GURPS General /gurpsgen/
So, what's the 4e alternative to vehicles?
GURPS General /gurpsgen/
So, what's the 4e alternative to vehicles?
Have you tried playing D&D?
Since there is no Vehicles supplement for GURPS 4e yet, you can just build vehicles with the basic character creation rules in the meantime.
Nice meme reversal.
I have tried D&D. I've played 2e, 3.0, 3.5, PF, 4e, and 5e.
I have gripes with all of them. But some of them are still in my top 10 rpg systems.
Of the bunch, my preference is
However right now I'm sick of D&D and would rather play /discuss other games.
Wait. Build them as characters?
How does that work?
Isn't there a space ships book that relies on vehicle rules from somewhere else?
How compatible is vehicles 3e with 4e?
This is not gurpsgen I looked for.
Sorry dude. Never made a gurps gen before. Fairly new to gurps, there's usually a gurps thread already, and i Didn't have that PDF.
Can I get a followup on ?
Is there a good spot to look for gurps homebrew, conversions, alternate magic systems, and pre built templates?
It's first edition, but does anyone know if GURPS Ogre is anywhere in the mega?
Pretty sure the mega is nearly all gurps 4e
You make a character with IQ 0, Compartmentalized Mind (Controls), enough Payload to hold the crew, and whatever else makes sense. For example, an ordinary car would have Machine, Restricted Diet (Gasoline), No Legs (Wheeled), No Manipulators, Enhanced Move (Ground), Injury Tolerance (Unliving), Accessory (FM Radio) and some other stuff too.
How do you determine the price to buy such a "cohort" as equipment?
Either the GM sets a price or you'd take them as an Ally.
>take the truck/car/motorcycle/whatever as an ally.
This just feels dirty to me . Especially when I know it'll get blown up.
Reiterating my other question , how usable is 3e vehicles with 4e gurps?
As for 3e vehicles, as long as they don't have weapons meant to attack people, it's fine.
4e Spaceships is self-contained, but between the eight books in the main series and a few Pyramid articles, you can make spacecraft, sky galleys, psionic mindjammers, TL7 battleships, TL3 sailing ships, cars, submarines and any combination. It's not as fully-featured as 3e Vehicles* but it works pretty damn well.
* - I have a hankering for supercavitation-hulled submarines with fusion water ram motors, and aircraft with grav air rams, but I'm autist enough to go to 3e Vehicles when I want that, then convert over.
GURPS cars, fan made.
Other than Injury Tolerance: Homogeneous, what other traits should a license-plate origami construct (literally a license plate or license plates joined together that come to life as a being that resembles animated origami) have?
The only other trait that comes to mind is a Cutting Striker to represent sharpened edges.
1 or 2 points of DR probably. Skinny to represent their lack of serious mass.
The only real failing of Spaceships right now is that it mins out at SM+4, meaning you can't make any custom vehicle smaller than a party bus or build a mech small enough for urban use.
good lord, the one thing I wish for in the near future is a Vehicles 4e built from the compilation of those rules.
with errata for missile damage
youve got the core bits already; thin, light metal with sharp edges. Not mechanically animated, so damage dealt is to the whole mass of metal.
Depends on the form, really. Humanoid in shape? based on an animal the sculptor made it look like? Lion hommunculi?
put sharp teeth on animal shapes, give motor skills/lack of hands to humanoids.
It looks like a really rough metal-origami sculpture of a humanoid form.
Would Injury Tolerance: Damage Reduction (Crushing) make sense? Battering a plate of metal to uselessness ought to be tough.
Oh yes, it has No Fine Manipulators for certain.
Doesn't Eat Or Drink, Doesn't Breathe, many levels of Temperature Tolerance, Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, possibly Didn't Sleep,
What kind of senses does it have? Vibration Sense and Blindness would be plausible, as would Deafness or Hard Of Hearing.
How is it animated? A Dependency on its power source or Vulnerability to something that disrupts it would make sense.
Good to know.
If they do have weapons, I imagine it would be easy enough to swap them for 4e weapons.
>Lots of stuff spread out everywhere.
Is there a complete list of like "vehicles index" somewhere, so I know where to look?
Oh yeah, the standard construct/machine package. Of course!
If it can see, but does not have eyes, I think that "No Eyes" is the simplest way to go about representing this. Does IT: Homogeneous include No Eyes by default?
What do you think of IT: DR versus Crushing on top of Homogeneous? This thing may be small, but it's a bitch and a half to finally put down.
Do you guys use gca, or one of the other options?
Unkillable is only 50 points and it might work for an unstobable construct that needs to be bodily destroyed to be taken out. If the origami soldier is crushed to a lump and it still crawling after a target Terminator-style, give Unkillalbe 1 a look.
