator are fantastic for removing enemy vehicles from the map first turn.
They are one of the best units in the game.
They can't get into melta range on the first turn, though. They can cover 18" from their deployment zone, which puts them 6" away from the enemy deployment zone, which puts them at the limit of melta range. I don't know if it's RAW, but the way I've (and by extension everyone I've played with) always played it is to assume that early game exact ranges are just out of range, so you can't fire a boltgun first turn without moving, etc.
2 Dominion squads in Immolators should be able to knock out a knight turn 1. Scouting, ignores cover Meltas in a transport are ridiculous.
Where could I start in making a non-cheesy, farsight suit army? As it is now I have one HQ (Currently done up in Coldstar), 3 crisis, 1 ghostkeel/riptide, 1 broadside. Just wanna make it fun to play against but not faceroll.
Current meta at FLGS is err'one has Imp. Knight to field and one stompa
This is a Solar Auxilia im currently making, as a supplement/alternative to Ultramarines. I have forty dudes currently, as well as two Dracosans, and am planning on buying a bunch of Dreamforge stormtroopers for the command squad and Flamers. It basically hinges on an armoured assault to dictate the early game, and the combination of weight of volkite, weight of flamer and weight of s10ap2 to focus down threats early. Airborne threats will be a problem, i'm hoping to deal with them through the 12 twinlinked s6 rapier shots but its a shaky method at best. We usually play at 2500, or else i'd add some lightnings
290-Command Section-five Veterans, Demolisher Dracosan with Flareshield (Strategos as warlord)
35-Quad Multilaser
35-Quad Multilaser
305-Storm Section+demolisher Dracosan with Flareshield
315-flamer section+demolisher Dracosan with Flareshield
305-Storm Section+demolisher Dracosan with Flareshield
305-Storm Section+demolisher Dracosan with Flareshield
315-flamer section+demolisher Dracosan with Flareshield
305-Storm Section+demolisher Dracosan with Flareshield
290-Malcador Infernus
>tfw already spent more on FW for your legion's support crew than on your legion, and planning on spending so much more
Oh, and the infernus has Chem Munitions, just so i can remove anything camping in cover that isn't Morty
This is a 2500 Mechanicum list meant only for Horus Heresy games.
Anacharis Scoria -Xanathite Abeyant 315
Magos Dominus -Augury Scanner, Machinator Array 105
2x20 Adsecularis with Induction Chargers and Rite of Pure Thought 190
3 Castellax with Darkfire Cannons, Siege Wreckers and Enhanced Targetting Arrays 480
3 Castellax with Mauler Bolt Cannons 315
3 Thallax, 1 Multi Melta, Icarian 175
2 Thanatars -Enhanced Targetting Array 530
5 Myrmidons -5x Grav Imploder 390
Any Advice would be welcome, I have four scoring units so far and hopefully enough Anti Armour
+++ Penitent Pain 1000 (965pts) +++
++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (965pts) ++
+ No Force Org Slot (25pts) +
Ministorum Priest (25pts) [Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol]
+ HQ (100pts) +
Uriah Jacobus, Protector of the Faith (100pts)
+ Troops (120pts) +
Battle Sister Squad (60pts) [4x Battle Sister]
··Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
Battle Sister Squad (60pts) [4x Battle Sister]
··Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
+ Heavy Support (720pts) +
Penitent Engine Squadron (240pts) [Penitent Engine, Penitent Engine, Penitent Engine]
Penitent Engine Squadron (240pts) [Penitent Engine, Penitent Engine, Penitent Engine]
Penitent Engine Squadron (240pts) [Penitent Engine, Penitent Engine, Penitent Engine]
Yes 9 Penitent Engines
Guo w/ greater 210
Epidimius 110
nurglings 45
2 units of plaguebearers 180
blight drone 150
2 units of plague drones with banners and death's head 312
daemon prince of nurgle, wings, armor, lv1, grotti, greater gift 305
soul grinder, nurgle, phlegm
you need another unit of crisis suits, at least 2 troops worth of 3 man teams. perhaps the starter box?
i really would suggest something more dangerous then penitent engines. you have no ranged anti tank or anything besides those av 11/11/10 6++ open topped walkers just asking for trouble.
