Battlebeetle and thundertusk edition
>old thread
Mannfred, the last of von Casterin, the beloved son of Vlad... that's why I like him, kind of weird, right?
Battlebeetle and thundertusk edition
>old thread
Mannfred, the last of von Casterin, the beloved son of Vlad... that's why I like him, kind of weird, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
thunderthigh... damn autocorrect.
What else should I be picking up for my chaos dorfs? (Should I just wait for points?)
Currently have: 50 infernal guard, 10 fireglaives, 1 mortar, drazhoath, all the little heros,and 3 kadaai fire born.
Thinking of picking up: 2 iron demons, 1 death shrieker/magma cannon (for formation, 20 more fireglaves and maybe a few more kadaai for summoning.
Have we heard if battalions cost points yet? Also would anyone have a problem with subbing in or proxying a skullcracker for the iron demon in the formation? They used to be the same unit.
Nurgle guy from the last thread.
I have 3 plague drones, Have a "Daemon prince", ordering a forge world GUO as a centerpiece.
I was told the Glottkin are really good, I'm looking at picking up a set of the Blightkings, and a unit or two of Plaguebearers. Is there anything else you guys might recommend?
>Have we heard if battalions cost points yet?
Also interested to know.
It's really meta warping if they don't.
Is this the thread where we come asking "Alarielle when?"
More Blight Kings. All Blight Kings all the time.
I read a small overview of them but they are that good huh?
How many dudes would you recommend for each squad?
(Side note: I love that giant bell that you can have one carrying)
like in 40k
Stormcast would be SSS God Tier unstoppable if all batallions cost 0 points
Is there a way to unlock batallions in the aos app if I own the book they were printed in?
What battalions in particular? Most are in the books and I haven't seen them. Honestly stormcast are so gimmicky and annoying already, with every person having staple Teleport banner bullshit.
Guys, I'm triying to make Guts' card for the Silver Tower Quest
Any idea?
(I would preffer pre-berserk armour)
Yeah i wouldn't hold your breath for a point tax on battalions.
The cost is supposedly just owning the minimum models, and no such point cost exists in 40k.
Goyim Workshop wants to sell you models
- The Host Azyric
- Skyborne Slyers
- Grymn's Brotherhood
- Brotherhood of the Great Bolts
- anything from Chamber Extremis
7 Blightkings per squad ro make Papa Nurgle happy. Get Gutrot Spume as well. He's great rules-wise and his fluff is even better. Magical Space Pirate ftw.
No more than six to a unit. They are fairly unwieldy as is, and their weapons have a low threat range.
>not seven
Go away, you infidel misbeliever.
I have 2 units of 5 because that way I have one variant each, cuz the models themselves are GREAT. Might get another box and slightly modify them with green stuff to reach the Sacred Number.
I like gutrot a lot actually. I was planning on picking him up eventually, was also thinking about that mounted lord and the lord of plagues (provided I can fine one that isn't sold out) as well.
I assumed that the idea is that they are supposed to be the epitome of a tanky unit with how their auras deal damage but heal friendly nurgle units. So I guess it makes sense that their attacks don't put out a huge amount of damage.
That said what would be some stuff that is nurgle themed that puts out a lot of damage?
Chaos dwarves? Why not play the Bone Parade?
Allow me to explain.
>6 Blightkings
>Lord of Plagues or Gutrot Spume
In total that puts them at 7 dudes.
While Spume is a fairly shit commander he's very punchy for a guy on foot and can probably tackle most non-monster opponents with a decent chance of winning.
what kinda retard would buy six Nagash models?
someone who doesn't want their meme to die
Why 6 Nagash is a meme?
You can't attach heroes to units in AoS though
>there's people out there that don't own 6 Nagashs
On another nurgle note, I just got done talking with another friend who said he would give me his old chaos army from fantasy if I'd get some use out of it. Very generic a lot of muaraders, hounds and warriors on foot from what I'm told. Any of that really decent with nurgle themed army?
