What do you think of night elves as an elf archetype?
What do you think of night elves as an elf archetype?
They're just purple wood elves.
I think it's pretty stupid to introduce a "darker, edgier" version of any race in a setting, doesn't matter if you use some other phrase like "night".
Later portrayals of Warcraft night elves weren't dark or edgy at all. They worshipped their goddess of the moon and were mostly as user said above - purple wood elves.
They're not very dark and edgy, though. They're the happy, hippie elves compared to the High Elves and actually edgy Blood Elves (basically Sun Elves).
Yet Illidan out edges Kael'thas
They're not called night elves because they're darker or edgier. They aren't either of those things. They're called night elves because they are nocturnal, moon-worshiping elves. You know, elves that come out at night.
He's reverse Drizzt.
I like that their men are brawny and often bearded while still distinctly elfy.
I like their aesthetic though. Moon priestesses riding huge tigers are pretty fucking cool.
And he's the emo, dual wielding rebel who goes against the norm of his people. Only instead of Drizzt rebelling against his evil kin by being a good guy, Illidan is rebelling against his hippie kin by being an edgelord.
I think you should read more books that don't say Blizzard or Wizards on the back.
I don't get this. Why would you want elves to be muscular and bearded?
That just makes them even more similar to humans.
Might as well say, I like my dwarves clean shaven and 6 feet tall.
> Might as well say, I like my dwarves clean shaven and 6 feet tall.
But Constable Carrot is a great dwarf.
I think they aren't an archetype and I suspect you don't understand what that word means.
I thought mages were common back in War of the Ancients it's just Illidan back stabbed them to help against the Legion
only druids of the claw were actually beefy tho
Because then they can still have traces of real masculinity but still have the otherworldly/fey feeling to them.
You know, instead of males all being androgynous fags.
>That just makes them even more similar to humans.
They also have motherfucking antlers. And in some cases feathers.
Because it's the whole warcraft aesthetic.
In a good setting, what makes an elf an elf isn't just pointy ears, an androgynous bodytype, or a propensity for treehugging.
Their otherworldly attitude and distinctly "foreign" views regarding the world at large (compared to the MC humans) is what defines the "elf" race of the story.
Pic related.
Not really comparable, the word elf doesn't literally mean lithe androgyne the way dwarf means short person.
But sure I'm on board with a tall bald race filling all the usual dwarf tropes in a setting. It would make a lot more sense for those games that insist on making dwarves the toughest things on two legs.
And anyway, look at the model for a male night elf in say WoW and tell me that looks more like a human than the average depiction of an elf.
Warcraft is a terrible setting tho
>Blizzard in charge of not raping the lore of his games
I prefer blue elves.
>they are just hippies
So, how many of you played warcraft 3? I never play WoW, but heard that it did teribble things to their lore. In warcraft 3 Grom described their females as perfect warriors who had no qualms of exterminating entire races if they got too close to their woods. Then came the super buff druids.
It's kind of shame many of concepts were watered down, though a polygynous playable race in WoW would probably have caused a massive ruckus.
Well Malfurion was in 3 and he was beefy. Same goes for Illidan
They're more of a hybrid between wood elves and drow, but yeah, as an archetype they wouldn't really work since for most part they're very similar to standard wood elves.
They were pretty cool in WC3, though, before Blizzard turned them more into regular elf archetype to fill the role of the high elves, and made all their badass warrior women into giggling bimbos.
>They're more of a hybrid between wood elves and drow
Along with a hefty dose of Magic Native Americans.
to be fair they probably attacked because they didn't know orcs were not creatures native to Kalimdor at first, and assumed they already knew better than to desecrate Ashenvale, due to their hubris they ended having one of their gods slain, serves them right
Fuck off Metzen, nobody likes your dindu orcs.
Everything about Warcraft is garbage, I just like seeing elves getting what they deserve
Shove a demons dick up your ass, orcs need to be exterminated, the night elves had the right idea.