I would drop Epidemius, frankly he sucks since his buffs got nerfed into the ground. Use the points to give the DP ML3. Consider using the extra points to either give your GUO some MLs and rewards, or to give your plaguebearers a champion and the AP2 sword
memearmy/10, it would still shrek most TAC lists at 1000 points. Bring three units of two and use the points to actually make your troops effective (weapons, vehicles) and swap jacobus for a cannoness since you have no big sister blob for him to buff and you have a genuinely terrifying list, or at least as terrifying as a dreadnought-spam BAngels list.
Too much Thanatar, I've only played against them once and they frankly suck
You'll be ruined by anything who has decent enough CC and survivability, but not much does. Watch out for MSU bikers with meltabombs, otherwise a bit of a cheesy list
>I would drop Epidemius, frankly he sucks since his buffs got nerfed into the ground.
Would two heralds with fecundity to keep plaguebeares be better?
I figure there's points to save by "downgrading" the nurgle grinder to a plague hulk
nah, heralds are designed to be spammed and kept cheap, DPs and GUOs are to be expensive and super-duper deadly. You don't have the infantry quantities for heralds to be effective, and frankly the only heralds worth a damn are Slaaneshi and Tzeentch. At least you arent as unlucky as khorne heralds
my khorne heralds never disappoint but damn if they don't test my luck by rolling tons of saves
Indeed it is an army for shits and giggles. Playing SoBs for fuck sake.
+++ Penitent Pain 1000 (993pts) +++
++ Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) (993pts) ++
+ No Force Org Slot (50pts) +
Ministorum Priest (50pts) [Combi-Melta, Power Maul]
+ HQ (105pts) +
Canoness (105pts) [Combi-Melta, Power Axe, Rosarius]
+ Troops (358pts) +
Battle Sister Squad (179pts) [4x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Meltagun, Battle Sister with Meltagun]
··Immolator [Extra Amour, Storm Bolter, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
··Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
Battle Sister Squad (179pts) [4x Battle Sister, Battle Sister with Meltagun, Battle Sister with Meltagun]
··Immolator [Extra Amour, Storm Bolter, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta]
··Sister Superior [Bolt Pistol, Boltgun]
+ Heavy Support (480pts) +
Penitent Engine Squadron (160pts) [Penitent Engine, Penitent Engine]
Penitent Engine Squadron (160pts) [Penitent Engine, Penitent Engine]
Penitent Engine Squadron (160pts) [Penitent Engine, Penitent Engine]
Run five-woman squads so you can fit your ICs in, give the squad with the priest flamers instead to melt hordes and its pretty scary, unless i was tailoring i would find it difficult with my 1000pt forces
go for it. with the daemon incursion i can finally run all the seeker chariots i want, only now they're faster and hit harder.
They are five women squad. So the Priest can ride to battle in their pimp car with his battle harem. Sure I can change one squad for heavy flamer and flamer. Leave the multi melta on the immolator.
Since well flamers are almost as expensive as melta.
How's this for 500pts vs Templars?
Farseer with Shining(Singing?) Spear- 105 pts
5x Striking Scorps, Exarch with chainsabres: 122 pts
5x Dire Avengers- 65 pts
10x Guardians with Scatplat- 105 pts
2x Vyper, dual Shuriken Cannons- 100 pts
Total 497 pts
I might be seeing a dread, so I will probably need some anti armour, but idk how to fit it in :/
It occurs to me I could drop the Spear on the seer, and take a lance on the plat instead. Worth it?
Those are 7-woman squads. They won't actually fit in the Immolators. I'd suggest getting rid of the Canoness and throwing in a Seraphim Squad with Celestine or a Repentia Squad with Jacobus.
If the Knight is 0.001" behind the deployment line, none of the Dominions or Immolators will be in Melta range. Better get your micrometer out if you're going to try and pass that off as legal.
Any advice on this list.
Comd Tank. LRBT sponson heavy bolters.
3x Armoured Fist Storm Trooper Squads.
- 10 man squad
- 2 melta guns
- chimera has autocannon
2x LRBT with sponson heavy bolters
2x 3 Armoured Sentinels with Autocannons
1x 3 Scout Sentinals with lascannons
1x 3 Hydra.
any criticism or advice welcome
Why would you do that?
Pretty good list. Few pointers though.
