What's an average day like for the civilians of the various 40k factions?
Let's say for civilians living in the larger, safer settlements for their respective factions (think capital cities).
What's an average day like for the civilians of the various 40k factions?
Let's say for civilians living in the larger, safer settlements for their respective factions (think capital cities).
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That does not help, what kind of planet. A hive world, death world, Cardinal world, fuedal world, farm world, imperial world, knight world?
Normal world for that faction. Home world.
It'd be pretty normal.
Somehow you made your question even more vague
for them
pretty downtrodden and with everything taken to the extreme as is usual for the 40k universe.
pretty much everyone lives in an oppressive environment. the kind where you're living in a house beside the walls of a factory that has walls rising up a kilometer in height. a little better if you're a productive member of society, unless you're nobility or you're in a high ranking position of course where you get whole palaces the size of cities to yourself.
OP said all factions not just the Tau.
Just in the Imperium, the larger worlds go from the heavily militarized worlds like Cadia, where you will be training everyday while also going to school (if you're young) or working anywhere, like "wake up at 5 am, going to citywide live fire exercise at 5:30 am then going to work at 8 am"
To places like Holy Terra, with fuckhueg numbers of people working in the different departments of the Imperial Goverment, statistically if you live in Terra you will have way more posibilities to be a weak pencil pusher working in the goverment at a soul killing 9 to 5 work inside a dungeon like office than a hero of the Imperium
>Hive World
>Part of the massive work-herds that work soul crushing ours every day without pause and survive in a hab-stack with dozens of other people you don't know on food that was rendered down from the dying and dead occupants of the same hab-stack. You are a resource that is to be used to its fullest potential, you are worth less than the protective equipment it would take to keep you alive so you do without it.
> Daily Hab Centre Wide Live Fire Exercise.
> Everyone Working as a team, Knowing each other. Forming close bonds.
> Live fire Exercise With your neighbors
> BringyourDaughtertotheSlaughter.mp3
> Low Intensity Las fire teaching people how to be better soldiers.
Cadia Sounds like /k/ Turned into a planet wide Community.
i want to go there.
Well, maybe if not for the Eye of terror anyway.
>Daily Hab Center Wide Live Fire Exercize
The lowest score will be punished with restriction of rations and brutal corporal punishment
> Everyone Working as a team, Knowing each other. Forming close bonds.
Trying to stab everybody in the back, blocs forming to assign blame if things go wrong.
> Live fire Exercise With your neighbors
Live firing with peopel you do not know, but who's life may very well depend on soon.
> BringyourDaughtertotheSlaughter.mp3
Watching that your son and daughter will die in the event of another plantary invasion, or if the Chaos controlled Khar begins to march
> Low Intensity Las fire teaching people how to be better soldiers.
If it is not live fire then it is now a Cadia exercise, it is always full power, live ammo. If you get hit you die.
Seriously, it's not like the Swiss. It would be like Russia and the Soviet model. Complete domination by the upper conscripts of the lower. Brutal conditions, bullying, suicides, murders and extra-judicional killings.
Realistically it wouldn't be scheduled, all firing ranges working 24/7 all factories working 24/7. With 3-5 shifts of workers. Shift 1 sleep / downtime. Shift 2 training. Shift 3 production (ammo/weapons/fortifactions/goods), shift 4 sleep/ downtime shift 5 guard duty. This is how I imagine the average fortress worlder to deal with the constant stress of getting on with work training and duty..
That's a common day in Krieg
Meanwhile in Catachan...
> wake up because a strange sound near you
>oh it's nothing just the tendril of a man eating plant, nothing serious
>kill the plant with the knife you always have under the matress
>go to the letrine, kill about 5 potentially killing creatures you found on your way there
>use the knife under the wc to skin a deadly poisonous snake you found and had to use since you forgot the toilet paper (remember always check that the snake doesn't have poisonous skin before using it as emergency toilet paper)
>maybe you could find a spider or some other snack since skinning creatures always makes you hungry
>back to bed, maybe if you're lucky you could catch another hour of sleep before dawn
>fuck damn... then you remember you will have to pack your Sly Marbo memorabilia collection because the whole camp is being evacuated today since the fucking jungle destroyed the walls last monday
Wake up at dawn, have breakfast, go to universal farmer, open cab jump in.
