When was the last time one of your characters caused a Götterdämmerung?
When did you last slay a god?
When was the last time one of your characters caused a Götterdämmerung?
Other urls found in this thread:
Armageddon, Ragnarok, Apocalypse
literally: dusk of gods
DM's campaign was basically, "the royal bloodline is the linchpin that's keeping the universe running" and the king was old and dying. The only other member of the family is the princess, who has been kidnapped.
Bad guy transfigured the princess into a dragon and left her behind guarding something. We fought her. I killed her. The universe started falling apart. Unbeknownst to us, the king was kaput. The GM hadn't expected me to do that much damage that quickly. The universe started shaking apart but we managed to rez the princess before everything fell apart. She gave us the finger and planeshifted out.
And that was the last session of that campaign. So, as far as I'm concerned, I destroyed the universe. That's what happens when the GM deliberately wants to run a "high-level powergame" in DnD 3.5.
From German Götterdämmerung (“twilight of the gods”), especially as the title of an opera by Wagner; by erroneously translating Old Norse ragnarǫk (“fate of the gods”), misconstrued as ragnarokkr (“twilight of the gods”).
>Learn to google
That's not really an apt picture, not at all, you dirty silvan yokel. Praise our King and all that, but don't fucking misuse the sacrifice of the greatest elf to ever live.
>be me
>around a year and a half ago
>get invited by several friends I didnt know knew eachother to a session of dnd
>make my first char all by myself
>show friend who is supposed to dm
>says its alright, shows it to his friend who i hadn't met
>a few weeks later new friend comes to me asking if i'd like to play in a game he'd been wanting to run
>say yes
>tells me it's an epic level campaign
>have no idea what he's talking about
>also tells me that it's 3.5
>no idea what he's talking about
>still k with it though
>he knows i've never played before, offers to make a character for me
>still k, ask for something that lets me get into mad fisticuffs
>he says sure thing
>several weeks later
>day of the session
should i cont? never written this before, it actually gets pretty interesting
Maybe not kill but definitely dethrone, my character caught and imprisoned a wild primal goddess and made her his prisoner and eventual spouse.
cont anyway
>i am presented with the character, and he explains everything about it to me
>a lot of people show up, and it wasnt even everyone
>dm, me, 5e friend, his gf, another friend and his gf, and the guy's house this was at
>7 in total, there were going to be 9 or 10 of us i forget
>me, level 30 monk, bladesinger, wizard, psion, ranger, and bard
>game start, it's the godfall
>dm going into detail about what all's going on
>no idea what he's talking about
>everyone else does so i nod
>after the beginning scene we're transported to some sort of hall where a bunch of gods are present
>they tell us Orcus is up to some shit
>also tell us we get some dank reward if we go fuck him up
>and by tell us i mean teleport us to some desert
>dm tells us we can see some huge ass tower in the distance
>between us and the tower is some canyons, we got 3 paths to choose from
>pick one at random
>we're walking down the canyon minding our own business
>fucking blue dragon out of nowhere
>bladesinger and i charge at it, hit it a couple times
>don't do much damage
>it rekts the whole party in a single turn
>before it finishes us it pauses, looks up, then gtfos
yes go on
>we take a breather before going on our merry way
>our merry, 10-50 hp way
>even to me the fight seemed a bit unfair
>through the rest of the canyon path nothing happens
>eventually we come across a wall
>huge fucking wall
>it's not the tower wall, but is a structure at its base
>wizard does some wizard shit and we start walking through the wall
>about halfway through a ring falls down on us
>dm doesnt explain how and noone questions it
>bladesinger does a check to see what it is
>we are informed that it inverts things about our physical appearance
>bard puts it on
>apparently she was no mere bard, but in real tight with some goddess of beauty
>her boobs grow so huge theyre on the ground
>hair falls out
>grows a unibrow
>overall just really fucking disgusting, so the ring comes off and she's back to normal
>cont through the wall and we're in a hallway with a fucking huge set of double-doors
cont through doors
My players are halfway there.
The short summary is that 5 adventurers wrote themselves into the laws of the universe long ago, and have since reigned eternal. The players have managed to write themselves into the laws of the universe, and are halfway towards achieving godhood, upon which they will be able to kill the previous gods, the adventurers.
>>her boobs grow so huge theyre on the ground
Was this specifically mentioned?
