Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Your local Meta?
>Next MTG Purchase?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
>Favorite deck?
>Your local Meta?
>Next MTG Purchase?
The updated Modern Metagame is below.
The overall Modern Metagame.
Information on Tiers and how they're calculated:
Direct link to the spreadsheet:
The paper Modern Metagame.
Best deck.
Never forget.
Reposting here since last thread died
Can I get some advice for this U/W deck?
4x Geist of Saint Traft
4x Reflector Mage
3x Brimaz, King of Oreskos
3x Wall of Omens
2x Ephara, God of the Polis
1x Sun Titan
4x Rune Snag
4x Devouring Light
3x Mana Leak
2x Supreme Verdict
Other Spells
4x Detention Sphere
1x Gideon, Ally of Justice
2x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
4x flooded strand
4x hallowed fountain
2x Moorland Haunt
4x Prairie Stream
5x Plains
4x Island
I know it's shit but I don't get to play enough modern to see just how shit it is so any and all suggested cuts/additions are welcome
So easy to fight, people bitched about it way too much.
True, it could fold real quick and real easy. But man was it fun to play.
If that faggot Streck hadn't cheated his draws and gotten tons of mathematically impossible T1 wins it'd probably still be around
Next ban will be either one of the following; become immense/mutagenic growth/ancient stirrings
Screen cap this
50$ on Ancient Stirrings, even if I would prefer it be Become Immense. Seriously, fuck Infect.
Mutagenic is shit mate. It's half a pump spell and doesn't even protect you from bolt.
It is shite but it's free delve and enables t2 kills easily
But thats not how you spell Mox Opal.
Mox opal is a very close one. Depends after kaladesh spoilers.
Last few events were UWR Nahiri and UGb Infect
Not really.
>Favorite deck?
Used to be Affinity, but I'm enjoying Nahiri.
>Your local Meta?
Everything tier 1/2 listed here except RUG Scapeshift, Zoo, Kiki-Chord, Death and Taxes (wait, what?).
>Next MTG Purchase?
Foil EMA cards.
I have commenced chat trolling
your trolling is shit desu
Ancient Stirrings is very OP but the decks that use it are not degenerate. I wouldnt like anything to be banned desu I like the meta as it is right now
Wizards really wants Kaladesh (as a plane) to succeed and be popular, like Tarkir, so the set will be very powerful.
Affinity and Tron will get more tools and thus the following will happen before Summer 2017:
>Ancient Stirrings is banned.
>Mox Opal is banned.
Would you guys be able to help me out with planning a sideboard? Sideboarding is My biggest weakness, I'm never sure what the fuck to put in there. I'm building a BR Vampire deck and I like putting little restrictions on my builds so I'm only using cards from Innistrad sets. The idea is to basically use Falkenrath Gorger to let me play tricks with Madness discards and Indulgent Aristocrat to sac Lord of Lineage/Call the Bloodline tokens to pump the rest of my vampires. I'm pretty set on the deck itself, just not sure what I should put in the sideboard
4x Falkenrath Gorger
3x Indulgent Aristocrat
3x Insolent Neonate
4x Vampire Interloper
4x Stromkirk Captain
3x Rakish Heir
2x Bloodline Keeper
2x Olivia Voldaren
3x Brimstone Volley
3x Curse of Stalked Prey
2x Stensia Masquerade
3x Call the Bloodline
4x Vampiric Fury
7x Swamp
7x Mountain
4x Foreboding Ruins
2x Stensia Bloodhall
That's a sweet dream ban. But what should be unbanned?
Bogles without horizon canopy
Moderately budget 8rack
>Fav. Deck?
Fuck storm is fun
Literally jund and Nahiri
Horizon canopies or the rest of 8rack. Its only $80 without Lili
Also, rate my shitty bogles
I want to play coco. But dont know what to do.
Ponder and preordain
I'm diamonds just thinking about it
I'm the guy you responded to. They will not unban anything.
