Hey Veeky Forums, Remember that time when you absolutely demolished your target?
Yeah, I don't either.
ITT: We tell stories where GMs denied you glory.
Hey Veeky Forums, Remember that time when you absolutely demolished your target?
Yeah, I don't either.
ITT: We tell stories where GMs denied you glory.
never because my DM is only a cunt to make sure we earn our glory and not when we have it
>Playing in a Pathfinder game (first mistake)
>Low level campaign, level 6 characters
>Play wizard
>Early on in the campaign, get a Black Tentacles scroll as loot from the first "boss" of the campaign. (For those unfamiliar, Black Tentacles is an incredibly powerful spell that grapple-locks everything in a large area and does decent damage to boot)
>GM tells me I can cast from this scroll, despite not being a high enough level to use the spell normally.
>Fuckyeah, trump card for emergencies.
>Hold on to scroll for about 3 more plot arcs
>Get in a situation where we're up against the GMs super special werewolf boss monster
>Start getting mauled cos squishy mage
>Decide to use my scroll to get away and keep this thing locked down until it's transformation wears off (or at least until other party members can get there to keep me from dying)
>Cast spell
>GM fiat says the werewolf basically rips all the tentacles out of the ground as and is pretty much completely unaffected
>Trump card I've been saving for 3 plot arcs...
>Get mauled, almost die, party members almost die, lots of innocent civilians die
Decided to not really say anything about IRL because everyone else thought it made the boss more intimidating and the encounter more exciting... but I was still pretty pissed that something the GM knew I was saving as a secret weapon pretty much got fiat'ed into uselessness because I decided to use it at a moment when it SHOULD have been super effective.
You had one of those GM's that "worked too hard to let you ruin it"
>Playing Vampire: Dark Ages
>My Salubri healer character had just perished because of plot reasons, so GM made me prepare another character to take his place
>End up deciding on a Koldunic Sorcerer with a focus on fire and spirit magic
>Admittedly these two in conjunction are absurdly OP, because fire magic deals very high damage and spirit magic essentially just boosts the range of all your other spells to absurd levels (like 100 miles or something, it's stupid)
>GM says ok, but he'll houserule a bit to make it not that OP
I should say that our party was already fairly OP, because we'd been vampires for quite a while at that point
>First of all, fire magic, without spirit magic boosting it, will have a range of just a couple of meters
>Alright, that's fine, I was planning on boosting it almost all the time anyway. Just a bit more prep work, I can work with that
>Secondly, I can't start out with spirit magic as my main path
>In fact, I can't start with it at all. I'll have to learn it with experience points as we play
>That stings a little, but I still think it's fair. I'll have to earn my power.
>Also, all magic paths will have their XP costs increased by 20%
>Starting to push it here
>Except spirit magic
>Spirit magic has its cost increased by almost 500% (after the first level, it levels up with the XP cost of a 6th rank spell, rather than a 2nd rank spell. 7th for 3rd, 8th for 4th, etc)
>Figure I'll just give up on spirit magic entirely and just learn all the other paths and some body altering powers
>Eventually end up becoming damn near invulnerable because of how body alteration works anyway, so it's fine
>Somehow trigger a death flag for my character, which GM lets me know about
>He says he can save me, but doesn't tell me how
>He does it by making my character a Wraith through IC reasons that kinda sorta make sense maybe
>Now my stats are horrible, because I have to play in a way my character was never meant for
I'd have been fucking furious.
>Vampire the Masquarde
>I'm a 14th gen Caitiff with Temporis(long story.)
>I'm really useless since there are actually relatively high gen vampires in the group.
>I don't tell anyone my discipline and keep it secret the entire game.
>One of the Sabatt have a nuke
>They're planning on blowing up the city and we need to find it and disarm it.
>I never got to use Subjective Suspension to lock the nuke out of our timeline since the campaign ended because of drama.
>I'm a 14th gen Caitiff with Temporis(long story.)
It better be. That's literally impossible under normal circumstances.
Also, that sucks.
Yeah, but sometimes it's just not worth it to get ragey and ruin the game for everyone else.
Yes and no. Yes because ruining everyone's time is really shitty. No because his big moment was just written off for the sake of one encounter.
I'd of talked to DM post session and asked him about it.
I was going to, but by that point everyone had spent the night having fun and I was just like "fuck it... who cares, I'll write this one off as poor decision-making and let it go."
