Saw this on /pol/.
It really makes you think...
Saw this on /pol/.
It really makes you think...
The problem is that /pol/tards see everything that isn't extreme/alt-right as "marxism".
They're mentally retarded.
Sounds about right but this thread is unnecessary.
How many people on /pol/ have a university degree? How many people on /pol/ have a university degree majoring in political theories? How many people on /pol/ have actually been educated on critical thinking within an undergraduate + setting?
If researchers were able to somehow reach out and analyse the people who frequent /pol/, a very clear clientele would emerge.
Anyway talking politics and anything very serious online is, as a rule, meaningless.
>It really makes you think...
Does it now?
>yeah sure I'll keep my politics out as long as everyone here agrees with me
>there are people who disagree with me? well I guess I'll have to continue educating them
No, /pol/. You don't own this fucking board and nobody owes you a compromise. The fact /pol/ isn't a containment board like /mlp/ is merely a grave oversight of the administration, it doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't self-moderate or remind you of your pathetic subhumanity. Fuck off, eat shit, and kill yourself.
He says that but I've yet to see OP think at all.
He's just regurgitating the stuff he saw on /pol/ and hoping that it makes him seem like an intellectual.
Usually when people on /pol/ have an university degree it's something that lands you a job.
Tumblr/marxists/leftists/whatever don't own the board either.
And they don't post here.
>Tumblr/marxists/leftists/whatever don't own the board either.
They're /pol/ too, motherfucker. Political discussion doesn't belong here, and should be kept in its fucking containment board. I don't care if your issue is with the patriarchy, the jews, or whatever, just fucking keep it to your board.
But first, we've got to know what are marxist politics exactly .
>Tumblr/marxists/leftists/whatever don't own the board either
I think you just mean "normal people".
>And they don't post here.
They certainly do, but I don't think it's as rampant as OP's pic might make it seem.
That's what OP's pic is about.
Anything that isn't literal national socialism.
If you're not a nationalist and a capitalist (oxymoron I know) then you're a marxism jew lover.
That's a good point. /pol/ thinks that they should have their own safe place where only the ideologies and politics that the vocal group on /pol/ agrees to are seen. Any unpopular opinions are attacked and any attempt is made to silence them.
Meanwhile on boards like Veeky Forums we may have vocal disagreements whether DnD [insert edition] GURPS, Pathfinder or 40k are good or bad but we don't try to drive the discussions of Veeky Forums related stuff out of here simply because we might not like some of those games.
...Well maybe the arguments over quests counts but other than that, 3.5 (for example) has a lot of haters but they don't argue that talking about 3.5 should be banned.
I'll tell you what. He says no compromise? I agree. So fuck you, shut the fuck up, go away, and hang yourself. No compromise with any /pol/ horseshit.
The next time I see fucking Stalinists on the board, I'll tell them the same thing. But as it is, all I see is a bunch of faggots trying to nurture their own little Sturmabteilung everywhere they get a chance, and it doesn't belong here. So die.
>That's what OP's pic is about.
He's saying to keep /pol/ in Veeky Forums. Fuck him, and fuck you.
Jeez, calm down. Why do you think I'm a national socialist? You are bringing up the politics right now.
Nope, fuck off. I'm not playing this game. No one on here who says they don't want to see anything like this is being unreasonable. It's a board for games, not a soapbox, not even if you "don't agree with him, of course, but you know, he's got a point if you think about it" FUCK OFF.
Pretty much, /pol/lacks are just tumblrinas on the opposite end of political spectrum, not that I can tell half the time. They don't care for debate, just reinforcement of their own staggeringly idiotic beliefs.
*Unsheathes accordion*
*Teleports behind you*
nothing personal fritz
Well yes.
But then you was like
>But as it is, all I see is a bunch of faggots trying to nurture their own little Sturmabteilung everywhere they get a chance, and it doesn't belong here. So die.
Pointing at me for doing what exactly? I was basically meta talking all the time, or when did I bring up my own political views?
> You see that shitbag who keeps pushing his agenda
> Fuck him lets do the exact same thing
So close to a moment of lucidity, and yet so far.