>A civilization has found a way to make completely organic AI/computers through cloning and programming brains.
What advantages or disadvantages could this bring to a modern society?
A civilization has found a way to make completely organic AI/computers through cloning and programming brains
Instantaneous betrayal.
A steady supply of soldiers.
A skilled work force, that requires no wages.
Advantages would be clear, but the disadvantages would be that it would marginalize your existing population, and most likely lead to a revolt. Good thing you you have a ready supply of loyal subjects to put down said revolt.
You've basically got the AdMech right there.
Sounds like Halo smart-AI.
Advantage is that it takes advantage of the human brain's inherent ability to solve problems by inferring results with incomplete data.
Drawback is that most of the human brain is only actually useful for motor control, biological, and autonomic functions that would be wasted by having a brain-in-a-jar AI, and contrary to what bad sci-fi makes people think, you can't just use those parts of the brain for something else, like psychic powers or whatever.
Ultimately they are inferior to select cerebral-mass hybridization with existing computer technology, which only uses the inferring capabilities of the human brain to piece together SPECIFIC bits of missing information, rather than as the primary function, as it's better for a computer to assume it has all data in most situations.
a fair point, HOWEVER.
suppose the portions not used for problem solving are used for similar processes?
motor control for robotics or possibly vehicle steerage?
Biological and autonomic functions for things like life support or ship borne automatic reactive systems?
perhaps using non-human brains for these processes that are better suited, or selective "breeding" brains with larger problem solving zones?
now we've gone from Halo to (if you like good "thinky" anime don't read the spoiler) Psycho Pass
A Culling is at hand, human. A Culling.
Mass-producable intelligence.
Organic computers are more likely to have souls than synthetic computers.
Artificial intelligence never ends well.
>you can't just use those parts of the brain for something else,
I'm not sure that's true. The brain does have a tendency to take over functions of damaged parts, for example, so you could probably do something with the grey matter that isn't moving...
Or put it in a humanoid robot, that works too.
It would be slow as shit. Brains are sloooooooww.
>What advantages or disadvantages could this bring to a modern society?
Ever read the Starfish/βehemoth trilogy?
You'd get Mentats and shit I guess.
Men of Iron; Artiloids
>Artiloids are created by the Nexus to have ceramic composite based skeletons with neuro-fibre bundle muscles interconnects (as found in power armour), battery fat sub-dermal layer under a flexible 'bullet proof' dermis and sensor epidermis. The mind is a photonic matrix.
>The 'Organic Nexus' is a life form that builds and maintains the inorganic structure of the Iron Man. An analogy would be the enamel on your teeth: it is 'dead' and 'inorganic' in nature (bone/ Hydroxylapatite) yet is was made by an organic system and remains part of the organic system (dentine). The difference in the Iron Man system, is that the organic systems build an entire inorganic machine. Instead of making enamel and such, they build photonic neural nets, photo-fibre nerves, all powered by hybrid bioluminescent/ chemical cells. The flesh is a mixture of reactant inorganic fibre and bio support systems. The have a layer of 'battery fat' and a polymer protein skin and a bio-hybrid reprocessing systems.
>It is a perfect blend of machine and biology - Dark Adeptus ideal [Prohibited in the Imperium] Organic Nexus subsystem is resistant to corruption by Chaos, and imparts this resistance to the inorganic elements.
In this fanon, the tau descend from these systems.
Advantages:Presumably harder to hack into.
Disadvantages:Everyone thinks you're fucking creepy.
We start using it to make artificial people for menial/humiliating/dangerous tasks. It works great at first.
>Sabotaged by Space Pirates
>Humans struck first, and then fucked their entire world because the Robutts were going to maximize the fuck out of the world's economy and harbor in an age just short of post-scarcity.
But the Metroidverse has a fuckton of Non-hostile Free AI's, organic or mechanical.
I came here to post this.
Ever seen Blade Runner OP?
One thing I never got about Bladerunner was how in the FUCK were the Skin-jobs capable of controlling every micro-expression to the point of being able to fabricate accurate expressions after a second delay? They were just suped up Gene-clones that lacked empathy due to being Fast-tracked to completion.
But user, the entire point of Bladerunner is the Replicants DO have empathy
Then why do they have to fabricate their emotional responses if they have true empathy?
because the movie is about them learning empathy; that's why Batty was protective of Priss and why he decided to save Deckard at the end.
I can see it, but it's been about 15 years, my memory is kinda fucked and there was a lot of shit going on when I watched it last.
What makes it worse is that I have it as a mandatory thing for me to get whenever I get a new hard drive, and it's been sitting on this one for years.
It allows the computers to have true sex without resorting to make a dedicated body like Johnny Depp in that movie.
Why would anyone want a fleshy body for if not for sexy time?
>in the future, friendly robots offer free liposuction