How much effort do you put into describing/imagining you character's clothing and outfits?
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Normally not much, but the current group sometimes because one of the players is an artist so likes to draw our characters.
Specifically the current game it matters, since it's a superheroes game so costume matters.
Not usually very much, just enough to have an adventuring outfit and an everyday outfit, normally. If I need formal wear, I'd think that up on the spot.
When I played a teen girl in a short-lived game about a magic school, I did actually detail her entire wardrobe because I thought it would be fitting.
Coming up with outfits is like 90% of the work I put into making a character. I'm not even joking.
I usually have a clear image of what my characters/NPCs look like, but only give a one or a few lines unless prompted for more. As long as there's a good identifying mark for others to latch on to, it's good enough.
Fuck tons, but that's because I'm a GM.
And autistic.
I think about their appearance, but their clothing is always generic.
More than I probably should. The clothes a person chooses to wear can say a lot about them. A character's personality and background say a lot about who they are. A character's appearance says a lot about how they present themselves.
My character descriptions have been described as 'Clothing porn'. It's not my fault I enjoy fluffing up floofy dresses.
No more than one descriptive adjective per visible article of clothing, in total.
It's easy when you are playing a soldier.
none, who cares
Clothing thread?
Varies by character, but I always give it at least a little thought. My Rogue Trader and fantasy sorceress are both vain as hell, so I generally always start a scene by describing what they're wearing in that particular moment. My Dawn caste is currently a broke exile, so he's got one outfit and is generally glad when he has a chance to bathe.
2, 5, 8, 9 and 10 are cute... CUTE!
My characters have never worn anything besides body armor.
I like to draw my characters
Nah, I do it with all of my NPCs
It's more world building than anything else.
All of my GMPC's have either been lower level medics that stay out of combat as much as possible or some form of CAS/artillery.
I draw little sketches of my goofy german dad pc in different situational gear from time to time mostly to help my own internal imagery during games. I'm shit at faces, but luckily he doesn't have skin
A lot, but they always look like shit when I try to draw them, nothing like I imagine them
>tfw your GM says the clothing of your character doesn't fits the setting
>tfw your GM doesn't allows you certain clothing because he thinks it offers you advantage
>tfw when you lose your original clothes to damage or theft
>tfw when you have to replace your well thought clothing with ugly gear that the manual or GM decided what it looks like
>tfw the GM leaves it up to you to decide what said gear looks like and you are out of ideas
A little bit. I'll describe a few details to give the players a decent impression of an NPC, but leave a lot to the imagination.
Though sometimes I get lazy and just use visual references.
A fuckton
>Find character artwork to use for my character
>"Yeah he pretty much looks exactly like that "
So not very much
Are you me
Explorer's Outfit - Sturdy knee high riding boots, a black and red skirt and over skirt a matching top and light jacket with silver trim, and riding gloves.
Common Outfit - High Leather boots, white blouse with pants and brown over-shirt (
Worn - Noble - Casual Wear - Sturdy boots with silk pants and tunic with small amounts of lace and embroidered patterns.
Noble - Naval Officer Outfit - Sturdy black jackboots with an elaborate long Black jacket Red and black shirt white pants and captain's hat with a feather.
Noble - Winter Outfit - Thick black fur jacket, Black boots all with white fox fur trim. furs. (
Noble's Outfit - Desert wear - Black silk open face wrap with a silver sun hair piece and a open black wrap with blue and red inlay.
Royal Outfit - A very fine Red and black Velvet dress with lace the outfit has patterns sewn with silver thread and gems worked into it includes signet ring and a Black Lace Parasol.
Noble - Silk lacey Pajamas
I'll get a couple reference shots online, at most I'll ask for a drawfag to draw it in a draw thread.
But I have a general idea of the "feel" of the character. Specific pieces of clothing are less important, generally speaking. I've had literally two characters, exactly, whose wardrobe mattered.
too much.
>tfw I have my PCs change clothes routinely to match social functions and changing days.
>tfw my character is a time travelling emperor in a Chrono-Trigger inspired game whose raided the Modern Era equivalent for sweet duds.
[Effort 0%].
Sauce on the image/book.
How much detail i give depends on the character:
If the clothes are important to the character, i go into detail, if they aren't i don't.
One of the characters i play is a Gnome Mage for whom i have fairly detailed clothes and make an effort to mention any changes in attire. I have a list of the different sets of clothes he has, together with a short description.
An other character i play is an explorer who cares little for his clothes, so i only have a very short note on that.
I also played a con-man once in Shadowrun (that game unfortunately never went anywhere) who literally had a Van full of disguises and different clothes. He was the most fun, every chance i got he had a different disguise or outfit and i had a whole, pretty detailed list of clothes after the few sessions we played. (Pic related)
For some reason I'm thinking that you like brown girls.
Not even diapers?