this is the only UNDERVALUED coin right now
This is the only UNDERVALUED coin right now
Other urls found in this thread:
dead shitcoin
>consistently top 10 in volume
dead shit coin indeed
overvalued as fuck
as is lisk.
If you want an undervalued coin with yuuuuge potential, look no further than XLM, friend.
dead shitcoin, copy paste PnD FKA Black coin
when people start calling a coin dead thats your time to buy, just exactly what happened with bitcoin cash
Literally one week away from Breeze Wallet with Tumblebit
every time i touch this coin i lose money. I might be willing to give it one more chance.. maby
Yes goyim buy high right now! Pump it more for me so I can sell my bags a little higher
Fucking nigger coin cost 20% Buying the Dip, Kept dipping for 4 days.
Hi. May 2017 wants their coin back.
it's up 25% today ;)
fucking mooning right now went up 5% in 5 mins
I'm up 25%, I expect it to go at least 50%
This coin gonna moon all month long lots of good news
Price predictions? $10 easy
ah..we meet again...the original niggercoin
your technology has been surpassed
If this shit keeps mooning I'm thinking 15-20 by end of year
Have you finally seen the light white boys?Now that your eth has been exposed by cats. Its not too late, buy my coin white boy
$10 end of day (12 hours) easy
This is most undervalued right now, expect a nice break out, a lot of tech coming
So anyone else providing Tumblebit ?
Sidechains are almost ready, several NDAs signed
its going to do a full trace back to .004
Should i get this coin or not? it's been pumping quite some now, it even has a ledger app, how simple can it be, buy or stay out? No bagholders trolling me pls or i will shill you into buying ripple for a year
Yes buy it now, I need you to pump it a little bit more higher for me
I bought in around the ATH back in summer, I sold it a few month ago because it was just dragging me down. I never forgot about it though, cus I myself do believe it can be something big. I bought back in like 3 weeks ago because I saw it try to reverse.
if ICO test continues well and then if something good comes from it, 10 will be easy.