Where did it all go wrong for your character, Veeky Forums?
Where did it all go wrong for your character, Veeky Forums?
>paladin: after losing his eye to the half-demon
>fighter: before the campaign even started
Probably around the time his genetalia was removed by a god as punishment for his finagling with a hot daemon.
Attempting to contact the god of death. Turns out the deities of the setting don't like getting pestered by mortals.
When his father, the BBEG, created him
The moment I rolled up a swarm of midgets. This was in Gamma World mind you.
Approximately 217 years before the game started(fucking cryogenics) when he realized the reason most cryptozoologists are scam artists because that's the only way to earn a living.
>the BBEG created him
Don't let that stop you.
In backstory:
>When the elven god of magic smote nearly his entire family save him and his brother for petty reasons
>When the human deity his brother left to worship labeled him worthless due to his failure to die in defense of the shrine, leaving him to die in a gutter
In campaign:
>When the rest of the party went full retard and decided "push every button on the puzzle until something happens" was a viable strategy.
>Also when despite all his efforts to help people and make the town better he was derided and mistrusted by everyone around him.
I wanted to play a Cavalier.
At least the GM let me do so on a moose.
dowman really has a kawaii style.
>create a fighter specializing in shields
>several feats and such that require a shield to work
>literally first attack made against me crits and I lose a hand
>can pretty much only make basic attacks now
Also during the next encounter we ended up awakening an ancient evil and turning a forest into an kilometers wide pit of magma. In my group the phrase "darkest timeline" is uttered constantly.
As usual, first post best post.
>trusting a foreigner
And it was all downhill from there.
You don't need a hand to hold a shield, just buckle it to your arm
the adventure ended and I had to become a DM
When I chose the Knowledge Domain
Perusing the player's handbook, the only shields required the use of a hand. But yeah, that's my best plan at the moment. Group's on break though so I might not get a chance to even continue that character.
you poor poor soul
I made a wizard archeologist who was stuck working for a Dragon Queen because he didn't recognize her authority and refused to pay taxes on his wizard tower. She knocked it down. It used to be his parents' wizard tower before they they went missing investigating a mysterious traveling ruin.
Not only did that Wizard hate dragons and was forced to work for one, he managed to find that mysterious ruin over the course of his adventure but had no time to investigate it properly for archeological significance nor for the bodies of his dead parents because the fate of the world was at stake. His lifelong fairy friend-familiar died in that ruin shortly after at the hands of an eldritch monster that brain-raped the wizard, damaged his mind which is his most prized quality and once it was slain had the curious effect of erasing everybody's memories that the fight had even happened. So he couldn't even remember why his fairy friend died. And even after saving the fucking multiverse he was still stuck working for that fucking loathsome dragon.
He should have ask said daemon for compensation.
When he watched all his friends die horribly though a tv screen, and it was all his fault.
Playing a Barbarian
>finish clearing a dungeon
party scales a cliff because of cave overlooing the dungeon entrance
>Party encounters a dragon at the top
>roll 20 for initiative
>rage and charge the dragon
>party flees to a man over the cliff
>come out of rage only have 10hp left
>down a potion and jump from the ledge
>flee into the dungeon with 0hp
>spend 3 days hiding
>Party returns to the inn we were at
>leaves with all of my stuff
>track them down
>kill the now fallen paladin and mage for saying they didn't have my gear
>rest of the party feared the barb from then on
Playing a Barbarian
>finish clearing a dungeon
>party scales a cliff because of cave overlooking the dungeon entrance
>Party encounters a dragon at the top
>roll 20 for initiative
>rage and charge the dragon
>party flees to a man over the cliff
>come out of rage only have 10hp left
>down a potion and jump from the ledge
>flee into the dungeon with 0hp
>spend 3 days hiding
>Party returns to the inn we were at
>leaves with all of my stuff
>track them down
>kill the now fallen paladin and mage for saying they didn't have my gear
>rest of the party feared the barb from then on
When I wanted to play a martial in a D&D campaign.
