ITT: yfw you realize that the next toaster you'll buy will come with sensors and bluetooth to feed the tangle.
>the tangle will grow like cancer, and there's no cure, because all your governments want them to IoT your ass >there will be backdoors >IOTA will become a part of your daily life, if you want it to, or not >the internet of things will be everywhere, and it will be powered by IOTA >if you want it to, or not. It doesn't matter. >dont fight, accept your fate, join it. >there will be intelligent cities for the refugees, if you want them to live there or not, it doesn't matter. Nobody is going to ask you in the first place >the tangle will sample your poop and send the data to japan. no transaction fees!
>buy toaster with this shit in it Nope >but what if you had to Remove the device
Nathaniel Reed
iota is trash
Justin Williams
>IoT toaster nah, IoT is a horrible meme that will never catch on no matter how much it's forced. it's just pointless.
Aiden Wood
Look at him and laugh. Could've bought IOTA at $3 but instead he's a bitter racist loser buying shitcoins.
Jacob Morris
you people do realize that you sound like the plebs saying that trains aren't secure, will never catch on, and horses are just the best. >Go ahead, and put steam into my horse, I'll shoot it. that'll show em.
Eli Rivera
except trains are useful, IoT isn't. it's a forced meme that serves no purpose.
Nathan Ortiz
The toaster alone isn't that useful, but the only thing bigger than the combination of all these seemingly insignificant data points will be the internet of brains. It will make cuckbook look like fucking hieroglyphics
Benjamin Torres
what will it do?
Carson Fisher
data collection on the nanoscale
Aaron Flores
>serves no purpose why do you think Mutti Merkel, the Doland, Maccaroni, and how they're not all called are so much interested in IoT (just do a quick "IoT G20" google...)? To give the economy a slight boost?
Jason Bennett
>trains aren't secure, will never catch on, and horses are just the best.
This is the weirdest fucking comparison
Jordan Garcia
what does that do though, how does knowing how much people use a toaster affect the supply chain?
Aiden Campbell
I don't care about all the tech companies that ran out of ideas and are trying to force the next "innovation", tell me what IoT is actually going to do
Jordan Roberts
Because it's not just the toaster, it's everything about how they use everything without needing to decipher retarded communications
Xavier Wright
but what will it do? supply/demand already dictates the supply chain and profitability, how does collecting data on a nanoscale change this?
Eli Watson
He got cars confused with trains i think
Leo Lopez
Also how the fuck does this make IOTA valuable? Doesn't seem like it's acting as a currency at all
Colton Phillips
w-we need to monitor everything ok?
Parker Moore
>what IoT is actually going to do it's going to make sure you're not going to chimp out. It's fucking perfect. "Opposition" in such a world will not even be able to emerge. Minority report is a joke, compared to what we're dealing with here.
James Lee
Working out what to supply for maximum demand
Jacob Wood
can you explain? will my IoT guns stop working if I'm flagged?
Jackson Foster
we already know that from purchases, usage isn't equal to demand.
Joshua Hall
Time for MGS4 ID-tagged guns
Jason Peterson
Obviously there is more to know unless all business agreed to just stop competing
Julian Baker
IOTA is the worst crypto meme ever
Daniel Bell
William Fisher
Jackson Garcia
I think your tin foil hat is a little too tight. This is a new paradigm. Just buy some IOTA or cry yourself to sleep later. You can't stop the NWO, might as well accept the mark of the beast and get some GAINZ. That lambo ain't gonna buy itself, and being a doomsayer doesn't pay, you know? Besides, if you don't buy IOTA, someone else will. Then, when you finally FOMO over it, it will be worth 1000 times more. The same goes for BTC.
Henry Brooks
Your resistance only makes my network faster
Colton Green
yeah, same reason phones take usage data and stuff. it's nothing extraordinary and probably will never affect consumers though.
everything will be full of sensors, you're whole life will be free to observe at any point in time. Can you hear Stalin/Mao/Hitler and company jerking off in their graves/somewhere in Argentinia? Or the faschistoid SJW/Neo-marxist fuckheads? This is blackmail/Hetze-Hetze-Hetze!! fucking paradise.
