>have suicidally depressed player
>we're his only contact
>fudge my rolls so he never gets close to dying
>fudge one of my rolls "ha ha, oh, a ten, darn"
>that's still a hit
>he has 3 hp left
>roll max damage
>say that's only 4 damage
>he looks up at us
>im dead
>he gets up and leaves the room, goes home and hangs himself
>We were blamed alongside DnD
Have suicidally depressed player
What's he rerolling as?
Minotaur Warlock
I give it ten points and a parrotmark.
Tonight, on Things that Never Happened!
What was name of his PC? We need to make edit.
What's the matter? Didn't want to splash out on a resurrection spell?
I'm sorry to hear that user...
I'll take "Things that never happened" for 1,000, Alex.
>Everyone in the room stood up, clapped and cheered.
>The GM's name was Albert Einstein.
>have religious player with wavering faith
>we're his only contact
>fudge my campaigns so he never encounters difficult ideas
>fudge one of my encounters "ha ha, oh, some Paladins attack, darn"
>they're all atheist Paladins
>he has only one argument for the necessary existence of god left
>one of the Paladins points out that the premise underlying Alvin Platinga's ontological argument using modal logic only has, by Platinga's own admission, a 1 in 2 chance of being correct and is no better than a coin toss
>say that good old faith is what counts though
>he looks up at us
>im euphoric
>he gets up and leaves the room, goes home and summons Wiccan nature spirits
>We were blamed alongside DnD
If this is true...
>only contact
>blamed for his death
By who exactly? If they're there to pass blame where were they beforehand to help prevent it as well?
Ok please explain me the Albert Einstein meme? I've seen more than a couple of times to be a coincidence.
A classic fake bullshit story is about a professor and a student arguing about god. (there was a shitty movie made based on it recently I think)
the BIG TWEEST at the end is that the student was albert Einstein (complete bullshit)
But Albert was a Jew and believe in God. If I recall he die trying to prove the universe was not random.
But nevermind, thanks for explaining.
A true role player.
Ooooh failed trolling on a technicality.
>he has 3 hp left
>roll max damage
>say that's only 4 damage
>alongside DnD
That's either not how that work (any edition), OR not how one would word that event.
Don't worry you'll get those troll training wheels off some day.
Beat me to it. You don't die until -10 OP.
Depends on the edition. In BECMI you hit zero you are kaput.
Yes, that story is from a chain email shared by religious people. The teacher is a ~militant atheist~ strawman who brings up the subject of God out of nowhere and dares the students to prove him wrong.
It's basically saying "Einstein believed in God, therefore you should believe in God too."
Yes, that's the point. The teacher was a ~militant atheist~ strawman who brought up the subject of God out of nowhere and dared the students to prove him wrong, shouting in ALL CAPS before the argument even started. Einstein was the one arguing for believing in God.
True, but the story is fake anyway
By the way, what the fuck happened to Veeky Forums in the last 6 or so years, nowadays being an atheist is considered 'euphoric' and 'fedora tipping', and being a reactionary is pretty cool. What the fuck, did /pol/ invaded every board?
It was supposed to be a containment board
pretty much, it went from being ironically racist and stupid just plain racist and stupid
>who brings up the subject of God out of nowhere and dares the students to prove him wrong.
To be fair, I DID have a professor flat-out call anybody who is religious an imbecile, and said that religious beliefs should be left at the door in any enlightened institution.
He taught fucking algebra, religion has literally nothing to do with algebra
>implying /pol/ wasn't already in every board, and giving them their own, made their soapbox more evident
The sad truth is we were always /pol/
>The sad truth is we were always /pol/
that's bullshit made up by newfags desu
Oh bullshit,
Been here since 05 and the modern alt-right /pol/ bent thats infected so many fucking boards did not exist prior to I would say 2012ish.
There were always chucklefucks being edgy and offensive ironically (i.e. most of vintage /b/) but this culture of Veeky Forums being a "refuge" from "the SJWs over at Tumblr and Reddit" didn't exist because back then neither those sites or that epithet fucking existed
Times change.
/b/ was never good
Newfags tend to forget that Veeky Forums wasn't always here, and that the spirit of what makes /pol/ is far more ancient. We're talking about either Fascism, Libertarianism, Monarchism, Statism, Conservatism, and Fundamentalism. Basically, all the philosophies and or idealology that people have started to demonize or be heavily controversial.