Till an hour before sundown, drive around planting, tilling harvesting doesn't matter, the universal far does the lot (think a John deer that does every task on a mega farm).
Watch system wide vox cast news, hear the exports are up, feel happy, watch imperial guard and pdf reservist commercial followed by service to holy emperor for next hour.
Say prayers at service end, thanking the emperor for his protection and mercy, get teary as you ask him to protect your 7 so s in the imperial guard, hopefully one of them will send a message, it's been 10 years since little timmy left.
Sleep, and repeat.
No, no no no. Only the Noble familes would live in luxery. The serfs would be heavily tied to the land as in any other menial recource harvesting, mining, crop harvesting, anything like that.
They would be forced to harvest continent wide harvests, they would not all have huge machines to do so. In many cases it would be done the old fashioned way with a sickle and scythe, with great punishments given out for those who fail to harvest their quotas.
They would be far far too much risk if they failed to harvest their quotas, the short version is people starve, armies weaken and the Imperium gets a little smaller.
>down time
Do you even want to die for the emperor?
An agri world of Ultramare would be a paradise for a citizen of the Imperium.
Comparatively, to modern day yes. But it would be still be worse than collectivized farming in the Soviet era.
Despite Ultramar being the best of a bad bunch, I still like to think of it as untolerable and all properganda about it being a paradise.
Nah man, places like Ultramar and other high-quality worlds DO exist in the Imperium, and are more common than people often think.
That's what makes it Grimdark - having proof that life CAN be better, but for the majority of people it isn't and never will be.
You're thinking of an Agri World that is on a feudal level. Expecting conditions to be the same across the entire Imperium is just silly. Some worlds are just 'okay', on levels with what we consider a hectic life today. Some feel the pressure to meet nigh impossible quotas. Others might even be warzones with each harvest a battle in itself. It's all different. Some examples:
>Crop based Agri-World
Harvesting crops, by whatever means necessary. If you need to feed Hive Worlds, expect grueling, back breaking labor. If your order is for a system that isn't as densely populated, expect less of a drive. People may or may not have air cars, but there will be public transports to ferry workers to fields either above or below the ocean, central towns for civilians to buy/sell the things the need for the next harvest, and to make extra money from their own crop.
>Cattle based Agri-world
Sorting out which food-animals are ready for slaughter, and ensure the ones reaching maturity start breeding to replace the ones going off world. Herds will move in vast herds across the planet, with groups assigned to each herd and are responsible for their upbringing. When it's time to pay the tithe, the central hub becomes a deadlocked traffic jam as every herd is crammed into the same place, each farmer arguing over 'who got there first' and 'that brand means it's my [animal]'. The end result is shipments are always late, but the herders are paid proper for their labor.
>Ocean Agri-Worlds
Open competition between Boating-Clans as their hauls are proportional to how much fuel they get from the Administratum. While unloading their haul, those not expected to work the vast city sized nets will be on the sides of the ship, harvesting clams they seeded the side with. The clams would secrete an adhesive that both keeps them tied to the ship and keeps the hull sealed off from the ocean, all the while providing food for the crew/clan.
Cemetery Worlds
>Get up
>Pray to the God Emperor
>Another shipment of martyrs to the Emperor's Table
>The 'table' is located in Mausoleum A8, Column IV.
>The bodies already there have decayed to where there are only bones left. Servitors are almost done collecting them, the new corpses can go there.
>When done, attempt to identify which bones belonged to who
>Ones belonging to heroes and Space Marines can go to a Shrine world.
>Rest get ground up and shipped to the nearest Industrial World for making adhesives or something.
Shrine World
>Get up
>Pray to the God-Emperor
>Pray to the 987 saints that came from this world that now serve at the Emperor's side
>Raise that number to 992, as a new shipment of bones arrive from Cemetary World
>Smells horrible, get a servitor to hose the shipment down with Incense before applying glaze and purity seals
>Dammit forgot the name of this one. Screw it call him St. Penus, no one will even look.
>Put pelvic bone of St. Penus in it's new place, waiting to be used if a Sororitas come knocking and need some relics for a crusade or whatver.