>be half-ogre barb
>party member is an autistic manchild bard like a typical 12 yr old Call of Duty player
>bard constantly taunts and damages my character
>intimidate him; succeed
>he ignores the effect; DM does nothing
>he continues to taunt without penalty or believable reaction; DM does nothing
>smash his face with an oversized great axe
>score a crit
>damage dished out at triple his health
>everyone in party LOLs hard as they all saw this coming
>DM immediately goes into damage control mode and denies my character the kill as the bard manchild was his best friend ooc
>bard player goes into brown nosing kiss ass mode to DM
>bard pc and DM tie their anal rings with bromance super glue
>they both pause the game and spend 30 minutes questioning if i "really want to do this"
>leave the game
>everyone else in party leaves the game
>DM contacts me 6 months later lying and begging me to come back, that he needed to side with the manchild due to sympathy (crit fail to convince me)
>reject, block and ban him from contacting our group ever again
Nothing of value was lost.
>Using social skills on other players.
Seriously, the GM should have never allowed that in the first place.
I forgot to add that the DM threatened to end the campaign and blame it all on me if i were to kill the bard. This is right before mfw entry
He clearly didn't, and user got ultra buttmad.
Wasn't even mad. To be fair, DM said that I should roll intimidation so I did.
thankfully not
i did, however, manage to destroy the GM's BBEG in the first session of mekton zeta
apparently infinite-burst, 1-kill anti-missile/anti-personnel laser beams are REALLY effective when you crit twice in a row against a human target, with all your luck points added on
>26 kills (mecha-scale damage) even with the BBEG's insane dodge value of like a 20 after rolling a 4
>around 650 hits (25 kills is a 'hit', on human-scale damage) of damage
>average human has about 10-12 hits of damage, bodyparts are destroyed or severed when they reach -5
>DM sits there for a few minutes before saying that the former BBEG is turned into little more than dust on the wind
so now we kind of need a new big bad guy to do neat mecha stuff with
that said, i think the tendency to one-shot BBEGs runs in the blood, since my brother one-shot the BBEG of my GURPS campaign with a fucking huge sniper rifle on turn 1 of combat with him, after having to roll like 3 times and take the worst result due to the boss' luck trait.
dude did like 8d straight to the guy's head
>tfw I won't ever size the means of production
Why live?
Gotta love gm:s who respect their players and let them have fun
>Play Illusionist
>Monsters believe my illusions are real but still act in a strategic way which would only make sense if they knew they weren't
This is decidedly not a that DM moment, but it upset me a bit.
I made a gunslinger,a dwarven musket master who was only a little min-maxed,only cha below 10, and that was 9. I went through 3 levels of being slow and borderline useless in combat until I got to level 5. Rapid shot, Dex to damage, vs touch AC meant suddenly I was wrecking shit at a decent level. When I got my second iterative and our party gained a haste-happy wizard, I was knocking out 4x1d12+(6-1 1) a round, with 4x crits. I was trivialising encounters as long as I avoided the front line, and got a distance enchant to outclass archers completely.
I got three sessions like that before we had a chat and I got nerfed. Fair play, but I will miss being an engine of death.
It'd be a move action for a musket master to reload, how were you getting 4 shots of a turn?
I'd kill to have players as chill as you, my players bitch endlessly if circumstances give them a -1 to attack rolls.
GM made me a glorystealer the first time (and only so far) we played dark heresy.
>enter a dodgy run down building with a bunch of locked up mutants in the basement
>they point to a bookcase that opens into a secret tunnel
>we enter it
>go into some wide open sewer system area
>fighting through some rabid mutants using columns as cover
>operationally operating through this area is pretty easy mode
>then a giant fat creature with all sorts of vials and tubes through his back bursts out of the sludge
>GM tells me I throw a grenade at it, didn't want to but he already rolled the damage and it just so happened to blow through a few columns we were using as cover
Cutting to the chase here
>running and shooting at this guy down for around 15 minutes until it falls on one knee
>arbite guy takes this as his chance
>pops out from cover and charges at it
>bayonets the creatures knee then blasts it with his shotgun
>brutal as fuck description of how he tried to stab in right behind the kneecap then pushed the barrel forward so as to shoot the cap right out of his leg
>GM hems and haws over if that action is even possible before "letting it slide"
>describes the creature standing up after this shot clearly pissed off
>everyone wots
>my turn
>I shoot it in the chest with my lasgun
>it topples over dead
>GM laughs and says "yeah it was hard to mess that shot up, it only had 2hp left!" then gave me a larger share of the xp
I don't remember how DH works too well, but I'm sure this thing had hundreds of HP
The worst part for me was the last thing I remember happening before the session ended was the cult being tzeentchian when everything before was pointing to nurgle.
