How do you imagine a slaanesh empire?
How do you imagine a slaanesh empire?
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Several nations that can't agree with each other on such important matters:
1)Who's the ruler
2)Whose fetish is objectively superior
3)Who's the best waifu/husbando/both
In crumbles, rolling in its own piss and enjoying it
Rome x /d/
Someone who is obsessed with order to slaanesh levels of obsessesion enslaves an entire planet and meticulously plans everyone's every move and action, raising others up as "monitors" to similarly micromanage not only their own lives but everyone else's. Using the superlative and frightening efficiency derived from this insane adherence to order the military, who are all completely and utterly dedicate to their one task, be it being the best transport craft flier to an obsession with marksmanship, then spread across systems leaving behind masses of people to be converted.
This lasts a few years before slaanesh cultism runs it's inevitable course and the empire collapsed from the inside out as the previously emotionless and autistically order obsessed central government bureaucrats delve into depravity. Without the constant micromanagement of various small tasks the empire quickly collapses into disorder and debauchery before being inevitably re-conquered and subsumed by it's neighbours, who find most inhabitants incurably insane and mutlilated. Some planets would have to be abandoned due to daemonic incursion, the central planet being most likely one of them.
joust tournaments
beauty tournaments
talents tournaments
all the tournaments
tournament may involve waging war as against a random faction as celebration for the winner
Basically America, with a bunch of idiots playing politics as a hobby, pushing it to absolute extremes
So a more prudent Rome?
Caligula: the 1979 Movie.
Like the druchii, but about 5 or 6 times more extreme.
Sounds like now.
Fucked up.
>Not Elagabalus
>ITT : people who fell for the slaneesh sex god meme
You guys are worst than frogposters.
The Crossed.
People like you who engage in Slaaneshi double-think are the worst. He is a god of sensation and limitless obsession, thrive for perfection is a mere part of it.
Hell scene from Event horizon laced with roman architecture and more focus on genitals
loltehsex DX amirite OMGCOKELOL
Check out the Tome of Excess, a Slaaneshi expansion book for the Black Crusade RPG. One of the Slaaneshi planets described has all the inhabitants somehow linked to the nobility, so the commoners feel all the emotions and sensations that the nobility does. It's how they keep everyone under control. Naturally, there's lots of court intrigues and debauchery, etc.
Slaanesh is the god of excess, obsession and selfishness, even more than the other ruinous powers.
So, I imagine Slaaneshi society to be very highly strung and competitive, with everyone desperately trying to out-do everyone else in their field and anyone falling short of perfection being constantly humiliated and filled with shame. People will do their best to modify themselves with drugs and training to really love their work, because it's a terrible thing to be merely competent and content. Everyone wants to be the best, but of course they can't so there is a constant struggle as they push themselves harder and harder, working themselves to death while insisting that they love it, unable to admit that they aren't the most ambitious, dedicated, obsessive freak in their profession.
At the same time, there's pressure to be excellent in other walks of life as well; everyone needs to be beautiful (by chaos standards, of course), wealthy, in a fulfilling master-slave relationship with the perfect number of mutant dickgirls, etc.
Social status is highly visible to everyone in the society, with constantly shifting indicators of everyone's relative standing. There is a strict hierarchy, with everyone constantly being sabotaged and degraded by those more powerful than themselves.
Aesthetically, of course, it's a mix between a BDSM fashion show, a coral reef and a serial kiler's basement, but the underlying structure is quite similar to a really socially conservative Asian country where everyone is obsessed with 'face', social shaming is widespread and being a workaholic is practically compulsory.
Like ancient Rome, except even more sex
Roman empire under Caligula.
Ugh, celeb worship - kill it with fire. I'd rather worship any other chaos god in this case.
Kinda like pre-Slaanesh Eldar or Dark Eldar,
The lower rungs of society might be subject to having sensation stripped away from them as a form of torture. They are kept in constant darkness, all their possessions have to be the same shade of grey or they have masks permanently fixed to their faces to limit their vision. The most sensitive areas of their bodies must be kept covered or numbed or simply amputated. Their food is bland and unappetising, the sounds they hear muffled by cloth wrapped around their heads, their noses are plugged so that they can smell nothing. The only real thrill they have is when they are rewarded for their hard work with a painful electric shock or chemical burn from their masters. They constantly try to perform better in the hope of getting the sweet blast of agony which gives their lives meaning.
