Previously, on Nerv Bridge Simulator :
Montréal-3 is currently under Angel attack. Both Eva Units are out of action.
Previously, on Nerv Bridge Simulator :
Montréal-3 is currently under Angel attack. Both Eva Units are out of action.
Put Florence into Eva 03.
If she's still alive.
If anyone is still alive.
Summary of previous thread: we are fucked, prime the nukes.
Why not try the new board out?
we did
we came back
[Nerv Vice-Commander]
Major, the situation is dire.
The 8h Angel has successfully traversed Residential District 10 and is now in Industrial District 03, one of our most important sector, along with HQ.
Its Outer Shell has crash-landed on our Airbase. The MAGI Supercomputer analysis indicated that this exoskeleton is in fact some sort of guided bomb. We spent considerable resources trying to stop its course towards HQ District and succeeded at a great cost: Eva Unit 08 is heavily damaged, both of its leg are pulverized. The First Child has been recovered and is being prepared for sortie in Eva Unit 03
Eva Unit 02 was also damaged after a catastrophic malfunction with the Positron Rifle, but returned safely to an Eva Rail Launch System, where it is being recovered.
We lost 2 bomber wings and 2 escort squadrons during a botched N2 drop operation. We haven’t been able to contact any of those since the bombing run.
The good news is that all of our tank and VTOL units are in perfect condition.
So we have a turbo-nuke sitting on our base. I dont know if unloading all ordinance at it is a good idea, seeings how if that makes it go nuclear we're looking at a total party wipe.
Have an EVA launched out of a rail under it to shoryuken it into the upper atmosphere so we can take it out?
Have Ace and King attack the Angel from one flank
Queen and Jack support the Tank units, and the Tank units move up to attack the angel from another flank.
Do any of the Static Weapon Systems have bakelite? Fire one if it does. If not, wait until Ace and King are ready to make their move, hit it all at once.
Nah man we mitigated the explosive potential with A.T. flare. If you're still worried consider that we've already let the angel and it's shell get too close. No matter what happens we are gonna take some hits.
I say have the static weapons from Residential 06 finish off the shell.
All remaining conventional forces and the static weapons from residential 7 concentrate fire on the angel.
Evacuate everyone we can from Industrial 03, beginning with critical research personnel. Leave the shell alone, attack the angel with tanks and VTOLs.
[Computer Technician]
Alright Major! The emergency evacuation of the airbase and surrounding facilities is beginning.
Acorn squadrons, our last fighter unit, is now in the air.
Roger! The tank units are far behind though, should we wait for them to catch up before the strike?
Wait for the tanks for now. If it becomes clear the Angel outruns them, then attack.
Also, Acorn squadron is to be ready to join in the attack.
Well since we're evacuating the airbase, hold off on attacking the shell for now.
Wait for the tanks, we need to concentrate as much firepower as possible.
(I wonder if taking out the angel will make the shell just go away...)
So I rage quit after QM said he was going to punish us for some ass deleting his 1. Did he do so? Or in other words should I even continue following this?
He did.
But you should continue to follow this.
I don't want to be alone in my misery.
sounds to be more your kind of place, sir! :)
I see. Well I know what I am going to be doing from now on.
Fuck that, I'm loving this. This quest is fuggen great.
You're that user who tries to roll low, aren't you?
Roger. We'll be close behind it.
We're closing in on the angel, Major. Awaiting further orders.
[Computer Technician]
Major! The Angel has changed it's configuration. It's tendrils of light now form a ring with the cora as it's center point. We're detecting constant energy fluctuations inside this disk!
Air units, maintain distance from the Angel until the tanks arrive at the attack position. Then attack all together from multiple directions.
I'm going to the lower levels, Major. I'll be supervising the First Child's synchronization with Eva 03.
There's also other matters to take care of. [He looks at the Commander who nods at him]
Keep us alive, Major. It's your job after all.
>There's also other matters to take care of. [He looks at the Commander who nods at him]
((Do not say this out loud))
So this is about Ophelia getting lobotomized or whatever happened to MAKE. HER. TALK. LIKE. A. ROBOT. ?
We should investigate that apartment we learned about from the receipt.
Also I like H Sci. He is cute. A shame he and Ophelia don't get along.
Shit! The Angel is too fast for our tanks! It's almost at the edge of Residential 07!
Should we initiate the strike?
VTOLs fire a few rounds at the core and see what happens, just our luck if the damn thing has put up some kind of shield.
Things have gone to shit. I'll have to read up on the threads I missed really quick. Good luck Major.
Seconding this.
Can't believe I got banned for this.
Oh well, reset my router and I'm good to go
We missed?!
[Computer Technician]
What? The firing solution near perfect... What-
Major! The rounds were captured by the angel! They are orbiting the ring around it!
I knew it! Fucking shenanigans. All units hold fire. Do not attack the angel while it's tendrils are in ring formation.
VTOLs, fall back and prepare for evasive maneuvers.
Acorn, climb ant try to attack the core from above in a nosedive with a cannon. One pklane and short burst only.
This is the First Child speaking!
I successfully synchronized with Eva 03 and am ready to launch.
[Computer Technician]
In which district should we send her, Major? Remember, She can only be deployed in a district with a functional Eva Rail Launch Exit!
Fire an AT flare at the ring.
Residential 07
This could go very well or very poorly, but I'll support it. Maybe we can control the timing of the explosion.
R06 probably closest
If we have enough $money left over after the smoke clears, I'm totally supporting buying more AT flares.
And also some stuff to increase the speed of our tanks. Because goddamn our tanks seem to be one shot heroes with how every angel outruns them now
Residential 6.
The proximity to our conventional units will give more flexibility in 7, but it would be putting all our eggs in one basket with an angel that specializes in bombs. 6 is better.
