I want to make a game based on the Mole Man of /k/. But how? I'm thinking maybe some form of multiple factions where the mole people use traps and their mole people skills to defeat government agents or something?
The Mole Man of /k/
>transdwarfism spreads across the USA as thousands of people grow beards, get drunk and go underground.
There was an apocalyptic nuclear war, but it's long past, the damage has been done and a new military government has been established to assist in the rebuilding of the nation and to "keep the peace." Various militia groups as well as common citizens have taken to old mines and tunnel systems to avoid the fallout and to reestablish something of civilization while striking back in secret.
After reading that, just use /k/ as the backstory for the setting. A bunch of nutjobs start digging tunnels because, dunno, fear of immigration wave from mexicor or zombies.
Then an actual apocalypse happens and the tunnels become useful. While the goverment collapses and small communities struggle for survival, the underground people constantly buil out their infrastructure, because that's their economy.
So once things settle a bit and civilisation pieces itself together again, everyone is dependent on the these tunnels. Cue political intrigue, economic warfare and unspeakable horrors unleashed upon humanity because someone dug to deep.
/k/ here, signal bad 'cos unnaground.
Hmmm... Sounds like a good idea, I'll get to thinking of some new details, maybe use it as inspiration for a campaign I'll run soon.
God bless. May the salamanders give you strength!
wait, you've actually been doing this? You didn't just discuss this for a thread or two before forgetting about the entire concept?
Linguist here. Do you have your own script for your tunnels, like pic related? Please tell me you have your own script, I want to suggest writing a dissertation on you to fuck with my prof.
And OP should totally have his players explore old tunnels with strange symbold that they understand just enough to become paranoid.
OP here, that's a good idea. Right now I'm thinking an OW campaign where they have to navigate tunnels filled with /k/ultists of the unnaground, wherein they are armed with autoguns and stub guns, with traps and stuff everywhere. It'll be great.
The symbols idea is a good one, I was thinking of a basic one with safe, unsafe, etc. But that sounds like an even better idea.
While Veeky Forums claims it gets shit done, the definition of getting shit done is a bit different on boards like /k/ and /diy/.
Whatever happened, those who went underground were properly paranoid, but who knows what the found down there after striking the earth? You could set up a Mines of Moria/Metro 2033 situation in which our intrepid /k/ommandos dug too deep and found things in the Unnaground that were worse than ther hints they were sheltering from.
Would of responded earlier but cavein. Such is life unnaground. But yes, it's easier than innawoods, harder to find food though and plinking unnaground is like being struck by lightening since I lost my eardefs somewhere.
Fuck no, why would I do that? There's not that many and any written code can be cracked, you know that.
>a bit different
I get the feeling this may be an understatement.
>It's the current year 2031
>Emperor Trump has erected the wall more than 15 years ago
>In their unnaground life, the brave /k/omrades face their biggest threat yet, as mexihordes dig under the wall and into their tunnels, in an attempt to reach America
Ooh, nice! Might see what I can come up with for that. Perhaps they went underground to hide from Orks, found something possibly chaos-y and a cult around it started up, turning the once defendable tunnels into an underground nightmare filled with /k/ultists? I'm thinking most likely Khornate here. Or Tzeentchian because of the tunnels and such, perhaps?
Someone should start an Unnaground civ on /qst/
Kek, that board is terribad.
Do you have anything even remotely resembling a better idea for it though?
So why are there still quest threads on Veeky Forums? Do the mods just not care, or can they not move them for whatever reason?
What are some of the other factions in our apo/k/alypse? The necron-lite /r9k/ that only dared to leave their houses after consuming their entire media collection thrice? The order of Veeky Forums with beefed up larping gear on their great crusade? /diy/ devouring entire cities with their train fortress?
Damn I want to play this now.
1. /qst/ is a trial board, and therefore you do not have to use it.
2. A large majority do not like the board for a variety of reasons.
-The individual ID's are horrendous and unneccesarry.
-A board solely dedicated toquests is a bad idea, as you will not get a steady stream of participants, since most see the quest in the catalog, get interested, and join.
-It was largely unnecessary in the first place.
And I honestly don't even care about quests, but /qst/ was a bad idea.
Though, in all likelihood, the mods probably don't care.
Same here. It sounds pretty interesting, actually.
