>An Imperial Crusade Fleet has just invaded the last setting you played, read, watched, or seen.
>How does it go?
An Imperial Crusade Fleet has just invaded the last setting you played, read, watched, or seen
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OP here, Halo for me. Day Saved/Totally fucked?
I just got done playing some Dawn of War so everything stays exactly the same.
I recently reread Codename: Sailor V. If we keep it limited to that time period then Minako gets absolutly destroyed. But if we bring in the stuff from Sailor Moon, well, we've had that conversation many times and it never goes well for the Imperium.
>watched, or seen.
Last thing I watched was Space Patrol Luluco. I'd probably give this one to the Imperium, though knowing Trigger's the last couple episodes might contain enough power level escalation to change my answer.
>though knowing Trigger's
I left out a word.
Honorverse. A Grayson Space Navy Superdread sneezes and knocks the fleet to dust.
>Warhammer Fantasy
rip chaos
Stellaris by Paradox, I am happy nice end game content for my fleets to kill.
On the other hand I played as militaristic, xenophobic(but not religious) humans so maybe they would fit in my empire and help me purge the galaxy.
Doubt it, half the fleet will fall to the Old gods without the Emperor's guidance, the rest will be lost in the warp.
Golarion, so we all die.
WHFB, so >watched
Top Gear, so I guess they learn about cars?
I have no idea
>pic related
The Mote in God's Eye
Dunno, it's a very similar Imperium, except much more Hard Sci Fi (and therefore more limited in reality)
Holy shit, that would be fucking hilarious. The book series I'm reading operates under the comically stupid premise that once we develop real psychic capabilities we'll get our shit together to such an extent that there is no warfare, widespread starvation, or significant natural disasters. And they have very few psychic people in their military. Have fun being incinerated by battle psykers!
>invades star wars, just as the empire starts taking over,
a LOT of xenos are about to die, but eventually they'll go down to massed fire.
>the wheel of time
jeez man, I don't even fucking know. They probably execute most of the main characters for being psykers or worse, and then bomb the dark one into oblivion, not knowing that'll accomplish nothing. Then they probably colonise, and treat it as a standard feudal world.
>The Puppet Masters
Purge the Xenos, liberate humans. Many humans under the control of Xenos may have to be purged.
Space Above and Beyond
It is about space marines and fukken Xenos and AI not accepting human superiority.
There is Tank grown humans treated as 2nd class citizens for the need of cannon fodder. so the Empire might take that as a alternative to the Imperial Guard, or just execute every last one of them for being... I don't know.
this is going to be fun
So an Imperial Crusade fleet ends up fighting another Imperial Crusade fleet.
I'm okay with this.
>comically stupid
That depends on what the psychic powers do. If they effectively render the monkeysphere not a thing, the idea becomes much more credible.
If they don't, well - is there anything necessarily morally WRONG with frying each other with mindbullets, or is it one of those "ape shall never kill ape" things that never gets applied to any other species no matter how screwed up they are?
>Les Miserables
Considering that warp travel fucking with time is a known possibility I'm going to guess that the Imperial Navy has standing orders to not fuck with Earth's past, so nothing noticeable changes.
Arrives in only war? Sweet reinforcements.
>the Imperium
>knowing anything about Earth's past pre-Age of Strife
>being able to recognize Revolutionary France
Hopefully between the geography and the stellar cartography they'd figure something out before they accidentally exterminatus the Emperor.
>Horus Rising
I dont think much would change
>Mage Wars Trilogy
I hope the Navy's down with hedonistic magic griffons.
Emps would likely come out of hiding and make sure they don't fuck shit up too hard
Eberron, the ambitious leadership deems the world salvage at first and the invasion and mass purgings begining earnestly. But soon enough the true extent of corruption is discover the discover. The order for the exterminatus is given and carry out immediately to the misfortune of the soldiers in the surface.