Shoot an AT flare then have someone try and nail it with gunfire while it is captured? Trick shot style?
>Warning : the 8th Angel has reached Residential District 07! 5 miles remaining to HQ!
Dropping A.T. Flares! We need a d10 roll!
>If we have enough $money left over after the smoke clears
[You can see the Finance Division Director anxiously biting her nails.]
[Computer Technician]
Launching Eva Unit 03 to Residential District 06!
Not made for order
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Rolled 2 (1d10)
My first roll in this quest.
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Rolled 6 (1d10)
I rolled 1 10, lets try again!
>[You can see the Finance Division Director anxiously biting her nails.]
I'm surprised she hasn't evacuated yet.
[First Child]
I am in Residential 06! I can see the angel from here. [There's a bit of hesitation in her voice]
>6 -1 +1 = 6
Closing in!
You should go back there.
That was a fun show. If you could ignore the one really really gay episode.
So did we ever figure out the 2nd secret in the thread with the Tim Horton's receipt a couple of weeks ago?
How gay are we talking, on a scale of 0 to /v/?
We didn't have the time.
Good luck Ace! Dropping the flare is your primary objective! If it starts pulling you into orbit, raise altitude and drop.
The whole thing was great IMO, even the ending. I guess they wanted to have an episode about everyone turning gay though. I heard some theory about it being related to ambient magic and being experimented on or something.
Gay enough I basically skipped 2/3rds of that episode and nothing of value was lost. Its been long enough I forget the specifics but it was pretty dang gay. Rest of the show was great, especially watching with /a/.
Some one should get on that. I hope we have time to check out the address soon. If we don't die due to bad dice of course.
Yeah every one was bioengieneerd to be all lovey dovy and shit and that suddenly made forbidden love cool cause it kept people from doing stupid shit with godlike psychic powers or something. Its been awhile. It was a fantastic and slightly fucked up ending though.
The A.T. Flares are caught in the Angel's weird ring. I can see no visible change.
[Computer Scientist]
I can! The multiple objects caught in the angel's influence are straining its A.T. Field! Maybe because of the A.T. Flares?
What show was that? Google fails me.
Can you time the flares to go off as they hit the ring?
Its about to crash isnt it? Oh well~
Shin Sekai Yori. Spoon feeding because I just got a great job and am in a good mood. Spoilered for blog shit.
Oh well. As long as it triggers the antipedo anti-sexy-women-in-fictioners then it's all good.
With the AT flares in play could it be possible to overload this capture effect the angel is producing?
All units in range open fire with everything you've got.
Well, spam flares at it.
Do we have any napalm or lasers? Bet the fucker can't make heat or light orbit it.
Eh, don't do that yet. Wait until the EVA's in range and we have more things firing. Until then, though, AT flares are a good option.
I'm totally buying more AT flares and more "tank go fast" if we have the $money after this encounter is over.
We need to activate the A.T. Flares before the Angel uses the ring for whatever purpose it has, probably to throw it back at us.
We should have the ground forces open fire directly after the AT Flares activate.
If we can have tanks fire on it with their rockets, the rockets should detonate after their fuel is exhausted; I think that is how they work IRL. That might causes the flares to detonate.
Yep. Worth a watch by all means.
Hang on I've just got an idea.
If the jealous old fatties trigger /v/ and /pol/
and this anime triggers the jealous old fatties
Why don't we have BOTH? That way everyone can be triggered!
What should we do, Major? Throw everything we have and wish its A.T. Field collapses in on itself?
Our positron rifle just exploded,. but we still have the experimental one, ''Solomon''. Just remember that it is powered by an Angel Core and will become highly unstable after we fire twice with it, and we already fired once.
[Computer Scientist Seth]
The Core is right here! Have Eva 03 attack it with it's prog. knife! We already lost too much time with conventional ordinance! It's ineffective dammit!
Seth may have a point, Major. We're 3 miles away from HQ, who knows what this asshole will do when it's right above us.
We're all out of flares, Major. King too. We'll need to resupply at the airbase if you want us to drop more.
Eh, do you know what flares are, Major? They're activated the moment they're launched and stay active until they're burned out.
[Head, Finance Division]
I won't flee. Not when everyone I care for is right here, putting their lives on the line.
The knife might be the best idea. We only have two layers of armor left, and I bet that it could easily shred those even with the reduced explosive capacity,
I agree with Seth.
03, you're up.
I'm just a little worried it will start throwing projectiles right back at her. Like, all of them.
Unload with all you have. With the flares affecting its AT field the additional mass may cause it to lose its gyroscopic stability long enough for a thrown prog knife to make it to the core.
We don't know if it has more tricks, but we should press the advantage we might have gained with the flares. I think we should open fire with the conventional units and the first child and hope to overwhelm the Angel.
Probably. We can hope the Flares destabilized it.
Do we have any other EVA-sized weapon that doesn't use ballistic ammunition? Something like a flamethrower?
I'm running up to it as we speak! I need a d10 roll for the attack!
A bold plan, Major. It could even slow the Angel down, meaning that out tanks could catch up.
Our troops will need 3 rolls. One for the VTOLs, one for the Static Weapons System and one for Acorn.
I wish pdf user was here.
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Unfortunately not. I wanted us to get the enormous glaive.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Rolled 7 (1d10)
Engage the Static Weapon System! Aim against the rotation towards the core!
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Also if possible I would like to pump the first child full of combat stimulants and pipe some death metal into the entry plug.
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Acorn go!
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Come forth, ten, I summon you!
Rolled 10 (1d10)
So who does this boost?
Rolling for SWS boost.
Oh boy!
This was for the VTOLs
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Fuck it.
Let's not tempt fate, the initial rolls were high (except for the 2) and two 10s is more than enough.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
*tempts fate*