Is this gud?
Is this gud?
It's alright. Bugs are mostly worked out by this point.
Can get a little repetitive, but I come back to it and have fun pretty often.
There are only 4 factions, but those are the main factions for the setting. Could use a few more maps imho.
Isn't Witch Hunters getting released soon?
no idea. They would be nice.
Last time I check updates and forums, it was a full of people complaining they weren't including factions that weren't in the core Mordheim ttg, and saying that the game was 'incomplete' because of it.
Is there plot, or just grinding random battles forever?
There's a main questline, and random missions to do on the side
You'll mostly be doing random missions to prepare your warband to do a main mission, as the main missions are long and have unique circumstances to each one.
The problem with the game as there is not enough variety in the winning conditions in the random missions, and when I last played, the best thing for the AI enemies to do is just rush you down once they find you. Another problem is with how there are only four factions, it's quick to learn the strengths and weaknesses of an enemy faction as a whole as well as experience tedium. If there were two more enemy factions, and they didn't made individual neutral units DLC and bundled them in a single package, I'd continue playing.
You should be warned before playing that the hit chance showed is not the real hit chance. There are invisible modifiers on top of that.
So even if your guy has 85% chance to strike you'll still miss quite a lot.
>even with an 85% hit chance you'll miss a lot
So it's true to the table top game then.
What is this bullshit? Fuck games that do that shit.
I think Mordheim is a good game, but its success has been limited due to how mechanically dense it is. there's a lot going on in the game.
No, it's not.
In the table top you do all the rolling and the math so it's all transparent.
In the the game they show a 85% to hit but in reality in can be as low as 15% chance to hit
It is ok.
Especially after all the patching it's had. Including finally cutting down some pretty huge loading times.
I enjoyed that it was a smart conversion of Mordheim and not just a clone of the tabletop rules, as it added more depth and complexity to the proceedings whilst retaining the flavour.
But yeah, gets repetitive. But can be a good couple dozen hours+ of enjoyment once you get the hang of it. hell it's actually best in those first few hours when you don't really know what you're doing because there's way more challenge. The difficulty levels are a bit wack, mostly just tougher enemies that deal more damage, not changing up the AI aggressiveness/awareness, but each mission has a difficulty level and it's rarely worth choosing anything more than hard unless you're really min-maxed on the gang because of those damage/toughness buffs. Plot missions get easier the more advanced your gang is before you play them.
Overall, I'm fairly happy with it, and hope that the apparently incoming Necromunda game is in a similar mould, just more refined. Because a lot of the game's problems are just needing a bit of overhauling and polish, the basic core is solid.
Witch Hunters? What? Why? Before Undead, or the actual human factions?
is the the TTRPG or a vidya for it?
Well, they have Mercs and Sisters of Sigmar. Those were really the two big human factions.
I was making a joke user. I can't tell you how many times I had three attacks that hit on 3+ with a 2+ to wound netting me fuck all.
I think i'll buy it with the steam summer sale.
It may not be perfect but it deserves support.
What is this story of decieving numbers? explain plox, so I won't make the same mistake
Needs more Orks.
I miss putting bows on all my boyz 'n gitz and laughing as dem panzie elf and 'ume gitz get out dakka'd.
I think they mean the vidya. I was hoping it was the skirmish game, because I have an interest in starting up a campaign.
It's staggeringly bad design. Getting that kind of thing right should be the very basics. Glad I pirated this shit.
Campaign mode is waaaaay too hard. I spent about 100 hours with it before moving on. Only the most hardcore will find the campaign tolerable. Very punishing, not really rewarding at all. I get that they wanted to make a 'hardcore' experience, but the fucking stars have to align for you to survive long enough - without defeating your opponent too quickly - while collecting enough Warpstone to fund your Warband.
I play a lot of games, many of them considered hardcore. this one is poorly tuned.
Don't think that's true anymore. The factors affecting hit chance are now all labelled.
Unless your including dodge and parry chances. Those aren't included.
I think the deceiving numbers thing might refer of some the % to hit. It will say 90% to hit, but I'm not entirely sure of the formula cause that will miss often. I think the enemies dodge % factors into your hit value so you it ends up being like 30% to hit if you factor in a high dodge enemy. Or it might be like you roll to hit, then they roll to dodge. If someone else knows please correct me.
I've had the complete opposite experience to this. Its about assessing risk reward of warpstone, remember you also get some of the loot on the map just by winning. then also know how to properly send your heroes into combat. don't get double teamed, or just know when to have them run.
Roll to hit then dodge.
