OP is missing the OP edition!
What decks use collected company?
OP is missing the OP edition!
What decks use collected company?
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Veeky Forums usually has at least some insider info about the cards...
how did i miss this? angel's mercy for 1 mana?
Muh powercreep
>set launches in a month
>no spoilers
What is this gay shit?
What spoilers?
Wait, there's a new set coming out in a month?!
Prerelease for Eldritch moon is July 16-17.
Oh gee I sure do hope I get me some more werewolves! Maybe one with flying?
>Flying werewolves
God, kill me now.
How does this look for a U Eldrazi deck?
It isn't mine, I stole it from mtggoldfish about a week or so ago.
Rate my (near) budget build. Pulled the two Planeswalkers from packs so they don't count.
Over half your deck is creatures and you only have 5 non-creature spells. I'm sorry, but mono-blue is not the color for creature aggro.
Eh. 7/10. Solid build but could have gone even more budget with replacing those Planeswalkers with more pack guardians and hermits. Also, getting off the neglected heirloom is going to be a bitch if your opponent isn't blowing his load early game.
It's essentially colorless beatdown splash blue for skyspawner, infiltrator, ruination guide, and whirler rouge.
You are going to go through sleeves hella fast when 26 of your 37 spells flip.
Take out the ruination guides and skyspawners and spatial contortion. Get some mist intruder, void shatter, and 2 ulamog.
i'm still playing atarka red
why? why not!
>Lavastep Raider
Why not Village Messenger?
Inconsistency with flips. You cant get messenger to stay flipped long.
why is every one who plays modern a dick?
also rate my deck
it's a goblin, it's a mana-sink, it's a base 1/2
remember, i'm running piledrivers.
scout targeting piledriver into bushwhacker is a very real line.
Haven't got my list on me but I'm trying to forge together a g/w humans deck. I have
3 ulvenwald mysteries
4 Thalia
4 handler
3 consultant lieutenant
4 threaten
2 kytheon
1 abbey
3 of some green card that clones tokens
Not sure where to go from here
This deck already exists, but you knew that.
I have seen something vaguely similar but it doesn't utilise clues. I'd like to change that. Sorry for bothering you guys.
The top standard deck in the protour was GW humans, take a look at that.
GW Tokens actually.
Would it be worth trading Vampiric Tutor/Arlinn Kord/Sensei's Divining Top for 2 CoCos if my LGS owner will go for it?
There is no difference.
>Thalia's Lieutenant
>Tireless Tracker
>Hangarback Walker
>Oath of Nissa
>Collected Company
>only 4 humans
>no difference
Besides, Humans is Bant, because why would you not play Jace and Reflector Mage?
Standard or modern? Advice, info or any tips would be most welcome.
Why is Kessig Forgemaster hell to kill with tokens?
because GW tokens is even more of meme deck
Standard. Modern is more expensive and by the time your deck cycles out you'll have gotten sick of playing it anyways.
Alright. My deck is similar but I like using silverfur partisan and instant buffs for moar wolves. I'm real tempted to blow the cash in Arlinns.
Modern. Spend money once.
>actively updating the banlist to sculpt the metagame
Modern: not even once.
Then Legacy or Vintage.
I just got 4 CoCos. I pretty much have bant humans now
thinking of putting together an uninvited geist deck with pic related. maybe throw in some rebound cards from dtk
Im playing atarka too, slightly changed version from goldfish.