>Pray to the God-Emperor before bed
>Masturbate while apologizing profusely for your sinful nature.
Industrial World
>Get up
>Ecclesiarch says pray to Emperor, the Magos says pray to the Omnissiah
>While they both argue again, flip a coin and pray based on what side it lands.
>Go to work
>Get new shipment for making adhesive.
>Smells horrible. What do they make this out of?
>Lunch, don't leave work station. Operate machines with one hand while stuffing ration bar down with the other.
>Exhausted, but 4 more hours left before your shift ends.
>Ignore your shift supervisor adding an extra '0' to today's quota. Too damn tired.
>Go home.
>Pork spouse. Have to reach children quota by next year or shift supervisor will dock your pay for not providing enough child labor.
So it's agreed that Fenris and Catachan are the worst places to live unless you are the ultimate badass?
>Wake up
>Awfully quiet
>See a little frog sitting on the end of your bed
>Use your foot to hop it off the bed
>Central command loses comms with you and your entire village.
Orks don't have a homeworld.
Meaning they don't have normal days.
Meaning their life is an endless adventure.
In my next life I want to be an ork.
How would a frog like that even evolve to reproduce, if it kills itself as easily as other frogs piss themselves in self defense?
They're rather rare.
>all in all, today was pretty average
Well you don't get to be the ultimate badass by growing up on a filing world.
And yeah, the Administratum has filing worlds.
Just imagine that you have to get a TPS Report to its correct cabinet.
And this is a quest that has been passed from father to son for two generations
When you get there they tell you it needs to be notarized
You weep like a baby
And you think Fenris or Catachan are bad worlds to live on?
I would actually like to live on Fenris or Catchacan because if you survive into adulthood you probably are primo breeding stock
Catachan even has fairly advanced tech. Fenrisians are simply aware that men clad in iron create great stone buildings on the islands that don't shake for half the year (Mechanicus as near as I can tell) and that the Choosers of the Slain dwell on the largest mountain on Fenris and that every now and then when a youth dies gloriously the Choosers show up in great ships of iron to resurrect him so that he might do the work of Russ.
Imperial life is the worst. Endless drudgery and servitude in industrial hell holes. No freedom or decent living conditions, just eat endless shit until you die. Pic related. Unless you're the lucky 0.00001% that gets to live somewhere like Ultramar.
Eldar probably have it the best. Novels make craftworlds seem comfy as fuck when not at war and you're free to pursue whatever interest you want as long as you keep it to one thing at a time.
Tau aren't too bad. Little in terms of freedom to master your own destiny as your purpose is assigned at birth and your government has shades of 1984, but you get good living conditions and you're treated with a level of decency.
Orks have a right laugh. No angst or stress, just the promise of a good fight. Free time involving racing, messing with squigs and just fucking shit up. All in all pretty chill.
>While they both argue again, flip a coin and pray based on what side it lands.
Let's be honest here, if even 10% of the total Imperium was as bad as your pic, it would have collapsed millennia ago. Grimdark is amusing to a certain extent but that's just stretching it past the point of believability to the extreme.
>In b4 welcome to WH40K
I agree user, the imperium is grime and dark, but dependent on world by world. The fact that worlds have different classifications, and different tithes, and in the end treatises with the imperium when they joined the imperium during the great crusade.
It's all there in writing. The majority of the Imperium is a crap sack. You do understand why this is a grimdark universe right? You don't actually think logistics matter in fucking 40k? It's because lives are squandered pointlessly that the Imperium is what it is; a vast, decaying nightmare bureaucracy.
>conscripts of the lower. Brutal conditions, bullying, suicides, murders and extra-judicional killings
litterally my experience with the army, but without body armor armor and a with a weapon that jams more than it shoots
>Maruc crashed down onto the couch, wanting nothing more than to stop moving. For a few moments, that was more than enough. He couldn’t even be bothered to kick his boots off. Sixteen-hour shifts weren’t the worst of his compulsory labour duties, but they were damn close. He drew in a breath that hurt his ribs, getting a lungful of his habitation pod’s stuffy air. He smelled food cartons that needed throwing out days ago, and the ever-present suggestion of unwashed socks.
>Home sweet home.
