Vitalik is the best

Fucking love this kid.

1. Gives zero fucks about his wealth. Openly announces his own coin is overpriced 500%

2. Gives comments like pic related. Anyone smart knows what hes talking about and he will not succumb or even pay any attention to sjw guiltists or trolls trying to make him feel awkward

3. Constantly reaffirms his dedication and autism through his blog and reddit account, which are complete technical hieroglyphs to any normie with zero respect paid to the market itself. Hes just a programmer at his most pure core

Frankly, Eth will make it. Vitalik does not have weakness of people like Roger Ver, who spaz out at the community. No bullshit like OMISEGO, where that faggot spends all his time trying to take photos in front of logos faking partnership. No inner turmoil like Serfag, who is currently all fucking emo and hiding out in his eastern european abode fucking whores with our money.

Just on his computer toiling away, changing the world, and making me rich

Other urls found in this thread:

It's sad because he's right

fucking retard
Child porn imposed risk on children involved in the industry
You actively promote and build the industry by possessing it

Eth will make it but zero respect for Vitalik

>having to compare vitalik to ver and sergey
this much cope

ETH has been consistently underperforming against BTC for the last year or so, also, any normie seeing this is going to think he's a pedo.
While I respect your enthusiasm, I think you're going to be posting pink wojaks for many years to come

Vitalik is a crypto chad

literally the opposite

How so? The argument here is that just having child porn doesn't help the industry nor does it harm any children since you didn't actually finance the industry by buying it (the keyword is POSSESSING it, not buying, not copying and sending to your friends, just having it around). He's right.

>children involved in the industry
there's no industry. according to the police, majority of the material comes from fathers wanting to share with the community (90s, usenet).

I just realised how this is somehow even more fucked up.

ETH is much more useful for the purpose of trading for alts. When normies begin to get into alt trading, they'll be buying ETH to do so.

I can see ETH going to $1000 in just a couple of weeks.

There was a context for the tweet and if you had bothered to read it and had the cognitive capacity to understand it you'd know his tweet was against a specific kind of pro-drug argument, not an expression of support for the legalization of child porn.

a week ago ETH holders were bragging about how much faster it is then bitcoin

then digital kitties get popular and it all goes to shit


>le industry
people dont pay for cp you tard, its already illegal and if you want it there is no more barrier to entry because of simple possession being illegal

How does doing heroin endanger others? Maybe you can consider trafficking, overdosing, but those doing heroin responsibly aren't endangering anyone...

he looks like krokodil is more his kind of thing. koding for krok

>I just realised how this is somehow even more fucked up.
possession cannot happen without production. it's a nonsensical argument by vitalik and frankly, disturbing for anyone holding ETH. if he cannot see this connection, then what else is he missing. quite a lot, apparently

Yeah child porn is seriously fucked up. The thing is, for the moralist hyperventilating of /bizpol/ over this, Vitalik never said that CP is ok! Honestly nobody gives a shit outside of the echo chamber.

its pretty fucking bad iv haven't been able to transfer anything.

you fucking retard that is the point he is making

>ETH is much more useful for the purpose of trading for alts.

Because it's more efficient to swap between exchanges?

>Vitalik never said that CP is ok!
by proxy, he did, but he can't see it, and apparently neither can you

that's the whole fucking point retard, you aren't very smart are you?

no he didn't, and anyone with a brain can see that he didn't

read this user's post. you're making the assumption that possession implies demand

When the team says the coin is overvalued - you know that's a solid af investment

Indeed. Transfer fees are lower and

are you the dumbest mother fucker on this planet? did you REALLY just spend some time to type those words out? holy shit, i need to go get some air.

Is he now having paid shills trying to improve his public image due to his commie/pedo outrages?

Sure whatever, no one gives a shit regardless. Hasn't affected the value of ETH one goddamn bit, has it?

I dont even know why im arguing this because i think child porn is despicable, But..

the main arguments are, your harming children, your funding the industry that harms children etc. So what about the kids that go on shit like periscope and other live streaming places and generally act like morons, getting naked etc of their own free will? Curious about the arguments against it. (Im against it either way)

more like paid core shills trying to act like he said anything bad

Right, because people produce products for which there is no demand

its up over 6000% on the year you braindead newfag brainlet. yes that’s 6000% compared to btc which is up a little over 1000%. which one would have been a better investment a year ago?

you could argue that your possession / aquisition of the material has no impact on the amount of cp produced. That is, of course, only as long as there's no market situation that creates an incentive.

Either way, since your possession, as someone not involved with the 'scene', sends no feed back to the producer in any way, pedo-skelly is right.

It's essentially like witnessing a fire works show. You seeing it has no impact whatsoever. It's an externality.

And the time where him and his boyfriend publicly stated they would use all the tools at their disposal to shut down right wing apps on the Ethereum network because they consider themselves devout communists? Very decentralized of them.