If you miss it doesn't consume the dodge chance.
All factors to hit are now listed separately before the total.
Since the update the amount of hits, or dodges that happen have seemed to match the percentages well. They might have left off the defenders resistances before.
There's also another thing: the game doesn't show the *enemy's* dodge or parry chance.
So you might have 90% to hit, then the enemy you attacked dodges/parries your hit, when you could've used it against that other one that's got shit dodge/parry instead.
It does, however, show the defenders' resistances now when they didn't before, like you said.
If I'm wrong about this, please correct me. This sort of thing is an absolute bitch to deal with.
it doesn't show enemy dodge or parry chances.
That said, you can get some guesses, if they are wearing clothing vs armor, do they have shield, etc. But yes, this one you have to make a guess on.
It also does tell you the enemies reduction to your dodge or parry stance, or their hit chance against you. Though you can try to calculate that from the weapon skill value shown in their melee resistance. You have limits to your information.
Danke schoen, mein fr...
Uh, I can't remember the German word for "friend", so I'll just take your advice and hit alt as much as I can. Thanks again.
also doesn't tell you.
They have "mercs"as in Reiklanders the Sisters and Cultistsrs, but where are the Averlanders, the Kislevites, the Marienburger, the Middenheimers or, the Ostlanders?
Playing second fiddle to mr burny hat apparantly...
Does normal cheese work, like a fuckload of rats with slings?
Shitloads of human guns and crossbows in fortified high positions that cannot be assaulted cheesed it for me. Have to lose an encounter yet and just killed the witch with the monoliths. Factions without ranged weapons just fold to long gunners in a roof.
I haven't played in a while so maybe it's different now but what's the deal with Sisters being so goddamn tough? They'd get gang banged by two archers, jason's edgier cousin and a daemon and would be fine to walk it off after a few days rest but whenever I played the mercs they couldn't take a playful smack upside the head without receiving brain damage or a lost limb.
Even fucking skaven took their hits better than those pansies.
>but where are the Averlanders, the Kislevites, the Marienburger, the Middenheimers or, the Ostlanders?
Give 'em a couple million and maybe we'll see them. Focus Interactive and Rogue Factor are tiny fucking studios, mate.
June 21st, next Tuesday. I'm pretty keen to see how they play.
They are pretty much palletswaps on the tabletop with some altered statlines. It wouldnt be that hard to implement. Only the Kisleveits would need actual model variation.
>pretty much pallet swaps
that doesn't sound like it should be a new faction then.
only reson i dident buy its because there are pretty much only humans and the fucking so tired of rats
Mordheim is not a game that translates well to vidya
My personal experience was like this:
At first I was excited about a Mordheim game. Then I was humbled by the apparent complexity. Then annoyed by the odd interface. After that I had a few good hours of fun until I realized that the game is pretty much a one trick pony.
The only valid strategy is turtleing and waiting until the enemy runs into one of your ambushes.
Most singleplayer missions are balanced to your disadvantage because the AI is pretty stupid.
So depending on a few external factors, like where the other warband deployed, what the scenery looks like and how they moved over the map before running into you usually only have one of two situations. You utterly destroy the AI or you get raped so hard your kids are gonna feel it, because the single player enemies are flat out better than you by default to compensate for their stupidity.
At that point I kind of lost interest in the game. That was about 6 hours into the single player campaign. Up until that point the only thing I did was play the generic missions, because the story mission required a warband rating much higher than what I had at the time.
The game has a lot of interesting ideas that turn out to be only mediocre, either because of the implementation or because the game just lacks focus in terms of game design.
If they had basically cut the number of features and abilities in half, but polished what they put in more it could have been a good game.
In it's final state I think it's really only for hardcore fans.
I found it was monotonous and not particularly difficult.
>because the game just lacks focus in terms of game design.
This felt pretty apparent from day 1. The whole point of having a 3rd person action hybrid in Valkyria Chronicles was because it allowed precision targeting of enemy heads or vehicle components, or alternately allowed you to shoot things on the map like explosive barrels. It's use in the Mordheim game is absolutely superfluous. A traditional isometric view would be far better for a game that relies on exploiting terrain for multi-pronged positioning attacks, because it gives the player a better big-picture view.
It feels like most of decisions were made on "what looks cool" rather than "what makes a fun game?"
I think this user pretty nailed it.
It's a good game, but really makes you angry for two main reasons:
could have been better with some more thought in it, and the AI is terrible.
I might add common sentiment in the official forums is warbands aren't balanced, and that's terrible if you think there are only 4.