Your myrmidon destructors need a vehicle to get somewhere if they are using grav.
Also, your thallax are not going to achieve much with such a small squad.
On the plus side you have Scoria. A discount primarch that kicks all the other primarchs collective asses.
Can any user give me some solid advice on my list.
Blood Angels 1500 pts
-Mephiston (warlord) 175 pts
-Librarian (ML2) Tele.Homer., Boltgun, Force weapon 100 pts
-DC dread- BT, Drop pod, MG, melta and heavy flaver 180 pts
- 5x DC , jump packs, 5 bolt pistols, 3x chainswords, 1x powerfist, 1x Thunder Hammer
-Termie Assault squad 8x TH & SS
-Tac Squad 9x marines 195 pts
1x Flamer, 1x Heavy Flamer
Tac Sargent (vet.)
2x hand flamers, Tele.Homer.
Tac squad 9x marines 195 pts
1x Multi-melta
1x melta
Tac Sargent (vet)
Telehomer, melta bombs, 1x chainsword, 1x combi-melta
Uhm. Why not?
I thought the main cannon would be good against all comers
Thinking of building an 1000 point pure Tzeentch army with the intent of smashing my tau loving friend into the ground. Recommend me some sets friendos for I am but a humble noob.
>pure Tzeentch army
Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, or Renegades and Traitors?
lord of change or fate weaver
herald of tzeentch
3 screamers
23 pink horrors
burning chariot
it's roughly 1000 points and $160 from gw. i'm not sure if it would smash tau though but i've had a lot of luck using the burning chariot and skullcannon along with screamers.
Oh my fucking god I just notice how battles scribe counts weapons, that explains the retardly expensive flamers.
God damn it I need to recheck 7th edition wording.
I'm kind of a new Ultramarine player. Most of the people near me play Tau, so I want to make a list tailored specifically for Tau.
Is there sort of a core tactic I need to consider for this? Some people told me to melee them (seems very difficult), some told me to shoot their marker drones, and some told me to deep strike with sternguard (but Riptides have interceptors).
Where should I start if I want to make a 1000pt list tailored specifically for fucking up Tau. I'm fine with losing my other games against other armies (Me and this other guy are literally the only non-tau players)
Grav is good, so is D. I've found that grav bikes do really well against them, as they can get in range fast. Also, Skyhammer Annihilation force is okay, it's just the fact that Tau have loads of interceptors.
The other thread told me to use skyhammer and bring in the assault marines first. The idea is to bait out his interceptor fire.
But if he doesn't bite it, he'll be going for my devastators on the interceptor phase, right?
librarian should have force weapon and pistol. The only worth taking is a furioso with frag cannon and heavy flamer in a drop pod. Death company are fine, but I only put 1 power fist or TH per 5, not both. Give your tacticals rhinos or drop pods if you already haven't. I think 8 THSS terminators is too much.
Drop pods and flamers works well for clearing out fire warriors and pathfinders on turn 1. Psychic powers are another good way to take them out, since they have no real defense against psykers.
A friend of mine is getting into the game around the same time as me. He's having a hard time deciding what army he wants to play (he's been trying out a few on Tabletop Sim), and I tried writing up a Space Wolves list for him. He wanted a bunch of literal wolves, so I gave him that much, but I wasn't very sure what to do with all of the Bloodclaws and such.
Thoughts on how this could be improved?
