If all superheroes and villains were their own class, and you didn't want to piss off the GM by picking something unbalanced and OP, what would you play as?
If all superheroes and villains were their own class...
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Mentalist (physical). Telekinesis is surprisingly overpriced in most systems to the point of uselessness.
The Flash or Doctor Manhattan
Loki, for no other reason than The Power Of Fangirls
Iron Man, probably. I like Super Science but I don't want to be a massive asshole like Reed Richards or Doom and I don't want to be a bitch like Hank Pym.
Depends on which Flash. Didn't one of them break the time barrier, reboot the Origin of plenty of heroes and alter the timeline during Flashpoint, then do it again, which started the New 52 reboot?
I'd probably play a Gambit or Green Arrow type character.
Play Wolverine and deliberately get my ass kicked in every fight by charging right for the boss and letting them throw me around while the party kills off the mooks. Let everybody think I'm useless because I don't solo everything all the time, never mention how much I keep heat off the rest of the party with this routine until they notice it.
>don't want to be a massive asshole like Reed Richards
And you went Stark? At least Reed is usually right.
Spider-Man is a pretty solid choice I'd say.
Lots of flexible powers, can hit into a pretty high weight class but is vulnerable enough that even a guy like the Crime Master could be a tough fight. He'd be pretty easy to GM for.
On point rogue. You give me over powered stuff I fight overpowered stuff. You don't I don't
That's kind of where a lot of heroes with some sort of "enhanced reflexes" ability fall. They tend to be able to pretty much fight anyone with a pretty random degree of success. Spider-man has beaten the main x-men team solo and been beaten up by tons of nobodies
Hasn't Iron man been able to lift mountains and kill gods but got his ass beaten by two dudes who couldn't bench press a smart car.
One not the main X-men at the time and they were all teanage newbs then. Two in Marvel the spiderwank is strong. Still he could solo Logan, nightcrawler, colossus, and beast at once, but like lose to Cyclops if there is any gap between them
>A devout catholic
Prepare to get fedora butthurt.
Iron man has that whole "different suit" deal, but he's also had a pretty fucked up history as a character. I'm pretty sure the current iron man is a teenage Tony Stark that was put forward in time because it was revealed the original one worked for Kang or some shit
Hey op. I think I'm your DM.
Colossus and spider-man is a weird fight to imagine since I doubt he could really do much if anything to colossus without getting creative, but he would have an absurdly easy time getting away from or past him
Cap can Spartan kick trucks hard enough to send people flying, pull military choppers down, throw motorcycles through armored hummers, and over power Spiderman. He's stronger than Ironman in the movies, just his toughness is barely enhanced human.
Current comic Ironman is three Starks fused together and mind wiped twice cuz he went full evil twice and didn't want to write a redemption arc
Wait, so personality is part of the class? Wouldn't it just be powers?
Would Nightcrawler but Georgian Orthodox be better?
Probably the "flying brick" kind. Think Superman in his most basic essence. Flight, super strength, super speed, heat vision and ice breath. Enough strength to be able to bench press mountains, but not enough to do the retarded shit Supes has actually done like hold up infinity or whatever. Can move fast, but not "move backwards in time" fast. Heat vision and ice breath for reasons. Incredibly hard to kill, with a crippling weakness to Kryptonite or some other magic space rock.
Ice breath is really a just a side effect of strength
Deadpool. Resiliency, minor 4th-wall-breaking powers, and proficiency with firearms.
I have a soft spot for the traditional costumed crimefighting ninja types.
Gambit was my favorite X-Men as a kid but god he is worthless. No superhuman strength, a metal staff, and piddly exploding cards. He's the Jubilee of the adults.
exactly that OP
how would cyclops even hit spiderman though? Doesn't spiderman have precognitive abilities that would let him cheese his way around lasers?
If he's not fast enough he'll still get hit. Certain things like Symbiotes also bypass his spider-sense.
spider-sense isn't a perfect defence, and cyclops has superhuman aiming skills or something, so it's possible.
>over power Spiderman
Spider-Man is explicitly super human in strength. Captain America is explicitly peak human.
Spider-Man even has a scene where he rants about how he's sick of holding back so he doesn't kill his regular villains in a single punch while lifting a bus.
Spider-Man in the movie didn't even get "overpowered" by Captain America. He got outsmarted, and against a person with an INDESTRUCTIBLE, INFINITE KINETIC ENERGY vibranium shield. Stark even comments just how strong Spider-Man is to change speed and catch cars like he did on the YouTube footage.
Movie Spider-Man was actually done very well in Civil War and is shown to be stronger than any movie Spider-Man in the past, going by simple physics, and assuming the real world physics are the same throughout all Spider-Man movies.
I'd pick Gambit
Spiderman is weaker in civil war than in amazing Spiderman 2. And cap wins a tug o war contest against him.