No official one but I made a primitive list for my own purposes:
Spaceships 1
Spaceships 4
Spaceships 7
Pyramid 34 - Alternate GURPS
combustion power plant, flexibody drivetrain, screw propellor, submarine ballast tanks, tracked drivetrain,
wheeled drivetrain, NBC filters only, no life support
Pyramid 40 - Vehicles
SM+3 systems
Pyramid 64 - Pirates and Swashbucklers
oars, sails, steam engine, amalgamation engine, elemental furnace, aerial sails
GCS recently just due to ease of setup
I prefer GURPS Character Assistant 4; its much easier to modify advantages, and theres written in link to every modifier ever. Its a bit bigger and a heavier load though. Which isnt so much an issue anymore, with the exponential increase in computing. But the software is still a bit clunky.
Also, GCA4 has built in "new custom" advantages, disadvantages, equipment and such. Just easier to add in werid shit.
But GCS has built in generators for the low tech custom armor suits. Frigging sweet.
youre a saint!
The thing to remember about GURPS Vehicles 3 is that it wasn't a point-buy system at all. All of the parts and subassemblies are in terms of cost and weight. I think this is why it's taken SO DAMN LONG to get a vehicles system out. It's a simple matter of making a step-by-step process to design any 'real world' 'vehicle' for all values of 'real world' and 'vehicle'.
Best bet is to model it in your world, convert those values to in-game values (like siz) and tweak it around to feel right.
Yeah, Ive personally never had issues eyeballing values for the stat block or $ values for the PC's to buy things. It would just be super convenient wouldnt it?
What is the most "gurps-like", system that uses 1d100 or at least linear dice.
I am having a hard time to convert my ideas to 3d6
the fuck are you having trouble making in GURPS?
That would be brp.
It's less unified than gurps , in that instead of a single system, it's a bunch of very similar systems with common origin and an easy ability to convert or mix and match between them.
Its used in brp, call of cthulhu, rune quest, open quest, legend, Renaissance, revolution d100, elf quest, and storm bringer /hawk moon /fire and sword.
Tons of historical/mythical settings, modern settings, pulp settings, a bit of scifi, and a couple fiction settings such as the moorcock settings and ringworld.
It doesn't do super heroes very well though iirc.
For some reason Veeky Forums doesn't seem to like it. Any time someone makes a brp thread it seems to die in less than 12 hours.
>the fuck are you having trouble making in GURPS?
I have some ideas in that are related to %
and cant convert them to 3d6
what ideas?
Not strictly gurps related, but I'm hoping you all could help me out. I'm planning on doing music based versions of Symbol/syntactic and RPM. I'm not really sure what to use as aspects/components, though.
>I'm planning on doing music based versions of Symbol/syntactic and RPM mages? Or youre looking for music to set to the various runes? wtf are you asking for?
Like for a table? No one's going to arrest you for busting out 2d10 to roll for critical spell misshaps or whatever. Alternitavely, some GURPS tables use 1d,1d,1d rather than 3d6; instead of summing the dice, you read them seperately, so a roll of 3, 4, and 2 would have you look up entry 3-4-2 rather than 9. You could also group them up, like a roll of 1-2 on the first die are the same thing (same with 3-4 and 5-6); that would leave you with 108 potential results, all with the same chance of occuring.
Symbol and Syntactics are pretty similar, but RPM is pretty dang different from either beyond the Path = Noun connection. Are you going to have a musical Symbol/Syntactic system and a musical RPM system, or are you trying to combine those two together and then slap music on top of the result? If you want to do the former, we can help, and if you wnat to do the latter, we can also help but you should probably read the "Alternative Ritual Path Magic" article from Pyramid #3/66 The Laws of Magic first, as it includes a variant of RPM than combines it with the Symbol magic system.
Either way, details pl0x.
Wait, so you'd have nested results tables? Like roll one dice to pick from 6 different sub-tables, that each break into 6 different sub tables?
That would generate a lot of potential results, but I can't see why you'd need to pick from 216 possible results in one roll.
>I can't see why you'd need to pick from 216 possible results in one roll.
Shiiiit, my favorite anecdote is still "the wall of elephant"
Essentially yes, but it's rairly that extreme (pic related is a more frequent and reasonably-sized example). I think the only one that goes full table-within-a-table-within-a-table is Dungeon Fantasy: Treasures, which is supposed to seeing as how it's meant to generatre loot ranging from enchanted swords to jewels to ox hides.
And the only reason I could see someone NEEDING d% for an idea what can't "convert" to 3d6 or d20 or another die system is that it has a ton of granularity/potential results.
Should have been more specific. I'm planning on doing music themed versions of both Symbol/Syntactic and RPM. I'm just not entirely sure what to use as nouns/verbs and paths. The symbol/syntactic would probably be the easiest, as you could combine tone/tempo with a particular style or instrument. Not really sure what to use, though. The RPM I'm having a little bit more trouble with.
