
>shorting crypto

hope you're well stocked on pink wojacks my man

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They can only short the futures you goomba. They will only waste money if they try to manipulate the actual price of Bitcoin, as people will snap it up as soon as it's sub 10k.

Can't wait to watch boomers eat shit.

>people will snap it up as soon as it's sub 10k.

more deluded than linkies and catties combined

If I was in the game I'd short it, now now, maybe next year. Mining operations will inflate this to fuck now that it's hit the mainstream. Every bubble pops.

Wait and see, you are probably not an experienced trader I suspect.
95% of people last weeks have been like you, overconfident and saying bitcoin will be 25k usd in january, this is a major indicator of something being overvalued. There is simply no risk according to you, its 100% gain in a month, thats just not possible.

>people will snap it up as soon as it's sub 10k.
You really think people are gonna be buying bitcoin at 9,8,7k?

>my hedge
Against events that happened yet and you don’t really know are happening.
Isn’t the whole point to protect yourself in case either scenario happens? You’re totally fucked if bitcoin doesn’t drop.

Nice. More shorts = more squeezes

obviously speaking at a bitcoin holder point of view dumbass. You think Im 100% in those position? Also bitmex is BTC settled so you should have calculated this stuff out.

The pushed narrative theory is that all btc futures are all going to short btc. Im not familiar with futures, is shorting all they do? Or could they benefit from a btc that keeps going up and not short it?

It just seems to me like the "all btc futures will short it" narrative is being spread around, marketed. Like the flippening, dragonslayer, tether....all fud.

Futures could benefit from an ever rising btc right? Not all futures are based on shorts after all?

I didn’t need to calculate. You’re short bitcoin and long bch. It’s basically the same position taken twice, they’ll amplify each other’s gain/loss.

... they already are/

Its really funny to see these things play out, a couple days ago it was 1% that saw this coming, now its like 5%, soon the turning point is reached and there will be no way to know wheres a decent entry. Thought some of you might enjoy not being completely out of profit when major price fluctiuation will occur.

I'm going to laugh my ass off when a Korean whales takes the Kike's lunch money.

Futures are great, they will provide a sell side to a market thats completely based on people buying and "hodling" This will accurately price in bitcoin instead of these fantasy prices of 100k in 2 months etc. CME will boost bitcoin price longterm because of serious institutions finally being able to get into bitcoin. But first they will short this dreamcoin because they dont have an inherent incentive of being bull, like btc-settled bitmex. (they call bitmex bullmex, of the constant bullcontracts)

Could be done with serious FUD and or Exchange(s) Hack. You'll sell the bitcoins not them.

Hmm, you make a good point. It's possible that if a drop happened it would literally just be made up for by the fact that the people trading are retarded and buying as soon as they see a drop, raising the value again.

>they pushed the narrative
Not really; the major thesis on wall st. is that people are going to go long because they don't want USD exposure, and this is well held by amerimutt normies as well.

>what is a future
A future is a standardized derivative contract, e.g. You and I agree, regardless of the price of BTC today, that I will buy 1000 BTC from you for 12000 in a month. If the price of BTC goes above 12000, I gain and you lose, if BTC goes down, vice versa.

>how does this influence price
Let's say I make a deal with you and every other user in this thread that I will buy BTC from you at 12000 in a month. That's going to push *today's* price up, because the futures market price for one month from now is close to 12000.

>why do they want to short it
Because it's high. If it were 1k, they would go long.

>can they benefit from BTC if it goes up
Yes, but less so because now they have to drive the price up from 10k at least; whereas they can pick up cheap synthetic BTC (wall st. for having the equivalent of BTC except in derivatives rather than BTC itself) cheap by shorting.

>Veeky Forums says they'll short
Veeky Forums is always 2 autism units ahead of the curve, this time they're right but it's an accident.

Bch will only go up from this standpoint, the risk/reward ratio is massive
BTC is certainly getting shorted, the question is when, my entry point is now, it seems bulls are getting tired.
Then I have btc on cold storage. I never go 100% on positions, as Im not stupid.

Triple ath in a week isnt sensible to ask for, you are gambling on bitcoin being continued to be "buy high, stay high"
No serious trader would do that, even on bitcoinsubreddit they advice people not to buy ath


Wut? I'm confused. Are you confused?

Buy gold kohai, you can count on it just like me

Here ya go, dipshits, the best REALISTIC breakdown (ie, not frightened pillow-forting) about what's going to happen:

It's amazing how you FUDding chicken little retards can make even reddit look good.

I still think that banks are purposefully pumping the market and will dump once futures hit.

Are any altcoins going to be on the martket either? Or just btc?