>implying Spiderman has a chance to dodge
>>Fucking Moon Knight.
Mah Gentleman of Nubian decent.
As for me, I choose the crotch based gadgetry of The Codpiece.
ez. Spiderman senses it coming and webs cyclops hands and gadgets shut.
He can take on two cops at once with the double penis punch!
He won by using intelligence and manipulating the web like a tool/lever, not through brute strength.
>this bait
Gambits cards explode with the force of a have grenade, his vibranium staff can be charged on every strike to take down a tank, has super agility on par with Spiderman, and literally can never tire with infinite kinetic energy
Hank Pym is a good combo: omnidisciplinary scientist, Giant, and Tiny, with bug control. Not immediately apparent how OP he is until you reveal his hidden power "Fails Upwards", everything he does, he is doomed to fuck up, but always for the ultimate better.
Cyclops has remote controls for his visor in both gloves and can open it by flexing his facial muscles. He also can just follow him with the blast because Spiderman isn't faster than Cyclop's blast or him turning his head
You can't out clever a tug war against a guy that catches speeding cars and holds up train cars
He's one of the omega-level mutants in the world.
For some reason, the more powerful a mutant becomes, the fewer fucks they give. Ice Man is another omega-level mutant, with powers that could end the planet, and he just doesn't care.
You can, however, win against an inexperienced 16 year old from Queens who's never been in a real Supers fight by outsmarting him.
Spider-man lost that tug-of-war because he didn't use his powers correctly. Instead of sticking himself to the ground, he only used his superhuman strength to pull. This meant that when cap gave the webbing a flick and twist, spider-man was picked up off the ground by the same line he was holding, allowing cap to gain an advantage while spider-man was in a position with no leverage.
Captain America used that advantage to drop a piece of heavy equipment on Spider-Man, functionally removing him from the fight for a duration.
If Spider-Man had more experience, he would have won... but Captain's years of experience carried the day.
This is kind of an inversion of Man of Steel, where the less experienced, much stronger fighter beat the veteran soldier with a lower power level (though it kind of evened out as the city smashing progressed.)
Tony has been schooled several times depending on how shitfaced he was at the time.
You can't surprise a precog with faster reflexes than you
Spider-Man is a terrible choice, he's broken as shit. The only reason he even has villains is PLOT making them effective.
>posting punisher 2099 and not using the best panel
for shame
You can, however, surprise an *indistinct* precog. Spider-man has a "danger sense" which, rather famously, does not tell him *what* is the danger. With experience, he learns and hones his reaction time, but in the movies, he's been actively trying to block it out, by use of heavy goggles and fabrics.
"My senses have been going crazy" ring a bell? Movie universe spider man does not know or understand his spider sense yet. And it's okay, he's only had it for six months, which, movie-timeline wise, have not included any super villain conflicts.
Codpiece. The official hero(?) of /hc/.
Biggest difference between movie spider-men is that Civil War one is literally a kid this time. Or at least looks like one. Maguire and Garfield were both 25+
Wow the spiderwank is strong in this thread.
OP try a superhero based on one of these guys. They weren't op, still each had distinct powers and limits as well as clearly were affected by the real world to limit their game-breaking abilities.
Please the only reason dash didn't own the movie is cuz he was a nice dumb kid, give him a few years he'd own everyone
Taskmaster, he'd be fun after getting a large enough repertoire over time.
Here's your (you)
>Shoots bullets WITH casings
The actual fuck?
>Certain things like Symbiotes also bypass his spider-sense.
Symbiontes only bypass spider-sense because all Symbiontes come from Venom who was stuck with Peter for a long period and the spider-sense grew use to him/it.
This is not a flaw in the spider-sense, is a flaw in Peter, when he tries to think before react with spider-sense shenanigans he usually does it wrong, when he goes full instincts he never gets hit. Spider-sense gives you intensity and direction of the danger, nothing else, but it's already pretty fucking precise.
Here's the thing, and this was stated in the comics.
Cyclops has perfect aim and is a master of trigonometry (supposedly secondary mutation according to some writers) and as main power has his portals to punch dimension, that's all, he's olympic level human though.
Spider-man can lift around 30 tons, sometimes even more.
Can withstand a couple of hits from people like Hulk, Juggernaut, the Thing and Thor all of them in base mode.
His Spider-web is absurdly resilient able to stop Iron-man's unibeam.
And the most important fact and decisive for the battle, Spidey reacts 33 times faster than humans and this WITHOUT the Spider-sense , he can dodge sniper rifles (super sonic, usually twice as fast as the speed of sound) at point blank.
Spidey should be able to move faster than Cyclops reacts, because Cyclops, even though has perfect aim doesn't react 33 times faster + spider-sense than a human.
Spider-man should be winning 75-80% of the time against Cyclops, and this is being generous to Cyclops.
>and they were all teanage newbs then
Spidey was younger than them, user.
