1st coinbase employee

>1st coinbase employee
>paid in bitcoin
>wrote college thesis on bitcoin
>now a billionaire off bitcoin
>incredible foresight

why isn't this guy talked about more often. he was earlier than vitalik, and is on the money side investing in the protocols rather than programming a mill for shitcoins like vitalik.

he should be our lord and savior not vitalik.


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you should go see a therapist. you seem to have developed an obsession with Vitalik.

You're a legend, great video, thanks for this!

cuckbase employee turned money man vs glorious supreme autist leader who used to go on Veeky Forums and invented the most important cryptocurrency

gee I wonder why

Because vitalik (standing satoshis shoulders) invented this entire fucking world that you're living in.

>the most important cryptocurrency

its neither crypto, nor a currency, nor the most important

ok buddy

Hes got such a weird look about him.

seems to be a people person and a good evaluator rather than a tech visionary so i cant really suck him that hard

nigga is still a shining light of hope for fellow customer support workers such as myself

>Hes got such a weird look about him.

thats what extraordinarily wealthy people start looking like. they dont look like normal people. like the trump family

here he is just chatting about the tech - and watch which ones he points out

at 44:55

Lmao, I'll never forget how he dumped on ZRX holders.

all he ever does is praise 0x project. he's an advisor

did he make more than the fuckface founder and goldman sachs? that's pretty neat if so

hes a boss

does he shill coins though

i've seen him talk about 0x, MKR, augur and golem

see at 8:40

payroll departments hate him

why do people turn into giant fags wearing black turtle necks and thin rim glasses. almost makes me want to keep my networth around 750k so i dont lose touch with myself

Move to SV work in tech and you will soon accept that Steve Jobs is your lord and savior




when you spend your day making decisions each one affecting 10's to 100's of millions, and every person around you you can tell what to do and are essentially your servant, and your nights with other wealthy elites doing orgies, drugged out parties and eating children, you become different


>extremely wealthy people don't look like normal people

the winklevi look pretty normal

because they're megachads

oh ya real normal

Nice video, watching.

MULLET. I haven't seen one of those since joe dirt