If they do, it will be Bloodbraid Elf and it will be their final unban.
MTG Modern General
Mono U tron
not doing well, never really did though.
a super duper exile deck.
UB exiled.
>Favorite deck?
a fan of WB knights,
>Your local Meta?
Jund, tron, eldrazi and infect.
>Next MTG Purchase?
a big ass box of foil lands from bfz.
Now about this exile deck, just brewing here, don't expect tier 1 or anything.
I've decided to go UB for ashiok.
Should I go for a tron variant and include newlamog.
I might splash white for obvious path to exile.
What is stuff that is modern viable to exile cards, or at the very least to toss them in the grave and exile later with ashiok?
Melira Coco
Something like bant Coco?
>Favorite deck?
Melira before pod ban
>Your local Meta?
Lots of tron
>Next MTG Purchase?
The entire bant humans deck for stadard
So I pulled a foil one of these after winning a small local draft. Is it something I sell immediately or do I hold onto it?
Would a card like this help to balance modern? Would this make it so infect has less instant win matchups?
Sell, buy a play set of non foils and work on a legacy deck.
Why do you consider infect a problem? The deck can be interacted with. The main instant win matchup infect has is vs tron and no one has any sympathy for people who play that deck.
Infect didn't need a nerf. Git gud scrub.
Virt? Is that you? In any case, fuck off back to custom card general with your weak b8.
>(2)(G/W) : Sacrifice Melira's Blessing, prevent all combat damage dealt this turn
>not (2)(G/W), Sacrifice Melira's Blessing: Prevent all combat damage dealt this turn
Veeky Forums pls
I basically only play standard. I mostly just draft. I have no interest in playing modern or standard. I only joined this draft because there wasn't an alternative draft where I was. What can I realistically expect to get for this card? Should I sell it?
200 bucks cash from your LGS.
The game stores around here are rather shitty for trades. One will offer 70$ cash, the other 120. I'm not really willing to sell to them given the low numbers.
You can do it on ebay, but be sure to put it in a good container and to buy tracking on the package to avoid scams.
Titan shift
>Favorite deck?
...titan shift I guess?
>Your local Meta?
>tfw no lgs
>Next MTG Purchase?
>Implying banning become immense or mutagenic growth will impact infect decks in the slightest.
This is objectively the most fun card in all of magic. Will it be unbanned next?
No. It makes dredge stronger and they want to keep it just barely fringe playable
I always thought Blue was correlated with Mind and Intelligence so why does it have as much Horros, Zombies and creepy shit as Black?
It has less of each of those. The blue zombies are "skaberen," and are more like Frankenstein's monster type of things that are created through more scientific methods. Horrors are blue when they're associated with water or the mind.
Mono-green stompy
Is Dismember really required in a mono-green stompy?
Jund, Grixis, and tomorrow, Finkel's Storm list that 5-0'd recently
Tuning Jund to the meta of the next town over, no real brews happening
>Favorite deck?
Grixis, but it's just not strong enough. Jund does everything I wanted Grixis to do and more, so it's my favourite atm. Kind of boring, but it feels good to have the playstyle I was looking for fulfilled.
>Your local Meta?
Most people have a couple of decks, so if we comma-separate the individual players, it looks like -
Grixis / Jund (me), Burn / Affinity / Infect / Small Zoo, Affinity / Dredge, Abzan Coco, Kiki-Chord, RG Scapeshift, Grixis / UR Delver, Tron / Jund / Junk / Bogle
Overall it's pretty aggressive, creature-based. So Grixis is reasonably positioned, and when I get bored with Jund I'll probably switch back to it.
>Next MTG Purchase?
Hard to say. Not sure what I want to build atm.
Seems like Black horrors are more demonic while Blue ones are more eldritch like, which is appropriate considering eldritch horrors always affect the mind of people.
Dismember is really, really useful for taking out some serious threats with 1 mana.