I only did this to my old GM because he was alwayd being a stupid
>hurr, roleplay and don't just say you attack
And if we ever explained even a fairly simple combat manuevre, we'd be slapped with penalties.
Fuck that guy. I didn't even want anything other than the opportunity to make combat less dull.
When I say "circumstances", I mean shit like fighting in the middle of a blizzard against creatures who used to surviving in that environment, when the players decidedly aren't.
I never give penalties for players describing how they attack, in fact I give them bonuses if they come up with something effective or clever.
>WoD: Vampire
>Pot 2, Str 10 (blood buffed), Dex 7 (blood buffed)
>Willpower Point to hit, Willpower Point to damage
>surprise attack vs target with like 2 dice for passive Soak
Storyteller should have known better than to prance political enemy right in front of the beatstick. While said beatstick is armed and in Obfuscate.
Eh, in situations like that give the monsters a bonus, not a penalty to the PCs. The effect is same and you get less whining.
>Partymember betrays us
>Everyone else is confused
>Open fire
>Two crits and a hit
>Each crit is easily enough to one-shot him
>oh his soul escapes because by dying so evil he became a demon
>next time he'll be literally immune to everything
Oh fuck, that just reminded me of a similar thing with a witch I played. We were fighting a Paleoskeletal Triceratops, basically a huge skeleton with a petrifying burst attack. So I cast Black Tentacles, locked it down... and the DM had it use the petrification on them, causing all tentacles to crumble into gravel with no check or save. I argued though, pointed out it was a spell effect, not a creature, and if they got petrified then a fireball would too. We went back and forth but he relented, and all the other players were sort of "Man, just let it slide. Rule of Cool, why you gotta be like that?"
At most maybe you could petrify one tentacle at a time, but only if you can petrify unliving objects.
And there'd be item saves.
I was mostly annoyed that the DM just Noped my big spell for the day. And that everyone else thought it was awesome.
>Playing 3.5
>Based control cleric master race
>Build my character completely around CC and focus on single target shit
>Do basically nothing most of the campaign because I don't want to blow my load on trash mobs
>Get to the boss
>Some super high level caster dude
>Cast paralysis or some other spell that paralyses him
>He can't cast or move while paralyzed
>Dm looking through the book,
>I cast remove paralysis
Either he's a prepared caster and no BBEG is going to come prepared with that, or he's spontaneous and no spontaneous caster is going to choose that. And sure as fuck no BBEG is going to prepare it with silent spell.
After session DM says that "he worked so hard on the boss" and that the campaign was based around him escaping here.
I stopped playing the campaign after that.
I'm DMing now and this guy has been badgering me to try and let his bard have a 2 in one crossbow and lute
It's not impossible, caitiff can learn any discipline.
This makes me fucking livid.
GM wants your ass, mate.
not so much denied glory but i can tell DM really didn't want me to start a race war just so i can get my buddies out of jail
and only begrudgingly allowed it because i rolled a nat 20 to whip the crowd into a full on revolution
I think it was more he thought I'd never played an rpg before in my life, which is why he took over my character some times or gave me A or B options to choose from even if I wasn't interested.
>Playing Dnd 3.5(I know I know)
>Fighting duo battles
>I'm a level 8-ish wizard,my teammate's a ranger
>We were up against a homebrewed class,a ''black'' mage and a berserker
>I start chaining enervates,the berserker loses like 7 levels
>the mage quick casts a invulnerability sphere or some shit
>He and is familiar are unarmed,no saving throw
>The ranger one-shots the berserker
>I teleport next to the mage,and I start fucking his shit up with blasters spells
>He dies,but the Dm just says that his familiar grapples the ranger's pimp ass pet
>The familiar is a homebrewed beast from the Shadowlands or something(an area,according to my Gm,that plays at around level 50)
>Mfw the black mage's spirit summons a flesh golem from the berserker's corpse,I get one full action.