I like the basic idea, but I'm not fond of making this a chan-board specific thing to be honest. I'd rather it just be a group of survivalists making the decision that their best option to weather the apocalypse was to take to the underground.
Yeah, I'm cool with that. Basically Metro but without the Russians then?
Would the unnagroundians have cultural heroes?
Possibly. Perhaps salamander farmers, who work toward making them more nutritious, as well as keeping stock of the food supply?
After all, can't live unnaground without food.
Can't live anywhere withoud food, actually.
That's essentially what I'm imagining, yeah. The surface is dangerous, but only in part due to the aftermath of the apocalypse. The Military Government is up there too, and they don't like the potential threat that the Unnaground represents. Citizens took up residence beneath all those ruined cities, occupying preexisting tunnels and digging out more themselves. Different factions have developed over time that now war amongst themselves and against the Military Government that wants to bring the Unnaground under its control.
why not just take metro and refluff at taste?
So potentially oppressive Military Government Abovegrounders versus the /k/ommando unnagrounders who have all kinds of different factions going on? I like it.
Right. The Unnaground represents Freedom, but it is a wild, riotous, sometimes anarchic sort of freedom. In the Unnaground, you're free from the dangers of the surface world and you're free to live how you want to live, but others are also free to cheat, beat or kill or kill you all the same. As a result, the Unnaground has been divided up into various communes, cults and militias, all fighting for and against each other. All the while, the Military Government was consolidating its hold on the few liveable bits of land topside and laying claim to everything else. Where the Military Government and the Unnaground Militias met, conflict erupted.
fa/tg/uys would probobly survive seeing how most LGS/gamerooms are underground, /b/tards are hard to kill, /out/doors and all boards similar would probobly make some sort of shelter. /k/omandos are innawoods and undagrounda, plus they have the cumnies to keep them feed
It was supposed to be for quests, but it was created by fiat without any preparation. Thus, it has failed at supporting quests and only risk style games thrive.
You know... Looking back over all this... It strikes me as a good premise for a light sci-fi setting with a Borderlands feel if you set it on a remote desert mining planet. Unnaground Militias, Penal Colonists and Anarchists versus Big Governments, Militaries and Corporations.
Looking at maps for population density and existing subway systems, it seems the bulk of the survivors will be in the midwest, with two concentrations on the east coast. On a national scale you could feasibly get 6-8 "nations" to screw around with.
On a smaller scale, Dallas-Houston-San Antonio seems interesting since apparently that's where the /k/oncentration is the highest. Washington-Philadelphia-New York seems also good.
With your standard party you're probably fine with any major city, but for me personally, things are more interesting when civilisation had some time to rebuild.
You have more freedom building something up from the ground. Also, it's fun.
Nice analysis.
>up from the ground
Don't you mean down from the surface? Building up is a bad move, it means that the Abovegrounders can find us.
Actually, you want to build to the side so there's a chance to discover old tunnels full of artifacts.
God bless /k/
Ooh, I like this as well. Sort of like little mini-nations that are ruled by the different unnaground factions!
Why would innagrounders not also grow plants like potatoes and keep colonies of bugs as food? Beetles are good eating and can mostly live on your scraps.
Mushroom farms as well. Maybe one tribe is known for going some for their toxic spores.
>So why are there still quest threads on Veeky Forums? Do the mods just not care, or can they not move them for whatever reason?
The mods realized a little too late that they got played by 4-5 nofunalloweds who spammed the Veeky Forums IRC with sockpuppets.
>implying the mexicans would try to dig any further after meeting the unnagroundsians
>implying that anyone would ever be desperate enough to face the horrors that lie beneath the soil
>implying God-King trump wouldn't pay a group of particularly vicious unnagroundsians in cosmoline and salamanders (and maybe the occasional newt as a bonus) to live along the border to pull under anyone foolish enough to stray too close to their holes
Surely you'd be okay with the sort of arrangement i've proposed, yes /k/omrade?
>Please tell me you have your own script, I
Its an alternate russian language.
The writing, is like if we were writing in russian but we use the closest roman letter/numeral instead of the russian letter.
To speak we try to speak that shit we wrote in english.
As some example
Veeky Forums complaints departament, have you tried to not play d&d?
