Can Dinorabbit make a return plz?
Yu-Gi-Oh General
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First for best trap card.
Just found bought some new cards, can someone tell me if this one is banned?
Destroy that card immediately, or dire peril will befall you.
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the Veeky Forums Yugioh General! where old fags bitch about things they know nothing about!
It's a cringefest and a laughing stock.
Couldn't they at least make him a contact fusion?
>tfw we'll never get this card in the TCG
Yuyas not a banana, he's a tomato he is also cutest protag. I could just cuddle him all day long
But nanana is a banana.
Just make a bloody rank 10 retrain of it and call it a day, at least I'd have another thing for trains to summon.
>rank 10
It's a level 11 though, why would they make it a R10?
No, it's not. Learn to count.
And best banana at that.
Finally, exodia making a comeback.
Someone's a Mexican retard..
You mean rank 7, since all the materials are level 7.
>Sanga, Kazejin and Suijin are effect monsters and their combined ATK equals to 7500
>lol why wouldn't I tribute them for a 3750 ATK vanilla beatstick
What the hell? Is this true? Give me a decklist.
I don't play with the cards so I just use legacy of the duelist on ps4, is this retarded and I should just use YGOPro?
Legacy of the duelist is an *OK* game, and it's set during DUEA, which is considered to be one of the games better formats. But yes, get ygopro.
depends on whether you actually want to play the game or just have a good time
because only true predators can play this cruel game and have "fun"
>only true predators can play this cruel game and have "fun"
You are gonna hurt someone with that edge if you aren't careful.
you sound like a scrub, kid
Glad to see its doing well in the tcg, Blue-Eyes Exodia has been topping in Japan for a while now
Fuck off.
Holy shit. I have that. I have entire bootleg decks that have shit like that that I got at a dollar store. So many have terrible spelling and are barely readable.
Oh yeah, that could work too, three-mat R7, problem is that since rulers are dead there's not easy R7 deck beyond maybe Red-Eyes.
>OEM doesn't exist
the OCG adaptation is weaker than the TCG desu
>OEM isn't dead
It's miles ahead of red-eyes, and still gets tops. It's probably the best deck for R7 right now.
holy shit it works
they didn't learn after 7 years either
Armityle just has GX syndrome, gate guardian has no excuse.
any tips when making a unposessed/familiar possessed deck?
besides using spellcaster village thats it
Here's what to do with your deck.
add dark sage
I gone it in a deck at a flea market in Florida lmao
if you ad spell counters to it you could use Magicle Abductor and Dark Doreeian as an pendulum scale for summoning lvl 4
I got shit load of these from my aunt Bobby when I was little
I used them as coasters
Outside Jacksonville?
Mine smell like gasoline even after 10+ years.
Mariomon, get the fuck back to Veeky Forums and stay there.
No I don't think so, I think it was in Kissimmee but I can't find which one it was
>Yuyas not a banana, he's a tomato
Someone post the image from Big O.
>GX syndrome
That middle one totally got shafted didn't he.
>I don't want to be here.
>My brothers are doing more work than me.
>My feet hurt.
More Alphabet Machines/Fusions when?
I love these fucking Engrish bootlegs.
During the GX era, a lot of shit suffered from clunky as fuck card design. As a result, we got a lot of jank like Cyberdarks, Neos Wiseman, Divine Neos, or just Neo Spacians in general. Things were overcosted and overrestricted for no reason and very little out of that time was worth anything. I mean fuck, Card Trooper, Cyber Dragon, and Neo Spacian Grandmole are about the best things out of of that time.
Care to give me a card list? Cannot make out names on a dozen or so of them. I recognize most but not all.
3 x Lancypyurous or whatver the fuck its name is
3 x Dragon Horn Hunter
3 X Mandragon
3 X Focault's Cannon
3 X Sky Dragoons
3 X Master Pendulum
3 X Dragoons of Draconia
3 X Dragong
3 X Sea Dragoons
Exodia pieces
Exodia the Summoned Lord
Unexpected Dai
Pot of Riches
Pride of the Underdog
Thank you for clearing that up. Would you rate AtoZ DRAGON BUSTER CANNON?
You mean the game was more balanced?
No, the game was shit. Everyone left.
>Cyber Dragon OTK
No. Certainly not.
I don't think you people quite appreciate the amount of HAPPENING going on here.
That is pretty cool. I don't play YGO, but I might try to build this for shits and giggles and to see wether it works or not.
VR technology was only made so that we could play card games like in the show. We are reaching the pinnacle of human technology.
How long until we can have real shadow duels?
should we ask /x/?
>you buy cards
>have nobody to play with
only play classic
Just use Duelist network
i use ygopro and play against the ai