>By the time the sigh finished leaving his lips, he was already thumbing at his closed eyes, trying to massage away some of the sting from staring at clanking conveyor belts all day. The earache, he couldn’t do anything about. That had to stay.
>With an exaggerated groan, he rolled to reach for the remote control palette where it lay in pieces on the floor. A few clicks later and he’d reattached the battery pack. He repeatedly speared the loose ON button with his fingertip, knowing it’d pick up on his intent at some point. For a wonder, it only took a few seconds this time. The screen mounted on the opposite wall flickered to life.
>Well. Sort of.
>It showed the kind of jagged distortion that spoke of something much worse than a mistuning. A technical fault, maybe. No picture, no sound, no nothing. Not that Ganges’s endless cycle of Ecclesiarchial sermons, obituaries and technical safety broadcasts were exciting, but they beat seeing nothing but static.
>He tapped the volume gauge. Silence became the dead-voiced whispery hiss of interference, even at full volume. Wonderful. No, really. Just great. Like he had the credits spare to call out the technical servitors again? Beautiful.
>He let the remote fall from his oil-stained fingers, where it promptly ended up bisected on the floor, missing its battery pack again. He then said ‘Balls to this’ out loud to the empty habitation chamber, decided he was too tired to bother unfolding the couch into its bed position, and worked on sleeping off yet another pointless day in an increasingly pointless life.
>Was he proud? No. But ‘just’ seven more years of this, and he’d have enough saved to drag himself off Ganges for good, catching a shuttle to somewhere else – somewhere with prospects slightly less grim. He’d have signed up for the Imperial Guard long ago if his eyes could see worth a damn. But they couldn’t, so he hadn’t.
>Instead, he worked the construction belts here, sighing his way through a job deemed too menial to bother programming a servitor for.
New lore is shit, who knew?
Logistics matter, a fucking lot. A single look at the imperial fluff would tell you.
So like todays low wage workers?
>In 40k
Don't be fucking retarded. This is a setting where one Phoenix Lord can curb stomp millions of nids, because the entire setting runs on mythic bullshit, metal album covers, psychic juju and God magic. A million space marines are somehow relevant on a galactic scale where the average war regularly involves millions on each side. Also, aforementioned marines can capture an entire planet with a single company despite that making zero logistical sense whatsoever. No matter how big your muscles are or how good your aim is, real wars are won with holding ground, which you can't fucking do on a planetary scale with a hundred infantry. You couldn't hold a major city with that. But wait! This is 40k, a retarded power fantasy for adolescent children. Good thing only an idiot would treat it seriously as an authentic military enactment.
Don't worry, user! When something gets inside spacecraft, either it's killed very fast or kills everyone on board very fast.
Or stays in the lower levels.
>Wake up in cadia
>Pray the Emperor while doing my 150 daily morning push-ups
>after breakfast go to religious and military class
>Teacher : "Can anyone recite me the fourth paragraph, chapter XXIV of the Tactica Imperialis, page 378?"
>Oh Shit, not me, please
>Teacher : "Conscript user, for example?"
>Fuck. "Hummm... Do not strike until you are ready to uterly... huh to crush the enemy, and to destroy.. huh no... and then attack..."
>Suddenly the alarm begin to sound, cultists are attacking the city
>"Phew, saved by the gong."
>Grab my lasgun and put my flak armor on
>prefect-Commissar inspects the class as we are at attention
>prefect-Commissar executes Jensen since he put his helmet wrong way round
>shit, fucker owed me 12 thrones
>officer lead the peloton to the city to defend it
>"user, to the heavy bolter. Carl, help him with the ammo."
>Start shooting some heretics
>Fuck. Carl get shot by a sniper.
>you're avenged, Carl
>Heretics are finally retreating, we only lost 9 soldier and 5 civilian casualties.
>Teacher : "Ok so here are your grades, Titus B+, nice aiming. Emily A-, good self control. user C-, don't let your loader die next time."
>"All right, class dismissed."
>Come home
>"How was your day, user?"
>"Hi mom, nothing special."
>Get back in my room
>There's a present on my desk?
>Hey, it's a pack of grenades!
>Mom : "Happy 12th birthday user!"