/ Otagen Tg / xaro6bl, Bbl nbitarncb he nrpatb B D & D ?
Jokes on you, I'm heading for the border. While the great Beaner wall grows ever higher, our tunnels grow ever deeper.
One day....
Well obviously. I should hope that by the time the Great Wall of Trump is completed that the unnaground forces will have created at least one mega tunnel that spans from the northernmost tip of Alaska down to the southernmost tip of South America. Anything less would be a disservice to the /k/ube.
I have to wonder, what factions would there be in the Unnaground civilization?
Only Innagrounders and Interlopers. Also, Priests of the Mighty Kalashnikov.
oh fuck yeah my nigga
>Not murderkubites
>The cult wars of 2025 are regarded as the worst the Unnaground has seen.
That is an example of how not to screencap
fucking hell incoherent as fuck
You know, I feel like a sufficiently advanced society of tunnellers would make great use of underground rockets.
Imagine if they had Subterrenes. An underground Submarine:
Bong confirmed, therefore noguns
>fags constantly shitting up Veeky Forums with threads completely unrelated to traditional games
>no fun allowed
Wait until I start making cooking threads.
Just think of it, morloc/k/s would be free to roam entire landmasses. Entire nations would no longer be safe from them.
Hey, those kinds of threads can be pretty Veeky Forums, if in a horrifying, soul searing way.
Would you eat salamander and mushroom stew with potatoes?
>bong confirmed
How are you unnaground if your shovel was confiscated?
There'll be two types of /k/ultists. The /k/orrupted, and the followers of the /k/ube. The unnaground would be a warzone as the /k/ubists try to purge the /k/ultists from their tunnels. Their warcry will echo for generations.
"Ave Nex Alea"
Found one of the nofunalloweds
I've had wayyy too much fun writing this
>Free Cities of Unnagrounds
These are the great cities of our forefathers, the most beautigul place in all our earth. Long before the Happening, our savior murder/k/ube foretold the fate of the world. So our anchestor abstayed their sinful world and dug into the earth. And we dig still, until one day the sun might burn away all the filthy sky seers and the chosen people may inherit the world.
>Murkubia Theocracy
After the events in the Halls of Song there was a schism in our proud people. The followers of Murkubia foolishly believed that there is such a thing as digging too deep. After they recovered a holy text they started to dig North, searching for the mythical Can'ada where they believe to find our Lord.
>Apalachia Trade League
An alliance of tunnel runners that became rich by trading artifacts of the empire on the Salamander Road. They fell to ruin after their great project to unite humanity failed, young adventures taking their place in running the labyrinth. Only a small contingent of soldiers remain faithful to their task, keeping the creatures of the Dead Depths at bay.
>The Dead Depths
The broken remnants of the Trade League's grand project to unite mankind and retake the skies. A great city was dug into the epmty soil as tunnelers set out from all cities to join their brothers. But soon madness spread among the workers as they fell into song and dug without direction. Countless of riches lost, the League sealed the tunnels off and stationed their guard at Memphis Gate.
>Great Empire of Druf
The leftovers of the old world. A tyrannical goverment that withholds arms of their people and forces them into their service. Their nobles live above ground in ancient sky tunnels, and that they claim rule over all land unto the Wall. Their soldiers hold a terrific might, for they posses numerous artifacts of the old world. It is even said that they can take to skies in giant iron geckos that rain fire upon their enemies.
>The Iron League
Outcasts of the empire, the iron men have built mobile tunnels to traverse the chain roads of the ancients and take their treasures. Travellers tell of trade with deep cities in the East, where the earth is furious. Of course such is nonsense, a wondrous tale to pull a salamander out of your pockets.
2/3 Damnit.
>Republic of Florida
A small nation lead by their elder council. Home of the storytellers and wall carvers, the keepers of knowledge. They traverse the sea with iron coffins and hunt the water diggers for food. They say there are many kinds of them, and the people of Florida know hundreds of foods. Some brave fools even set for the horizon, searching for land beyond the wet.
>Knights Credentia
A people of legends from the theocracy, said to be sky seers that clad themselves in shining earth. It is told they live under the open sky unharmed by the sun they praise. And that they were given grand stature and furious might. Though few in numbers they claim to hold great territory, and take riches from the surface. Riding on beast with hair on all their body they pillage the ancient sky cities and descent into the tunnels. They slaughter the people, but the most wretched of the children they take with them into the dreaded light.
