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CYOA General: Just don't leave edition
I've been multiple of these yanderes in the relationships I've had. Is that bad?
Depends. Did the other person enjoy it?
I don't know. My boyfriends always end up cheating on me which makes me want to shred to pieces the face of the filthy slut that seduced him. I don't think I'm the problem, rather my boyfriends tend to attract sluts who want to steal them away from me. Maybe I'm not yandere enough?
Some people need different approaches.
Although I probably shouldn't be talking, because I could easily see myself acting like a lot of these in a relationship.
I already have, but interactions were complicated enough that I don't actually know if they count as relationships or not.
Perhaps you should enter a survival game of some sort with your boyfriend to become God.
Some sort of phone that tells the future might help, too.
Dependent > Monopolizing = Harmless > other >>> those that harm husbando
I'm not usually agressive so I don't think that will work. I've never harmed by bfs either. My dad always says that after a breakup you should release pent up agression so he takes me to shooting ranges and paintballing to keep my mind of my exes. I'm just waiting for that one guy who won't mind that I can be a bit clingy.
...Not sure if you know and I'm just being dense, but that was a reference to the plot of the source of your images.
He won't want used goods like you.
reposting my kuso oc
Just to avoid giving bad people good ideas or vice versa, are you RPing or are you actually seeking relationship advice?
You're a dumb one, huh?
Why are there so many faggots in these threads? Fuck off, faggots can never stay in a long a long term relationship anyway.
Death and War are kind of similar.
Yes. But I figure it's better to be dumb by asking questions than be dumb by making assumptions.
sorry for the unreadable text and kuso spelling and grammar, will fix it at another time
What plans are there for the next page?
Quiet CYOA Preview 1/2.
whether or not your behaviour is horrible or not depends entirely on whether you have ovaries.
Quiet CYOA Preview 2/2
Bots, Quest/Story/Route and resource explanation
maybe a link to a short comic related to the cyoa when I post the image
Those are pages for Urban Fantasy, not Quiet CYOA.
How so?
My mistake. I meant to write Urban Fantasy but I accident.
Hows your art?
It's only bad if you're ugly.
"Finished" aka. updated a Short and Sweet Succubus CYOA. Wait...
>this is an update, not OC
>Own production
>"Seductress" to "Perfect Match"
>Removed the nude bit from Weirdness factor
that's just dumb
>Passive: Shadows
>Hide demonic
>Active: Thrall
>Seductress: Submissiveness
Hibiki dawg I love this the thing missing is dramatically appropriate theme music perk
The pain is a bonus if you ask me, and I will get my sempai with the only language men know: sex.
Never say no, always be ready.
This is pretty much a description of my first real relationship. Haven't been able to find a BF brave enough to hurt me since my first real BF dumped me for some stupid ice-bitch of a girl.
Yeah i know, i know. I'm broken as fuck
>RS-Swalwart Hawk
Fit male
Unarmed Combat
Megaton Punch
Power fist, nothing more
Force field grenade, First Aid kit, Smoke Grenades
Can't say no to having a doc
>Wind Goddess Hopea
yep, taking her
>Auria the exiled princes
Cute, also kill scheming traitors with MY FISTS is always nice thing to do
I will show them what a punch can do, nothing can stand alive after my punch. Now I want Hibiki to rate my survival chance
Anybody have that last page of Hero Academy with the clubs?
Tormented Chaos reporting in.
You sound angry. Did senpai reject your confession, user?
pretty horrible because of my messy art line,
no proper anatomy,
this is what i'm willing to show for now
i'm insecure but you can ask for more
there's no space for it now
Not bad.
objectively correct (only because Dependent is so fucking tame)
added the ability to hybridize, and changed the Lifetime image, too.
>this isn't OC, it's a very, very small update
thanks user!
pls gib build
Don't worry, if it makes you feel better, I'm broken in the head, too.
can't say I personally find it alluring to hurt someone, especially not if you care for them.
I don't know who is looking more put off: the protagonist, his love interest or that mountain in the distance. The only one who's into it seems to be the bird.
