>Gun Metal grey setting where humans are using toys to fight eldritch abominations, because positive energy.
>Humanity uses playground tactics, such as sticking their fingers in their ears and going "LALALALAA" to avoid becoming corrupted.
What other tactics could they use?
Gun Metal grey setting where humans are using toys to fight eldritch abominations, because positive energy
Playing pretend away any kind of injury.
"You can't attack me, I'm in a safe zone."
Lovecraft Lite is meh bro, but I suppose singing feelsy songs, befriending abominations through the power of Care Bear Stares, and excessive cuddling with the ladies and gents.
>nu uh, I have a force-field.
I completely misread the OP,
>I didn't see you hit me, it didn't count
>spooky slimy thing starts to ululate a magic spell
oh boy is one of THESE threads again
same image and everything
To be fair, we've had these threads for a while. They tend to be fun.
>All the baddies die.
>Nyarlathotep shows up and is completely flummoxed by humanity being so childish
>Nyarlathotep having a temper tantrum
>You didn't hit me! I dodged!
>All the sticks everywhere are various guns
>Break sticks in half to dual wield
>everyone will be a battlefield medic via dora the explorer bandaid's in their robust and indestructibile tin
>everyone will have flamethrows and lazer death rays via flashlights
>finger guns with be standard sidearms
>cardboard box tanks will be rolled out enmasse
>bb guns are suddenly warcrime tier super weapons as are waterballoons and silly string
>sharpies everywhere will have their tips sheathed from now on
>matrix calls means the very fabric of time will have to bend itself in the local area
>People start using air guitars to send messages like cryptic bird calls.
What a godawful idea.
Also, you can always spot the morons who learn about Lovecraft via TVTropes because they use the term "eldritch abominations." I bet you don't even know what "eldritch" means.
>Im rubber youre glue!!!!!
>Attacks reflect back
>funny cause its true
should really say gouks or zipperheads though
>bitches don't know about my fish people
>Yelling "Base!" when getting to HQ/shelter
>The enemy can't affect you there
>playing superheroes on playground as preschool kid
>I always get forced to be robin, because I was absent the day they started and all the good heroes already got picked
>everyone else gets iron man, hulk, captain america, batman, superman
>they all say that robin has no powers whenever I try to do something, I end up just following batman around and holding people down so he can hit them
>the guy playing hulk has a grudge with me, and he starts actually hitting me
>when I pretend die, he walks up to my body and starts kicking me in the sides repeatedly
>he's fat, so it doesn't hurt, but it's really annoying
>one day, I have enough of his shit, I pull his leg, he falls down, and I start beating the shit out of him
>he gets a bloody nose, three teeth fall out, screaming so loud the whole school can hear it
>I don't end up getting in trouble because all of the other kids playing said hulk kid started it
>all the other kids said I stole hulks powers by killing him so now I'm hulk robin
>hulk kid never played again
Wait. Something doesn't add up. The fat kid didn't have the leg strength to hurt you? Just from being in a bad school i can tell you thats bullshit cause fatties win in fights against skinnies unless you're physically bigger or lifting.
We had this thread before.
I'm glad to see it back
I was fat too, user :(
Also why didn't you just say you were the flash and make everyone play super slomo?
The more i look at that story the more i think you're some kind of liar on an anonymous imageboard. Why would you do that? What do you gain from these lies?
Oh. I well fat padding is a bastard and regrettably means you DO have to aim solely for their face.
I was a preschooler, me and the others had only read a handful of comic books that got passed around at lunch; I didn't know who the flash was at the time. Only now do I know the full extend of superheroes I could have used that were OP.
Oh yeah, I remember that old thread.
>PCs are adults wielding NERF guns to fight demons
>BBEG is accompanied with its henchmen, the PCs' childhood dream/nightmare
Which would be more traumatic? Fighting the drunk father who beat you up as a child, or the astronaut you wanted to become?
Why not both? Drunk astronaut.
Or Stay Puff the Marshmallow?
I wanted to become a doctor. Then the piano, trumpet, and cello teacher each told me i had stupid sausage fingers and then depression started kicking my ass and then i found out it doesn't matter how high your scores are no self respecting medical school takes 16 year old GED holders.
Honestly finding out i actually had some chance at doctorhood i somehow overlooked in my desperate search and that possible me coming back to taunt me over it would be 80 times more traumatic than the father who used to beat me drunk or otherwise, as i learned quickly some humans are just irredeemable dicks and came to terms with that fairly quickly, coming back to beat me again as i'm now much bigger and stronger than he is.
>"Foolish mortal, you are doomed"
>"I know you are but what am I?"
I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces of me and sticks to YOU. NO GIVESIES BACKSIES PERIOD EXCLAMATION POINT THE END.