What game are you talking about?
Bargains with daemons, that sounds like it will have a positive outcome.
The horrible mess with the kidneys because that was when it got shape.
The day he met Bastard Spinrad.
For my most recent characters,
Human Sorceress: during her backstory.
Halfling Summoner: when a powerful Fey got a lock of his hair.
Tengu mage: when he met the party.
>Tengu mage
>Halfling Summoner
She fucked a Succubus. Then she became a Succubus. Then her former lover hunted her down.
When the fighter decided to help the rogue instead of the squishy caster.
Or alternatively, when the DM decided that trying to make the fight a little less difficult by Mage handing the unaware minotaur's discarded axe off the nearby cliff would have made the encounter too easy and so had the weapon stop just short, allowing the Minotaur to grab the axe and charge me...
>playing what amounts to this game's Blue Mage (steal and store powers and memories from enemies)
>encounter Lilith attempting to resurrect Sammael, by use of a big chunk of Tanzanite holding a portion of his powers and knowledge, known as the Satan Stone
>inb4 stupid name
>attempt parley, offer assistance in accessing Satan's power
>she fukken lets me
>try to absorb essence
>it resists with the power of motherfucking Satan
>try again, maximum effort
>pass the fuck out
>wake up evil
And that's the story of how I got a chunk of Satan in my brain.
>Character 1
Trying to get by without murdering absolutely everyone. It was like playing on Lunatic mode.
>Character 2
Being a Tiefling. Never do this unless you have a supremely good reason to.
When the DM decided that dead family and friends equals good story writing.
Everyone she knows and cares about?
Gone without a single roll, all of them off-screen and all of them to an unnamed, unknown group that left absolutely no evidence behind and even destroyed absolutely everything they owned so I couldn't even take anything as a momento, sell for some cash or use myself.
Including everything in the locked crate which we had to unlock first.
So they opened the crate, broke everything beyond repair and then relocked the crate while also somehow breaking it so I couldn't take it myself.
But how? They had some pretty advanced technology with them and defence turrets around the camp?
>Predators seeing them as an easy meal
When I decided to play a Netural Evil Drow Assassin in an all good party.
Though it was fun having to go behind the Parties backs to take out their, and by extension my, enemies in little assassin mini-missions.
However by the end I was more netural then evil just so we didn't self destruct.
When the halfling started to try to get in his pants
Day one when she woke up in that hellscape of ruined cities. And it ain't ever gonna get better.
When she was making fun of her ally who was trying to climb up to the perch she was keeping watch on, and thus not seeing the goblin shooting an arrow at her neck.
When my charisma focused rogue lost charisma points for being revived as an ugly fucking zombie
When she ran afoul of the local lord's daughter, by refusing to give the drinks intended for her farmer husband after a long days work to said lord's daugther during a hunt.
It went really badly.
Since when was being a succubus an STD?
>Shadowrun social adept
Made a deal with a dragon
>3.pf gunslinger
Failed to conserve ammo while shooting straight after making a deal with a dragon
>Exalted zenith cast
Forgot to geek the mage first while working for a dragon
I'm sensing a pattern.
When he took that job out of college to help in the Quarantine of Bug City.
There's a reason never make a deal with a dragon is the number one rule of shadowrunners. Three different games with three different GMs, everything went to shit shortly after we started dealing with the bastards.
Yeah but they pay well. Of course they try to have you killed working for them, but if you survive that, the money's good.
Being a raven guard and acting dickish. Now every character i make is derided and mocked. No one helps me unless they think i'll nuke something with psychic powers. Fuck my deathwatch group.
Being born into a family that practiced demonology and was thus barred from living in the Dwarf Homes.
Ever since you entered my magical realm.
He made a deal with a fae lord.
>Mage in nWoD
>City in ruins, other mages and some artifacts were the culprit.
>On his deathbed after a fight against another party member for what should be done with the relics, grabs the one that amplifies Time arcana and tries to go back in time before the campaign started to do things over again.