But Veeky Forums, and greatly /pol/ have played a large role in allowing these persecuted beliefs a chance to flourish and fight back.
So remember this, children of summer, The /pol/ack is ancient, and where he goes Rage will follow, for you face a foe long forgotten.
>have suicidal friend
>I kill his character
felt great
Nothing happened. Veeky Forums is and always has been a haven for counterculture types who hate whatever is mainstream. The only thing that's changed is what's considered mainstream.
>The only thing that's changed is what's considered mainstream.
And so Veeky Forums changes in turn.
But yeah, what better definition of victory is there than to have the insults they threw at you turn into badges of honor? To have your counter-culture become to norm?
>implying anything as fucking useful yet at the same time horrifically boring and awful like math isn't a sick joke created by a cruel deity
Check your faith heathen
>What the fuck, did /pol/ invaded every board?
Just yesterday I've seen two threads derailed out of nowhere into REEE TRANNIES AND SJWS, despite nothing of them being mentioned prior to bitching start.
How can we defeat this /pol/ack, oh ancient one? Must we acquire the Doom Slayer?
Eh, what we have here is already just some violent death throes.
The titan is dying and only some leftover bits will be left to scurry into dark corners.
>Libertarianism is controversial
Since when?
Since web you can't say shit about the buraucratic state without some socialist retard calling you a "college freshman" while brandishing Keynes's dick in one hand and a shitstained copy of Das Kapital in the other.
Fucking amazing
"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."
>>one of the Paladins points out that the premise underlying Alvin Platinga's ontological argument using modal logic only has, by Platinga's own admission, a 1 in 2 chance of being correct and is no better than a coin toss
>>say that good old faith is what counts though
What a shitty argument.
Since before it was called libertarianism. Being a purist laissez-faire capitalist classical liberal has always been a fringe position.
it's not /pol/, people are starting to realize how obnoxious atheists were, and some still are, so religious people can speak without getting 10 answers from pissed off atheists, the tydes have turned and now atheists can't say a word, oh well, sucks to be them i don't really care
If only OP had bothered to learn the rules his friend would still be alive
he would have found an other stupid excuse to kill himself
>That's either not how that work (any edition)
That is how it works in old editions.
Newfags happened. Veeky Forums is more mainstream now, meaning a lot more average Christian American chucklefucks hang out here and lash out whenever someone implies that religion is retarded.
>lash out whenever someone implies that religion is retarded
What a surprise. I can't imagine why they'd react that way.
Caught one
You sure? It's entirely possible that I'm just capable of imagining a natural reaction to someone saying your shit's all retarded.
You fucking retard.
>religion is retarded
Correct, religion is retarded, but faith isn't. Just interjecting for a moment to make sure you aren't confusing faith and religion.
>have "friend"
>everything about him pisses me off
>but 99% of the time he is completely quiet and just browses his phone
>has no other friends
>once he did something stupid while we were drinking
>would have personally beat him into a coma if a female friend didn't drag me away "because the retard is not worth it, plus the guy's rich familly would destroy you" and told him to fuck off
>same girl that he still loves, even though she told me, infront of him, that she'd rather fuck a dead guy than him
>he still called 2 hours later if he can come back because he hasn't anywhere to go
>can't tell him to fuck off because I genuinely think that he will kill himself and blame me
Life is suffering
If he has rich parents, wouldn't they hook him up on therapy?
>Having depression while living in a first-world country
For what? The cunt isn't depressed, he is just butthurt about his problems. Kinda like Eliott Rodger, but he realizes that some of the blame also lies with him. Of course he won't change.
Nah a lot of people like that would be too embarrassed to admit their kid has a problem
Einstein wrote an essay against religion and the existence of god. It was auctioned off a couple of years ago. So much for him being a believer.
If he doesn't have a therapy&pills level problem, he'll probably not actually kill himself if you boot him.
Wait, what? Did the late 19th early 20th century United States just not exist to you?
>some of the blame also lies with him
When will this meme end
If you truly want to ruin a man, give him everything he wants.
It's so hard putting up with retards, maybe when your balls have dropped youll be able to stop associating with him
Real depression is a fuckup in brain chemistry, it doesn't matter whether you're first world or third world.
Only difference is whether you get to whine about it on the internet.
Don't worry yourself, user, these kinds of people like to push their own views through selectively interpreting history. He's probably going to say that "yadayada" didn't exist because he uses a special definition of "yadayada" that's more sophisticated than everyone else's because he did a google search 5 minutes ago which means he's an expert.