Get out faggot
If you do some Google searches, you can find a site that has stats for different types of animals.
Path could equal musical style; just like jazz music sounds like jazz music whether the lead is a saxophone, trumpet, or what have you, a Path of Energy ritual will always be one with energy-related effects regardless of the specific trappings or goals.
Symbol is easy enough, with the Symbol Drawing skill being replaced by the Musical Composition skill while creating and the creator's choice of Singing or specialization of Musical Instrument while "casting." Fluff-wise, Verbs would probably be tempo and Nouns would be a very broad musical style.
Symbol music would probably be very well defined and structured and RPM music would likely be very improvisational.
Does anyone have DF Monsters 3? Not yet on the Archive.
What book is the reduced duration modifier in? It was in tangle foot in Sorcery, but I couldn't find it in Basic Set or Powers.
Powers? Maybe Supers?
GCA4 will give you a page reference if you plug in the modifier on something
Seconding this. I've heard its good
I don't want to buy gca though. :)
I want to say Psionic Powers? It was probably introduced elsewhere, but I think I remember personally seeing it first there.
Used GURPS wikidot and it says power ups: limitations.
Can you link the mega?
Unless it is this one
which is all encrypted.
Are there any spells that can create throwable objects, like knives or bombs, or objects that persist?
Create Object doesn't work, since the objects disappear when they aren't touching something.
I was talking about the one linked in the PDF, but 4+3 Chan has a mega of their own you could also check. I'm on my phone, and don't have a link, though.
What about a matchlock makes it take longer to reload than a wheellock or flintlock? Is it having to remove the wick when you start reloading and then placing it back when you're done?
Probably something along those lines, yes.
>Isn't there a space ships book that relies on vehicle rules from somewhere else?
Pyramid 3/34: Alternate GURPS has an article that adds wheeled, tracked, screw, and other propulsion systems. So then you have a "space ship" that can't fly but can drive or sail. Tweak some rules and extrapolate to smaller SMs and you have something resembling a vehicle design system.
It doesn't work very well if you're trying to simulate a specific vehicle. You're much better off just eyeballing it and whipping up stats based on your preferred performance numbers.
Pulver's been working on it for years-- close to ten years or more now. Every few years we're told that he's made some major progress lately. Kromm and PK both say they'd rather have it be good than be out soon, and that it will come out when it comes out. Yesterday PK wrote that when it does come out, it'll be PDF at first and if they print at all it'll be 6-12 months later so all errata can be incorporated.
You can easily extrapolate down to SM3 and even SM2 if you want.
I'd keep passenger and control room modules at SM4 and force people to use oversized systems if they build smaller hulls.
Armor rounding is weird but follows the SS/R table's progression, so just extrapolate down. One thing I saw a guy do is have armor systems give fractional dDR that you add up by stacking armor, then round down. So if an armor system gives .7, then you need two in a location for it to give you 1 dDR, but if you have three systems worth of armor in that location, you get 2dDR.
The only issue with that is that Vehicles has a weapon design system in it, so finding a replacement for a custom gun could be hard.
Isn't GCS for 3e?
Sounds like you should concentrate on the thematics as fluff and have it all boil down to Perform (musical instrument) and Musical Composition checks.
You could have different styles/instruments give different kinds of bonuses, perhaps reskinning the astrological modifiers in Thaumatology. Maybe charge a perk for familiarity with a general broad genre of music (classical, rock, country, gregorian, etc) that grants such a bonus.
So I want to heal someone, and instead of using material components and astrological correspondences from Thaumatology, I play a particular kind of instrument in a particular style/tempo/theme. That gives me the bonuses that let me cast powerful spells. I CAN use heavy metal accordion to heal, but no bonuses, whereas my New Age solo vocalist act might give me significant bonuses and let me do the same thing but better.
This way, you minimize the number of new systems you're creating. You're taking RPM or Syntactic, adding the bonuses already designed in Thaumatology. It's all playtested and works. Then you reskin some of the Skills and tables to fit your theme-- something that's intended to be easily done. Non-GURPS players might not even realize that you're using published official rules.
I was able to find what I was looking for there, thanks.
Here is the link for anyone interested:
There are two weapons systems. You've got "beam and blaster design" in a pyramid article for man-portable systems, and the one based on joules in Spaceships. Neither is perfect, but both do the job.
It's an old archive and it wasn't updated since forever.
The Thread Start Archive is usually up to date. Right now, it's only missing DF Monsters 3.
>Isn't GCS for 3e?
Nah son, theyve updated. Look it up
Power-Ups: Limitations.
The Fixed Duration modifier is in Psionic Powers.
Nope, it's a mix of technologies and refinements that came later. This is partly covered in Low Tech.