That's also very true.
remand beats it
Need some help with rules clarification please:
I'm playing on xmage.
My opponent puts down Eidolon of the Great Revel and passes. My turn is up next and I draw Temporal Mastery and pay the Miracle cost of 2.
Why didn't Eidolon of the Great Revel deal damage to me for paying the Miracle cost?
Is this a bug with xmage or am I missing something?
Temporal Mastery's CMC is always 7, even if you pay its Miracle cost. Miracle just lets you pay for it differently.
Okay thanks.
The converted mana cost of a spell is always the value printed at the top of the card regardless of what you actually pay for of
4 coco
4 (best removal in your color)
Rest is value creatures that cost less than 4. Really that's it. Depending on your colors you can insert synergies, combos, etc. Always watch out that you don't have too many cards that don't get hit by coco.
Hey guys. Somebody was nice enough yesterday to give me advice on bw token deck. After reading up about the deck a little more it seems I can play a variety of playstyles.
Im prefer midrange over aggro so here's the deck I have in mind. Semi budget.
2 Spectral Procession
2 Secure the Wastes
4 Lingering Souls
2 Midnight Haunting
4 Raise the Alarm
2 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
1 Gideon Ally of Zendikar
4 Intangible Virtue
3 Promise of Bunrei
4 Path to Exile
2 Zealous Persecution
3 Thoughtsieze
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
1 Dismember
1 Murderous Cut
3 Dismember
2 Triplicate Spirits
2 Hero of Bladehold
3 Disenchant
3 Duress
2 Ghost Quarter
2 Leonin Arbiter
Im on the fence about ghostly quarter and arbiter. Any advice would be most welcome, criticism too.
hold for ~8 months. EMA will be a limited run and legacy players will be gaga over it forever.
Why are people saying Scapeshift is not interactive? (Talking about the vanilla temur version)
It's still a blue control deck. Majority of the deck is blue spells that draw cards and find answers. The sideboard often comes with more blue control or red removal.
I frequently win a lot of matches without the scapeshift combo for g2/3. It feels very similar (although weaker) to what twin used to do when they boarded out their combo completely (With scapeshift it feels more like you're forced to, slaughter games etc). T1 S4T into a t3 Thrun, start the beatdown with negates and cryptics on hand.
How is this not interactive?
Putting counterspells in a combo like Scapeshift is not interactive.
I could argue it's less interactive because you don't even want spells to resolve
Counterspell is just as interactive as bolt to the face
>Removal and counterspells
>Interacts with literally everything an opponent can do
>Not interactive
>Open the Armory
>Literally a raw tutor
>Standard legal, sees no play
When is Wizards going to just outright admit that Equipment is shit and SFM should be unbanned?
because they stop being shit the literal moment SFM gets unbanned
no joke this is really dangerous territory
Instead of devouring light run 4 path to exile
I see a crucial lack both of Dragonlord Ojutai and of Cryptic Command
Ephara is completely useless, as Gideon, AoJ.
You lack Colonnades, Snapcaster Mages and Vendillion Cliques
Oh wow, you can spend 2 turns and 2 cards to cheat a shitty 5 drop that sees literally zero play? Such value.
A-user you don't understand (ι´Д`)ノ
It's not "2 cards", it's a 1/2 body that tutors you any equipment and puts it into play at instant speed. The amount of shit you can do with this is insane, it allows you to have a bunch of hardcounter 1ofs (tutor sword of fire and ice against UR delver?) and very much forces you to remove it before it gets to untap
pathing a 1/2 body in a deck full of other relevant creatures JUST to allow you to have a chance at counterspelling the equipment that's now in hand. You might as well ask for a JTMS unban because "all he does is draw you a bunch of cards, wow such value"
>force yourself to play a noncompetitive fundeck
>don't even play good cards
Even by Veeky Forums standards, this is the ramblings of a user that's shit at magic
You're technically the one interacting with them. The only way to interact with Shift is to counter it. countering a counter is a form of interaction but really you could argue that you pack Remands in order to prevent interaction from occuring, even if that in itself is a form of interaction
Same except i got a foil karakas. Do i sell, trade, or sit?