Meanwhile, the upper classes are in a constant state of sensory overload. Different noises being piped into each ear, their palaces a riot of colour and varied shapes. Their skin is carefully flayed or etched away with acid to expose the nerve endings. Metal rods are driven through their flesh and into their bones so they can fully experience subsonic vibrations reverberating throughout their bodies. Their food is agonisingly spicy, painfully sour, sickeningly sweet or horribly salty and they take one bite from each elaborate dish before losing interest.
Fashion changes by the minute, with designers and tailors following the wealthy around, rebuilding their outfits as they walk along. If a noble sees a commoner with an appealing eye colour, an especially beautiful nose or a mass of fleshy growths that they like, they will have their surgeons amputate the body part and graft it onto them.
Everyone works in a carefully choreographed way, under the eyes of psychotic taskmasters who fly into a rage if even a single step is out of time. Nobody ever relaxes, there is no privacy, no escape from the relentless anxiety and shame of inadequacy.
This is getting good. Keep going, user
Modern day where every single perversion is normalized and normal people are oppressed.
Dark Eldar
They abhor chaos it is true, but their extremes are very close to those of the Empire which birthed Slaanesh. They live their life in extremes of depravation and desire that Slaanesh approves of in principle even if s/he hates being denied their souls.
It'd just be with humans and more religion.
So, this website?
>How do you imagine a slaanesh empire?
A "hellraiser society" basically.
>Everyone works in a carefully choreographed way, under the eyes of psychotic taskmasters who fly into a rage if even a single step is out of time.
Like this.
Mmm Mmm, such great political discussion guisess.
Well, the society of Lady Charbydia in Daemon World was a great example of how Slaanesh worlds worked. There is also the brief description of the pleasure world ruled by the Emperor's Children in Talon of Horus.
From these, I deduce the following
>Vast slave cast that performs all of the menial labour, manufacturing, agriculture, ext, most likely augmented by automated machinery. Heavily subjugated by Military class
>'Gentile' class, more common Slaanesh worshippers such as artists, gluttonous chefs, musicians, ext, who perform and please the upper classes with their acts and are rewarded for it.
>'Military' class, dedicated war-worshippers, who honour Slaanesh by constant flagellation and blood sports when not actively engaged in a war. They also function as the 'law' enforcement.
>'Higher priest' class, real sorcerers of Slaanesh and those gifted by Slaanesh in some way that lead ceremonies and sacrifices
>'Higher Aristocracy', many those favoured by the Lord/Lady/Council, who govern the land when they aren't engaged in seriously degenerate acts.
>'Ruling class', which may be only one Lord/Lady and his/her/it's advisers, or a council of highly esteemed Champions.
I view it was a mix of ancient Sparta and Caligula-era Rome, but obviously highly coloured by the rampant hedonism and self-indulgent practices of Slaanesh.
The middle classes walk a fine line between deprivation and excess. They must be beautiful, but aren't allowed to stand out too much. They have access to a range of experiences, but a limited one. Conformity and carefully controlled expressions are the order of the day.
As you move up in society, the degree of sensation, expression and individuality you are allowed is gradually increased in tiny increments. Bodies are bound tightly into the acceptable range of shapes, faces are covered with hoods and masks, each one demonstrating the status of the owner by how far it is allowed to deviate from the bland aesthetics of the lower classes, how many openings it allows the wearer to experience the world through and how readily you can use it to identify the wearer.
Most people are bound by strict restraints, both physical and mental. Their bodies are forced into tightly buckled and laced garments, while their limbs are bound to the instruments they work with, so that they can not stray from the patterns laid out by their obsessive supervisors. Their speech, behaviour and even emotions are all made to match the acceptable standard for their rank.
Everyone is constantly praising their god and those immediately above them in the hierarchy. They force themselves to laugh or applaud for hours every time they see some new piece of art or hear some new music composed by the elite. No matter how ugly or incomprehensible the work is, each of them will insist that they have an unique appreciation for the artist's genius right up until the point that someone of sufficient status sneers at it, at which point they immediately declare that they hate it and always have.