And the time some kid sent some command to a smart contract that shouldn't have done anything and instead nuked hundreds of millions of $ of ETH? Like last month?

Or the DAO shit?

Eth will not make it. As soon as a competitor comes out that does what Eth does better the will have their market share eroded until it dies.

>Vitalik never said that CP is ok!

I always thought calling him a pedo was a joke.

Don't be anger, bro

in the world of cp, yes. it's produced by other pedos to share with eachother. simple possession, not paying for anything, doesn't increase demand either.

You're raping those children over the internet with your eyes because they only do it for attention and don't know any better. You're taking advantage of your position as an observer to force these children into doing lewd things and you should be hanged for it.

>t. "conservative" Burger

the sad thing is I can't even tell if this is a shitpost

You are emotional retard FUDer
He said, he can argue.
Meaning, it is possible to come up with some points supporting such claim.
That did not refer to his opinion.

Man you are missing the point. Here vitalik comparing the possession of heroin and the possession of child porn. For the sake of the argument imagine some heroin appeared out of nowhere in your hand | some child porn appeared out of nowhere in your hand. Please be less retarded

Lol why are you assuming i watch? I clearly said i despise it.

>one thing that never involved Vitalik, but a person whose twitter handle is literally "unchained," and two fuck-ups by third-party programmers

Not seeing why any of those things reflect on the money skeleton.

hes a diddler lover

Year ago yes.
6 months nah.
It almost flipped BTC, but burned itself touching the sun. Tanking in BTC value ever since.

you could as well not take/sell the heroin or use it in an appropriate way (which is to alleviate intense physical pain), but experience a normalisation effect from the cp, making you unconsciously a tiny, little bit more likely to accept or even 'overlook' the vile act of child molestation.

(you can easily argue both perspectives)

Just giving you the argument against it m8, since you asked.

Ah sorry, gotcha. Thats a pretty good argument against it. Ignorance. Kids are retarded, theirs no disputing that.

I'm not making any assumptions, money skelly is merely pointing out you can either isolate the possession or consider the broader implications for each. What the guy he slammed was trying to do was trying to isolate possession for only heroin. It is this simple.

Yeah. A lot of adults are retarded too, but they still do porn and it's not illegal.

You know if CP was legal it would be legal right.

do you know what possession means? possession was always legal in places like japan even though CP is illegal.

>You actively promote and build the industry by possessing it

what the fuck are retards like you constantly talking about when you say ""the industry""? no one is fucking selling kiddie porn in back alleys. all the kiddie shit is made by family members or guys that fly to some third world country and post the shit on the darkweb

no one is buying it, that's a riduclously high risk for no essentially no reward no matter how big of a fetish it is for you

pedophiles should be executed or rehabilitated or whatever i don't give a shit, but Vitalik is right here. schedule 1 drugs minus marijuana are much more harmful than some fat neckbeard watching kiddie shit on the darkweb

the problem lies with the deep emotional damage pedo shit leaves on the psyche of children.

now when whatever the kids do in front of their webcam is not sexual in nature, but instruction-less voluntary innocent play, the situation is ambivalent at best in regards to them.

I'm trying to find a definitive argument against it, but am getting no where without either changing the nature of the play, coming up with a time-based argument (that'd be so-so), some slippery slope, or redefining the victim (as in society is the victim).

saying they unknowingly prostituting themselves doesn't cut it without any damage done.

>kids that go on shit like periscope and other live streaming places and generally act like morons, getting naked etc of their own free will

Well first off free will doesn't exist. Having a passive attitude toward activities that degrade the popular morality and community stability is a behavior that can do nothing but harm society, and likely the individual.

Well said, user.

This is why I'm accumulating ETH, and not other coins like LTC or XMR.

2018 will be ETH's year. We will see $1000 per ETH in Feb or March.

The web is already full of porn anyway, i think half of the web is porn? how much of that is cp? 10%?

You can't even dodge it as a kid on the web, put a kid on a computer and just by clicking like a retard on pornsites he will find cp.

he was just strawmanning the libertarian he was arguing with by equating drug use with child porn production

you are victimizing the persons in the cp again by viewing it. they did not consent to having images of them being violated viewed by people.

possession of cp should be illegal because of this.

Also what are schedule one drugs these days in my time it was coke and heroine and all but today, i dont even know what sort of weird stubstances are out there, there is stuff even available now that's not even outlawed.

Not saying cp is right, infact not any porn is right but it exists. And cp is outlawed and still exists. So outlawing something doesnt make it not exist.

eye rape!!!!!!

people talking about Vitaliks health and looks...he doesn't have to eat like a normal person. all he needs is a little fluid (green tea) and a connection with the source code of which the life force flows through. he is a tibetan monk reincarnated whose reality exists on a higher multidimensional plane.

yes ofcourse, but one could always argue he didnt hurt the child and he's not responsible for putting it on the web in the first place, he simply found it for free on the net.