>"Aw thanks mom, I totally forgot!"
>"Don't forget to bring them to school tomorrow"
If you think logistical management isn't as important to the IoM as the defense actually provided by the Guard or the investigation carried out by the Inquisition, you're being pretty retarded yourself. Just because it doesn't come up in the epic stories or SM wankery doesn't mean it's not responsible for keeping that decrepit machine going, while still being as grim dark as everything else.
>decaying nightmare bureaucracy
Whiteshield user was lucky his dad didnt give him a flogging for the C-
Space Straya
>Awaken from the spawning pools
>Chitter and screech as hideous, biomechanical appendages administer brutal alterations to your infant, base form
>Be released from the spawning chambers and find yourself in the enthralment of another synapse creature, higher up the chain than you through sheer genetic inheritance
>Follow your master into whatever task the great collective has set for you, whether it be combat, the gathering of resources or simple maintenance as a drone
>Continue your work without rest or relief, the psychic energies and unbreakable will of the Hivemind pressing even your biologically superior body to its limits
>Await the arrival of a second swarm as you finish your work
>Stand down and be devoured by your replacement
Typical planetary wars are won with ~100 warships, so in order to make the victory work it seems like each Space Marine needs to be worth about as much as a destroyer.
>Ignores a bunch of nonsense logistics
>Provides one instance of logistics being acknowledged
That doesn't unfuck 40k's logistics. It's a setting where ground combat shouldn't even matter due to the existence of world shattering naval power. It's a setting where every "agriworlds" are a fucking concept. There is so much absolute nonsense you have to accept. Go play historicals if you want logistics.
>work soul crushing hours every day
>a resource that is to be used to its fullest potential
Sounds like a Dorf's wet dream.
It's not even a million marines IIRC
Let's not forget the juxtaposition of being murdered by chaos cults and supporters if you don't join them, or being murdered by the brass if you do join them.
Then there's always the chance of just dying in the next legit chaos raid.
Lol Catachan is the best fucking thing about 40K, no doubt in my mind
It's old lore copypasted from 3th ED to 7th ED, you newfag piece of shit.
Fenris sounds awesome
>safer settlements
>think capital cities
That's not how it works in real life. Why would it work that way in 40k?
Why not just virus bomb a planet and save the fucking time and money? Even for 40k that's retarded
They may not have virus bombs in that flotilla.
How does a battle barge compare to an Imperial Navy battleship in terms of tonnage?
With these living conditions, general disregard for human life, and absolute lack of morale or downtime for snu-snu, how the fuck does the population grow?
They could still bomb the fuck out of a planet without dropping a hemoroid on it, even taking a thunderhawk and accelerating it to mach 2 and remotely crashing it into a city would cause major damage
Except for the one part about the commissar. Cadian Commissars are very loyal towards their own men. A Cadian commissar would never execute his own White-shield and a non-Cadian commisar would never exist inside Cadia.
But it adds to the funniness so I'll allow it.
>virus bomb a planet
>save money
Because that helps Nurgle.
Why waste Thunderhawks when you can just use fucking missles? Also virus bombing the planet takes about the same amount of time and doesn't always work. The enemy can go underground and quarantines themselves from the virus, they can be deamons or Nurgle cultists and the plague doesn't effect them, or the planet can be under attack by Tyranids and you want to deny them the planets resources. This is fucking 40k, sometimes blowing up an entire planet really is the best possible option.
because they want to use the planet's resources, you fucking dip
can't do that with clouds of life eater floating around and a surface that is now entirely toxic sludge
>Hiveworld Ivar IV
>Get up as state-mandated alarms ring
>Give prayer to the Emperor and saint of my choosing for the day
>Take a ration bar and tuck it into my jumpsuit
>Work 12 hours of backbreaking manual labour
>Give a prayer to the Emperor during the 7.23 minute break half way into the shift
>Eat ration bar throughout day
>Inhale deadly toxins constantly
>Come home and finish the last of my ration bar
>Give a prayer to the Emperor
>Go to bed
>Summon energy to plough wife so our kids can earn enough money for me to one day cut my hours back to 8
>Be me, Third Shift Turret Operator Fourth Class aboard the Mars-Class Battlecruiser Just Blade Of The Imperator
>Wake up in my closet sized private room, dress in my uniform, grab a nutritious kelp bar and reconstituted vat-protein shake for breakfast
>Report to my gunning station, where my father served, his father served, for a thousand years
>Damn chair still squeaks after a century
>Targeting console smells like stale cheese
>Watch console for 8 hours straight in case battle is joined so I can use the turret to try and shoot down attack craft or torpedos
>Nothing. Eight hours of absolute nothing, and shift overseer yells if he catches my attention drifting for even a second
>Quiet as a tomb except for the overseer yelling. Please, enemies of the Emperor, please attack so I won't be bored anymore.