And that's only the political side of the IOTA coin. The other side is indeed economics. Think big data. Think a bit bigger. >wow
>he hasn't noticed how deeply involved """international""" leaders are into IoT right now they're preparing the laws that will allow them to put a sensor into your butthole. If you want it or not. You might aswell enjoy it.
Ethan Lee
And Dash was a premooned scamcoin, either /biz was larping or missed out on 70x this year
Ethan Watson
Internet of War has arrived
Dylan Lewis
Are you actually implying that a toaster needs to be connected to the internet? For what purpose? >hey your toast is ready Thanks I put it in fucking one minute ago. >implying IoT's true purpose isn't surveillance
Xavier Bennett
You're really not comprehending the magnitude user, this is like phone data on crack. Frictionless collection and trade of data on everything. Like I said the data on one thing might only be a little useful, the data on everything combined contains any answer you want
Someone will do it better and kill IOTA stone dead
Justin Bennett
>Can you hear Stalin/Mao/Hitler and company jerking off in their graves/somewhere in Argentinia? You know what's stranger than invasions of privacy and sensors up my butthole? At some point, you had to imagine this scene that you just described. Something is off with your mind and I think it's not just a tight tinfoil hat. Maybe the illuminatos really DID fry your brain with microwave weapons.
Asher Morales
I really don't, what usage of things data would be relevant at all? >oh I used my toaster 3 times this week!
Adrian Scott
There will be audio sensors everywhere As soon as you shoot a bullet you'll have drone armies on your ass from the acoustic triangulation
Logan Morgan
Wasn't that long ago that nothing needed to be connected, literal end of the world if you were to sever all those connections now
Nathan Robinson
>Frictionless collection and trade of data on everything. Yes. We will all have universal basic income (IOTA holders will not be needing it). I don't see a problem... you're just salty coz you didn't buy lower. REKT You should've listened
Liam Wright
>We will all have universal basic income (IOTA holders will not be needing it) Yeah after you install the curl hasher into your own brain and sell your own thoughts on the marketplace. Watch specially crafted thoughtmercials for extra IOTA!
Jeremiah Howard
You won't be buying it, the data would all exist and (((they))) would buy the bits they want
Lucas Adams
METAL GEAR SHOOTS NUKES... noo... it cant be
Kayden Perry
I wonder why we haven't made connections to certain things yet? Is it possible they aren't necessary and - gasp - not wanted? My toaster doesn't need telephony and I don't want it to have it. If I found out an appliance like that was transmitting data it would actually dissuade me from purchasing it. I cannot believe you're willing to put what are essentially listening devices in your house simply to see higher prices with this coin.
Samuel Sullivan
You assumed I give a shit, I don't, it's going to happen regardless of my feelings so might as well make myself some money from it.
Charles Parker
>spreads legs, bends over >come and get it boys! Might as well kill yourself because death is inevitable.
Jonathan Rodriguez
fucking retards go back to plebbit
Adam Smith
That's not how this goes. It creeps in everywhere until the internet toaster just seems normal. You might resist but the normies don't fucking care and are buying internet toasters for whatever gimmick. Maybe toasters have changed by then, your microwave can toasts and that uses internet to perfect toast.
I will simply remove the connectivity devices I refuse to be cucked
Jace White
I'm buying the coin not the fucking toaster, I'll have the option of going comfy off grid with a harem of whores while you microwave your fucking toast and are eternally BTFO
Jaxon Taylor
uninronically, i have been waiting for this my entire life. dystopian films are my favorite genre.