Well, you have a pretty substantial pool of units to choose from. Plagueclaw catapult is always a joy to bring and pretty much any hero can punch above their weight.
Blightkings actually pack quite a punch, since the sheer volume of wounds they can unload will leave a dent in most things. Mind you, Rend -1 like all elite troops would still be nice...
No, but you can cluster them in a unit and have basically the same effect.
>not owning 6 nagashes
What the fuck are you, african?
go get at least 4.
I see now that I must up my cheesemanship. Today I played a 5 warscroll max, 2 heroes 1 monster. I ran bone zone with skellies, wight with banner, a necro and sepulchral stalkers and a necrosphinx. I lost all the roll-offs for turns, and the cheesemeister turned up with a slann, an engine of the gods, saurus warriors and 6 ripperdactyls. He had 21 extra beak attacks on my stalkers, who were promptly obliterated. He got rerolls on both hit and wound with a 3/3. Is that even legal? I must admit it got a bit strained for me after the first round and he got double turns again, and he kept the slann and engine skirting the opposite edge to avoid my sphinx.
>not bringing a mourngul and ten necromancers and summoning 200 skeletons a turn
Are you even trying?
Because the mournghoul is ugly and not worth buying just to make a point and/or memes.
>it's almost as if people are playing for fun
I didn't realize that Zombies had to be kawaii
Before he other incarnates were revealed in Warhammer endtimes, I thought it would be cool buying 8 nagashes and modeling each one for the different winds of magic. I lack the skill to make this a reality, but perhaps someone out there can make this happen?
He doesn't have legs and doesn't have an excuse since he isn't painted like a spooky ghost. One of forge world's weaker sculpts imo.
Speaking of forge world, fuck buying from them officially. I bought all my old chaos dorfs stuff from them before I sold it, and I'm not dropping another 800 to finish my army. China here we come.
Clearly not his opponent with that ripperdactyl bullshit
At that point the gloves are off, beat bullshit with even more bullshit
They're neither dead or alive, and besides in a setting with magic and fantastical beasts why would he need to be a quadruped? Oh wait it's AoS and everyone is creatively bankrupt
It's just my opinion man.
>Mourngul's having legs = CREATIVITY IS DEAD ;_;
Control your autism son.
>Monsters need to have exactly 4 limbs otherwise they don't make sense
Here's something more suited for your refined taste
Not him but I agree with him. The model looks like shit.
Anyone know where I can find some cages like the one that hang off the giant's pants? I'm thinking that I want several of those stacked up near a large cauldron or pit of muck for a Nurgle scenic board I'm plotting.
Blightkings are amazing. Not just their minis, their rules are terrifying. I admit, I may be biased because I love multiplying attacks, but they're just so good. Have a Chaos Sorcerer Lord cast Daemonic Power on them and your opponent will make more save rolls than you had attacks to start out with. The guys are also tough as nails and thanks to the big-ass bell they're also a bit faster than people expect and their charges are a bit more reliable.
The Glottkin are overkill and need you to build your army around them in any case, but the Maggoth Lords are kinda fun. If you like Gutrot Spume's model, definitely give him a try. He's not the best buffer in the world, but he's ridiculously tough, especially against lone monsters and heroes and he's surprisingly killy with his great Hit and Wound rolls.
And Plague Drones work best with a Daemon Prince or Harbinger of Decay to keep them company, as both trigger their Locus ability and theirs is really powerful.
Bitz-sites and ebay. Lots of people sell those parts, even more now that people are taking to that 5 Giants-Battalion.
Though I think those cages would work better for Slaanesh..
All I know is this and it's sold out right now
Only one selling them on ebay and he wants 15 bucks cause it's paired with the dude running away in fear.
I feel they work well for Nurgle too though, given the lore with Isha and festus and nurgle wanting live subjects for his experiments, It would make sense that his children would do something similar.
also it doesn't have to be exactly the cage, just one similar.