Give it a whirl lads. Chording for Grim Haruspex is legit as fuck.
Why return to the ranks over rally the ancestors?
Doesn't cost mana. You can do some pretty nutty plays with it. Not to mention that it's just good synergy to be playing small guys with a spell that lets you tap guys to cast it.
Mail it to me, I'll sell it for you
for some reason the modern border on karakas just makes it look terrible to me.
Something that comes to mind almost instantly is Birds and Hierarch. 1 mana dorks seem relevant. While you have Convoke on RttR is nice, having more colored mana is good. The other thing that comes to mind is a discard outlet. Being able to dump a bunch of shitty minions into the graveyard to then RttR and combo off seems like it could be good. Maybe like a couple of Thoughtseizes to have some sort of interaction...
I considered all of your points a while back when brewing this deck.
>Mana dorks
The problem with Birds and Hierarch is that they can't attack very well on top of not dying very well. Comboing off isn't all the deck can do; it can swing for damage too. Not to mention my curve is super low anyway.
>The other thing that comes to mind is a discard outlet
As in my earlier point, the deck doesn't revolve around comboing off with Return. Not to mention that if you have 5 guys on the board and 10 in the yard, you can't bring them all back anyway. Small Returns can do enough damage to kill.
Just dilutes the grind. And it's a fucking awful topdeck. My sideboard will most likely have Tidehollow Sculler/Sin Collector in. The interaction is all combat. Blood Artist RUINS combat maths.
Been meaning to get into modern for a while now and thinking bout building affinity, unfortunately too poor to afford all the hella expensive cards, how would y'all go about buying all the expensive stuff? Any suggestions as to priority order?
Your problem is that Mox Opal and Ravager are the cards that make the deck, besides Cranial Plating.
Buy the big pieces as soon as you can. Get the rest when you have all the big pieces.
Overseer > Opal > Ravager > Inkmoth > Glimmervoid > Etherium > Blinkmoth > Champion > the rest
I've already got the plantings, I know it'll be shitty till I get them but what order should I go about buying them
Ravagers first. Opals can't directly kill your opponent.
Overseer is actually pretty bad in the current meta, ensoul is a better replacement especially w/ darksteel
>Is this a bug with xmage
This makes me wonder how many of the "bugs" with Magic Online and other clients are actual bugs and not just the players not knowing how things work.
This is a little different with {x} spells as their cmc usually differs while on the stack.
>Nahiri already on the downwards slope
Who REAL control here?
where do i get decent proxies?
what happened to mr huang?
>all your cards are either extremely strong or pitifully weak depending on the matchup and the board state, such as Ancestral Vision, Mana Leak and Terminate
>if your answers don't perfectly align with their spells, you will most likely lose
No thanks
Run Counterbalance. BE the meme. Knowing what card is coming also lets you get extra value from fetchlands.
>cascade into k-command/goyf/liliana
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuh, fuck no
Which is why I said there won't be unbans, but BBE is the most likely of the list.
To be fair, Modern has tons of powerful shit already. BBE really isn't that bad.
Unban Tree of Tales and Ancient Den.
Yes. I would love my artifact hate to have even juicier targets
>not a bitter ordeal deck
You faggot edgelord.
>Haha, he's running Mutavault, this means I can spend my removal on his lands too!
Yes senpai turn my land draws into live draws.
Yeah and they should unban hypergenesis too. It'll be a brewer's paradise. :^)
Hypergenesis is pretty overrated. I bet a year ago you'd be talking about how Grave Troll would lead to Modern becoming a degenerate combo format.
Haha shattering Spree is even better. And no coming back of they get a shatterstorm off