Have you ever had a genderbender hero or villain in an RPG, either as a serious expression of someone's gender identity or as a "lol u have bewbs now" lark? How did it turn out? It's one of those horror stories Veeky Forums keeps telling but from what I can tell mostly it's just stuff people make up.
Have you ever had a genderbender hero or villain in an RPG...
Unfortunately since I'm trans gender myself, it'd look like pandering or self-inserting so I feel not allowed.
There is no logical reason to do that other than satisfying your magical realm needs.
No but that's apparently my characters kink
Except, you know, that these people exist in reality.
Rolled 1, 8, 5, 4, 9 = 27 (5d10)
user why did you roll so many d10s?
Just in case.
>Violence, Delayed Orgasm, Toys/Object (using the last numeral of the post number)
What a magnificent spread.
All characters are self inserts. If they don't like it, get better friends.
No, they don't. What exists is a culture of catering to every mental illness and in this case we seem to pretend that more then 2 sexes totally do exist so special snowflake hamplanets like do not sperg out.
Cut your dick off or dont, but dont bother me with how everyone else should cater to you.
Rolled 4, 9 = 13 (2d10)
Lawful Neutral
Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d10)
Am I reading that right, Genderbend?
Wow I forgot this thread had a topic and managed to find my way back to it through dice tables. Truly a Veeky Forums experience.
Can remember it happening of importance twice. Firstly for a hero, to don special armor and fight for a goddess, he had to become a woman since the NotValkyries were all female. He was fine staying a woman for the ability to be counted among those noble and great ranks of warriors, and also mechanically so he could keep the armor.
For the villain, she was in a culture that women were treated lower and not really respected, and were not allowed to rule. Rather than try to reshape the society she found it a lot easier just to get turned into a man, and continue with her plans from there. It was only by chance that we even learned about it, it wasn't really played up or a major part of the character. The actual out of game reason was we killed the guy who was supposed to fill the villain role for that society so rather than just coming up with some new guy to fill his place, the DM just genderbent the already established female character who realistically would have been next in line for the role of command were it not for her gender.
Those are the two serious times, there are other times it happened that weren't serious.
It happened to my character in Shattered Star. It's been a little more impactful due to plot importance, and overall it's been fucking my character up hard. Fortunately the party's actually a great support system so far but there'll probably be aftershocks once they're out of the dungeon where it literally just happened.
I'unno. That's all I got.
Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d10)
Neutral Evil.
Rolled 2, 7, 7, 8, 10, 6 = 40 (6d10)
CN rollin for triple trouble
Body hair.
How kinky