Would you ever run an RPG where the battles are large and players control a hero and up to say 10 other models on like a real table top and similar rules used for games like 40K or Chainmail? This is how I played 40K back in '87 or so...
RPG with miniature combat
I tried to, it's amazing if it's on a grid or he map. Otherwise just set a distance scale, it gets clunky with long range weapons though
I was thinking of using Frostgrave/mordheim/2E 40K-- but that would flatten out the character advancement quite a bit.
I been thinking of something like that
a wargame where the players can costumize every unit on their (small) army like it was an rpg.
If you're doing 40K, the old Inquisitor game was pretty much that. Small warbands of rpg characters fighting a series of linked narrative games. There's a 28mm conversion ruleset kicking around.
Otherwise there's all of the Five-Core games. They're small scale skirmish with rpg elements and campaign play miniature games. They do ww2, modern, and scifi. Solid rulesets, workable with what you have on hand.
D&D 4e
Good, yes, but not big enough battles.
I did play that a few times many years ago, not a bad RPG type game, but scale was smaller than I'd like. I think it would have been a lot better if they had just stuck to 32mm scale...
Well there's 40k Killteam, Mordheim and Gorkamorka.
There's also games from non faggot companies you shill
Off the top of my head, Kill Team (Heralds of Ruin), Gorkamorka, Mordheim/Wyrd Wars, Regiment of Renown, Realm of Chaos, Path of Glory, A Song of Blades and Heroes, and Frostgrave.
There's also Malifaux and Infinity for more regular skirmish games.
Savage Worlds is an RPG meant to be played with miniatures, with expanded miniature rules called "Showdown!" as well.
>games from that 'faggot' companie's golden era
You really are the worst.
Just play it like rogue trader, you have 3 players for a game.
Or could just use min two dm running the scenario and then your "team" or forces under control.
I think it would be a great way to play a game of 40k or Warhammer.
fuck off retard
I did 3rd edition D&D with a "large scale" combat system I wrote that went to a D6 ripoff homebrew for larger scale battles.
Really fun, made it possible to run 100+ model battles.
It was a ton of work to convert every spell and feat but it was awesome.
Good to know there are others out there who have similar interests as my own. I'm actually working on a game right now that includes the very things your looking for. I've always liked the idea of a game where it's your dudes vs. my dudes or monsters. parties grow and players get to play and invest in a growing story of their own making. I loved Mordheim, but always wanted a bit more depth in my rules. So now i've taken it upon myself to create my own.
2E D&D had followers for various classes and purposes. If you just took that and stuck it on a table that might work.
Another really good option for this sort of game is the Iron Kingdoms RPG (the new one, not the 3rd. one). It plays almost like warmachine/hordes, save that your character, or in this case, characters can totally be customized to your liking. Magic is really simplistic though, that may be a beef for some (like me), but the game is very streamlined and perfect for table top combat.
This Scenario is what I've been considering finally running 4e again for.
You want something with fairly quick turns so people aren't waiting too long.
Sounds like a SoBaH campaing. I'm sure you can use other games like Mordheim or Frostgrave too, and I'm sure than other skirmishing games could work.
My personal favorite type of game, shit like frostgrave, mordheim, and SoBaH with a dm and actual RP get my dick hard.
We should make a thread about Skirmishing games, they don't get enough love in this board.
Yeah that sounds pretty cool, I always wanted a 40K version of Mordheim, but you know not like Necromunda. More like a 28mm version of Inquisitor.
there was one the last few days
It got to 70 posts or so and then died.
It's called inquisimunda
> Inquisimunda
What an age we live in.
Does anyone have the pdf. for Inquisimunda? I don't want to have to join their site for it.
Signed up just for you nigger.
Kill Team. And I mean the REAL Kill Team. Not this nancy namby pamby bullshit modern "Kill Team" 40k tripe that GW pushes these days. Fuckin unit XP, point buys, guard patrols. THE REAL SHIT.
Cheers senpai.
The game rules even suggest giving players with leadership-focused characters direct control over their troops. Worked well when I gave the non-combat face/computer hacker control over a couple of thugs with AKs in a recent cyberpunk campaign.
Neither of the thugs survived, but they made a decent showing for themselves before being overwhelmed.