Nice. Defiantly gonna pick up Gutrot, I'm thinking about building a Sorc lord from a "Spare" Blightking now as I'm thinking about rolling with the magic number of 7 and I think one could be kitbashed out really easily.
Nah, if it looks like something out of a cool horror movie it's perfect for undead or Chaos.
So who's getting revamped next? Have we had any clues? The ogres battalion is the only thing in the 'last chance to buy' section. Does that mean they're gonna get done? Or they'll get a new version? Any decent speculation?
Obviously Wood Elves.
That sucks, didn't they get an overhaul recently anyways.
No new minis. They just rebranded some stuff.
When I used to have woodelves all the archers looked like pic related. I'd have thought the current models were a few generations on by now. I guess only the one by the looks of it.
They got a absolutly lovely new Treeman, some very good line infantry box and the skub-tastic wild riders/sisters of the thorne box about two or three years back.
Next will be new treekin, elf/dryad fusions and Alarielle on Stag Bettle. Maybe more, the rest is kinda uncertain.
That's like OLD old by modern standards.
>Being so asspained you put words into someone's mouth and make an image in mspaint to back up a nonexistent point
wew lad
Shitposter-kun, why are you such a weeb?
This thing looks fucking horrifying even with legs.
So, after a little discussion a couple threads ago, I feel like my Bone Zone army is too pillow fisted. Could any of you recommend some beefier additions that AREN'T Sphinxes? Heres's what I have now:
>70 Skeletons
>10 Black Knights (mantic however, so thats a no no at GW stores)
>15 Grave Guard
>5 Hexwraiths
>3 Necromancers
>1 flying Vampire Count
>1 Tomb/Wraith King
>Skull Catapult
I am personally thinking about getting a bone giant, mostly because it fits the lore of my vampire count while also providing a nice heavy hitter. My eyes are also on the Reaper Bones one, since it fits better with my army. However, A terrorgheist might be a good addition, and I definetly plan to get some Morghasts, to represent my Countress' elevation to Mortarch. Any thoughta?
Also, which would you say is a better leader for blocks of Skeles, a Tomb King or a Wight King?
Another cauldron for Nurgle-player. This is from Fenris games.
The legs ruins the concept.
What about a varghulf?
Sylvaneth are not wood elves. They are a different thing completely now.
I never really considered running a Varghulf, firstly because my countress, fluffwise, used to be the m
Marshal of her city, before being converted into a vampire against her will and her forces beibg made primarily out of the former soldiers under her command, with the Tomb king coming later. The second is that a Varghulf doesn't seem to synergize well with a army based aroubd Skeletons. I always thought that they only worked well in Crypt Courtier lists.
Well stick with the fluff for your reasoning, don't compromise for WAAC.
>I never really considered running a Varghulf, firstly because my countress, fluffwise, used to be the m
Marshal of her city, before being converted into a vampire against her will and her forces beibg made primarily out of the former soldiers under her command, with the Tomb king coming later. The second is that a Varghulf doesn't seem to synergize well with a army based aroubd Skeletons. I always thought that they only worked well in Crypt Courtier lists.
Fair enough. Bone Giant could be good but it's a bit unreliable.
Whatever. Might as well call them leafblowers with the AoS naming convention.
There's actually a little story I have in mind for the bone giant. Basically, back when she was still a living human, she dealt with the local Lich Lord and his constant raids and general dick assery. One of his plans was to basically make a zombie giant out of a bunch of corpses, and sick it on the city. However, she now plans to use the skeleton of the giant corpse as a way to finally smash through the skaven Holds of the "Rat King", my friends local skaven warlord, based off of the rat king from the sugarplum fairy opera.
So AoS official facebook today posted an upcoming 'Tale of a four gamers' introduction.
Along with the upcoming new WD, Generals handbook, these sound pretty good and looks like Gw is getting its shit together.