Stuff that changed how long it took to reload includes different reloading drills, the use of pre-measured amounts of powder, steel ramrods rather then wood,
You can see this in Japan, where matchlock weapons were refined to a high degree and could make 3 shots per minute in favorable conditions. That isn't a match for the 4 shots a late flintlock could make, but is impressive.
Added DFM 3 (from someone on 7C)
Someone has added a folder called 'music' to the archive. Anyone know what that is about?
Okay, /gurpsgen/, can you help me create a swarm of giant poisonous rats as one enemy? I need to show players that not every opponent can be feinted and struck in the eye.
You are a golden god!
What is better
Health =6 and HP = 16
Health =16 and HP = 6
They're both pretty bad desu.
Do you realize that Health is 10 points/level, while HP is 2 points/level?
How good is gurps for low power campaigns? (The PCs are just normal dudes in a fantasy world)
#1 can take 16 points of damage before reaching zero, but once they're at that point, their abysmal HT score means they're out damn near immediately.
#2 needs to take only 6 damage to reach zero, but reaching zero really doesn't mean much as they're likely to succeed their HT rolls to remain conscious for quite a while. You would probably have to take #2 down to the instant-death threshold of -5xHP to reliably take her out.
>tl;dr high HP/no HT is out after 16 points of injury while high HT/no HP has a good chance at staying active until they suffer 36 points of injury at which point the automatically die.
Mechanically? Pretty good. But lower point values tend to be frustratingly restrictive during chargen. But I'm thinking of the 25/-50 or 50/-50 points range, really 'low power' stuff.
gentleman and a scholar
>Victorian England: 1867-1901
>American Old West: 1803-1912
>Meiji Restoration: 1868-1912
>French privateering in the Gulf of Mexico: ended circa 1830
Conclusion: an adventuring party consisting of a Victorian gentleman thief, an Old West gunslinger, a disgraced former samurai, and an elderly French pirate is actually 100% historically plausible, in late TL5
the first one has a 10% chance to survive everytime you check if you will die
on the second one you have 98% chance to survive but will check if you will die 2.6 times more.
The first one = [100*(0.1^1)] = 10% chance to survive
The second one = (100*(0.98^2.6)) = 94 % to survive
The second one is WAY better
I know and it's great.
I already got my tl5 setting ready
I didn't go to such an extreme value in this post, but I did graph this out:
From the graph, my prediction is the 16 HT is better, but also both are wildly inefficient in terms of survivability.
>that non-spectrum distribution of colors
It's my favorite starting power level as both a player and GM. 0/-50 or 20/-50. You just don't get the panic of a fight to the death using AoA and Telegraphic (because you can't hit otherwise) at higher point levels.
And then that one bastard picks up broken branch and becomes Mr. Scary Badass.
Good times. When I run games at this level I tend to award 2x or 3x CPs for the first several sessions.
Very, though it depends on what you call low power.
I am sorely tempted to run my next Shit Hits The Fan game with that point total.
Zombie plague outbreak
Alien invasion
Magical Apocalypse
Man, it just feels like it would seriously ratchet up the tension :D
>I didn't go to such an extreme value in this post,
You had just one job
Just kidding, you made an awesome job
I've been asked to run a prehistoric campaign soon. I'm really hyped for it, but I want some advice. There are, by my count, three different detailed approaches to hunting/gathering: DF - Wilderness Adventures, Low-Tech Companion 3, and After the End - The New World.
DF is a bit too gamey for what I want to do, so I'm currently torn between LTC and AtE. LTC seems more realistic, but at times it can be super vague and unhelpful, and AtE is more detailed. I could just write up a word document that combines the two, but that seems like a lot of work. What would you guys pick, realistic or detailed?
While I'm polling Veeky Forums, what system should the shamans use, Medium + Spirit Empathy to have them commune with the spirits of the world, or use Symbol and have magic be sympathy-based? Both are cool and thematically appropriate.
>captcha is making me select sandwiches
Goddamnit it's like it knows all I've had today is a banana at 7.
Having HERO flashbacks here.
>how usable is 3e vehicles with 4e gurps?
>how usable is 3e vehicles
What delineates the difference between an Acc 2 pistol and an Acc 3 pistol of the same make?
For instance: the bog standard Colt Government 1911 has Acc 2. Which variants would have Acc 3, and why, exactly, do they have that increased accuracy?
better tooling on the sights, or barrel, allowing for a straighter shot on average
Also, just less failures of design overall (hold one in your hand, youll see how hard it is to line up tooled sights on the barrel tip)
>realistic or detailed
realistically detailed
Make the list specific, but realistic compared to _your campaign_
>Medium + Spirit Empathy
more RP, treat them like NPCs granting favors
for those curious about vehicle rules, my copy has them listed under page 462~465 of the basic set
this is 4e under the chapter for technology and artifacts, chapter 17 or the 8th chapter of the campaigns book