>Cast a wall of dispel magic around the golem
>The spirit gets in the golem,and the golem gets out of my wall because of Gm fiat.
>I start pummeling it down with every spell I have
>I kill it
> Mfw it's a plot hook,and we don't get the rewards
Fuck I hate this Dm,but it's the only one in my area,and he can be decent at times,but holy fuck are his homebrews convoluted.
Should I continue?
yes please
sounds interesting to me
>playing FATE
>we're a bunch of people who hae been empowered by the gods of Greek Mythology
>soldier empowered by Apollo, got a golden gun
>he's had quite a character arc, with the big bad killing his former CO who was like a father to him, and then him giving one of his eyes to Nemesis for revenge powers
>we finally catch up with the bad guy as he attempts to turn himself into Fenrir, (we interacted with other mythologies too) and start the apocalypse early
>blow all my fate points at once, tagging everything, his entire backstory in one shot
>it adds up to something stupid like 15 on the dice roll, where 8 is the usual highest you can get
>in other words, this guy hit with enough force, the gods in olympus should've felt it
>"no effect, the transformation is already beginning!"
>still takes all the fate points I'd been saving up
Alright,so I've got a few tales to tell,which one do I start with?
-The lolsorandumbverse
-The Wizard Island
-The worst Deal ever
-The dumbest goblin uprising,I've got a few others,but let's keep to these for now
While that seriously sucks, I feel like I could totally do something like that as a GM. E.g Thoughtlessly/accidentally stealing the thunder from a player in the heat of the moment. Especially if you weren't talking about how excited you were to use finally bust out your favoritest scroll; I'd honestly probably forget that it meant that much to you. (Literal ADHD DM)
I hope that I'd try hard to make up for it though, if I realized my slight.
>Hey Veeky Forums, Remember that time when you absolutely demolished your target?
Yeah, I do. Finger of death on that fuck-
>Yeah, I don't either.
You don't?
>ITT: We tell stories where GMs denied you glory.
I have no such tale. Fuck me for posting this crap.
lolsorandumb please
I got to go crush some scrubs at a Mtg event,but I'll get to it when I get back
Fuck this I'll tell the story of how I almost did this but in the end did not and it made the game great.
>A western game with Gurps what had lasted for several games
>Players finally reach one of the finale scenes where the BBEG forced players to do mexican stand-offs while he and his lackeys just watched
>Had prepared an deus-ex-machina by an familiar npc to save the pcs in the last moment
>First they have to fight against guards
>After one battle by a player and a guard two players would have been pitted against each other
>Prepare for the deus-ex-machina
>One of the players who was supposed to fight against the guard before the real battle played a farmer's son, whose family was killed by the BBEG
>Motivated by revenge
>BBEG sits in a chair about 20 meters behind the guard
>Player asks the guard to jump down
>Realise what he is going to do and ask if he really wants to do it. There are enemies everywhere aiming him so he wouldn't have any time to aim so the penalties would be horrible
>Player says yes
>Calculate the penalties by the books and end up with horrible penalties. 4 or lower with 3d6 to succeed.
>Player is little upset by this as the success chance is minimal but still decides to take the shot
>I'm tempted to start the deus-ex-machina before the shot, but keep my cool and let the player take the shot and die. After that I would have the story go how I wanted
>Player throws 4
>Kills the BBEG with one shot to the chest
>Fuck this
>Fuck my story
>This is so western
>Start up a huge fire fight which ends up with TPK
>Best ending in a game I've ever had. Everyone enjoyed the epic ending
Sometimes TPK is the best way to end the campaign
My GM thought I'd gotten around too many combat encounters with tricks and workarounds, which, of course, isn't how you're supposed to play the game, you idiot.
>You hear [a powerful monster] behind the door.
>I don't wanna deal with that right now. I'm gonna go back to that last room and try one of the other doors there.
>The door behind you [pops into existence and] is locked.
>Can I pick it?
It can be a free action. Order of reload speed goes full round, standard, move, free.
Rapid reload takes it down to standard, and the use of alchemical cartridges down to move. Then at level 3 there is a deed which lets you treat two handers as one handers for reloadin as long as you have one grit. Single handers start as standard actions.
Simple, but nobody else I've spoken to has seen the possibility for the rapid firing musket until its pointed out to them.