++ Space Wolves: Codex (2014) (SW Wolf Claw Strike Force) (1493pts) ++
+ Core (1333pts) +
Legendary Greatpack (1333pts)
····The Deathwolves
········Blood Claws
············5x Blood Claw [5x Bolt Pistol, 5x Chainsword]
············Wolf Guard Pack Leader [Power Sword, Storm Bolter]
········Blood Claws
············5x Blood Claw [5x Bolt Pistol, 5x Chainsword]
············Wolf Guard Pack Leader [Power Sword, Storm Bolter]
········Canis Wolfborn, the Feral Knight [2x Fenrisian Wolf, Warlord]
········Fenrisian Wolves [5x Fenrisian Wolf]
········Grey Hunters
············5x Grey Hunter [5x Bolt Pistol, 5x Bolter]
········Grey Hunters [Wolf Standard]
············5x Grey Hunter [5x Bolt Pistol, 5x Bolter]
········Harald Deathwolf, Lord of the Wolfkin [2x Fenrisian Wolf]
········Long Fangs [2x Long Fang, 2x Long Fang w/ Missile Launcher]
············Long Fang Ancient [Meltagun, Power Sword]
········Thunderwolf Cavalry
············Thunderwolf Cavalry [Storm Shield, Wolf Claw]
············Thunderwolf Cavalry [Storm Shield, Wolf Claw]
············Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leader [Storm Shield, Wolf Claw]
········Wolf Scouts [Camo Cloaks for Wolf Scouts, 5x Wolf Scout (Boltgun)]
············Wolf Guard Pack Leader [Combi Melta, Frost Sword]
············Wolf Scout (Heavy/Special) [Meltagun]
+ Auxiliary (160pts) +
Wolfkin (160pts)
····Fenrisian Wolves [5x Fenrisian Wolf]
····Fenrisian Wolves [5x Fenrisian Wolf]
····Fenrisian Wolves [5x Fenrisian Wolf]
····Fenrisian Wolves [5x Fenrisian Wolf]
HQ Canoness - Mantle of Ophelia(grants Eternal Warrior) Eviscerator, Rosarius 135 pts (Attach to troops 1)
Imperial Preacher - 25 pts (Attach to troops 1)
Troops: Squad 1. VSS w/Power Sword 2 Battle Sisters w/Meltas. 5 Battle Sisters w/Bolters. Rhino Transport. 198 pts
Squad 2. VSS w/Plasma Pistol. 2 Sisters w/Meltas, 7 Sisters w/Bolters. Rhino Transport. 210 pts.
Squad 3: VSS w/Power Sword and Melta Bombs, Sister w/Flamer, Sister w/Heavy Flamer. 3 Sisters w/Bolter. Immolator w/TL-Multimelta. 177 pts
Fast Attack
Dominions 1: 5 Dominions; 4/Meltas, 1 w/Simulicrum Imperialis. VSS w/Plasma Pistol. Immolator w/Multimelta and Storm Bolter. 213 pts
Dominions 2: 5 Dominions; 4/Meltas, 1 w/Simulicrum Imperialis. VSS w/Plasma Pistol. Immolator w/Multimelta and Storm Bolter. 213 pts
Seraphim Squad: VSS w/Power Sword and Meltabombs; 2 sisters w/Twin Hand Flamers. 4 Sisters w/two Bolt Pistols. 145 pts
Heavy Support: Exorcist Bahamut 125 pts
Exorcist Godhammer 125 pts
Air Superiority Detachment: 3x Space Marine Stormhawks; Las Talons; Typhoon Missile Launchers 435 pts
2001 pts
Cannoness with a squad around her and a Preacher behind her is remarkably tough to kill (rerolls for those 4++ saves in melee is handy as hell) and with an Eviscerator punches well over her weight in a challenge. Extra troops for more ObSec coverage; Dominions to either Scout Move ahead to melta something on turn one or Outflank in on turn 2-3 and delete a unit on the flanks. Exorcists to draw fire while everyone else closes in and kill as many medium-tough vehicles or 2+ save infantry as possible before they get inevitably popped.
Stormhawks for air cover, ofc; and the loadout in question is decent against ground targets even with the BS penalty for fighters vrs ground. (esp hordes; TL assault cannons and two Frag templates can thin out herds nicely) and given that Jetbikes and Skimmers count as Air Targets as far as fighters are concerned, they'll do delightful things to Eldar/Crons
The strongest marine tool against Tau are psykers. Take Tigurius, a Librarius Conclave, and aim to get Invisibility first, then Phase Form second. Grav Centurions will hit hardest against large Tau suits.
LRBTs get hate here since Ordnance makes all the other guns Snap-Fire
What's your command tank? You need two tanks for a IG tank HQ: A tank for the commander, and another "Bodyguard" tank.
You generally want to run your commander in a non-ordinance Leman Russ to take full advantage of the BS4. For the co-tank, either go generalist or make it exactly the same as the command tank. That way you CAN order split-fire to target different enemies, but you don't HAVE to order split fire to be effective.