>we go through the doors
>they slam shut behind us
>dm tells us to make reflex saves
>wizard fails, dies immediately
>turns out we should have listened to the dm warning us to not go through the big spoopy doors
>huge hall with a singe enemy
>an arch-lich
>who had a readied meteor
>now we have to fite mr lich after barely healing from the dragon
>bladesinger and i try to flank him while bard and ranger do supporty bard and ranger things
>bladesinger getting into an argument with the dm about the lich already having a readied metor and is now also angry that he's covered in a greater sphere of invulnerability
>im just trynna have a good time anons
>so i try to use my STRONG PUNCHES
>and miss all of them
>on all of my turns i land maybe 2-3 hits
>all of the damage done to the lich was by bladesinger and ranger, wtih some psion help
>psion was p mad about that sphere too because the dm hates psionics and was treating them as spells
>eventually the lich gets tired of our bullshit
>or was just tired in general, idk
>he teleports out of the room
in even more detail, the whole ring thing took about 15 minutes. apparently it inverted all of it's wearer's physical features, but that was it
>turns out someone knew how to heal so we get the wizard up to positive hp
>looking around the room it was quite empty
>only a throne, and a door behind it
>party is pretty fucking tired but we need to keep going because theres some sort of time limit
>now that we know we're in a liche's domain we're rightly spooped as the dm wanted us to be
>noone wants to go ahead because we're so low
>my monk had the highest hp at the moment so i volunteered to scout through the door
>just some stairs
>when i get to the top theres a hallway with a fork at the end
>proceed with great care
>not really, was running
>decide to turn right
>another fork, go right because left was a dead end
>at the end of this new hallway there is another door
>i open the door
>i step through the door
>as i step through the door i am informed that this was no normal door opening
>and every extremity on my body is trying to teleport somewhere
>different somewheres
>very painful 2/10 would not recommend
>dm has me make fort saves to not lose my appendages
>fail one, my leg tears off
>grab leg
>manage to get back into hallway
>dm lets me reattach leg because i was ethereal at the moment
sorry if im slow typing by the way
>leg is safely not torn off
>bolt back to the party
>tell them it looks more or less fine provided we dont let our limbs get separated from us
>we all go up the stairs this time
>party doesnt know where to go so i have to lead them
>never explored that first left turn
>PCs don't know
>just tell them that it's the correct way
>not too far down this unexplored hallway we come across two doors on opposite sides of the hallway
>we open the left door
>there's a coffin inside
>and a vampire inside the coffin
>bladesinger tries to hit it, gets brushed off
>then our bard (5e's gf) and wizard (other friend's gf) make a very elaborate and highly detailed attempt to seduce the vampire
>most uncomfortable 5 mins of my life
>dm allows it and i quote
>he cums so hard he blasts himself backwards, hitting the wall behind him and knocking himself unconscious
>we loot the room
>bladesinger finds an ioun stone
>puts it on
>dm tells him the pool of blood from where the vamp kicked his shit in looks pretty tasty all of a sudden
>and the other PCs look pretty juicy
>he lunges at me
>avoid his attack, grab his arm because i thought thats where ioun stones went
>try to take it off from there
>dm informs me that ioun stones go on the head, lets me redifine what i did with my grapple
>instead of having his arm in mine in a lovers embrace i now have him in a chokehold
>someone else takes it off of him
It was a long time ago in a 4e campaign
>Game centered around stopping an evil god from taking over the world or something
>Made an Avenger, so expect plenty of RP'ing opportunities
>We have plenty of other melee characters as well
>Most of the game is railroaded
>At one point the DM puts us on a trail and says like 5 times "Don't step off the trail"
>One guy does to see what happens and all of our characters' families die
>Almost at the end, we're only level 5 and fight a bunch of cultists in a cathedral, and there's a sword in the middle
>Monk, who is the DM's brother, immediately grabs it
>Evil god were working against appears and fight starts
>Monk holding the sword does double damage and takes 1/4 damage
>Everyone else deals half damage and takes full damage, which is like 30-something in AoE
>All other melee characters are immediately sidelined because they'd die in no-time otherwise
>See "Ranged basic attack", deals shit damage and probably will never hit
>Only attack I use the entire fight
>Spend the rest of the fight playing Pokemon on my DS
>Manage to kill the BBEG with ranged basic attack
All in all, pretty shitty experience
before anyone asks, yes, i had completely forgotten about my stunning fist
>no other loot in the room besides the vampire ioun stone so we check out the door on the other side of the hallway
>nothing in it really
>unless you count the wraith
>the dancing wraith
>who is very angry that we interrupted his groove
>bard appeases the wraith by dancing with it
>wraith gets served
>and then enlightened
i feel i should mention that this was supposed to be a 1-shot campaign, so the dm was rushing things and letting certain others go in our favor to hurry it along, the entire session lasted 12 hours
>we check the room, nothing of import besides a locket with a picture in it
>we do not pocket the locket
>we in stead proceed down the hallway
>at the end, there is yet another door
>ranger peeks through the keyhole
>sees a baelith (baeloth?) reading a book in a comfy chair in a room full of books
>in the next moment he instead sees a baelith's eye looking at his eye
>busts the door down on top of him in the same instant
>turns out there were some lesser demons in there with it
