*quietly moons to new ATH*
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Monero and XVG are going to be huge this coming year
Truly the comfiest of holds
>tfw only 5 monero
I should just sell
>tfw i dont have enough money to invest more in monero
Monero never disappoints. Meanwhile ZEN is tanking.
I think once I reach a comfy amount chasing moon missions, I will go all in on monero. Seems like the most steady gainer.
>using XVG in the same sentence as THE KING.
Get real
dont worry, my shorts start now.
Real talk though, is Monero even being developed anymore? Are they working to further improve anonymity measures?
Yes, consistent implementation
I just got some shekels.
Should i fall into this scam?
FIrst timeer here
>is Monero even being developed anymore?
It's probably the most active developed coin. Just going to getmonero.org or checking activity on the git repos should've enough to find out. It's also the most openly developed coin, with meeting logs and everything there readable on internet.
have fun getting liquidated, we are going to 250
>comes to Mongolian dildo sculpture forum to research a coin instead of checking their website
It’s niggers like you who shouldn’t be doing this..
This lmao. Literally check out any other source of information, plebbit, twitter, the github, oh I don't know maybe the official website? They just released a new wallet a few weeks ago.
The correction will come around and I'll buy in, then short again. I've made $300 off this shitcoin just this week
Don't talk to me or my blockchain ever again.
Meant for obviously.
>Mongolian dildo sculpture forum
do you think Mongolian dildo sculptures are a long term hodl?
>an unknown amount of monero
to any monero shill, please tell me how quick are blocks mined and how small the fee must be
Is it too late to buy did i miss the pump?
Too late
What is it dropping to for correction?
I doubt it drops much less than $200, it's been random walking around that spot for a quite while, so I believe it's the floor we are trying to break out from.
>Tfw monero doesn't have masternodes
I just want to generate comfy untraceable income
Masternodes are centralized
It's one of the easier ones to mine. I have a shit extra GPU get approx 0.1 XMR a month. Not a lot but if you expect it to rise might as well mine it
How quickly does it burn out your gpu? I'm too poor to afford a new one and enjoy gaming.
I would be happy about this but I sold REQ at the ATL to get my 8.6 XMR and if I'd just held I would be up 1,500 dollars. Fuck me.
XMR is very good coin to mine on CPU too. In fact CPU is often gives better hash rates.
God bless anons, let us moon quickly
jjust found a wallet where i mined .5 in 2016 was wworth 50 cents back the nnow 110 almost fml wish i mined more
The King Monero
2018 will be epic lads!
Just looking at that, I had no idea. Whelp time to get my shitty old CPU to mine aswell.
I havne't been mining for very long so can't actually comment on that yet. Been goin steady for three months no worry so far though
What the hell, might as well try mining something and this looks viable. You boys all using Wolf's miner or what?
Tbh yeah... they’re undervalued AF right now. Accumulate more dildos if you can
XMR will break 1000 in mid 2018. Screencap this and buy birch bastirds.
just sold all my shitcoins and bought 11 of these.
Send me any amt of Bitcoin:
14c1XBXS9Dqh(remove this)y31NeAW4PzeausUg5mK2Q1
or Ether:
0xc024c541f76d1E(remove this)c018Ca8847a3ad6189327712F9
And I will spend it all on Cocaine, weed, booze and hookers.
You're not even close to the ATH dummy
So what do you think the ATH is wise one
It's just floating on bitcoin gains. Was .033 earlier this year. In other words, it's actually lost half of its value since then.
USD is the only worthwhile form of measurement for a coin.
so you dont care if u end with less btc than you started with?
God king coin
Sorry, I don't speak with niggers.
You're retarded, son.
>.25 XMR/Mo mining individually
>I won't be leaving my computer on for a month straight
A well, it's more money than I wold be making. Hopefully I'll have one of those stories where I forget my wallet and ten years later discover that I'm a millionaire.
Stop speaking with me nigger.
You're the only coon in this thread, friendo. Maybe you can audit a math class at a community college or something? lel
It's worth it senpai.
dumb cucks! its only up because BTC is @ ATH.
Buy .1 then, jeese
Haha same with me. Sold 40% of my req stack for xmr
ZEN is up 15% idiot
Its BTC price is also up you idiot.
Just bought 100k
What do you guys mine with?