>the only language men know: sex.
also that's sexist as fuck, yo
What's source of Adaptability image?
I remember building myself as a hung, manly half-dragon husbando in that cyoa. Fun times.
it's true though, have a penis to confirm
>hero's waifu
>there are no heroes
>only heroines
It's not, though.
Oh god, please don't tell me there is going to be a shit storm this early in the morning.
it's false though, have a penis can deny
kuso manga bukuro
well the comic is abandoned just like the rest of my comic
>new perks
>no cost changes
>same amount of points to spend on them
>no significant changes to the perks I chose in my existing build
>none of the new stuff look good enough to switch things around
Guess I won't make a new build, then. This doesn't mean it's bad, though, just that things haven't changed in a way that I'd feel the need to react to them.
Mind explaining me why that mountain is looking so... depressed? I'm intrigued.
It sure sounds like you're saying it is.
If the vehicle entry does not mention companions at all, does that mean it can only carry me?
I think it's because it has to exist in the same comic as those things in the foreground.
>He puts the pussy on a pedestal
Don't bully, Hibiki. He always posts the cutest memes
I won't claim that I'm mildly disappointed by the lack of increase in points to account for more choices, but I'm not going to whine and claim that this somehow ruined the CYOA. It's still a good update for having more things to choose from.
I'm not bullying him, he's adorable.
well i forgot the comic concept but still remember the island purpose,
it's like humongous turtle with island on it's back but except the head is human like
eyup except the super vehicle
>Removed the nude bit from Weirdness factor
Aww mann...
Normalize does have a lot of what I really want so I'll totally take that but man 2 points... It also seems to overlap a lot with Relaxing Area/Lewd Area. You said you were done and that's totally cool but if you did want to make a change you might specify that Normalize is more localized to just you, basically like it's the lewd version of Charm. I think that's the intent, anyway.
Either way, really fun CYOA and I like that finished it up!
there is nothing attractive about an obsessive male stalker. there is nothing attractive when the obsessive one is physically dominant to the other.
but nice green text!
I just want my dick man I'm proud of it
Then make an incubus CYOA
Shapeshift requires Seductress, even though it has been renamed. You might want to fix that.
I agree, but I'm just not seeing how it's somehow attractive when it's a woman. Unless it's some sort of pathetic permavirgin "Anything with tits gets my peepee hard!" thing.
I'm filtering your comments and all the replies to you because I don't want to see this thread degenerate into /yg/-tg edition, where people too pathetic to imagine others might love them without literally having no self-esteem--or ability to properly parse reality--ERP with other equally pathetic people. If you mental issues, I apologize for my harsh tone. Either way for those of you that have no interst in this bullshit, download the 4chanX extension for either Chrome or Firefox and then press the small triangle right next to the post numbers. There should be an option to hide comments and the reply chains. I recommend downloading 4chanX because it allows for far more things than just hiding and filtering out obnoxious posters, topics, and images.
Also small bio:
They call him a noble demon! First part because he brings justice to all corners of that world wit his fists. And second one because no hail of arrows can kill him, bouncing of some force-field he created without use of ANY MAGIC or when he covers whole building in thick smoke cloud, only to punch everyone who came after his head. To outsmart his enemies he wears hooded rags over helldiver suit, looking like very spooky beggar rather than someone from sci-fi.
>I'm new to the CYOA general.
make an incubus cyoa, then.
In case you actually do it, I'd personally prefer you don't use hypergay images, but it's your call.
I can do that (the latter). user, the point of weirdness factor is people don't know you're using your powers or a demon.
It's not a get out of jail free-card
>give more points
Anybody have the updated version of a short and sweet succubus cyoa?
>give more points
Isn't that what people usually do when adding more options to choose from?
Scroll up, it's right there.
It's above you. Scroll up.
Literally right in this thread.
Beri added 27 more waifus and he never let us take more than one in his CYOA ;_; (/s)
Just finished Page 7.
Well you're the first to make a bio of your character on my cyoa
>Isn't that what people usually do
but why? Why should you get more points because there are more options?
Would you feel the same way if I hadn't released the version with six less powers, so you always thought you had 10 points?
