Guys think about it
>Marines - Barbarians
>Army - Rangers
>Navy - Fighters
>Air Force - Wizards
>Coast Guard - lol
>CIA - Rogue
It all makes sense to me now
Guys think about it
>Marines - Barbarians
>Army - Rangers
>Navy - Fighters
>Air Force - Wizards
>Coast Guard - lol
>CIA - Rogue
It all makes sense to me now
You missed one.
>OP - Faggot
Swap army and navy roles.
Add 'moronic' to the barbarians part.
While at it, add 'moronic' to op as well, because that's what this is.
Coast Guard have pretty big guns
Far too simplistic.
When picking out Classes, their actual MOS matters far more than their branch.
Specifically, I'd split the Holy Trinity of Combat Arms as follows:
Armor - Fighters and other tanky types that hit shit really hard, can GET hit really hard and not care, but don't have much by way of utility.
Infantry - Rangers and Rogues. Infantry tactics are all about getting that sweet flanking bonus so you can apply Sneak Attack damage.
Field Artillery - Casters, mostly nukers. Because all they really do is blow shit up from far away, and everyone else has to protect them while they cast.
Doc is of course the Cleric, and the real hero of just about every encounter.
>Infantry - Rangers and Rogues. Infantry tactics are all about getting that sweet flanking bonus so you can apply Sneak Attack damage.
Now that I think about it, this actually makes perfect sense. One of the most popular breaches begins with a flash-bang, which leaves your enemies flat-footed and without a Dex bonus, opening up opportunities for SA damage.
>American marines
>don't even travel on boats anymore
Americans, explain yourselves. Someone said that American marines aren't like the ship bound marines of our countries but like your equivalent of rapid deployment shock infantry or something? Why not call them something else you?
I'm sure you think you have a point, but you don't. Two MEUs under my belt, homeslizzle.
How about Rangers be Rangers?
How does that sound?
As an addendum, stealing shit from other units is a huge part of Infantry culture. At least in the Corps, anyway.
Civilians shouldn't talk about the military as if they know anything.
Soldiers tend to get "creative" when notoriously undersupplied, yeah.
I don't understand what the fuck you even mean.
Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible.
I would make the Coast guard as bards.
They have a uniform and wimmins love that shit. And they are stateside where as army or marines go play in a sandbox.
He's saying that the name 'Marine' is inappropriate for a military force that has little to do with marine activities.
It would be like calling the US Navy the United States Other Air Force.
That doesn't explain any better what the american marines are to me
Marines used to just be sailors who doubled as light infantry when the need arose.
He's pointing out that Marines DO still fill the naval infantry role of antiquity.
They have also grown into basically being Army 2: Electric Boogaloo (now with organic fixed wing air assets!), but the original role is still filled.
What started as ship bound marines evolved into our rapid deployment shock infantry and we never renamed it
okay that makes sense I guess
That's propaganda(the shock trooper part) as the marines who do serve in shock trooper roles have equivalent roles in every other branch
Marines are little more than army infantryman with different uniforms and a more shaky budget(seriously their barracks and equipment are shit), if you're a marine, you're inarguably a meathead gunhand.
If you're in the army you can be anything, from meathead gunhand, to guy who makes bridges or buildings, to guy who sits on his ass pressing a button In a mobile artillery truck
Shock troopers now are more towards the US army rangers primarily the 75th, who have much more intensive training in all avenues(Jarhead and grunts don't know hell, they've never been through hell week and aren't expected to be outside of handjob distance of the rest of their platoon( emphasis on psychological and working as a single entity away from any other soldiers or in small squadrons in enemy lines)
75th rangers are basically paratroopers with more versatility training, and the most looked to source of recruits(temporary or otherwise) into special forces such as the Delta farce or green berets
Tl;dr:marines are hyped and filled with jocks who have Infated self importance join the rangers, get your sapper tabs, know how to make IEDs than can level apartment buildings
Thanks. Saves me from having to explain it. You're not quite right with your Army 2 bit, but hell with it. Only way to really understand the Corps and their function is to be a part of it.
>t. Armyqueen
>all marines are infantry
You're kinda half-right. "Every Marine a rifleman" basically means that every Marine MOS gets better weapons training than their equivalent in the other branches. I wouldn't trust an Army intel bubba to shoot straight in a pinch, but I KNOW the Marinie weenie from S1 can put effective rounds downrange.
It was a vast oversimplification, rather than spend like ten posts explaining the idea behind having all the assets they can get be organic, so they don't have to borrow tanks and artillery and shit from the army.
Coast Guard - Paladins
I really love when people crack jokes at the coast guard.
>sits on his ass pressing a button In a mobile artillery truck
The only guys who get to do that are rocketfags and fdc geeks.
The only self-propelled real artillery piece (seriously, fuck rockets) still in the US inventory is the Paladin, which is still loaded by hand. And 155mm shells are fucking heavy.
I was thinking more like city/highway watch. Coast Guard mostly does border patrol and rescue operation kind of stuff, right? They literally guard the coasts.
T. Civilian
They also do a lot of saving people in disaster areas, law enforcement, and they've been active over seas in the recent conflicts.
I think Paladins are a good fit.
>Not getting pressed into actions alongside Delta farce during 'delicate' operations
>Calling yourselves elite
>Intel can't shoot straight
Agreed, aside from a few cooks I've met most auxiliary struggled with the recoil of a 5.56 and got teary eyed and covered their ears when I unloaded with my Mk.17 downrange
But there's enough GI boots around to mitigate that, at least in theory.
Wait, S2, my bad. S1 is Administrative.
If you were really going to do this right army rangers/seals/recon would be rangers.
Army and marine corps infantry would be fighters. CIA would be rogues
Airforce/coastguard/navy would have an NPC class like experts. This includes army support personnel
There are some exceptions with some oddball units like the Seabees/coastguard MPs but I'm not going to try and flesh this out any further
What does this mean? I see it everywhere
Great for you OP.
At least it makes sense to someone. Whatever it is.
Actual US Marine infantryman here. ALL military are either suckers, people trying to game the system, or zealots.
Not true, there's only ever been one theft in the history of the Marine corps.
Everyone else is just getting their shit back.
It's a short version of the Finnish word for "regards". It's very popular on /int/, where there's a lot of Finnish shitposters.
That's a very specific dank meme
Assuming this isn't including POGs.
That implies they haven't already won.