>not a team of teleporter, mentalist and creator one of each christian main line
>main enemy is a nihilist fedora lord with destruction powers
>in Marvel the spiderwank is strong
That's like saying in Marvel the Hulkwank, Thorwank, medium superweighters and heavy superweighters wank is strong, of course someone more powerful is going to beat less powerful beings.
Also, don't even start when we have people like Wolverine or Punisher, supposedly low as fuck tier but end beating everybody.
Or Batman in DC.
>Cyclops is super fast, he can totally react faster than Spider-man
Wew lad
Electro. Or rather a nerfed version where I can't turn into living lightning and travel through power lines. Just be able to produce and absorb electricity and shoot lightning. Good enough.
Isn't that the comic where the punisher tricks every mutant into going to the moon, then blows it up?
Teleportation or just having falcon'a gear.
Yeah, but this should be ignored, Punisher has as much plotarmor as Batman, it only proves writers have homolust for him.
If I wanted to piss off the GM, I'd go with Squirrel Girl. Playing as a character who controls animals and makes bad puns is my dream.
But Edna was OP.
>I'll choose the single most OP character in the Marvel universe
Oh, we have a that guy
Gambit can make anything explode with his powers, he just prefers cards cause he's a roguish asshole
What powers did she have?
He's an all around hero, he has super strength, super "speed", super resilience and a six sense that warns him of danger. He's probably right in the middle of the Marvel Universe.
Man, I remember a couple of pages in where the 50 or so most famous heroes were stated and he was right in the middle.
I was going to say something like She-Hulk but knowing she bit the dust with a tiny as fuck missile that barely damaged the surroundings just recently I think I'm going to change to Kon-El.
Uber. It's just such a tremendously useful and cool power. Even if you got sick of doing capeshit it would make civilian life better/easier too.
>Captain America is explicitly peak human.
No he isn't, and his strength is clearly superhuman.
Utility belt filled with nuts, ability to climb walls, talks to squirrels, squirrel like agility.
Thing is she's a silver age character in modern comics so she's effectively undefeatable so long as it's off panel. Her official power ranking is "Maximum".
I'd probably play a Moon Knight, Taskmaster or Daredevil type character.
Edna not sg
Might as well play the Saint of Killers.
Are you kidding? Gambit is so powerful he literally had to have a lobotomy to stop himself from accidentally turning the entire Earth into ash.
New Son, nigga.
That's so stupid I lobotomize myself every time I hear it to forget about it.
Spiderman is so powerful Apocalypse killed him before he got his powers as a preventive move during age of apocalypse
Apocalypse is a weak-ass jobber whose only real power is convincing people he's somehow a big deal.
Punisher is so powerful with killed a raging Hulk with a bow and an arrow.
Gottal love fans
>your hero beats my hero? then he's a mary sue so doesn't count
Look, Warmachine beats the every loving shit of Daredevil (my fav) and I wouldn't even think in calling Rhodey a mary sue or OP bullshit or whatever, there're different leagues and there're people stronger than other people, deal with it.
Say whatever you want, but Spider-man is probably the guy who stayed more in character than any other hero ever, he started as a 10-20 ton lifting agile as fuck hero and he never passed above that, meanwhile you have powercreep in every other comic ever, Iceman? that dude who turned into snow and could create ice from humidity as long as isn't hot out there? well, turns out he can freeze the entire solar system and is literally immortal. Cypher? that dude who understood every language? well, turns out he can see the future and beat everybody because he understands the universe, and a long etc.
That's a funny way to describe Cajun Good Guy Yoshikage Kira.
Also Jubilee only became useless after Bendis got a hold of shit because despite the fact people can be killed by mishandling fireworks, being able to directly shoot them at shit from your hands is somehow weak pussy shit even though it can take down giant sentinels as well as anyone else. Not that it matters now that she's a lesbian babysitter vampire.
That pistol fires the WHOLE bullet. That's sixty-five percent more bullet, per bullet!
when is gambit gonna get bites the dust?
>Her official power ranking is "Maximum".
Wait, seriously?
So you're telling me she knows wen Broly?
>Cajun Good Guy Yoshikage Kira
Wait, when did Gambit become a creepy pervert? I mean yeah, dude's always been a horndog, but that's not the same as being all rapey and shit like Kira.
She can beat Broly and Birus, and literally anyone.
The artists draw her now uber ugly though.
Skitter/Weaver used her power set so well, I'd want that. Although I'm pretty sure Spidey got that power too, so I'd go him from then
In a universe where Deadpool exists Suirrel Girl still somehow manages to pull ahead as the most cancerous character.
>Although I'm pretty sure Spidey got that power too, so I'd go him from then
no he doesn't
The Queen bit, where he turned into a giant spider and died and came back, but he has organic web shooters and can psychically align himself with bugs?
Yes he did, from The Other. He lost those powers, but Kaine has them.