Also, I'm not sure putting the AT Lascannons on the lighter scout sentinals is the best idea since the enemy will prioritize them and they will crumple like tissue paper. Unless your planning to outflank or something, I would put the AT on an Armored sentinel and put Autocannons on the scouts. So:
1x 3 Armoured Sentinels with Autocannons
1x 3 Armoured Sentinels with Lascannons
1x 3 Scout Sentinels with Autocannons.
Footslogging tac squads is a terrible idea. I'd put 5 man squads in razorbacks. You've also got a lot of points in terminators that won't be making it across the table without expensive losses.
BS is pretty inconsistent that way. Always check if it's listed as "replace weapon" or "add model with weapon".
>1000pt list tailored specifically for fucking up Tau
First company task force with max sternguards in drop pods. Bonus points for imperial fists. Throw in some combi meltas while you're at it to handle hammerheads and devilfish after you've taken out all his suits. You can handle a few losses from interceptor.
Alternatively, psychic deathstar with on bikes. It's a little risky if he's got any masses of kroot to tarpit you with, but a bunch of invisible force weapons will fuck up big scary monstrous creatures.
All of my suggestions will involve fewer wolves, and I'm not sure that's what you're looking for.
At 135 points you can take Celestine and make your squad Fearless, in addition to having a better statline. For 100 points total you can replace both the Canoness and the Priest to save 60 points without a serious reduction in effectiveness.
Power swords are a waste in battle sister squads. If they get into melee, they're already fucked. You're either going to get swamped by guardsmen or wrecked by anything with reasonable melee stats.
There's not a whole lot of focus in your battle sister squads in general. Instead of a squad of 6, a squad of 8, and a squad of 10, I'd take 4 squads of 5, fully kitted out. You'll get three more TL Multi-Meltas on Immolators and two more special weapons for essentially the same price, and another ObSec squad and transport.
I'm also not really sold on the effectiveness of VSS for battle sisters, or the effectiveness of just a pair of Exorcists. They're really boom or bust until you have 3-4 on the table, and they may not even draw any fire if you're not lucky with them.
>You need two tanks for a IG tank HQ
Pretty sure he's doing Armoured Battlegroup, which is its own thing
>GUOs are to be expensive and super-duper deadly.
You mean lumber up the field shouting "come at me bro" but at games end its kill tally is two cheap squads there were in range for a psychic attack or two.
I think you overpriced yourself on the Scorpion exarch and undersold yourself by not taking the Scorpion's claw.
At 500 points you can expect two crusader squads and likely the Emperor's champion on top of the Dreadnought.
Farseer 105
Singing spear
> Hangs out with guardians to provide guide and a pseudo lascannon against the dreadnought
Striking Scorpions x5 125
Exarch, Scorpion's claw
> Suicide squad to soften the HQ and the squad he is in.
Guardians x10 110
> Plink points off the dread from afar, bladestorm infantry after. If you can roll the split fire warlord trait I think your farseer can fire the weapon platform while the guardians shootother shit.
Dire avengers x5 65
> Troop tax, bait squad, objective holder.
Vyper x1 70
Eldar missile launcher
> Drops a model to accommodate the extra toys. Bait marine squads away from your guardians or threaten dreadnought rear armour.
Leaves 25 points left over.
If these are all your models, add a single striking scorpion head. 4 more I5 attacks on the charge mean a world of difference.
Tried my hand at a combined CSM/Daemons list.
Mainly looking to make full use of two Start Collecting Nurgle boxes and a friends Nurgle marine army.
+++ NDK (1828pts) +++
++ Chaos Daemons: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment) ++
+ HQ +
Great Unclean One [D6 Greater Daemonic Reward, Psyker Level 3]
+ Troops +
Nurglings [3x Nurglings]
Nurglings [3x Nurglings]
Plaguebearers of Nurgle [10x Plaguebearers]
Plaguebearers of Nurgle [10x Plaguebearers]
+ Fast Attack +
[FW] Blight Drones of Nurgle [Blight Drones]
Plague Drones of Nurgle [Death's Heads, 3x Plague Drones]
Plague Drones of Nurgle [Death's Heads, 3x Plague Drones]
++ Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Chaos CR CSM The Purge) ++
+ (No Category) +
Force Options (Supplement options here) [No unique force (Vanilla CSM Codex)]
Show Forgeworld
+ HQ +
Daemon Prince [3x Mastery Level (become Psyker), Nurgle, Power Armour, The Black Mace, Warlord, Wings]
+ Elites +
Plague Marines [2x Flamer, 6x Plague Marine]
Plague Champion [Combi-flamer]
Plague Marines [2x Flamer, 6x Plague Marine]
Plague Champion [Combi-flamer]
+ Heavy Support +
[FW] Plague Hulk of Nurgle [Iron claw]
Trying to make a necron list that avoids decurion, but is still strong. Destroyer lord, overlord, and cryptek go with the 10 immortals.
