>The BBEG is actually a duo of high school bullies
How does your team defeat them without their self-esteem being crushed?
Gimme your lunch money
Kill them. their egos are untouched.
>How does your team defeat them without their self-esteem being crushed?
Finger of death/weil of the banshee.
Dust off and nuke the school from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
We force them into a healer role and go find the real BBEG.
With guns.
Oh wait.
>How does your team defeat them without their self-esteem being crushed?
By having the party Ghoul eat them of course.
I play the card that bypasses their thread and play the card that steals their lunch money instead.
Wait, we're not playing "Lunch Money?"
Is power bomb and/or suplexing them an option?
>Attacking the innocent
Guess what time it is?
>you can't pass til you lick the back of my knee
How would your character respond?
This is America, right? I shoot them, then anyone that might or might not be bullies, present or future.
I'm actually an eldritch horror...school girls are my speciality.
We send forth healer, he's already used to being bullied. Actually, we suspect he might like it even.
>FAL and M14
By pointing out that they were both replaced by their little sisters.
1. For now pay them, attempt to escape unscathed.
2. Hire Kevin Owens as my henchman.
3. Re-approach BBeGurls while KO hides in the bushes.
4. Que KO he easily beats up the two girls and retrieves not only the parties money, but also money from others who have met the same fate. He stands over them and says "that's how a real bully does it!"
5. Kevin turns towards me with the money. Sticking my hand out to retrieve my belongings he grabs me and I receive a pop up power bomb . He then says, "I'm the real bully here, fight me!"
Here's your >raep
user, in every girl's life comes the moment when she gets replaced by her little sister. Such is the way of the world.
I spend an infamy point to corrupt their machinery
With my Mechatendril
Not until you like mine.
Eat that joint out until her gastrocnemius is sore
I like you, user. We're in the same mindset.
>The two of them keep bullying the same boy because one of them has a crush on him and she doesn't know how to express her feelings
Land a Vagrant class star ship on the city, then regret as they remember that those ships are not built to ever go near a planet.
Proceed to bankrupt a country to repair the colleteral damage.
We kill them.
So this is Call of Cthulhu with self-esteem instead of insanity?
every thread i ask for source and every thread noone can give me the archive.
Where do you think this thread is going, geekboy?
The comic or the anime girls?
Grab the one on the left and keep her for myself. Always wanted a semi-auto .308.
the edit.
I'd love to understand the context behind it and why it exists.
It's just a reference to awful edgelord freeform RPers who infest places like GaiaOnline.
Does GaiaOnline still exist? I'm afraid to find out for myself.
Summon Stelio.
First half of murderhobo is there for a reason.
So if I know my players right, with explosives.
Ignore them. If they persist or continue to bully, commit violence.
If they pull a chair out from under you, calmly turn around and chokeslam them into that same chair.
Essentially become a problem target. Build a reputation as this, and bullying will cease.
If someone comes along who doesn't know your reputation, you teach them.
I'll show them how to join me in making America great again; they will become great allies in my quest to defeat the true, secret BBEG.
>Self esteem
My character does not run on selfesteem. He is run on hate and defiance.
Rolled 18 + 15 (1d20 + 15)
My barbarian counter bullies them. rolling for intimidation as she takes her flaming great sword and tosses it at their feet then starts cracking her knuckles. Wisps of light start whirling around them and she speaks "Pick it up, I fucking dare you."
>Anime high school RPG
>Archetypes give class (i.e. The Imouto, Hot Blooded Hero, Underappreciated Glasses-Kun.)
>Joining clubs give bonuses at the cost of time
>Rise through the ranks fighting delinquents and/or the minions of the student council
>Find out who killed your dad.
Sounds like the youthful hero shit from Melton Zeta.
They shoot you, and say "next time don't roll a shitty waifu character, user."
Hit whoever asked.
I wanted to make a barbarian that inverted the typical barbarian image that i had so instead of a 6'5 man built like a fridge I made a 5 nothing woman. I feel she turned out quite well rounded.
the intimidation roll automatically fails
you take 1D10 points of social esteem damage
What we really need is to whip the other students into shape to fight back. Only wimps and losers get bullied.
>All along, this is what the bullies wanted to happen. They wanted to inspire others to be strong
If you had a problem with me playing a female character why didn't you just say something when I turned in my character sheet?
who said I have a problem with it
now shut up and get bullied, fag
>Female Barbarian
>inverting anything
Uh, user...
QQ pls no bly
when i think of barbarians I think of big muslely dudes that are 100% angry all the time, not red sonja
Start with a Big Combo and if they manage to defend, use a Humiliation to lead into a Hail Mary.