Well, at least that's what my mother used to tell me when I didn't behave.
This is pretty fantastic, user! I like it a lot, especially the faction of tunnel-building traders and explorers that wanted to unite the Unnaground, fools and dreamers though they were. Do you have any more insights into the state of this world, above and below?
I'll have you fools know that it's called /k/ubism, and adherents are /k/ubists, not any of this /k/ult nonsense
The /k/ubists are the good guys in this scenario. The /k/ultists are a villainous offshoot that were /k/orrupted by something they found Unnaground.
Want this as a quest thread. Make it a quest thread!!!
never change /k/
Okay then morloc/k/s, let's talk tunnel design. Do you plan your tunnels out when you start digging them, or just play it by ear? If you do, how do you lay out your tunnels unnaground, where do you place your punji spike traps in relation to other subterranean features?
How could a such a quest be run? Let's think about this.
Start with small groups of Unnagrounders that gradually expand their tunnels out and down and their civilization grows from there?
And people like that have access to firearms.
Bravo, America, I'm proud and eagerly waiting for the next mass shooting.
>Bravo, America, I'm proud and eagerly waiting for the next mass shooting.
Oh please, the /k/omrades have better things to do than, well, that...
They also have the knowledge to make napalm ammunition.
Not really, I was just working with what was provided. The first thing to do would decide what the actual apocalypse was.
Well, seeing as a LOT of people have been driven down below, it has to be something that's scorched the surface or has otherwise rendered in inhospitable to life in all but the Military Government's population centers.
/k/'s threads of legend really are legendary. In a way they remind me of the glory days of Veeky Forums.
Just the other day there was a guy who was masturbating with a shotgun up his ass, when it got stuck and he had to call the EMT's. He even posted pics.
Or the deer pheremone collection story. OMG
Seriously, Veeky Forums nobody does threads of legend like the /k/omrades. And remember unlike ours, their weapons are real.
They have a habit of not killing people. Gay Muslim Arabs, OTOH...in fact, nearly all of the mass shooters in the last decade were registered Democrats...
I can think of two types of /k/ultists: the khornate ones, with their murder/k/ube worship; and the slaaneshi ones, with their dragon dildos and excessive weapon mods.
Sounds like someone hasn't played fookin' underground! That, or there's an unnatural amount of sky lovin' 'ere!
As fer why we use guns, IT'S TO STEAL YER' GODDAMNED PANSY WOMEN YA' SKY SEER! Just cause it pisses yee off~
I love worldbuilding threads.
Get was wasted in a quest thread, no hopes
So how are there still brits, then?
As a great man once said: "Oi!"
>It's a dark rainy night
>Perfect for Pablo, Jesus, Juan and their 13 undistinguishable brothers to sneak in Murica undetected
>"ay thoses dumb gringos, not even a fence"
>Suddenly a muffled scream is heard and Juan n°7 sees a pair of boots being dragged in a hole in the ground
>"Dios Mio !" is all he can say before a crazy eyed man wearing only soldering glasses drags him into the darkness
>Only a sombrero is left behind
>The molemen, protector of the frontier respected the agreement
>Tomorrow, they would feast on newt
OK what meal is pic?
Dwarf Fortress.
Everybody play as a dwarf with set of skills that go to found a settlement in the mountain/hill and later manage it/defend it from various enemies. Apply social interactions in fortress and some politics with Humans, Elves and other races.
No true /k/ommando would ever go on a shooting spree. The main reason being that they don't want to become a statistic for the libtards to use. Same reason they won't an hero with a firearm.
Why, only the finest salamander pie in all of the Free Cites of course! Only five 7.62x54r's at Unnaground Fried 'Manders!
That, and because as strange as it may seem to outsiders, we're not homocidal maniacs
I'm actually innaTexas, 'cos of wife. Probably be innawife later.
Europe has twice as many shootings and gun deaths than America. Comparing one nation in Europe tohe wholeof the United States is retarded in the extreme, compare per captia, the results become different despite all the safe, common-sense guns laws in Europe.
There was an actual endeavor to make these back in the 70's.
Just thought I'd let you know I'm saving this. I might use it one day. Something like this should not be lost.