Honestly, anything that wards off the moralfags is a good thing.
kek, you are so mad about your purple smurfs, what idea did they have?
do fucking nothing while the burning legion raped the world?, if the green gorillas didn't give them a wake up slap they would have sitted their asses at their tree to oblivion
Is there any source on that? And yet again, orcs didn't do anything wrong at all! So fuck off Metzen, your movie is shit and nobody plays orcs.
even though both lordaeron and northrend were already under corruption they never noticed until Tyrande bothered to do something other than fuck animals, and that apparently took losing one of their gods to a band of demonic savages, you can thank orcs for that
Because it happened on a different continent, you are asking for too much.
>you can thank orcs for that
It wasn't intentional, not with good inentions.
You are really trying your hardest to make NElves sound like they were responsible for what happened in wc3, which is the dumbest.
They would have done something sooner or later. That is why Archimonde demands that Cenarius be destroyed *before* Legion invades Kalimdor.
>That is why Archimonde demands that Cenarius be destroyed *before* Legion invades Kalimdor.
Well, good job, Grom.
In Warćraft they are this way because they are descendants of the trolls
fuck you, I laughed
What's wrong with having a "pretty" race?
The dwarves are the gruff and manly race, why shouldn't elves be the beautiful effeminate race?
Because Night Elves aren't High Elves.
Stereotypes are boring.
You're a fag.
Beautiful must not mean effeminate. Only because their women are beautiful, doesn't mean their men are twinks and gays.
Effeminate does not mean gay either.
There are plenty of straight men who are effeminate and gay men who are bears.
There's nothing wrong with effeminate men unless you're insecure.
I want to be dominated by a group of Sentinels.
I should have been more precise, but I didn't mean gay as their actual sexual orientation, more as an insult.
Blood elves are the pretty ones. They got it covered without infringing on the neat night elf "rough nature" schtick.
I want to be dominated by Lor'themar
But like I said, there's nothing wrong with effeminate men unless you're insecure.
Just dropping by to say fuck blizzard and fuck the knife-ear art direction.
But like I said, they don't need to be effeminate if their race is considered the beautiful race. And I also never said that there is something wrong with being effeminate.
Sure, they don't need to be. But why shouldn't they be? It gives a bit of variety to the races in terms of physical appearance.
Elves are tall and effeminate
Dwarves are short and rugged
Humans are somewhere in between
What's wrong with that? It's an established trope for good reason.
It's boring.
And effeminate elves attract the worst kind of players.
>It's boring.
That's an opinion.
Maybe I'm just tired of some anons headcanon, according to which all female elves are sluts for human dick because their men look like faggots. And also because it's a narrow view. I want male elves being able to be manly, but still an elf. They don't need to be gruff, ugly men for that. But it's harder to achieve if they are girly bishie boys.
>It's an established trope
Yeah? How many setting are there in which male elves really described as effeminate?
Nigga what?
Only in gay weebshit and parodies are Elf males "Effeminate"
if anything, Elf males are oft shown to be the most Badass Warriors with hubris to match
I think people confuse beautiful and effeminate. Ideally your average male elf should be beautiful, alien, but masculine.
Just because somehting is an estalbished trope doesn't mean it's worth anything. I thought NElfs were a breath of fresh air, purple ten feet treefucking savages who shapeshift into bears and rape you while their women shoot you with bows that dealt melee damage pre-nerf. And they still counted as the pretty race, as far as WCIII and WoW models go. I'm sorry if it annoys you they weren't slender Legolas clones #907.
And both an utter dickhead and a badass at the same time.
Personally I don't think that most elves are effeminate.
It's just that some people consider any male who doesn't look like Conan with a beard and battle scars all over his face is somehow "effeminate".
Tolkien's elves or the High Elves from Warhammer are not effeminate in my eyes.
Oh and anime protagonists seem to be more effeminate than wewstern protags since culturally those types of men are considered more attractive there.
>Tolkien's elves
>not effeminate
You're joking, right? Seriously....
It doesn't annoy me. I like the Night Elves. I think they're some of the coolest elves in fiction.
The problem is that when people complain about elves they always say "they look gay or effeminate"? What exactly is wrong with looking effeminate?
I want to fuck beautiful elf men, so I figure its some repressed shit and macho grandstanding.
>they are descendants of the trolls
I thought they were descendant from bats (?)
