An enormous spacecraft has crash landed in your current setting. Nobody knows where it came from.
How does this effect the world?
An enormous spacecraft has crash landed in your current setting. Nobody knows where it came from.
How does this effect the world?
But anyway, after the environmental catastrophe such an impact would create calms down, whatever nation it lands in immediately lays claim to it and throws enough of its military into defending it that it sets the rest of the world on edge. A few of them would probably get AdMech-level stupid with their delvings into unfamiliar tech, dooming the world to nuclear holocaust or somesuch.
We're playing a game based on Might & Magic VI, so that's already the plot.
Further cements ARDA's belief that the portal leads to an alien world, rather than a parallel Earth. They would follow with attempts dismantle, and strip the ship of useful techand resources.
Already happened too many years ago.
That's weird, I'm not suppose to run Iron Gods for my group until we finish this campaign.
Whichever solar nation it cashed in would likely investigate which other nation it came from, there'd also be a lot of uproar trying to find out why no planetary defenses or monitoring saw it coming. Maybe even assume it was some kind of Colony Drop style attack.
Mars would be extra pissed considering there was already an incident where a giant space ship from Jupiter's military crashed down from orbit into a colony, killing some 6 million people.
If your picture is anything to go by, the world fractures and a large bit of it flies off, like how the Moon was formed way back when.
The Holy Church probably reaches it first and forbids anyone to go near it, either hailing it as a holy site or stating that it's an unholy monstrosity caused by the foul, pagan elves of the south (who may or may not be foul OR pagan, but are murdered in heaps anyway).
The dwarves give too little of a shit to care unless it is right on their doorstep. The world continues as usual with some adventureres going to visit the weird ass ship.
"Another one?"
That was the basis of a setting I've used. Explorers find a downed spaceship, thrusting a darkage world to a shaky spaceage within a couple decades.
The dinosaurs attack it. The mammals fap in unison.
Then the spaceship turns into a mammalsaur and OP is a faggot for not giving parameters regarding the ship's size or hull composition.
Plot twist
It crashed because the crew was turned into body horror jump scare zombies
>How does this effect the world?
One village gets slightly more wealthy.
>Alright, guys, these parts aren't gonna scrap themselves. Start with the power systems. Looks like old Terran tech. Watch out for radiation.
The ship in the OP picture is no where near sizeable enough to cause such an event. The collision that formed the Moon was with a body at least the size of Mars.
Great, now the bootleggers have lasers.
Thanks Asshole.
my main setting has a recently discovered continent. crashes there, explorers want to get to it, savages want to take it. and the remaining crew want to protect their crashed ship.
the slowly awakening old gods, start intervening to add this new pawn to their millennia long plans.
my current setting that I'm working on came about due to this exact thing, except that the campaign picks up 1000 years after the crash. So currently world-building with this in mind.
That already happens. Multiple times a decade. So, not much changes. A salvage team shows up to scrap the thing, maybe take in/enslave survivors.
ITT: OP discovers that D&D and its medieval fantasy settings isn't the only game out there.
probably terminators clear it and then Mechanicum get their "hands" on it.
do you know what happens with meteors when they hit?
yeah they explode, good luck having a spaceship in that condition after crash
>Playing MHRP
Pretty sure this happens all the time. We'd grab Mr. Fantastic and go say hi.
Various nations and conspiracies would race to recover anything that could give them an edge. That is, people smart enough to comprehend the concept of technology more advanced than their own. Commoners would proscribe religious significance to the event, and if any aliens survived they may take advantage of this.
"Oh, looks like we snagged another. Well... best kill the survivors before they start callin' for help."
Happens every fucking week in this shithole of a sector.
Makes the locals happy or unhappy depending one where exactly the rustbucket falls, who it belonged to and who made it crash.
>good luck having a spaceship in that condition after crash
There is potentially a huge difference in speed between a meteor and a crashing spaceship. It'd all depend on the specific scenario, is the ship crashing from orbit, is it still somewhat controllable, is it even structurally rated to be in a planetary atmosphere or gravity field, and so on.
If the crew/systems were still some what in control and the ship was rated for landing, it is entirely possible for it to crash and still be mostly intact, despite taking heavy damage. On the other hand if it is not rated for landing and came in on full engine burn, yeah there won't be much left. But given the stipulations in the OP, that isn't what we are talking about here.
>do you know what happens with meteors when they hit?
A Meteor never actually hits the ground, they either burn up in the atmosphere, or skip off the atmosphere and return to space. If a meteor (or piece of a meteor) makes it to the surface, it is properly called a meteorite.
Since we're playing Blackmoor... (specifically City of the Gods)
Why does this keep happening!?
>An enormous spacecraft has crash landed in your current setting. Nobody knows where it came from.
I actually have already done this.
Some Aliens crashed landed in my current setting and they've been living within the setting for about 500 years or so?
To make a long story short a couple of things happen:
-The survivors hold out for about 50 years or so before they finally realize they're not going to get rescued.
-None of them actually know how to replicate any of their technology anymore than you would know how to make an I-pod or computer from scrap.
-Many of them proceed to go native and accept this new reality: farming and eating terrestrial food, reproducing, making new shit, etc.
-There's a distinct divide between the "Elders" and the "Native" generations: Elders are emaciated, long, tall, weird looking- The Natives are medium sized, stockier and "healthier" looking.
-The Elders are treated like genuine "cosmic horrors" by outsiders, but the 'natives' are seen as just another 'fantasy race' among many.
>Pic related: I drew them for this CYOA I was/am working on
I have no fucking idea what to call them though.
Suggestions would be appreciated.
God bless you, you lucky fellow. What system are you using?
Claim it as your company property.
Ask the goverement to give you unlimit funds and report directly to them but at the same time "seem" like you've got the worlds interest.
>I bet the elves did this!
The reigning king would probably ignore it, the bandit king would investigate it and depending on if they get in and what the ship was carrying, he either becomes an immortal god king, is wiped out out by the inhabitants of the ship who live as god kings, or they discover very safe, if maybe dark, mass housing as well as some valuable resources to be exploited.
Well, the current campaign is about colonizing a planet and they are actually expecting another big supply drop. Any survivors could be added to the population considering 1/4 of the colonists, the entire unskilled colonists AKA the "breeding population", have died when their portion of the colony ship exploded during decent.
We set off on an expedition to the barrier peaks.
I break out Tales of the Comet
Your art is awesome