This is the end.
This is the end
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buzzfeed employee here
what do i invest in? the bitcoins?
wE smart mony lmao
Buzzfeed always ruins everything. It's not like the average normie will know how to buy bitcoins though.
sauce on this?
>dont actually invest
>hop on the btc bandwagon and make a video about how you're retarded that involves btc
>10k+ views
Do you cucks actually think you're the only ones intelligent enough to buy Bitcoin? It's not hard at all, you literally just google buy bitcoin
This site is truly full of condescending autists who are way more retarded than they think they are
Why are you so mad bro? Are you really this triggered by memes?
mfw this retard is probably going to make more than me strategically going into alts
>going into alts
that's your problem
>This site is truly full of condescending autists
woah there buddy this is a Christian board we don't say shit like that
Fuck this shit. I'm out.
TL;DW did he make it?
ugh i fucking hate these people
the buttcoins
anyone else hope for a real rain to come that washes all these degenerates? anyone secretly gathering bitcoin for the inevitable day of the rope? asking for a friend
LOL buzzfeed CC was decline.
How edgy
>id is literally soy
kill yourself, buzzfeed
This guy probably acts like 90% of Veeky Forums did when they bought their first btc's, me included. Don't even try to deny it.
Hahahahaha. Literal Soyboy
Pure pottery