Nothing, but why do they have to look effeminate to be elves? Westerns were ripping of samurai flicks but no one cared that all the characters were cowboys now, then Mononoke ripped off westerns but no one cares that the Medicine Seller isn't an unshaven whiskey-drinking pistolero with boots that dramatically jingle jangle down main street at high noon. It's still the same story built around the stranger archetype, and works the same way, despite wildly differing details.
Can you give me a source written by Tolkien that describes them as effeminate?
me too
It is better that we are honest with ourselves. He's like an blood elf big boss. Swoon~
I want to fuck elf men too, but I don't need them to look like girls first.
Tolkien's elves were essentially Double Numenoreans. They were physically more imposing than most humans and liked rolling around in heavy armor with swords, lances and huge,l huge axes. I remember reading somewhere that Tolkien was annoyed at insistent depictions of Legolas as dainty, when he was a noble, a seasoned warrior and a bowman.
I just meant in reference to the general attitude of hate toward elves. Sorry, I think I misquoted your post. I like my elves masculine too.
Warcraft elves are descended from trolls, or have a common ancestor with trolls, I don't remember.
>My first boner was in reality a troll.
Descended. Dark Trolls, who were considered the weird nocturnal savages of troll culture, found the well of eternity and drank the water. It ascended them and gave them powerful arcane magic. Thats where they come from.
>ywn be a young noble farstrider meeting lor'themar at a party
In Warcraft 3, they very distinctly more feral and funnily enough would have made a cool addition as a Horde race in WoW, which in the earliest days of alpha was heavily rumoured to be an option.
They had a heavily celtic inspired theme going, with a few shinto/japanese elements because Samwise (Lead Art Director at Blizz) is an eternal weeb, but it's forgiveable because he took the most metal elements of it.
Sure, generally speaking they were wood elves, which comes through in most of their voiced lines. Their campaign revolves around the harmony and purity of their woodland realms. However with all that there're so many subtle themes going on that make Night Elves so much more badass and actually distinct from other variations of elf. It's indeed a shame they were discarded so unceremonously when WoW came around and they were reduced to "Elf, but purple!"
Their slutty armor is too awful and an eyesore.
no u
Cloud serpents look so retarded in WoW that I never thought about how actually cool they could look until this picture.
Ancient Night Elves > Modern Night Elves
Suramar (that was the ancient capital I think) had a kick ass ancient Greek aesthetic with an insane mage queen who later created the Naga society.
I tone down the naturey/foresty bits for the not!Night Elves in my setting and leave most of that to the Wood Elves. I keep the moon worship, column heavy architecture, glowing eyes, markings, eyebrows, etc.
More Korean than Japanese.
He's Captain Carrot
Nigga, when my mom read the hobbit for me whan I was a chilluns, I always imagined the elf king to be a big beardy dude with a crown of leaves and dressed like Robin Hood.
Learning stuff like that made reading Warcraft Chronicle really enjoyable.
I'm going for Loremaster while waiting for Legion and would somehow always end up doing quests relevant to what I had just read.
Nigga, they are connected to the world tree, they can actually sense whats going on all around the world if its big enough
Does this seem any less elvish than your average androgynous twig?
It just looks like a human with pointy ears and braids in his hair.
But that's wrong, user.
ITT: Samefags shit on WoW's lore.
>badass warrior elves are now giggling bimbos
Fucking what? I stepped off warcraft and WoW a while back, so can someone explain this?
Maybe because WoW's lore is kinda shit?
Take the Draenei as an example. WC3 had them fairly fleshed out as a race of slaves forced into servitude by the orcs, but that didn't mesh with Blizzard's desire to push the orcs from a race seeking redemption for past evils into one that were always the victims and weren't at fault for their own actions. So they just went with what they wanted and said "fuck it" to everything else.
This complete lack of respect for their own story continues to this day. Which is a shame because there are parts that are legitimately good, but they're all subject to massive retcons every time the game updates.
But in return we got Draenei butts.
And all was right with the world.
Why are draenei so sexy? Wow fanboys do so love their space goats, and in terms of fan art, draenei girls sure as shit get more than their fair share. They're just purple goat people. Is there some kind of in-lore characteristic that I don't know about that causes the fanboners?