I know sounds very ancap but in a way it's true

>but one could always argue ...

but he has no license. that's theft.

Fuck me so many pedos and pedo sympathetisers here
When did Jews infiltrate this board

How do the people in it know that you're viewing it unless they're distributing themselves? If you go download Jennifer Lawrence's fappening pics and jerk off to it right now, will she be harmed?

Does pirating a movie encourage Hollywood to make more?

he violated the NAP?

jews spread the anti-pedo hysteria when it's 100% natural and extremely common, so they can promote people they have dirt on as pawns. why do you think there's so many high level people connected to it?

kek. no. ancaps do not believe in intellectual property.

vitalik speaks in code logic. not in social logic. OP is trying to point this out. yes, vitalik uses very poor examples to prove this code logic. hence his lack of social logic. being able to distinguish between the two and react objectively is a good indicator of ones IQ. Now you on the other hand, went straight to illogical social garbage spewing hate and bigotry. who has the higher mind here.

what if two kids same age below 18 wanna fuck and put in on snapchat or shit ?

and a pedo downloads and jacks off to it ?

how is that harmful mf ?

Totally agree with you. The board apparently sees nothing wrong with child porn. Veeky Forums really is the bottom of the cesspool...

As an attorney with many colleagues that actively prosecute child porn production, distribution, and possession, there is absolutely an industry. People profit on this at the expense of innocent children. Possession of child porn is illegal because our society still actually has some morals. Attempt to cut off the demand (argument as to whether it actually does... but again... morals) to prevent innocent victims.

Good read user

Fucking idiots. No one films CP anymore. There is no CP industry. All CP is filmed by that weird alcoholic step father / uncle during the late 80s to early 2000s and have VHS quality
This. They barter trade and use Monero for escrow. Buy Monero, it has much utility and will moon to $500 EOY

You’re an idiot if you think that’s what the law is trying to prevent. How do you illegalize some child porn but not others? Then you have to prove that the porn was not created through duress. It’s almost impossible. We illegalize child porn to reduce demand to prevent the victimization of children. It is unbelievable people who aren’t addicted to child porn can defend this...

does childporn even exists ?

i have searched every porn site but everyone looks above 18

how can a 50y old fuck a 10y old its not even physically possible

This. CP is degenerate as fuck I hope you guys get the FBI kicking in your door for that shit

If you’re ok with being wrong, then more power to you...

Even discussing this, this guy sounds like a faggot.

Yes user. It exists but you have to purchase a monero subscription. And >9 years old are good to go user

Except owning child porn does hurt people. You are supporting, directly or indirectly, a practice that irreparably wounds children forever and turns them into psychopathic adults who go on to molest other children.

A drug addict nodding out in his room is worse than possessing child pornography?

I bought more eth when I heard about this t b h
Just proves Vitalik is /ourguy/.

k guys

Here’s the flawed logic. If people didn’t want to fap it to naked Jennifer Lawrence, then why would someone hack her phone and leak the pics in the first place. Supply and demand. As an “investor,” I’d assume you’d understand the concept.

bet you are a conservative/republican

they love a good old pedo to defend

Vitalik said "simple possesion"

what if you keep it but dont watch it ?

i have lots of movies i pirate but then dont watch .

I think I have a weird emotional attachment to ETH, I'm watching it just slide down and down vs BTC but I just want to buy it all. Hell I might even margin.


Wtf is this passive aggressive argument? It is only excused if you possess female reproductive organs. Fuck you roastie and buy Monero you cunt

These are completely irrelevant to his comments

why are you talking about hypothetical scenarios defending child porn? this place is filled with so many retards, most of which are american.

americans are the hyper anti-pedos because they've been fed the patriot act their whole lives.

>No medium of exchange
They weren't hacked to provide us with pictures to fap to you brainlet, they were hacked to be extorted. Things went bad and he just doxxed them all

the patriot act is 17 years old you dense shit

yes, started when most people here were growing up. do you think USA government decided anything to let your privacy back? no, privacy is bad! are you a pedo? then you dont need privacy :) pedo is the most evil!! give us backdoor :)

As a hacker hackers dont hack primarily for fapping/money they hack to see if they can break security for ego its that simple.

If you want to learn hacking for money/fapping you can never become a hacker you gotta think beyond it

Dude. It’s ok. You like kiddy porn. You’re in good company here.

I argue for a living and love making the counterpoint. But sometimes the counterpoint isn’t worth making. I’m not saying Vitalik was advocating for child porn. But the people on this board are justifying it. That’s sick.

it's jennifer lawrence, not jennifer roastie from block C

You're hitting nails. It's about high level targets, no one gives a flying fuck about low level targets.