And if we're not playing Lunch Money, then Sow Thoughts/Suggestion/Dominate them into degrading acts for our entertainment.
Or hell, spend a minute to combine Bluff and Diplomacy to make them do those things and think it was their own idea somehow.
Well, in traveller our last job ended with about 30 people dead due to no-one actually being trained in demolitions. I don't know precisely how we'd fuck this situation up, but I'm sure we'd find a way.
That looks like a terrible way to block someones path. With only one leg on the ground te girl is really easy to trip
This way.
I think the usual method is to have your back on the wall to compensate, but the koreans forgot about it.
>art on helmet is noticible thicker than the rest of it
>words in bubbles aren't centered
>that shitty ye olde englishe
who is responsible for this monstrosity
fucking christ
>it's a reference to most Shonen animes that inspire edgelords
That is because you have a very limited scope of "barbarian"
My character would issue an error message, stating that it is not equipped with any licking apparatus.
I don't know, but I've saved it. Why? Because I need proof that nature truly is a bitch.
Making dreams come true is the opposite of bullying
>trying to bully a half feral lizard man
The party probably just scares the piss out of them by resorting to the same trick we use for interrogation. The party affectionately refers to it as the 'hold me back' routine, which involves making it seem like i'll eat the target if the party fails to restrain me. Maybe they "accidentally" lose their grip a few times to really give them a good scare. There's no shame in being frightened off by a giant lizard person that looks as though they're going to eat your face.
We Cheekie the Breekie, if you know what I mean.
>Character is a hacking murder machine.
>Shy around girls though.
Clever play GM, clever play.
>your attempt at extortion is futile, sapiens
>if you do not remove yourself, this unit will remove your nose to entertain the first graders
Stab both of them repeatedly, and don't stop until I can no longer laugh at how hard they have failed to intimidate me. Which is never.
And by what I mean, I mean.
"The Zone has claimed another life."
Probably by getting some lardass blackout trashed, paying the school floozy to give him a round or two, and then using the night to spread a rumor that they doubleteamed him for something he's useful for.
We've got a sneaky motherfuck, he can mix some stuff up so it looks like we have physical evidence. Shouldn't be too much trouble.
>this unit will remove your nose to entertain the first graders
10/10 would work with as a teacher's aid
Wait, boy bullies or girl bullies? Because if it's girl bullies then by the time you've uncovered they're the BBEGs it's probably too late.
Also the question is confusingly worded. It sounds like you're asking how the players would spare the bullies' feelings.
Gaia is awful by your standards, but it's where I cut my teeth as a roleplayer. I look at it not for the nine who're just expressing their emo phase, but for the one who realizes edgy characters aren't fun and decided to try something different.
Two new players in the great game, I see? You may win this round with your brutish extortion, but I shall have the last laugh when I rend your reputation to tatters!
>proceeds to spread petty gossip about them until somebody asks what a full grown man in tights is doing in a highschool
I turn on my radio and proceed to squat.
*presses crossbow trigger*
We done?
I invite them to sit down and have a cup of tea with me, and talk through their problems with them.
How would you defeat a MILF bully, Veeky Forums? Hard mode: you can't kill or use your current weapons.
I stop watching bad anime
i knew another /k/ommando would be here.
We "Convince" her to cook us pirogi's
by convince I mean Choke a bitch.
or be myself a be Pavel "Clown" Drogovich, the Clown of the train car circus
>cleric uses divine intervention
>he calls a teacher over
I clank past them whether they think they can stop me or not, just like I did in school.
Tear them apart whilst being a huge sized barbarian.
Beat them into submission. With my penis.
>unzips dick
You don't want to do this, girls. Go home.
Or alternately, Geralt ends up nailing them.
I take Ichiyon to a date.
my warforged compatriot
>*charge and ram*
>Hacker in Shadowrun is a teenager.
>Doesn't talk a lot and is shy
Oh jeez.
But yeah. The fucking murder machines he works with kind of blow through them.
Not even lethally. The orc can just pick them up and shake them.
Sa da tay.
>"You call that a dick? Ohohohohohohoho!"
Rolled 3 + 20 (1d20 + 20)
>But you know I don't bring lunch money to school anymore!
>Can't you just let me pass? I'll bring something next time.
My character is like a goddamned rock star to the local people (mind you, I am playing a bard). Mobs of people literally show up outside of the adventurer's guild hall every morning to try to get autographs; we have to fucking sneak out the back.
I could write a song slamming them and their lives would be over.