2000 Points Necrons
Destroyer Cult:
Destroyer Lord (Phase Shifter, Res Orb, Warscythe)
Destroyers x3
Destroyers x3
Destroyers x3
Heavy Destroyers x2
Retribution Phalanx:
Scarabs x3
Overlord (Gauntlet of Fire, Phase Shifter, Res Orb, Warscythe)
Triarch Stalker (TL Heavy Gauss)
Warriors x10
Cryptek (Chronometron, The Solar Staff)
Deathmarks x5
Immortal x10
Immortal x5
Wraiths x3 (Whip Coils)
Tomb Blade x4 (Nebuloscope, Shield Vanes, TL Gauss)
Tomb Blade x4 (Nebuloscope, Shield Vanes, TL Gauss)
Annihilation Barge (Gauss Cannon)
Fun 1000 pt list of Nids
Deathleaper (130)
1x Lictor (50)
1x Lictor (50)
7x Genestealers (98)
1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15)
--Fast Attack--
3x Shrikes [ 2 w/ Rending claws, 1 w/ Lashwhip Bonesword] (120)
3x Shrikes [ 2 w/ Rending claws, 1 w/ Lashwhip Bonesword] (120)
--Heavy Support--
1x Mawloc (140)
1x Tyrannofex [Electro Grubs &Fleshborer Hive] (190)
--No FO--
1xTyrannocyte [contains Tyrannofex] (75)
The idea is to have the Deathleaper, lictors, and genestealers infiltrate and the rest deepstrike using the pheromone trail.
Hey im running a really Infantry heavy Guard army.
120 Infantry give or take five and a single squad of Scions.
and don't really have much in the way of vehicles.
Russ punisher. Taurox. Chimera. One sentinel.
Should i get my army fully Mechanized?
On top of the two more Russes And a hydra + Basilisk i plan to buy..
What should i put my fighting men in? Tauroxes or Chimeras?
>Should i get my army fully Mechanized?
No, not with that many models. Get an Aegis Defense Line instead. If you're going to do it anyway get Chimera for the guardsmen and Taurox for the MT.
Best way to run that many models is turning 50 of them into Conscripts, or even going two platoons with min guardsmen and 50 conscripts each.
General rule of thumb with sisters to either go full squads or small squads fully deck out.
For example 4 girls and their superior with to meltaguns and the superior with combi-melta inside an Immolator with extra armour and a storm Bolter (why the storm bolter? For 5 points you can keep using your twinlinked guns in case of a weapon destroy)
Once you have the minimum all pimp out in their pimp cars you can start adding things like veteran superiors, power weapons, simulacras,
If you really want power weapons give the, axes +2 S and AP2 is great since you always attack last.
Looks good, but how do you plan to get the Overlord up the field?
I made what i hope is a thematic Samm-Hain Eldar list, though I'm not sure if it's too cheesy.
I went with shuriken weapons on the Windrider formation because I want to get milage out of the bonus rule, and I prefer Shuriken cannons to Scatterlasers.