>yfw it's entirely possible this has already happened
>Setting Played
Fallout 4. So.... Synths = Prototype Men of Iron/Prototype Necrons, The Institute = Hereteks, Mutants are Mutants, BoS would get along well with the IoM and aid in the purging of the Synthetics and Mutants and bringing Terra #345 back into the fold, The Minutemen join up with IoM just to keep the people safe and become a full fledged PDF.
Well, the Potterverse just got fucked.
Black Library are writing it up as we speak.
>Fly to the upper stratosphere
>Breakthrough the flights of Imperial fighters
>Reach the the Imperial Battleship preparing to bombard a mayor city
>Race against the clock with the small opening in the ship closing
>Trek run throughout the entire ship
>Destroy integral ship components along the way to shutdown the voidshields
>The worldwide legacy of the Ulysses asteroid fires at the now vulnerable ship
>Fly to the other end of the ship while it explodes around you and epic music plays in the background
And that's the story of how the Solar Exalted conquered space.
>combine are oppressing humanity
>it seems like all resistance is worthless
>but then, Gordon Freeman shows up, and with nothing but a crowbar, begins bringing down the combine
>Citadel has fallen
>In exasperation, a combine soldier says "things can't get any worse"
>and then an Imperial Crusade Fleet appeared.
> played
Baldur's Gate.
This one is hard to call. The Imperium is tough, but D&D spellcasters are full of bullshit.
Storm Front.
No contest. Dresden files wizards don't seem like they have the chops of D&D wizards. The Crusade fleet will scour the psykers and warp fiends from alternate-Terra.
Game of Thrones.
No contest either. Dragons and ice zombies are no big deal to an entire Imperial Fleet, assuming there are Marines on board. Another fuedal-world to tithe.
The monkey sphere still exists for 99.99% of humanity, as that's how many are without the ability to send or receive telepathically. The author just has this asinine paragraph at the start of the first book which states that psychics working for various governments somehow ensured cooperation, despite having NOWHERE near enough psychics to accomplish this.
>World of Warships
gg no re
>Know No Fear
They might be able to warn the Ultramarines and save Calth, but the Word Bearers would still fuck shit up.
>haven't watched much lately, but I think the last was Event Horizon
So they destroy the Chaos-infected ship, then show humanity how to build Gellar Fields. Everything goes fine afterwards.
>Played: Rimworld
They find a mostly uninhabited, somewhat Terran like world. It's slotted for colonization, and the small pockets of humanity on it are checked for corruption and used as the first wave colonization. My settlement shrugs, and carries on as usual, until the AI they salvaged from a mechanoid ship is discovered. Summary executions follow.
Day saved, humanity fighting xenos, and so would get immediate help from the fleet. I believe they would be willing to overlook the AI given the known lifespans of "smart" AI, and how "dumb" AI are simply really good cogitators. All the other tech would have the Mechanicus oil several robs.
I was playing Sword of the Stars this morning. If the fleet showed up early game they'd stomp the sector, but late game...
I think the last book i read was Starship Troopers, I dunno, it's been a while. If that's the case though, the different humanities would likely team up to go on bug hunts.
The guys and I watched The Terminator a few days ago. The Imperial troops probably wouldn't even know about the future robot and just conquer the planet. No more judgement day.
I mean, Dresden wizards operate on DBZ rules. If they get pissed enough they might be able to do some crazy shit.
idk, the Haloverse humans being able to FTL with out needing a Geller Field or the use of a Navigator might end up causing a small scale Civil War due to the Navigator Gene no longer being needed and the Navigator Clans not liking the idea of being wiped out.
True, but Emps was going to wipe them out anyways after he got the webway working. I think the overwhelming majority of humans, space marines, and administrators view the Navigators as a necessary evil, and would love to purge them if they were not so needed.
Stellaris, Xenos get fucked
Space Rome is eternal
My last game was a Stars Without Number campaign. Pretty sure the entire sector is ready to get its shit pushed in.
Last book I read was Carrie. Well, someone's due for some sanctioning!
The Force Awakens? I wont even dare to make a quip here
I don't think anything changes.
Knights of Sidonia
Well, that's a lot of qt mutant trannies getting purged....
