So does MTGO suck ass? I was thinking about getting into it, but after reading about the way everything works with event tickets and bots and whatnot it seems that MTGO is just straight shit. Anybody have experience with it?
So does MTGO suck ass? I was thinking about getting into it...
Just use Cockatrice or XMage if you want to play online, unless you're looking for actual sanctioned play by Wizards in case you're fucked.
It's absolute garbage and half of the cards aren't properly coded. God help you if you try to stack effects properly.
it's not straight shit, but it is a lot of shit. WotC has a habit of making digital offerings that are technically functional but fall short of actual desirable specifications.
Duel, obviously
Is he on a motorcycle y/n
If N, Then: Drive over his testicles on my motorcycle
If Y, Then: Duel
summon 3 blue eyes white dragons
I know it's probably a proxy or that reprint, but it still triggers me. I can hear that card's pain.
That's actually real, if memory serves.
One of the old school ways of checking if a card was legit or not was the bend test. Some people still swear by it.
Google it.
I enjoy it, when I can't get out to draft nights or play with friends.
It can be a bit buggy, and it hogs a surprising amount of cpu and ram, but overall it's a decent program if you want Wizards sanctioned shit.
That's against the rules, isn't it?
Screw the rules, something memetic!
Pick my weapon of choise.
MTGO is terrible because Wizards pays below-average wages, thus only getting subpar programmers. That, and firing them every year to avoid obligations.
It's a clusterfuck of bad decisions and imcompetence, like everything outside of the card game itself.
what one is better
I use cockatruce now
XMage has a rules engine.
Online magic is better than no magic
Test a bunch of decks on xmage first to know for sure what you want to buy into first before buying on mtgo