Oh and they also posted a job ad for an online managing director an upcoming content website
Do you want to drive the quality of Games Workshop’s consumer content? Are you excited by the prospect of managing our first magazine-style website – the ultimate online resource of Warhammer content?
You will be responsible for the content and delivery of an all-new Warhammer Community website.
Hey /aosg/
I never really got into this game. Too much randumb WoW type stuff for my taste.
Silver Tower, the potential of a decent points system, and a worldwide campaign all have me gaining some interest.
What do we know about the General's Compendium or the campaign? I've got a mountain of Skaven sitting in my closet that I haven't gotten around to multi-basing for Kings of War yet.
Is it worth it?
Everything gets points even bret and tk
Sounds dead on arival.
The general's handbook will have points for every warscroll available, even things such as Tomb Kings, Brets, and discontinued units. The campaign will be based around supporting one of the four grand alliances: Order, Chaos, Death and Destruction, and rumors have it focused around the Realm of life and the fate of Araellie. And since the settings so new, they promise no Storm of Chaos or 13th black crusade lol wut endings.
brotherhood of the great bolts is insanely powerful
there's a reason that it costs 30 pools in SCGT
>Warhammer Community website
The toxicity will be incredible.
The official forums were shut down for a reason, and that acerbic bile has only grown stronger in the dark since.
except they dont
heroes in infantry units can be picked off easily, it is not even remotely similar to adding heroes to a unit like you could in WHFB
>He had 21 extra beak attacks on my stalkers, who were promptly obliterated. He got rerolls on both hit and wound with a 3/3. Is that even legal?
Was this near a blot toad? I usually get >60 attacks with 6 ripperdactyls and a blot toad
sylvaneth are tree people
wood elves are called Wanderers now
Bone Giants and the tomb king monstrous cavalry are both excellent
Bone Giants are really smashy units if you get some good rolls
How much does it pay?
Don't care. It's all just varrying degrees of wood and elves.
tree people are not wood elves
they used to be part of the faction in WHFB, but they are now an entirely different faction
Does anyone have a comparison pic between the Pink Horror model from Silver Tower and a normal Pink Horror?
I'm hoping to use the Pink Horror from Silver Tower as a Herald.
Tree people are made out of wood. You can call them whatever you want.
Retributors and Knight-Vexillor combo on table, surround my President Kroak with 2 units, sigmarine cannot teleport and charge our Lord. :)
ranged units, spells, and reach weapons can easily single out enemy heroes
surrounding wizards isnt bad but melee heroes really struggle to be effective in AOS because focus fire is so potent
>sunblood still not in stock
>ebay listings want double the normal cost of the unit (after shipping+taxes)
>melee heroes really struggle to be effective in AOS
Melee heroes are tank in AoS, absorb the missiles and let our hammer units(or buff hero) stay healthy.
>get within 18" range of thundertusk
>hero is immediately killed
Great tanking!
Warriors can be given the NURGLE keyword through Marking them. They're good. A lot of other Slaves to Darkness units can get Marked as well, so you might want to do some research on that front.
Thats because there will be an "Order Battletome: Sunbloods" at some point in the future. Sunbloods are being expanded into a sub faction in the same way the ironjawz are for the greenskins and the Extremis chambers are for the Stormcasts. this is somewhat hinted at in their fluff description.
>Others claim that the Sunbloods are an evolution of the Seraphon themselves, perhaps even the first step in a transformation into something new and as of yet undreamed of
You heard it here first, folks
A hero, or 6 temple guards?
>Ethereal Monster
>Not worth buying
What's the best weapon choice for basic ogre units now? Do iron fists count as blades or not?
Alarielle has gone from being a refined, poised elven queen running an immaculate court to running around the forest in a slutty dress and barefoot like a savage. Because what the game needed was more retarded fanservice.
The concept was shitty for a miniature anyway.