Orc thread - no umies edition

How do you like your orcs tg?
My favorite is the warhammer fantasy kind, specifically the savage ones.

I like my orcs to be 300+ lb monsters with pre generally pre iron age technology.

The orcs being fungi In warhammer is also cool because the green coloration is explained as a way to get energy from the sun. The orcs warlike behavior is also perfectly explained by the spore method of reproduction.


I like 40k orks because they are not dindu rape apes. Instead they are a shining example of humor in a setting that takes itself far too seriously. Thank Gork(and Mork) for Orks.

Mork should be named first bruda, he is the propah ork day-ity

TES Orcs, preferably. I'm fond of my orcs when they're not completely bat-shit insane.

TES Orcs are pretty solid. Some of my favorite Orcs in any media.

Even with as unpopular it'll be, I really like Warcraft Orcs. Industrious, honorable (to a point), and reasonable. But they're more than willing to absolutely fuck shit up.

Really, any Orcs that are something beyond "Green Warlike Savages" are nice in my book.

Honestly I kinda think TES orcs are too simplistic and tribal compared to the other races. Like they were an afterthought in the setting

Weren't they actually an after thought in the setting's lore?

Like vomited up by their Goddess or something.

Warhammer fantasy type are basically retarded.
Pic related.

And them being spore-based is debatable depending on what lore you choose.
For the longest time they had females and children.

40k orks are gold


Yer takin' tha piss! Iss always Gork 'fore Mork! Gork is Orkier 'cause 'e's cunnin'ly brutual, an' Mork is brutually cunnin', which means Gork is a Crumpy Git, which is better than bein' a Sneaky Git!


Hez looted a big turtle you dumb git. Cuz he's a smart ones he is. Protects ye from them backstabby elf-gits!

Savage but civilized ones, no fucking CE xp piƱatas. Eberron is the only goddamn D&D setting that's done somewhat right by orcsies.

looks like one of these she-elves painted green to get sum luv from da orcs.

they finks, we dont know but we do.

>this is what 40k-children really believe

Orcs are among the least annoying Horde characters in Warcraft.

I love 40k's Orks, but they aren't really what I think orcs should be. I kind of wish they actually came up with an original name for them when they first decided to make them. Also not really convinced they fit the 40k setting, but I love the aesthetics of their technology so much that I can overlook all those issues.

For actual fantasy orcs, I like them to be one of the more technologically advanced races. Tolkien orcs were all about the evils of industry and I think that works better than just being generic primitive savages. There are plenty of monster races that do primitive well already. Orcs should be disciplined, militaristic, armed with mass-produced muskets and munition plate.

I like a compromise. Not tumblrina honorabru dindu nuffin orcs, but not one-bit CE XP sponges either. Warlike, violent and prone to fuck shit up, sure, but also somewhat intelligent and with some makings of civilization. I like Warhammer orc/ks, but not outside of their own setting, as they're a tad too retarded and goofy. My favorites are probably orcs from Warcraft before they got turned into tumblr bait - evil and terrifying, but quite organized, intelligent and also somewhat humorous.

They were elves that became cursed when their god was eaten and vomited up by another god.

What do you think hobgoblins should be?

Not him, but hobgoblins shouldn't even exist.


That's zugdorable

Orkz be da snekiest gitz around, an' don't youz furget it


This is actually my favorite kind of orc.

> Eyez not fromz any chap-tur, eyez taybul o' contentz

please post the picture

It's not hard to google friend.


Youz want sum dakka? 'Ow about sum choppas? All de best shootaz an' choppaz floatz down 'ere. But youz gotta proof youz a roight proppa Ork ta get 'em. DEY AIN'T FER ANY OL' ZOGGIN' GIT!

I like the classic, homicidal Pigman Orc.

Leave the pseudo-military or noble savage thing to Hobgoblins.


This "Green Elf Women and Green Humans with a ridiculous underbite" NeoOrc thing is annoying.

But tolkien orcs are the oldest and classiciest, and those are "pseudo-military"

Same. In my current setting, orcs are the oldest, most primitive race, and the spawn of the chillest of the Demonic titans. The majority of them are highly insular Plains Indians with a bit of pueblo and hopi thrown in there. THey live in little, tight knit tribes,because they absolutely despise anyone other than their direct paternal ancestors trying to tell them what to do. This means that they've never been able to build any big empires because they chafe under anything larger than a small tribal alliance. They violently resist any attempt to control them or take what's theirs, so mos conflict with other races spurs from them chimping out when someone else tries to live where they want to live. Even if the other people were there first.
Their military is terrible, because none of them are willing to let someone else train them. The only reasons they survive most fights are 1) They're freakishly strong, stronger than most humans could hope to be, 2) Their tribes tend to produce a lot of exceptional individuals, of the sort who can win battles more or less by themselves,and 3) Orcs have a weird corporeal bond with each other, so stuff that strengthens them or things that hurt them are split between the whole tribe if they're working in unison. i.e., the shaman blesses the cheif, everyone gets stronger. You beat the everloving shit out of one, his entire squad will get weaker but they'll all keep fighting until they collapse as one.
They're the best shamans in the settoing, because as a race they're about as old as most spirits and have a lot of ancient favors they can call in if they're clever enough.

True enough.

I guess I mean "self organizing". As in orcs by themselves exist as low tech, barely intelligent, humanoids. Rarely will one rise that rules by more than a fist and a year.
They make excellent brawlers and skirmishers when organized by more intelligent military leaders.

If Sauron hadn't called them to arms, they would've kept toiling in the muck.

Forgot my pic.

I use american indians too as a part of inspiration for my orcs, plus lots of other since TES,FF and tolkien to chimps and gorilas. The orcs are part of the titan-spawn races, like nearly all the other monster races. A thing all titan-spawn races share is than they are easy to manipulate be magic users, being low POW and INT (BRP setting btw) so they tend to end as pawns of powerful fae or even magicians and be weak in the magic part. They also are very pasionate and have little auto control, and they are bigger and stronger than normal humans.
They societies varie but they tend to be extremely patriarchal, fighting a lot between themselves to get females and other resources, the chieftains, than tend to be brothers, getting the females while they sons or other orcs followers fight for scraps, males of vanquished tribes tend to get castrated and used as slaves, the only way to get respect is being useful as smiths. The orcs can live very long lives, and never stop growing in strengh or size, albeit in a much slower rate after puberty (the acces to a variety of females helps at that too) but in echange the older they get the most erratical and prone to rage and rash decision they became, making they societies very brutal and changing. Tech wise they are primitive but known how to use iron and grow crops, tough they tend to use slaves for that while the males go hunting or raiding, the females elders tend to known a lot about herbs and medicine, being the receptacles of the clan wisdom and governing the clan when the chieftains are in the warpath or hunting.

>What do you think hobgoblins should be?

Half-goblins (other half could be human, orc, troll or ogre, depending on setting), other species raised by goblins or fulfilling the same social role as goblins (where goblins can be either a subjugated race or just a word for orc or fairies at the bottom end of the pecking order), goblin warrior/caster/leader caste (where goblins could be either a distinct race or a general term for low-caste fairies, etc) or a job title for someone who manages goblins (whatever they are).

I've never seen this before, but it gets a chuckle out of me.