When do you think it'll be finished?
I think next Saturday is a good approximation.
I suggest making more background of this world, maybe most important countries and their capitals also big "happening" in that world. This gives people enough ground to build their bio
That is the next page
>missed last page
fuck me, I didn't know you've added another page
>Would you feel the same way if I hadn't released the version with six less powers, so you always thought you had 10 points?
Probably not. I mean, I was already sort of hankering for more points with the original version, so that would've still been there.
But as I mentioned numerous times in response to the abundance of points in my own CYOA, I'm a greedy bastard.
But Hibiki, why there is no choice of a horse or gippogrif? In such medieval world I wouldn't flash my tech, rather go with their transport
Shapeshift still requires Seductress, but Seductress is no longer a purchasable option.
CSS Gunbuster EX
Fit Male
Light Feet, D. Perception
Unarmed Combat
Durable, Strong
Conscript Armor
Laser Pistol
Grappling Hook
Combat Knife
Portable Command Center
Hopea, will be her partner
Abomination hunter
Time to update the build then
Factory Cruiser (a handful, but provides the best foundation for long-term adventuring)
>Body Type
Male Fit
-Stealth (if we can't defend that ship we can at least conceal it. Plus, knowing how to be sneaky-beaky is always useful)
-Tactician (useful in defending that ship, as well as in questing in general)
-Fast Learner( can never be too smart, helps making maximum use out of companions)
-Educated (can never be too smart)
-Utility Maniac (maximum gadgets go)
The Neutralizer (mobility+protection, and it's always good to have non-lethal options than not to have it)
>Mobile Suit
Blade Valkyrie (Big Mchuge suit is appealing, but too cumbersome to deploy)
-Pulse Rifle(Neutraliser)
-Gunshifter(covers the lethal force needs)
-Concussion Punch (The neutraliser)
-Comm Link
-Deployable Turret
-Force Field Projector Grenade
-First Aid Kit
-Regiconnadus(Best bro)
-Abomination Hunter (best personal quest)
-Hopea (best waifu)
-Aubriena (free team "pet", good support, and potential ace-in-the-hole with the mobile suit)
-Desert Buggy (fast, mobile, and no way I'm letting my companions walk when I have wheels)
Vehicle page seems very raw so far. If different ships and armour have clear advantages and disadvantages over each other, vehicles are more fuzzy in that regard. Strange how none vehicle or type mentions resource costs, even if it's not implemented yet it still provided some benchmark for wether that thing is iale or not. Otherwise there's no reason to pick weaker options other than fluff.
>Points of Immediate interest on the map
-Dawsburg (normal enough name, and a crossroad of many trade routes, soundsgood for information gathering)
- Aurora capital (same reasons)
- Plannad Capital (same reasons)
-Where It Sleeps (sounds like something Hunter bro would be interested in)
-No Man Mountain (same reason)
-The Forsaken (same reason)
>Tasks at hand
-Find the disappeared crewmembers.
-Kick that guy who had broken the hyperdrive's ass.
-Explore the world
-Learn magic from Regiconandus and Hopea
-Take some piloting lessons from Aubriena
-Remove the Regiconandus' curse
-Waifu Hopea in the most cozyly adorable way possible
-Kick the Old Ones teeth in
-Issue headpats to everyone willing
- Stay Calm
- Explore the world to the fullest
>Modus Operandi
Main party travels on the ground gathering information, pursuing designated tasks and exploring new ventures (demons GTFO). OCcasiobnaly may split when encessary to cover more area while remaining in touch through comm-watches. Aubrienne stays on the ship to watch the fort, help with communications, provide surveliance and support, and when necessary deploy in mobile suit to wreck shit when ground team is not enough.
Should be doable. Looking forward to the resource system to see how it changes this build.
Seeing how many people pick Hopea I feel I need to build with intent of warding off competition first. At least all these anons have good taste.
>People like Hopea
>The huge attention whore that'll start flirting with other guys if you don't pay some arbitrary amount of attention to her.
what have you expected, Hibiki gives us Goddess who wants to marry us. It's almost like you can't NOT pick her