>Winds up getting stuck in a time loop since no one remembers the future events, effectively causing the campaign to repeat over and over again with the same actions done each time.
Note: Casting time spells close to death is never a good idea, something will always get fucked up. Our storyteller ruled however that even though the above would be true, he'd handwave the idea that our past selves could gain some limited precognition to change some actions to cause different events to take place, but we just moved on to another game instead.
>Getting polymorphed into a cat
>Stuffed into a box and buried at sea.
>Trapped in a jar by mages
>An airstrike for little old me?
>What you mean druids can where metal armor?
>My Sire's a Pedophile!(tm)
>Murdered by a little girl in my sleep.
>Wrong owl.
Lots of times.
After about 5 levels and rolling on 1s for HP. After that point I get desperate to find ways to stay alive. Regrettable things were done for blood rituals. Desperate acts for enchanted gear. The fear of death looming overhead can drive a man to do things he would never consider.
Instructions unclear, got dick stuck in crazy.
Succubi aren't inherently evil. its just an "It Follows" situation.
When the cute, alcoholic Tiefling quest giver turned out to be a psychotic Drow who started turning townsfolk into monsters to fuel her ridiculous powers so that she could free her insane, spider god "mother" from interstellar prison. Up until then it was all about going on adventures and performing daring heists and wooing Tieflings. After that? No just cause. No "greater good." All for revenge. And then when you get it you realize it's so hollow because you're in too deep and now you have to extend your revenge to seven more of these weirdos and every jackass they've conned into helping them. We'll never be that gentleman thief living in the lap of luxury. Just a soldier who dies before he grows old.
>the final battle
>the ailing remnants marches on the great horde
>member of the honor guard of the prince
>about to charge into the surrounded keshiks as the horse-archers rain fiery hell upon us
>then That Guy's fox girl stabs me in the gut and leaves my character to die, grumbles about something to do with MGTOW and feminism or some stupid ass thing
>seeing one of the great heroes die, the infantry rout and flee
>GM decides to roll with it and the Khan slaughters the entire imperial wuxia army
>marches unopposed into the imperial city, subjugating what's left of the burned jade empire
>age of the horse lords begins, a low brewing cold war with not!Muhammed starts
The kung-fu hero of Wuxia died because I talked to a girl I was crushing on.
A warrior who escaped servitude of a band of powerful wizards, who had enslaved his religious colony (among other groups) with a legion of golems. Joined a small band of treasure hunters to make a name for himself, planning on using money and influence to lead an army to go the crystal city in the mountains to the west and depose the mages that lived there. Ultimately, the small band saved several cities from a different and older evil, thanks in no part to a magical sword which had been lost to time deep within a forgotten catacomb, which not only struck the incorporeal with powerful light, but sealed the souls of that which it destroyed within it.
He got his happy ending. But while I originally intended to have him slip down a moral slope of justifying worse and worse offenses in the name of justice and revenge against his hated enemies, the rest of the party didn't respond well to how things were going, which they expressed in and out of character. So I changed directions, had him instead realize what he was doing, reconvert to the faith he had once abandoned, and ultimately accomplish his goals driven by love and obligation, rather than hate.
But then I was GM for the next campaign. And in one session, a character died in a particularly stupid way. So I took pity, and death offered him a choice. Travel to a forgotten iron cities in the mountains to the west, and destroy an artifact within, an ancient blade which contained many souls long overdue for release. If he agreed to complete this task by the end of winter, he would be revived, for keeps, and of course he did. And after fighting dozens of various undead in the decaying citidel, they came to the throne room to find what they were looking for. The king of the fortress stood before them, coated in rusted plate and wielding a shiny claymore. His body shriveled and pale, like a lich's but not truly undead. The mage cast a spell to make the king fear his own blade, but nothing happened; he already did.
The money's good, yeah, but there's always some hidden catch, something that when added in to the total makes it so your just a little worse off than when you started. Scaly bastards.