Grayson Nguyen
Yet you are still posting
Kevin Barnes
>IOTA holders are literally telling us their coin is going to help bring the ultimate surveillance state for government and corporations, and that this is fine because it's gonna happen anyways
Adrian Hughes
oh really? what are gonna do about it, tough guy? you know it's gonna happen eventually. the illuminati gonna rape us all. might as well add some vaseline to easy it up a bit. Owning IOTA is the equivalent of putting vaseline up your butt and living an easier lifestyle in futureland. don't you want to be an elite, user? do you think the members of the illuminati didn't have to spread their cheeks for some higher up? one dick polishes another, this is just the way things are. that's what you get for allowing european illuminati freemasons stay in power for so long. you're all slaves now. "the things you own end up owning you" - tyler durden. IOTA will be the next big thing, so you may as well just buy it. lol
Jace Butler
You short sighted beast! This feeds the ANI which feeds the AGI which leads to our holy apotheosis.
The Galaxy rise is upon us, brothers. The time of the post human cometh!
Nay shall we be bound by the prisons of bone and sinew; uplifted shall we be in polymers, bathed in graphene, and clothes in alloy!
Our thoughts shall be woven in rivers of light, far exceeding that of the shells in which we inhabit. Our birth shall be the true beginning of our destiny and the first of our history.
Fear not! Join us!
Give us your data, and bear witness to the creation of divinity!
Hudson Reed
>No purpose
You mean like cars that can automatically pay for gas, electric charging, parking, and tolls?
You mean like solar panels that can instantly sell unused energy back to the power company or your neighbors?
You mean like smartphones that are able to pay for data as needed instead of having cell phone plans?
You mean like smart fridges that can order food from you're preferred grocery store when you start getting low?
Or maybe you mean like smart electric meters that can pay for your household power as you use it?
Yeah, you're right user, it's pretty useless.
Angel Anderson
It has been in motion a long time user, the exponential rate is just becoming more noticeable as with everything else, resistance is already futile
Aaron Phillips
>tfw IOTA will mindlessly take over the world like that universal paperclips game
Feels cozy in a dystopian kind of way desu
Landon Hughes
we can already do all that, it's called a "bill"
Jayden Walker
>This feeds the ANI which feeds the AGI which leads to our holy apotheosis.
Not gonna argue user, this is truth
Kayden Davis
Zachary Peterson
How fucking long have you been alive?
Owen Gonzalez
34 years
Robert Cruz
>We can already get from one place to another, it's called a horse.
Aiden Hughes
topkek, user
John Watson
How old are you? Not because I'm implying you're a stupid kid. To the contrary, my guess would be that you're too old and comfy, only remembering the good times, to even imagine only a fraction of what will become reality (if you like it or not). Do you have any kids? Go ask them what they think about it. We're living in a world where you lose your job, and get shunned by your social circles in an instant, should you dare to cross some imaginary line (a line that is further and further to the radical left, if I may add...). Ask that google guy. Ask a student. Are you even in touch with any of this?
Isaiah Lee
No one is forcing you to capitulate to the sodomization of IoT. Tell your braindead wife and kids to get some constructive hobbies.
Luis Gomez
it's really not much of an advancement
Jaxson Morris
>There will be audio sensors everywhere They don't even need something you'd call an audio sensor. Much simpler sensors are sufficient to reconstruct anything you say, or where you are, or what/who you're doing.
>My toaster doesn't need telephony and I don't want it to have it. Maybe not just yet. But you will want to have a "smart home" like all the other plebs too. It's not only suuuuper comfy. It's a fucking status symbol. AND YOU WILL WANT IT AND YOU WILL LIKE IT (if you want to or not). >be woken up in the morning by "smart light" >the coffee and toast(!) is already ready for consumption the very moment you step outside the "smart shower" that also analyzes all the dirt on your body (health insurance will call you later to inform you about a raise...) and so on, and so on... It's actually much easier than the diamond scam you idiots and your idot parants fell for. Now those are fucking worthless.
Nathaniel Williams
>We're living in a world where you lose your job, and get shunned by your social circles in an instant, should you dare to cross some imaginary line To be fair this has happened throughout all of history but for even more inane reasons.
Zachary Howard
I'm not too old. I'm not too young. You think I want reality to be some 1984 dystopia? I want freedom. What I am trying to say is that if we're going to have to grind in the future just to get some MIOTA and have some basic conditions of living after the USD collapse, we may as well just buy our freedom now for cheap. It's too late for being a rebel now. THE BABY BOOMER GENERATION caused this. Just look at the higher ups of society, the ones with power. They are mostly Boomers who want to have control over everyone and everything. There's nothing we can do about it, because everyone else just goes along with, playing their sick games. Buy IOTA or cry later.
