Does Veeky Forums do a secret santa?

Does Veeky Forums do a secret santa?

Not in fucking JUNE

Would you trust ANYONE on Veeky Forums with your home address? Think very carefully.

>not using a friend's

>not using a po box

Some friend you are

>not using a poo box

That's what you'll be getting if you do a Veeky Forums secret santa

I'm asking early so I don't miss the sign up.

/Toy/ does multiple successful secret Santas every year, and they're all colossal faggots. Why can't Veeky Forums?

/a/ also does secret santa and that hadn't gone badly.

some threads on Veeky Forums have secret santa and it goes quite well, though exchanging virtual names is not the same

I believe it is called pdf share thread


because, admit it, if you sign up for a Veeky Forums secret santa there is an undeniable chance you'll get a dragon dildo, if not several.

>you'll get a dragon dildo, if not several
>Veeky Forums
>believing /k/ would actually share their dragon dildo rations with anyone else

/k/ shared their normal dildos during their secret santa and mounted a double ended one as a rifle scope

We had a /wip/ Secret Santa last year that was awesome. I got some AoS chaos guys and sent some chocolate and bones figures. You'd have to be a complete pus to be afraid to give a stranger your address. Whats the worst that could happen? Gonna send me a bunch of pizzas? Fucking man children.

that was a dildo scope. They make those.

>/wip/ Secret Santa last yea
wot? I follow /wip/ all the time and completely missed this...
Now I feel like that unwanted guy at the parties. Thjat is so mean..

I think only around 5-6 people participated, pretty sure one guy got stiffed, the gift was supposed to be valued at $10. Im on my mobile or I'd post pics. The guy I got was in Australia

if you do it through amazon wishlist you can hide your adress

I'll pay more attention this year.