After being kicked out of the church for being to much of a zealot
When my character found out his childhood sweetheart and wife was actually a mindflayer and their children were actually wicker manikins.
when he sucked the lifeforce out of an entire planet to power a superweapon.
When my nuwIsha received a dare to heave ho himself directly into the air off a skyscrapper and had 5 successes
It started with the kobolds. Then came the nets. Then the ghouls showed up.
When my party kidnapped me after joining the evil faction and destroying their faction.
When my GM persuaded me to multi-class to get that Barbarian/Oracle unique class in PF.
Or playing PF for that matter. My blacksmith never got to create anything ever.
When he died the first time.
Never make deals with dragons. Polymorph that bitch.
You got Diabloed.
But in spite of that it got better in the years after.
>Be a warlock
>Orc barbarian leaves you right in the open and runs away from the fight to rape a woman.
>Thinks it's your fault for making a character who doesn't have a lot of HP.
He killed a Raksha, and saved another one who proceeded to latch onto him.
When Crows stripped the flesh from his bones is kinda when it all went to shit.
Probably around the time he said, "I think she's bluffing," regarding a witch curse.
I am currently playing a bullywug paladin, in case you were wondering, and he'd really like to be a human paladin again.
Playing a bard. We have mission to steal corrupted priest and bring him to elves.
We come into church at the prayer time, wait until it ends and approach priest to bluff a little bit, to say what we're here to protect him.
He suspects something fishy and does not let go the flock yet.
I didn't like the way it turns and decided to tell the people truth about priest, and the fact that elves attacking village because of him.
Duel of wits and words with priest and I lose it. Our wizard burns alive nearly 40 commoners before my eyes to save our lives.
My character depressed and drunk for the next few weeks.
The most sane and understandable phrase in this period "Like a matchbox... Poof..."
Do you even know what a halfling is
When he tried to avoid the plot. I retired the character and basically said he fucked off as far away from the land-of-always-in-peril to settle down in a small town and make money as a doctor/alchemist.
So of course, next campaign, it turns out that some ultra zealous Paladins decided to purge the town because they had a strict no magic policy.
Long story short, he ended up trading his soul to a demon to save the town and in doing so became the host for the new evil sweeping the land of seriously-why-do-people-even-bother-living-here?
Well paladin's often have some sort of curse undoing ability, so you're probably only levels away
More than a quarterling, but less than a ling
When he decided to leave and go on HIGH ADVENTURE!
and then realised that the world outside his hometown he lives in is a complete shithole, people are always shifty eyed cunts and the people he travels with are psychopaths and hypocrites.
I'm pretty much playing him as a man that wants to fuck up the entire Earth and go home to live a quiet life, knowing that nobody will try stepping near the home of a two legged apocalypse.
Never let anything put a tentacle into any hole in your head.
When the Russians captured Smolensk.
not my most recent charachter but:
When he was the only one with initiative, jumped off a speeding coach in a corner of the road, over a river, trying to finish off a dragon, it was a do-or-die situation.
he had to make an attack in mid-air onto a waiting dragon about to do a breath attack and melt to coach, the party, and the surrounding countryside.
he fumbled his attack, got his arm bitten off an floated down the river, losing his +1 sword, talon. presumed dead/alive.
rest of the party got either melted or feigned their death in the ensuing destruction.
when the woman he loved chose another man...
Now he has to find love again...
Very few people have ever needed to be told that
When Ragnarok started
Being born in Cheliax.
Right at the end of character creation.
He's a Classic Traveller character, so his background was all randomly generated. Apparently he used to have a nice cushy position as an officer in the stellar navy. Stable, respectable, reasonably safe. And for some stupid fucking reason (ie: because the game requires it) he quit after 16 years, and now lives as some sort of space gypsy. He's 34 years old, has a mere 22,000 credits to his name, gets a pittance of a pension every year, and "owns" a shitty starship that's mortgaged out the ass, which he'll be paying off for the rest of his life.
Shoulda stayed in the service.
When he joined a party filled with idiots and psychopaths
I see what you did there.