>human male fighter
Human male fighter
Female (male) elven cleric
>male elven ranger
I know right? Why would you play anything else?
Anyone who unironically rolls a male human fighter needs to be fucking gassed.
>implying your system of choice wouldn't be just as "boring" and cliché if it was popular
each gurps setting and power level has different default characters.
It likely is, but no one knows enough to insult it because no one plays it.
True. By choosing GURPS you eliminate one problem that can be well mitigated through creativity, in exchange for several that cannot be mitigated.
True. Variety is the spice of life and all that.
I can insult it. It's shit, and any fun you may think that you've gained from it was merely an illusion. If you removed the scales from your eyes you would see that the only enjoyment you had stemmed merely from spending time with your group of friends, and it would have been way better with a better system.
>human male fighter
My male human fighter is black though.
>dwarf fighter
>uses an axe
>Perpetual (unfunny) shitposter
>needs to make a Tiefling Souledge/Dark Elf Arctic Druid/Eladrin Defiler/Aasimar Snowflake/Kenku Peckerhead to be interesting
Yo, step it the fuck up, senpai.
>D&D having only one problem GURPS solves.
Sure thing, matey. Maybe if you play 4E
Even your posts are boring and uninspiring.
Guts is a mary sue as well.
>Most of my characters are male human fighters
>Most of these characters are interesting characters, appreciated by the group
>None of them are too similar
People like you should stop playing with other people until you can learn to behave yourself and control your silly phobias.
>exclusively play human male paladins, or whatever is the closest possible choice
>deus vult the entire way through whatever setting, while remaining as chivalrous, honourable, and courageous as possible (Lawful Good, not Lawful Stupid)
>people say I'm a really good roleplayer, especially so since most paladin players are That Guys
>go to every convention possible, dressed dressed as a crusader, smiting and calling out heretics and feminists left and right
>get to shit on weeaboos, bronies, furries, feminists, blacks, muslims, jews, athiests, and whoever basically I fucking want, just by "staying in character"
Autism posts. It's time to listen.
Wizards are the stablishment of D&D and not fighters.
I am playing the exact same thing. Only with mages.
>just by "staying in character"
I think he's taking the piss mate.
>the human male fighter who fights for his god, while remaining respectful to whoever deserves respect, and fights for good
>the human male fighter who is from the far off north, has a short temper, love for ale and women, and love for blood
>the human male fighter who is an ex-slave/gladiator/an orphan, who despises those who wish to oppress others, merciless against slavers, and will do whatever he can to help, from adopting an orphan son, buying slaves for the purpose of freeing them, etc
>the human male fighter who is an ex-soldier who is only doing it for the gold, and watching the halfling bard make a complete fucking ass of himself
>the human male fighter who is a high ranking soldier in the military, highly brilliant, yet oblivious, dense, and incredibly condescending, as are his other officers
Cliches are good. Fuck you, cultists of subvertion/
What isn't boring then
What isn't a human male fighter
Okay. Elf female ranger. Dwarf male fighter. Orc barbarian. Halfling thief. Tiefling warlock.
If you think class, race and gender are inherently more important choices than the personality of your character you probably aren't a very interesting roleplayer.
Human male fighters are almost always self inserts
That isn't a problem with the character, it's a problem with the player. Stop playing with players who are unable to roleplay as characters who are not themselves.
What's so wrong with self-inserting?
Oh look, it's eternally triggered bitch-user.
You are not playing a character, but yourself.
Veeky Forums has made a lot of people self conscious, hasn't it?
Says the guy that needs to make a snowflake class to avoid being bland.
I joke. I mean, whatever floats your stoat. As long as you're having fun.
Though I'm usually stuck playing the straight man to my insane friend. It's a ton of fun sandbagging harder than he can crazy and playing off of each other.
But I identify as an anthropomorphic dragon!
When playing a character, it's anyways either slightly adjusted self-insert or a walking meme.
What makes you say that?
I was self-conscious way before I found Veeky Forums btw.
>unironcally plays a human fighter
>weebshit reaction image
>confused about his sexuality
You need to be gassed my friend
Fills the hand.
I think you need to look up the definition of a straight man, has nothing to do with sexuality.
Use Google, you might just learn something!
>weebshit reaction image
pic related
>confused about his sexuality
I'm pretty sure that user meant it as a joke.
If that's what you truly believe, then I have bad news for you, user.
I like fighters and I play humans if the DM only allows standard races as demihumans are utterly boring and flavorless to me. If I can be a lizardman though, totally taking it.
>half-fey dragonpanda demikin fedoralord
>elf anything
I love elven (fe)males! :3
>Half Dragon/ Half Ogre Barbarian.
>gimli clones
This meat looks suspicious. Why isn't it red or brown or some shade
Human flesh is still kind of red, no?
Idk man, the party needed a tank/frontline. The human variant rules really let me make a nice polarm master/sentinel.
>Loses arm
>Loses eye
>can't protect his love from being raped into insanity
>Can't prevent his friends and comrades being butchered by demons.
That's some terminal retardation, user
>Mary Sue
That's some serious
>Not wanting 3 feats at level 1.
Stay casul.
>male elven ranger
DM: So you're a male elven ranger?
PC: That's right.
DM: What's your favored enemy?
PC: Hunger.
DM: Wait, what?
PC: I fight hunger, Zorak.
>eh has a big sword that can cut thru nething n also his arm got torn off be demons so he can shoot it liek a canon and he is really strong. original character do not steal pls.
I mean, I like Berserk but Guts is Deviantart fanfic tier.
He's not a Mary Sue, which is the point. You could maybe get away with calling him edgy, but a perfect do no wrong character he is not. Being strong is most of what he has, and he still fucks up or gets fucked over constantly.
>mouse male fighter
>wanting linear progression
We will see who's casul in 5 levels.
The best kind of fighter. There's so much you can do with it.
I played a Half Ogre Gunslinger in Pathfinder who by level 18 was basically a walking tank.
Fuck yeah meeces!
That's only because a fuckton of people copied the idea from Guts, so it seems cliche and old-hat.
>unironically playing anything other than a human or dwarf martial
Human male fighter?
Human male fighter!
Male (?)
What's the appeal of playing something that you already are? It's called fantasy after all.
I'm not a human male fighter, I'm a human male thief.
See? There is all sorts of variety to human male fighter.
I am not a fighter nor do I have the goals or personality of my character.
You aren't roleplaying just because your self insert has big ears.
>half-elf male rogue
Playing as the same race doesn't make your roleplaying automatically better either.
>Kawaii half-fae loli futa kitsune-sergal hybrid with two differently colored eyes
And yet he still relies on a magic item and his wizard to carry him through his toughest fights. Just like a real fighter!
Yes. And?
>kitsune-sergal hybrid
>half elf male anything-rogue multiclass
That point was moot from the beginning.
Humans make the best males. I don't see the problem
I was desperate user, I took what I could get at the time
Dwarfs are better.
Moot? I feel like I know that name... Like a far off dream...
Nah. When your defining feature is getting drunk and having good iron I don't believe dwarves are any fun.
What about human male fighters who were ex-gladiators who won their freedom, but don't really give a fuck about slavery and just want to get paid?
That was my first character in a nutshell.
Just try to explain the appeal.