>take one bite from each elaborate dish before losing interest
I wonder what freshly FRESHLY milked daemonette milk tastes like.
I wonder... can you eat a manifested daemon?
I haven't read a lot of Warhammer stuff. mostly out of thinking it's all badly written garbage to sell over priced plastic miniatures.
So Slanny is the chaos god of excess, obsession, sex, drugs and rock n' roll. why would
condone sensory deprivation of anyone? I thought Slanny would have liked extreme pleasure/agony for everyone.
Then again how do you have a civilization like that even work without it immediately crumbling into hedonistic filth, or the high lord of STDs wondering how it would feel if everything was fire.
The nobles and champions of a slaaneshi society inspire fanatical devotion in their followers, who will do anything to please their masters and bask in their glory. of all chaos factions, a slaanesh controlled one would be the most structured. The champions are really the only important ones, everyone else just exists for their pleasure.
Slaanesh isn't just about excess, she's about extremes. She doesn't just "lol sensory overload for everyone" she likes to plumb the far extremes of emotion. For instance, raising up a lowly pea ant to greatness, allowing him to bask in glory for a while, then instantly take all of that away and reduce him to a blubbering idiot shitting himself at the expense of his peers. Slaanesh would let you have a family and live happily for years, then make you fly into a berserk rage and rape and kill all of them before returning you to your normal state, just to feed off the sadness.
forgot my picture
>why would she condone sensory deprivation of anyone
To see them shiver with antici
sounds incredibly boring
I guess a mental mind fuck can be nice
It'd be excessive.
>why would she condone sensory deprivation of anyone?
To punish them, and being deprived of all stimuli is the ultimate form of punishment in her mind.
From the smallest village to the greatest city everything is perfection. Guards stand watch in in ornate armor melded with their flesh so as to as perfect as possible, cities are filled with artists competing to create ever more beautiful art, and the very world itself bends into an exquisite perfection. Beneath this outer layer of art and beauty lies a rotten truth. The perfection of this artistic paradise constantly marred by hedonistic celebrations of every scale as whores and gluttons stain the silk sheet that is the empire with their filth and putrid vileness. Those who do not conform, either failing to measure up to the standards of perfection or indulging in the endless dark writhing of flesh, spirit, and pleasure are twisted into horrible forms by the denizens of the empire. Their very flesh used as a tapestry upon which the vile deeds of their tormentors are ascribed. Virtuous maidens frolic in verdant fields each day. Tempting onlookers who will upon nights fall attack them and desecrate their innocence before being attacked and consumed by those they defiled in an orgy of sensation. Music both beautiful and haunting fills the air, clashing with onerous trumpets and the calls of the depraved and their victims turning every moment into a constant bath of sensation and pleasure and endless tides of pleasure and flesh and oh Simgar save me.
Praise Slaanesh may he embrace us in his motherly embrace and usher in an empire of unspeakable pleasures
>higher priests
>not worshiping Tzeentch
it's like you don't want hope or change
I got burned out in those with Obama.
>not worshiping Nurgle
I'ts alright, frogposter.
Nurgle still loves you anyway
No need to imagine.
Basically the Eldar Empire right before the Fall.
Much like any modern country or civilization
Bickering, politics, alliances, pacts, everything as we know it.
People wake up and get to work at 9, they either love it or hate it, art, film, media its all the same.
Except with have the 2 minute fuck, where it is the 2 minute hate but ANYTHING goes. Sex, drugs, rock and roll etc.
I'd imagine that the maintaining of normality only makes the extremes of those 2 minutes sweeter for Slaaneshipoo, and the act of breaking it lethargic enough for her.
Inkopolis from Splatoon.
>Everyone is concerned with being the most "fresh".
>Their racial pastime is spraying their own bodily fluids on each other.
>Sound based weaponry.
>Nothin' with booty like that can be too pure.
>And tentacles, can't forget tentacles.
More of a Slaanesh utopia than an empire.
Oh wait, the subjugated Octopuses forced to live underground and the Jellyfish people who seem to do most of the menial labor.
Who is this semen demon?
Besides the sexual side, your description is eerily similar to republican rome.