Fuck if I'm risking it.
Pls fuck off back to /r9k/
But it's not that simple. At least I can entertain people with the tales of his retardation.
A dead guy.
I don't know why anyone would blame the game for a suicide. If this person actually killed himself it was because no one was there for him. It's easy to turn the other way when you're dealing with a depressed person. It's also easy to give bullshit non-advice like saying that everything will work out. What depressed people need most is someone to connect with and not judge them for the feelings they have. I don't know how many times I've tried to talk about feeling sad and suicidal with 'friends' only for them to ignore what I'm saying because it made them feel uncomfortable.
What the fuck are you even talking about? Jacking off and hot gluing a figure of your waifu isn't faith. Faith and religion are one in the same, unless your an autistic New Ager who sticks dictionaries up his ass.
Einstein believed in the God of Spinoza, by which I mean an impersonal 'God' as just a label for the whole sum of the mathematics of the structure of the universe which he saw a divinity in. It is completely atheistic but he just used the world God is flowery way to describe nature.
Religion is rites, purge the heretic, bring moneys to church
Faith is "I will do this in the name of god, I feel protected, I feel secure because I am watched by wise imnipotent thing"
>Roll a ten
>Hits anyway
That's not even possible in the D&D system unless he had absolutely abysmal Dex and wasn't wearing any type of armor
>rolled a ten to hit
>Hit anyway
That's not even possible in the D&D system unless he had absolutely abysmal dex and wore literally no armor.
Attack bonuses bruh
But yeah, story is fake
Both are retarded.
If you're trying to spare someone's feelings, then why keep using attack bonuses? Why not just say the attack misses altogether and shower him with magic items instead of finding the root of the problem.
Liberals love to blame things on objects rather than people.
>bad kid
>must be board game or video game
>nut job shoots things up
>must have been the gun that plotted it
Because the story is fake and gay.
In my experience it's conservatives that blame innocuous things like music and vidyas. Liberals only seem to blame white people and guns.
>implying this is exclusive to liberals
Your first example is far more common among conservatives.
>People love to blame things on easy targets instead of addressing complex problems.
Conservatives say "video games portray violence, therefore they cause violence and should be banned", and they lose their jobs for it.
Liberals say "video games portray violence, therefore they cause violence *against women* and should be banned", and they get to speak at the United Nations and control Twitter for it.
Please. Virtually every entertainment ratings board in the United States exists because of crying conservatives. The religious right has been by far the loudest and most politically influential when it comes to blaming media.
Good point. That is true with one exception, "video games portray women in a way that hurts my feelings and should be banned" would be more accurate.
>"video games portray violence, therefore they cause violence and should be banned", and they lose their jobs for it.
Go read the history of the ESRB, faggot.
Social media is the cancer killing the West.
What can men do against such reckless faggotry, user?
>Conservatives say "video games portray violence, therefore they cause violence and should be banned", and they get high paying taxpayer funded jobs for it.
Anything you can fight out with your keyboard will only feed it further.
Endure until they realize their White girl problems aren't important.
Just wait it out, honestly.
The modern SJW movement is a fad. Give it time and it will go out of style. Once people stop giving it attention their interest in (sl)activism will fade.
Pffft. No they don't. Rating systems, internet censorship, bans on violent and sexual video games are still being overwhelmingly driven by the conservative establishment. SJWs mostly arrange twitter raids against indie games.
They may be a temporary extreme, but the overall tendency of modern 'polite society' in the West to venerate and fetishize perceived victims isn't going anywhere.
Oh, and last national level politician who wanted to ban video games they didn't like? Hillary Clinton.
How did a bait thread about DnD suicide turn into another oh-so-fresh anti-sjw masturbation circle?
>inb4 accusations of sjwdom
>i make my friends watch iq and race videos when we smoke
>I am more based than thou
>/pol/shit gets annoying though when you see it on every fucking board.
It's gotten worse. Talk to any girl about a heavily publicized rape case and you'll be in for a headache. It doesn't matter if a judge and jury found a complaining witness to be full of shit, the alleged rapist is guilty and that's that.
>>when we smoke
>>not when we vape
Can't even be a faggot right.
pol gonna pol. Any thread about bitching turns into their bitching ground.
Source from a conservative thinktank, and a liberal source who links to self professed conservatives giving polling answers.