Fuck my life

Years of porn use has blunted my reaction to real women. How do I fix this beyond just staying away from porn forever?

Today at work a cute grill told me to my face that I "looked good" tonight and I just sort of smiled and said something stupid, maybe even stuttered and said y-you too

In my head, I wanted to bang her brains out but I'm too numb to do it, and I half thought she was joking because my self esteem is shit.

I've been /noporn/ for a few months now with a few slip ups. I've been keto for a few months and lost 40 pounds mostly in the face, wasn't fat before so basically lost 100% of any belly/gut fat and then big face change.

Will crypto gains help?

Help me!

Actually crypto gains won't help, what will is if you have confidence, and then get crypto gains, which will then rub off to grills that you cool as fuck sand do what you want. But yea stop watching pork, just picture a Jewish guy rubbing his hads as you watch, cause that's what it is. Cuck.

>he blames porn
you really are a cuck

It's not porn dude it just sounds like you have low confidence

Trust me I know the dangers of porn

It's terrible

Used to waste hours on it and watch every day multiple times

Last year had a 60 day streak without it

This year many streaks from one day up to a few weeks

Feels like I'm recovering

I've had a few girls hit on me lately during this streak but fuck, I don't know how to act socially. I'm not a virgin but most girls I've fucked I've met online so it's hard to actually be social, read cues, take hints or whatever. Maybe I'm actually autistic, idk.

Agreed. Watching porn is programming men to be cucks. It's literally watching other guys fuck women that you find attractive. That's messed up.

You need to open your chakras, go ask >>/x/ about it

Go out and talk to women. Increase your confidence by exposure and you're gold.

Yeah my brain is numb due to a dangerous cocktail.

I used to gamble a ton, watched hours of porn every day, tried to meet random girls for hookups multiple times a week.

Just hoping it clears up. The gambling has been replaced by crypto, so I guess that's an improvement. But lately I've just been avoiding women because a relationship seems like too much work and I know how hookups end, with me treating the girls like porn. I get them off, I get off, we don't talk again until we hook up again. No connection just orgasms.

testosterone peaks on the 7th day of nofap then declines. pretty shit thread though

>obsessing over a biologically inferior gender
Get help

Hard to do, my brain is wired for quick pleasure. I can't stand small talk. Can barely focus for a 5 min conversation let alone an hour or more. Maybe it will get easier if I avoid the porn jew

Porn should be avoided, yes,and Its good to hear you're taking care of your body.

Women are a skill and like anything else you want to get good at you'll need to practise and learn from mistakes.

Be confident, laid back and just have fun.

Alternatively just go all in on XMR. Sluts will fuck you for the drugs you bought on the deepweb.

>The gambling has been replaced by crypto
top kek

I obsess over crypto and my portfolio. Heaven forbid I think about women once in a while, especially when a cute one literally comes out of nowhere with "you look good tonight"

How old are you, OP? I've personally given up after many terrible relationships. Crypto is all I have left and even that feels empty. Drugs are the only thing that prop up my hollow self.

t. 30yo

I'm early 30s

Not really into drugs or drinking outside of moderate weed smoking

Never had an actual long term gf, just endless hookups and one night stands

Seen a lot of friends and family ruined by women, had their money and freedom taken away from girlfriends and wives and ex wives. It scared me. And I was getting laid often enough to not care about the long term, especially with all the miserable men I knew in my family and friend circle.

Then maybe if you cant do that you are simply destined to not reproduce user.

Don't read too much into it. That's just not where you're at right now. Keep up with no fap and exercise though and it'll probably pay off user.

stop being an ape who is addicted to their organs. Do you want to be addicted to your meat flab? Or do you wanna be woke and ascend and view women as actual humans?

maybe you're just too hung up on whether you fap / nofap rn. doesnt really matter in my experience desu
btw there is bigger part of your brain that is unconcious than there is concious. conciousness is like the surface of the lake, its what you see. but there is a lot going on underneath. when qt π talks to you there is so much going on its like a motorbike taking off and your just trying to hold on. ride that ride and trust your subconcious. dont be afread of being in that position caus if you find some reason to talk to her again it will be similar at first. goal is to /stay the course/ and see where it gous and at the end tell your self "mission accomplished" no matter what happens


Sage for not \biz\ related