Character Art Thread

Couldn't see one about so I made one.

ITT: Warriors, Soldiers, and Knights, Oh My.

Other urls found in this thread:












These are terrible for character art.

You can't even see their face.

any grapplers? I'm really struggling with the character of a grappling character, and I think some art would help me along.



I'll try to find some.


What the heck are those things on her hip?







Requesting half-elves. Preferably with rapiers.



Anyone got any Napoleonic era shit?

Muskets and all that bullhonkey.



I've got a bit of a specific request.

I need a picture of a young man with a sword. And it must look like it could fit in with a post-apocalyptic setting. Bonus points if he has dull/dead eyes.

I'm a little iffy on exact time periods, but I have a few anyway.

IRL grappling by itself is only really useful in one on one encounters where you're not worried about someone else stomping on your head while you're wrestling the first guy to the ground. Realistically a grapple based character would be dealing damage in some other way whether that's via pugilism or a one handed sword while looking for sweeps or holds with their free hand(s).


oops. meant for

I messed up. Forgive me

actually have a few things for you


Not exactly young but I'll keep digging

I am really not paying attention. I should stop.


But I won't.



Gonna make a small request myself, for a specific piece I remember seeing a long while ago but for the life of me can't find again.

A grizzled, maturer gentleman, blond hair, with a fuck-off massive greatsword. Not really sure what else I can do to describe it, so I apologise, but if anyone has anything that fits that description I'd much appreciate it. Been breaking my back trying to find it again.

In the meantime I'll post a couple elven duellists for you (although I have more ambiguous duellists that don't have their ears shown than specifically elven ones, so I'll probably post most of those).



Err, I actually don't have as many elves in here as I thought. Darn it. Oh well, I'll post a couple more ambiguous ones and hope they help.

I'll post a few.



Anyone has a pic of a centaur with a spear?

That's all I had.

Actually 2, if you're lenient on your definition of "spear"


It's none of those, but thanks for trying, user. I appreciate it.




Post mercenaries





Any more knights with red plate?

I'll check if I have any.




Sorry to break from the theme, but does anyone have cyberpunk/sci-fi art of older men? Not quite geezers, but clearly aged.

Anyone have art of intrigue/spymaster-looking characters?

Think Littlefinger from aSoIaF.

Every now and then, I get the weird inkling that the dude who drew Reqium Vampire Knight did concept art for HoMM5 and 6.

So my "Character Art" folder says it has about 4,300 or so images in it. I need to get it organized so I can start dumping in these threads when people request stuff. Suggestions for a good organization scheme? I'm thinking:
Not sure if that will be as useful for things like modern/future/sci-fi.






I classified by weapon/armour/species/era
for you


Requesting male characters wearing masquerade livery, will dump some other art for now

Also looking for people in tattered clothing




Faces are overrated


Whoa. THanks