This is super-imaginative, bravo user.
But holy fuck this society would be completely incapable of self-defense.
Not that user, but the "war" problem would solve itself quickly.
Battle itself would be a reward, especially for the lower citizens that can't afford the marvels of sensory stimulation available to the élite.
Leaving a dull, bland life to experience a cacophony of sounds, to see a constantly shifting painting being irradiated with the light of thousands of guns.
You charge into battle, firing your beautifully coloured weapon into the many Imperial Guardsmen before you. How bland they look, in those greens and browns. It's almost like they don't want to be seen! They look horrible anyway, so it's probably the reason they try to hide.
You and your "comrades" outnumber them 15:1, but their training is far superior to your own: they use TACTICS! They don't even charge into the fray, basking in glorious melee. They use cover, and attack with dull lasguns from afar. But you see a squad nearby! You, and 49 other BeAuTiFuL warriors of Slaanesh run towards the ten imperial dogs, firing into them. The corpse servants are precise, and about 30 of your people are sadly cut down before they can experience the joys of close combat. But you arrive, and start targeting a young one with your fast, elegant knife fashioned from gorgeous metals. The hooked balde strikes him, and he lets out a scream of delicious pain. Some of his comrades start try to save him, but you gut the boy in but an instant. One arrives to avenge the pathetic soldier, and hits you with his bayonet. You enjoy being penetrated by the sharp blade, but you'd like to live some more, so you try to strike back. You notice with horror that he's actually SKILLED! He avoids the blow, and bludgeons you with the butt (tee hee!) of his gun. You hit the ground, and your horror turns into bliss: you'll experience death, the ultimate sensation! You ready yourself for your end, and stare into the Guardsman's eyes as he readies his weapon. He aims for the head, and a laser beam strikes your gorgeous face. 1/2
Space Tortuga
Ruled by a certain daemon Prince.
You feel every single photon torch your skin, colliding with every cell, turning water to vapour and boiling the flesh under the derma. Unfortunately, your senses start to become dull, but it's nothing! You hear the beautiful voices already! The daemonettes speak of glorious pleasure and pain, of an eternity of sensation for all, and the limitless beauty you'll see. The afterlife is waiting, waiting for you! Come!
As the sounds around you start to fade, you see the guardsman run into your ranks. What? Are we losing? How? We're perfect! We planned everything! Heh, it doesn't even matter. Who cares about you friends? May they do Their will, and enter the realm of the Dark Prince gloriously! Death or daemonhood, may bliss always be with them!
Those thoughts pass through your head as you die, and your soul separates from the body. This happens, as you leave the mortal world, and enter the Realm of Excess.
In Ben Counter's (or i think he wrote it) 'Deamon World' there is a planet where for a whole the superpower is a single massive city/fortress of bone ruled by a slaaneshi princess or wtv and it's basically orgies with emos and the temples have hanging hooks and knives so the people can feel the pleasure of pain as they walk around and the rest of the world is barbarians in the hills who have not been touched by the greatness of slaanesh.
thailand with gothic architecture
Ancient Rome under Caligula, with everybody else also being Caligula.
Matter of fact, even Marc Aurel was Caligula.
>sounds incredibly boring
But it's canon, to some extent. In Liber Chaotica it talks about Slaanesh champions commanding the undying devotion of their subjects, who would do anything for their lord.
Isn't that one of the reasons Slaanesh in WHFB has Ignores Psychology or the not-Ignores Psychology, because they're so devoted to their masters that they don't care about morale?
I love Slaahnesh! The Dark Goddess is generous and loving! She shall topple Her foes and claim Her rightful place as Goddess of both the Immaterium and Materium! Let Her warm embrace and tender love wash over you! Become one with Her! Fight for Her! Live for Her! Die for Her!
Only the Emperor deserves our devotion user.
Stick a chainsword up your ass faggot. Make way for a real god.
Phenomenally written user
Can't we all just get along?
someone needs to screencap those posts.
There was a Slaaneshi empire that did exist once.
the Eldar
Ah...! What a wonderful idea, follower of Khorne. A chainsword up my ass would bring untold amounts of pain and pleasure in honor of my beloved Queen!
Hey pops. How's the missus?