>Wait for first shift to relieve me of duty, head to turret gunner meeting hall to drink with work buddies
>Obscura always makes me feel ill
>Head back to my room
>Maybe next shift will involve combat for once
>You can only hope.
>No, no no no. Only the Noble familes would live in luxery. The
This is directly contradicted by books such as 15 Hours.
Sounds like your average day in the Navy.
Poor religious people at risk of dying anytime for anything spew tons of children actually.
Orks have ork worlds run by orks with only orkoids on them.
The average day on them probably involves about six fights before the ork in question eats breakfast (a passing snotling). Otherwise an ork can do pretty much whatever the fuck he wants.
Fenrisians, at least in 30k, have "breeding slaves", so I'd imagine that turnover is pretty high.
>Be me, Axelicka Da Ork Boy
>I only licked me axe once and all da boyz make fun of me for it
>Wake up in a bed of fungus
>Rottablott Da Bad Moon is standing over me
>Punches me teef out
>Get up
>Try to get teef from the other boyz
>They beat me up too
>Fine, snotling again it is
>Finally, get to make me axe snazzy, time ta have fun!
>Big mek grabs me and makes me haul his bitz for three hours
>Okay, now I can-
>Painboy injects me with some kind of squig paralyzer and uses me mouth as a tool tray
>Finally escape
>See Rottablott talking to his bad moon buddies. They haven't seen me
>Bury me axe in Rottablott's skull, grab his teef pouch, leg it
>Hiding from Rottablott's boyz when da weird purple bush I'm standing next to asks me if I want to join da Blood Axes
>He finks I'd make a good kommando
Dis wuz a good day.
Must have missed this, where was this brought up?
>Paradise World
>Get up to the sound of windchimes rousing you from a restful sleep,
>As you enjoy a morning meal of Grox sausages and eggs made from a local bird, you remind the kids today is Saints Gathering.
>The tradition goes that the Emperor can only get nutrition from the St. Ballius Onion bulbs that bloom every tertiary season(the seasons are split into number of days since each day is pleasantly warm with a nice breeze)
>The kids go out into the fields behind house to gather as many bulbs as they can find. They're pretty easy to locate. Just look for the sweet smelling grass
>They come back, arms filled with onion bulbs. This ought to help their school jump ahead
>Second part of the tradition is the schola that brings in the most bulbs during a harvest gets the week off.
>Your kids celebrate as they get first place with 2.5 tonnes of onion bulbs, the next schola only bringing in .7
>It helps that their schola crammed the next 5 grade into the campus so students up to year 8 go there, rather than traditional schola that only have up to year 5.
>What kids don't know till year 9 is that the onion bulbs are actually processed to create a combat stim with no side effects, at least no short term ones.
>It is rumored even Space Marines use these stims, but it's only a rumor.
>Your quota is already met this year, so you decide to take the family out to the beach and play in the sun for the rest of the day
>Still have to report for work tomorrow even though the kids get a week long holiday.
>Wonder if other Imperial worlds have to deal with stupid drek like that.
>Penal World
>Got sent to this desert hellhole 15 years ago because they ran out of prison space
>I was born Sandas Morrowig Tertius III. On my paperwork, I'm #515316189. The natives of this place call me Chazzwalla for some reason.