>fight ensues, we kill them without much of a problem
>no loot to be had :c
>guess what's in the room though
>another fucking door
>we go through the door
>by go through i mean destroy because we're tired of these surprise fights
>there's not much on the other side though
>besides another door
>break that one too
>this one opened into a huge room
>might even call it dragon-sized
>theres a dragon in the room
>the blue dragon from earlier is the lich's fucking pet
>big fight ensues
>the ground is covered in gold coins that the dragon has electrified, so people standing on the ground take damage every turn
>somehow we kill it without anyone dying
>i use "we" lightly because i didnt get to do much
>landed a single hit during the whole encounter
>my stunning fist that i'd forgotten about
>useless against a dragon but at least i hit it
>the dm was actually pretty surprised we won
>gave us schweet loots because we defeated a blue dragon in its lair
>really sweet loots though, he actually let us think of any single item and we got it
>i dint know what i wanted so i just said "ioun stone of great strength"
>he didnt want to give it to me but did anyway
>dm describes the room to us
>we can't see the floor because of all of the gold, but there is a platform in the middle and there are 4 doors
>one door in each cardinal direction
>do some splorin'
>one door had more gold, but this was a manageable amount
>except it wasnt gold, just chocolate wrapped in some gold-colored foil
>another had rust monsters
>ranger tamed one and named it fluffy
>we feed fluffy the gold wrappers
>this is very important for later
>i forget what happened in the last door, but long story short the dragon lair started falling apart
>we manage to amscray to the middle platform
>barely made it
>fluffy died saving us
>tears shed
>there's a hole in the middle of the platform
>cant see the bottom
>lair still falling apart
>it's the only way out so wizard makes us not die from the fall
>at the bottom is a quite large cave
>cave has a river of lava cutting it in half, and a rope bridge connecting it
>think Fiona's place from shrek but in a cave with the dragon already dead and a portal to the infernal plane
>there's also a portal to the infernal plane on the other side of the cave
anyone still reading?
>we cross the bridge without a hitch
>dm tells us we see something standing next to the portal
>looks like a skeleton
>a very angry magic skeleton
>teleports to the middle of our group and screams
>3 of us including me fail the fort save and die immediately
>I believe the bladesinger, ranger, and bard now have to fight the lich by themselves
>he was actually pretty beat up still from our fight earlier so they manage to pull it off
>bard was loaded btw
>turns out she had 3 scrolls of wish
>uses one to resurrect the three of us who'd died
>entire party knows we need to rest before heading into the portal
>dm really doesnt want us resting
>says everything in the tower knows we're there by this point
>we dgaf and wizard casts some wizard thing to let us hide for a bit
>dm grumbly
>says it allows us to hide, but not long enough for a good rest, meaning no restored spells or power points
>we finish resting and head through the portal
>all i remember after getting through the portal is pretty jumbled for several reasons
>1st off we'd been there for at least 10 hours by this point
>2nd the dm was really rushing things and had to blend like 3 parts of the campaign together so we could finish in time
>basically we end up on the level of the plane Orcus is on after some time
>accidentally step on a demi-lich on the way there
>dm doesnt feel like doing the encounter so says it's actually one of bladesinger's old pcs
>apparently he was legitimately retarded and fell off a cliff and ended up here somehow
>we go on and find another big wall
>and another huge set of double doors
>but these were even bigger
>they were also guarded by 2 terrasques
>one of them ate the ranger who had to cut himself out
>the other one was getting triple teamed by me, the bladesinger, and the bard
>the psion and wizard both had to leave prior to the encounter but came back after
>i land a quivering palm on the one that wasn't hungry
>the other one was dealt with
>we use our second scroll of wish to wish them out of existence after they get low enough
>apparently they were mating because there was a huge fucking egg nearby
final part next post
>we go through the huge ass doors
>Orcus is behind them
>later find out that he wasn't supposed to be but the dm wanted us to finish
>we all attack him on sight
>he more or less ignores me and the bladesinger because melee
>mostly aims his shit towards ranger and wizard
>made it really hard to keep up with him because he was moving to keep them in range and they kept running to stay out of range
>we gradually whittle him down
>he actually stayed put one round so i managed to get a full attack off
>my fists were on fire
>literally on fire
>i ended the flurry of blows with an uppercut and screamed shuryuken irl
>not my proudest moment but we all got a good chuckle out of it
>he died several turns later
>bladesinger grabs his staff and we all get teleported back to wherever it was the gods were
>they very happy we got his staff
>grants each of us our own personal "wish beyond a wish"
>dm says to say what you want and it's a permanent part of your char
>bard got her own slice of the celestial plane and raised the terrasque we found outside orcus's wall
>ranger got a terrasque as an animal companion
>I, again, couldn't think of anything and said what sounded nice to have
>I wish for such a great understanding of all being's anatomy that all of my confirmed hits are confirmed criticals
end story
I have yet to play another campaign besides one that died on roll20, but me and some friends are trying to play sometime soon, I've been making char sheets for fun in anticipation
>don't fucking misuse the sacrifice of the greatest elf to ever live.
>implying that's a picture of Fëanor
Read a book.