I'm torn between Scatterlasers and Starcannons on the Hornets, Starcannons because I could uses some reliable anti heavy infantry/MC/light vehicle weapons (and to dodge the scatterlaser stigma) on the other hand, Scatter lasers come cheaper so i won't need to tear though the list to find to the extra 30 points (and there's something satisfying about the idea of 3 hornets blazing in and unleashing 32 shots of scatterlaser hell on the enemy flank/rear)
++ Eldar Craftworlds (1849pts) ++
+ Core (1199pts) +
Windrider Host
Farseer Skyrunner [The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan, Witchblade]
Vyper Squadron
3xVyper [Shuriken Cannon, Shuriken Cannon]
Warlock Skyrunner Conclave
4xWarlock with Singing Spear
6x Windrider w/ Twin-linked
3x Windrider w/ Shuriken Cannon
Windrider Warlock [Witchblade]
6x Windrider w/ Twin-linked
3x Windrider w/ Shuriken Cannon
Windrider Warlock [Witchblade]
6x Windrider w/ Twin-linked
3x Windrider w/ Shuriken Cannon
Windrider Warlock [Witchblade]
+ Auxiliary (650pts) +
Crimson Death
Crimson Hunter Exarch [2x Bright Lance]
2xCrimson Hunter [2x Bright Lance]
Hornet Swarm [FW]
3xHornet [2x Scatter Laser]
>24 shots of scatterlaser hell
Forewarning: I don't have the list with me right now, but I know the general build I went for:
1000pt CAD Ultramarines "Fuck Tau" List:
Cato Sicarius
5 scouts with pistol + melee weapons
Sergeant has a melta bomb
They are riding a landspeeder storm
10 Tactical marines (no transport)
1 gravgun
1 combi grav on sergeant
1 heavy grav gun
>Fast attack
3 Bike Scouts
Sergeant has teleport homer
10 Assault Marines with Jump Packs
2 have flamers
Sergeant has melta bomb
>Heavy Support
5 Devastators in a drop pod
4 heavy grav guns
>If I get to go first:
The idea is to use Cato's infiltrate ability to put my tactical squad within 18" of the enemy riptides if I get to go first. Lots of grav shots. Activate tactical doctrine turn 1 to make sure they all hit.
The scouts will also infiltrate. Both bikes and landspeeder storm get to move 12" during scout phase, so I get to be within 6" of the enemy during turn 1. If I go first, I will do this. Bikes will put down teleport homer. Then all scouts will charge the riptides after my grav guns shoot.
Devastator squad will come in through drop pod. That's 4 heavy grav guns, shooting 3 rounds each at full ballistic skill even though they moved (if they were stationary, they'd shoot 5). Either way, it's at least 12 shots of grav at full BS skill. Tactical doctrine lets me reroll 1s on devs.
Assaunt squad comes in turn 2 through reserves (Cato makes it so reserves come on 2+). Their job is to flame infantry, or hide until they can join some melee.
>If I'm going second:
Same thing, except use cover for turn one. A lot weaker, but still the same concept.
He walks up the middle while the enemy runs away from him. We usually agree to no fliers or gargantuans/ super heavies beforehand. My problem before was keeping him alive, so I have a cryptek with the solar staff and 2 total res orbs in the unit. He's more of a deterrent to charging the immortals, while the aforementioned gear keeps the unit alive and bodyguards him.
I should also add that between the destroyer lord and the stalker, the immortals are hitting on 2s with preferred enemy. All immortals have gauss blasters
I'd go star cannons to avoid the stigma. You have 24 scatter laser shots currently, so I'd avoid the stigma.
You need malanthropes or venomthropes.
Making a Witch-Hunters-inspired list, 1500 points. Trying to find a good balance between fluffiness and usefulness. I'm kicking around the idea of dropping the Tempestus and using Acolytes to represent Inquisitorial Stormtroopers instead. This would also let me bring more psykers so I could deny the witch better, but I'm not sure if the drop in firepower from the Tauroxes would be worth it.
>CAD - Adepta Sororitas
Canoness: 135 pts
-Condemnor Boltgun
-Cloak of St. Aspira
-Mantle of Ophelia
2x Battle Sister Squads: 140 pts/each
-Heavy Flamer
-Twin-linked Multi-melta
-Storm Bolter
>Heavy Support
2x Exorcists: 130 pts/each
-Storm Bolter
>Officio Assassinorum Detachment
Culexus Assassin: 140 pts
>Inquisitorial Detachment
Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor: 134
-Psyker (ML1)
-Condemnor Boltgun
-Null Rod
-Power Armor
-2 Servo Skulls
>Allied Detachment - Militarum Tempestus
Command Squad: 115
-Plasma Gun
Militarum Tempestus Squad: 248 pts
+5 Tempestus Scions
-2 Plasma Guns
-Taurox Prime: 80
-Relic Plating
-Storm Bolter
Militarum Tempestus Squad: 188 pts
-2 Plasma Guns
-Taurox Prime: 80
-Relic Plating
-Storm Bolter
1,500 pts
Take two Meltas in your Battle Sister Squads to handle vehicles and 2+ armor saves instead of splitting their focus with Melta/Flamer. Use the Scions to kill infantry, they're way better at it that Sisters. Use the MT Start Collecting formation instead of the CAD.