>Wake up shortly past sunrise because my shipping container house starts to turn into an oven
>Shake out my boots for Tailsnappas, smack my jacket for Bitemezzas, check my pantry for Lotzleggas
>Nothing too poisonous today, thank the Emperor
>Eat vegetable paste on stale bread for breakfast, wash it down with recyc-water
>Report for work at the mines, dodging the toxic grymeroofas, the angry snafdoofas, and the horrible snogs
>Work in a mine pulling up adamantine ore for 14 hours, pull up two tonnes
>Earn a tin of veggie paste, a loaf of bread, and a day off my six thousand year sentence
>Head down to the pub with Feelgozzer, Yellabella, Deetreezer, and Stabby Steve
>Pub is closed on account of Crimson Death Trots
>Spend the evening shanking rival workers instead and make eyes at Rippawella, gal's kinda cute
>Hope the mine doesn't run dry again, my car is broken and the Tiahrulahs charge an arm and a leg. Not necessarily your arm and leg, just someone's.
>Head home and seal the door against Boomsnazzas in the night.
>but the herders are paid proper for their labor.
Yeah, paid in thrones, or shmeckles, or whatever the local currency is.
Prospero Burns.
>wake up
>eat light breakfast, not too flavorful
>I think I'll join the path of the Baker today
>go to bakery
>begin preparing a loaf greater than any a filthy beastlike mon-keigh could
>take dump a clumsy mon-keigh would give its whole life to merely look upon
>the Seers call the craftworld to war so I have to go as a guardian, some shit about them being on a maiden world we seeded 20 000 years ago
>get killed by smelly ugly lumpy mon-keigh marines
>when my spirit stone is installed in the Infinity Circuit, I discover my bread is a hair overdone
>it's ruined
>my spirit weeps perfect tears
>such is the tragedy of my people
The Emperor's love is the only real payment they need anyway.
Overseer of a Feral World
>Roused when alarm goes off.
>Walls are being attacked again by some tribe of Road Warriors with more balls than brains.
>Kill the leader and herd the rest into an enclosure
>They'll be part of our next Imperial Guard tithe.
>Go back to sleep. It's 32:00 in the frigging morning.
>Stupid 68 hour day cycles...
>Be archivist for the Inquisition
>One night I went to bed as normal, woke up three weeks later in a secret Inquisition space fortress
>With the things I know now, I can never, ever leave
>Every damn day, I follow the torturers into red walled rooms and watch them extract knowledge from people until all that's left is screaming meat to be shoved into a disposal chute
>I write down everything that's said
>Every single word
>Other scribes reduce my transcripts to neat and clean information for acolytes to study
>Every night I have to tranquilize myself to stop the screams echoing
>According to the torturers, I've exceeded my estimated employment time by over 2 years so far
>I'm too scared to ask what that means
>I've only seen the Inquisitor once
>He met my eyes, smiled, and nodded
>I've never been so scared in my life
>When do I stop being scared?
I made a homebrew Guard regiment kinda based on this.The Higharc Hellions. The entire culture of Higharc is based on fighting and dieing for the Emperor. The planet only has a billion people yet always requests to provide the same Tithe as Krieg, and are denied.
Higharc is only granted permission to raise 4 regiments every ten years (along with it's Tithe of Food stuffs and shoe laces). Due to Fighting for the Emperor being the highest possible in Higharcian culture, nobles get dibs on being in the Guard and spend most of their time (that isn't doing their real job of overseeing the farms and small factory, governing settlements, and paperwork) training for combat. The lower castes can play the lottery to win a spot or fight in tournaments to the death to be proven worthy.
Ships that visit Higharc have to be careful as the peasants have been known to hijack ships and go on their own unofficial crusades.
In time that the Sector is at war, Higharc is allowed to create more regiments.
Most believe being reinforced by the Hellions is a horrible sign, as they always request insane suicidal missions.
Congratulations archivist!
For your mental fortitude you have been selected to be a field agent, now get in the shuttle and investigate the possibility of a Chaos cult in the designated hive spire.
Failure will be punished by death.
Welcome to Dark heresy
Never brought up once in Prospero Burns m8
Same, if not heavier.
Battle barges are of similar size but are up armoured to be able to run blockades
What about a feudal lord of a feudal world?
>Tomb world
>Stand in a big vault with everyone else for a long time
>Get called to war
>Stand in big vault again
Having to deal with stupid peasants and Imperal overseers that know more than you ever could, and being careful not to treat the latter like the former by mistake.