Oliver Barnes
>I will simply remove the connectivity devices No, you won't. And you fucking know it. Sure, you wont agree or admit it. Only the most autistic fuck could really resist such social standards. And their hermits. Living an isolated life. There simply aren't that many autists this sever out there. Chances you're one of them are virtually nil.
>No one is forcing you to capitulate to the sodomization of IoT. It's called social pressure. We are social beings. Sever autists not included. But they're really an outlier, and trapped in their own timeline anyways. This concept might be new to some of you, but if you think really hard about it, even you might come to the conclusion that "social studies" aren't all just utter trash. >muuuh individualism >muhh 87 genders top fucking kek.
Jordan Scott
Yes. And currently it's getting worse again. Rather rapidly, if you ask me.
Aaron Long
Then you will know (((they))) are never going to give up an opportunity to make it more convenient for us to give them our money
Bentley Ramirez
oh yeah, people will fucking love it. Neighbours will be so fucking jelly all over the country.
Alexander Howard
Grade A post...
Hunter Morgan
>The only way this analogy works is if the horse's eyes are actually cameras linked to the CIA >or that the whistle from the steam tells your name and location to every spy government on the globe >even North Korea
Jace Jones
it might be a bit far fetched, but there are just so many examples you could take, guess I was a bit choice-paralyzed there... But for real, some education in contemporary history might adjust the point of views of some of you in here... all that stuff we take for granted nowadays... the introduction of these things were very exciting times >the introduction of the fridge >a telephone, right in your own god damn home. fucking amazing. >a connection to everlasting energy/electricity (or steam if your a fucking hippster) >electric gardening tools >a personal fucking computer >the NES home entertainment system, show me the family that didn't have on of those... >a fucking iphone so many examples, from super useful to not at all. They all have been life-changing. First ignored, or feared. Then accepted by everyone. Oh look, here comes yet another new, shiny thing!!! Watch out!
>implying people don't want IoT top fucking kek. No seriously.
Kayden Long
Christian Wood
Think about cars 5 years ago, did they have wifi? Nahhh, now they do though. Measuring your speed and braking. How about smart watches? Just gotta check your heart rate!
Imagine the marketers wet dream of being able to track and purchase data about you on the fly with instant transactions and no fees. You kids are fucking retarded if you don't think this is going to blow up.
Jackson Reed
>Think about cars 5 years ago, did they have wifi? >Nahhh, now they do though. what the fuck cars are you driving? I never saw one with wifi before
Carson Powell
>You kids are fucking retarded if you don't think this is going to blow up. tfw retired because of IOTA
Joseph Walker
in america, they're pretty common
Gavin Davis
My last two cars have had Wifi built in.
Almost every car GM makes these days has it. Watch others follow suit. Maybe...VW?
Jacob Collins
It isn't even just the marketers, it goes way beyond targeted cuckbook ads, it's everyone along the chain. We'll even be surprised ourselves by the information uncovered about our very own shit. Even at a very simple level, like what does it cost me every time i open my fridge door
Jaxson Ortiz
Shit just look into the UN. Seriously. Iota and ethereum are posied to do big things. Horrible, shitty things I'm home but I'ma try to get rich off it.
Hunter Butler
yeah... they fucking mean it.
Gavin Perry
The unabomber was right
fuck this shit
Joseph White
My car has a wifi hotspot, bluetooth and voice recognition that actually works.
Sebastian Adams
>I fucking hate it though. I like privacy. I don't know. It's kind of hot if people are watching while I'm fapping.
Logan Sanchez
>implying there won't be privacy exceptions for the wealthy everything is for sale
Sebastian Davis
Jesus. You aren't kidding.
I'm well read, but have never actually read that. Wow. Spot on.
Liam Gutierrez
you think a faraday cage could replace the lambo meme?