Which wouldn't much diverge from that particular show's policy towards the survivability of cute females. I swear it was written and directed by VirtualOptim.
>Read about OP's Imperial Crusade Fleet thing.
I guess it's 40k v 40k then?
If I take the non smartass route, it's either a romcom or a mundane espionage setting. Both get destroyed
This is my fetish
Watching apocalypse now redux right now. The vc are fucked.
> played: Metro 2033
Well, at least the mutants and commies will be gone. Or they don't give a fuck about blown to shit New Terra #34779 and continue sailing the high seas.
>Read: WW2
Well, at least the commies aren't a thing anymore.
Totalhammer. Things are looking for Archaon and co.
The Saga of Seven Suns. Humans/Ildiran might not do so well, but the other ayys would absolutely curbstomp the Imperials.
Masterchef. Now we're cooking with heresy!
don't forget about the alien beans
Game of Thrones. Well, I legitimately didn't see that twist coming.
>created the Imperium of Man in Stellaris.
Nice, reinforcements.
The ground forces get continually beat the fuck up by the Vanu or NC until they ally with the Terran Republic.
>Not just daemons
>Exterminatus insured.
>Storm Front.
>No contest. Dresden files wizards don't seem like they have the chops of D&D wizards. The Crusade fleet will scour the psykers and warp fiends from alternate-Terra.
You haven't seen what the truly powerful Wizards can do. Dresden just barely finished his Apprenticeship and is in his twenties during Storm Front.
Plus, there are multiple beings in the Dresdenverse who can wipe the floor with Chaos Gods.
Do yourself a favor and skip Fool Moon.
Pretty sure that Rayquaza would just solo the fleet. He hates it when people invade his territory. If not him, then one of the other Legendaries would intervene. Dialga could just age them into dust and Palkia would trap them in a pocket dimension for the rest of eternity.
Pokemon has bullshit power levels.
>I Just started a Dwarf Fortress succession game with some friends.
"Welp guys, we lost the fort. New world?"
They burn it from orbit as at least 50% of the population are xenos offshoots or ab-humans, there are monsters that can only be the spawn of Chaos running about almost unchecked. and the only people who can stand and face them are Warp tainted mutants.
Isn't one of the pokemon a literal aspect of Death itself?
Oh please, it takes an act of 10-year-old protagonist to get the legendaries off their collective duffs. The inquisition would order a purge the first time a pidgey looked at them sideways.
Squats are a part of the imperium again user: as long as they don't do anything heretical, you're fine
>Only War
Looks like the reinforcements have arrived!
Halo AI are created using a cloned human brain.
I'm pretty sure ad mech would view it as becoming completely machine and ok.
>Tech Priest
"ERH MEH GAWD AI!!!" *mechadendrites writhe in anger*
"Machine Spirit?"
>Tech Priest
"Oh, okay. Carry on then."
The Marvel Universe. The Imperial Crusade Fleet is crushed. Tony Stark quips about it being the third such invasion this week.
Oh hardy har har, nice try. You can't trick me user.
It takes the actions of large criminal syndicates to propel the Legendaries into action.
>Ultron isn't really 'dead' and infiltrates the machine spirit.
>Starts the second coming of the Men of Iron.
>Becomes an honorary Necron.
>Leads them in the destruction of Organics because it's the only way to protect them from themselves.
>Gets the shit kicked out of him by Orks that remind him of The Hulk in looks.
>Nothing's changed.
>Postal 2
The Dude somehow finds his way onto each of the ships as he collects things to repair his car, pick up a new lightbulb and a can of paint.
Entire fleet is destroyed both from within and as it turns on itself in a desperate attempt to kill the man who's going about his day enjoying his 2nd Amendment rights while whacking people's heads off with a shovel, flashing everyone and pissing on everything.
The Dude goes home with a jacket full of goodies and no regrets at all while fragments of the fleet fall from orbit.
Not bad for a Monday.
No, really. The administration blames the inquisition, Inquisition blames the mechanics, and mechanics blames the administration for losing the paperwork, but squats are back. Homo Sapiens Rotundus
>Grey Knights get a new chapter master.