She's doing well, if still a little angry at me. You know,even though just like the inevitable decay and rebirth of all life in the galaxy she'll come to love me, when she goes through these quiet streaks between the belches, screaming, and moans of pain I feel-
Well, rotten I suppose.
I can't hear you over how undivided my chaos is
>At 30k, Malal approached a newborn Chaos God named Slaanesh in the Immaterium, and using a large wooden stick, knocked him unconscious while calling him a "Chaos fucking shit".[16][17] That same millenium, Malal also attacked a second Chaos affiliate named Magnus, punching him in the face. He believed he had left his victim permanently blind in one eye.[15][16][18] Magnus was interviewed in 31st century by the Daily Change; he revealed that he had already lost that eye when he was taken by Ruinous Forces as an infant, and did not know the identity of his assailant prior to being contacted by the media.[19] According to court documents regarding these crimes, when Malal was forgotten later that millenium and returned to the deep warp, he stated to bloodthirsters: "You don't have to let him identify me, I'll tell you now that's the motherfucker who's (sic) head I split open."[18] Investigators also noted that he "made numerous unsolicited mystical statements about 'Chaos shits' and 'one-eyed dust lovers'."[16][18]
Looks like Anri Okita to me
>Slaanishi Prince
The mini would look outrageous.
Since we're discussing Slaaneshi empires, I'm just wondering how feasible it is to have Daemonettes as armed as the Sisters of Battle.
Think about it. They're fast and choppy with the added bonus of being lusty.
On the surface it looks like an imperial society, and an extremely devout one at that. Under scrutiny it becomes clear that the people are trying to be the most pious and holy, not for the love of the Emperor and mankind, but rather for social status and the approval of peers.
Families like something out of the Jim Carrey grinch movie, trying to have the best holiday decorations for no real reason. P000utting up bigger and better shrines and statues for the sake of being the best rather than any devotion.
A paradise world where people struggle and bicker because people crave to struggle and bicker. First world problems to the nth degree, and they are not ashamed in the least.
Murders and affairs abound, treated like dark secrets even though everyone knows and nobody cares. They just like to act important, you know?
Alternatively, take a clique from highschool and run with it. Emo kids who are sad because it gets them attention, until it becomes real and they can't stop cutting themselves even though they'd really like to at this point. South Park goths who are nonconformist out of spite rather than genuine desire. That kind of thing.
A pulsating mass of filth and murder.
The Imperium is already bad, have you ever heard the lore for hive cities? It's a terrible place where people slave all day from the profit of others, crime is rampant, and if you're a low hive son of a bitch... The living conditions are worse than third world. Pair that with the absolute excess of the ways of the one true God. That combination will make for a society that explores every hedonistic desire while being a filthy, disgusting cesspool.
And that is the Golden Age of humanity.
>No matter how ugly or incomprehensible the work is, each of them will insist that they have an unique appreciation for the artist's genius right up until the point that someone of sufficient status sneers at it, at which point they immediately declare that they hate it and always have.
Sounds like our society already has this part pretty much down.
fine, IT
I'm trying to find some flaw to this, but I fail to do so.
A highly organized empire full of competing decadent princes where 90% of the army is made up of "elite" units.
>Royal Guard
>Imperial Guard
>Praetorian Guards
>Palatine Blades
>Scholae Palatinae
>Imperial Bucellarii
>Imperial Storm Trooper Corps
>First Shock Army
>Prince's Own Cavalry Division
>Knights of X
>Knights of Y
With no units having names that aren't pretentious, no Infantry Divisions or Armoured Regiments
The end result is that despite being extremely organized infighting and unwillingness to hand command to others cause frequent civil wars and coups. So while the Royal Guard, Palatine Blades, First Shock Army, and Storm Troopers might be under the command of the leader of the Palatine Blades the commander of the First Shock Army purposely ignores orders and the commander of the Royal Guard is trying to assassinate his commander.
Chaos, and especially slaanesh and tzeentch, is supposed to be completely mind-bending and unimaginable.
The closest possible thing I can think of is trying to read an upside-down copy of Justine after taking enough LSD to kill a horse, all while being blown by a hobo.
My God...
Splatoon is secretly made by Slaaneshi cultists!