Don't spend an assload of money ritzing out your Canoness, either take Celestine or leave her cheap. Also, one relic per model.
Don't bother with Storm Bolters on the Immolators, they're going to be taking a lot of fire and it's unlikely they'll survive for any length of time after they start getting penned.
I'd cheapen up the Inquisitor as well if that doesn't interfere with your fluff too much.
You've got a hoard crushing force right there. You need stuff to cut through those 3+ saves and the dread's armour.
If you've got them, banshees would be better than scorpions.
So I'll be going up against CSM and Daemons of Nurgle, what's the ideal composition for a Death Company Squad? I was told give them bolters since they can rapid fire and then charge and more or less rampage. Something feels off about using ranged weapons for a melee focused army and especially a unit that's all about RIP AND TEAR! FEED ME YOUR GUTS! Although now that I'm reading this, it says they can replace their bolt pistol with a bolter. It's not saying I can have a bolter in one hand and a power sword in the other is it?
>It's not saying I can have a bolter in one hand and a power sword in the other is it?
Kind of. Basically, your close combat attacks will still benefit from the power sword's AP, while your ranged attacks would use the Boltgun's profile. However, you'd be trading in the extra close combat attack for having a pistol and a sword.
>MT Start Collecting formation
Where can I find the rules for that? I was looking at getting either non-GW or old-GW models so they look like Inquisitorial Stormtroopers, so I wasn't going to get the "Start Collecting" box.
why in the name of all that is Eldar do your hornets not have 2 pulse lasers each?
The Storm Bolter is not a bad idea for 5 points you can ignore a weapon destroy. The SB is a good choice for the SoB tanks (Immolator, Repressors, Exorcist) since they all have one weapon. If for some reason they don't explode out right that SB could at least force the enemy waste another unite to destroy.
With SoB you have to force a target priority nightmare. Having lots of small unites that can hurt even when damage is your game.
Keep your HQ cheap and go for extremes. Big squads or small tacticool squads fully deck out.
>ignore a weapon destroy
Pretty sure you don't get to pick, it just lowers chance from 100% to 50%.
This. You have a 1/6 chance of Weapon Destroyed when you get penned, and a 1/2 chance for it to take the Storm Bolter. That's fine for shrugging off a lucky Lascannon pen on an Exorcist, but your Immolators are going to be taking Melta fire, which is (a) more likely to cause Explodes! than Weapon Destroyed, (b) more likely to be massed, (c) less likely to be behind cover, and (d) more likely to shoot it until it's dead to get the troops out of it. What use is avoiding a Weapon Destroyed if you get shot twice more and get wrecked the same turn?
In the Start Collecting box, or in the 40k General thread.
My bad. Disregard what I said about SB.
1250/1250 IG CAD + Psykana Division
Company Command +Vox-caster
Platoon Command +Vox-caster
Infantry Squad +Vox-caster
Infantry Squad
Heavy Weapons +3 Lascannons
Heavy Weapons +3 Lascannons
50 Conscripts (Ministorum Priest)
Veterans (Chimera) +Flamer, 2 Meltaguns
Leman Russ Punisher
Primaris Psyker ML1
Wyrdvane Psykers (Commissar)
Wyrdvane Psykers (Commissar)
Wyrdvane Psykers (Commissar)
Don't know if I have enough AV guns in this list, I don't have a lot of experience and most of it is playing mech IG. Ignore cover orders and Prescience on my Lascannons sounds like a good deal, so I'm hoping all my psykers on Divination will treat me well, along with a couple of the other powers that look really beneficial to my infantry blob. Hoping I can hold the line and use Veterans and the Punisher to go deal with light vehicles hiding from my Lascannons.
>Phase Form
New guy here. I can't find this in the spell cards. Unless I'm blind.
It's from Angels of Death. Geokinesis discipline, 1 warp charge, 24" blessing, ignore cover, move through cover, can ignore line of sight