Everyone dies
I don't know anything about Gen V so maybe?
Gen V was just awful.
I'm sure Rincewind, Carrot, Vimes or Lipvig would win simply because they're protagonists on the Disc.
I'm sorry, but I can't afford the emotional turmoil of being lied to about this again. I'm going to need to request sauce.
Bitch please. A'tuin would just eat the entire fleet.
>Implying Doom Guy wouldn't tear down the Imperium for being evil
Dude doesn't believe in "Ends justify the means"
>Eye of terror sheds a tear, creating a new segmentum.
> Would either purge or protect it since all the species are native to holy terra
>Implying that it isn't the same as his present and that he wouldn't just plunge into the Eye of Terror to beat the shit out of the Chaos Gods and their Daemonic servants.
After he's done with the Chaos Gods he'd come back out and dismantle the Imperium.
Played: Fallout
Idk goes bad for muties
Read: paranatural web comic
Bad if they can see ghosts
Watched: King of the hill
Propane power baby
Battlefleet Gothic... Welp, those reinforcements are gonna come in handy!
The Devil in the White City... I wonder if Khorne would give any special reward to America's first convicted serial killer.
Scream: The Series... somehow, those murders don't seem to matter anymore. Noah would make an awesome Inquisitorial Acolyte though.
>SupCom: FA
Actually one of the few settings where they'd get immediately buttfucked if they tried to start shit with anybody of importance.
>Rand wields Callandor
>Fully linked circle of male and female channelers wield (male) Choedan Kal with Rand in charge of the circle
>Nynaeve wields Vora's sa'angreal, (female) Choedan Kal, fully linked circle of channelers
It's like nothing ever happened.
>Master of Orion 2
But I'm already playing as the Humans.
Well somebody has a lot of explaining to do...
I dropped Wheel of Time halfway through the middle books. I could not take the eternal bitching of the main characters and their near-anime tier denseness
Does it get better? Will Nynaeve stop being a whinny bitch? Does Rand and the rest of his ragtag "arny" actually get some shit done?
well last thing i read was much ado about nothing... so things are about to get.... interesting.... i guess.
maybe they would be shocked to find the origin of mankind and also some kind of untainted planet.
Remnant is fucked. Grim are likely chaos based, dust is basically sorcery, and Hunters use their souls as weapons (sounds like heresy to me.) Maybe if they oppress the Faunus hard enough they will get a pass.
Nynaeve never quite stops being a bitch, but yes she doesn't get better. Also, Rand becomes extremely badass, though angsty, and shit gets done.
Rand and Nynaeve cleanse Saidin, Lews Therin gains some semblance of sanity and he and Rand become almost like 1 person. Rand goes on a balefire murdering rampage against several forsaken, Mat and Perrin both end up being extremely badass, the Last Battle is extremely great.
Very, very badly
>Have fun being incinerated by battle psykers!
>>An Imperial Crusade Fleet has just invaded the last setting you played, read, watched, or seen.
Does the warp exist in that series?
I'm guessing it doesn't, and that Psykers aren't gonna be able to do shit.
Dawn of War II, probably ends faster now that the bulk of the Orks and Tyranids are distracted and the Blood Ravens can just focus on developing the anti Tyranid virus without having to babysit the subsector.
Iron Kingdom of Prussia, so hopefully they just leave Earth alone or demand some tithes.
X-Men Apocalypse. Magneto and Apocalypse are OP as shit and Earth is crawling with mutants so they probably decide to exterminatus it.
>Rand and Nynaeve cleanse the Saidin
I'll stop reading that spoiler there. Should have expected that though. Neither Egwene nor Elayne possess the power or the will to burn away the cloying oil over the Power. Shame, I kinda wanted Egwene to do it.
Faunus may get a pass as they are 95% the same as humans visually (reaaally creative, Roosterteeth), but everything else is FUCKED
Sorcery, soul magicks, daemons beasts that can reproduce enmasse and dont require a host, and especially that one robot chick that got chopped to bits. That one is super tech heresy